View Full Version : How do people get viruses, trojans, worms, etc.?

05-28-2010, 07:09 AM
I was just wondering how people get malware, viruses, trojans, worms, rootkits, and other bad stuff on their computers. Also knowing this will help not only me, but others to try avoiding these practices. Thanks in advance.

05-28-2010, 03:23 PM
This could be a long thread, Your best bet is a site like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_worm and look up each term.

05-29-2010, 02:01 AM
There is not only one way to get into your computer. There are several ways all such stuff enters into your computer. Some of them are like through Internet, Flash drive, application installation and many more.

06-07-2010, 07:35 AM
Viruses are EASY to make, with little programming knowledge. I can make one in as little as 5 minutes and it would not be detected by any modern virus detector. The hard part is GETTING IT DISTRIBUTED. The hardest way (but most commonly successful) is using an Internet Explorer security hole, of which you usually have to find yourself. The other way is by getting the user to download it thinking that it is a legitimate file. EVEN EXPERIENCED COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS download these types of files.

NOW, there is one type of virus that (to my belief) would even get past a Virtual Machine running an operating system. That would be an MBR virus. There is a new strain that could successfully attack Windows from the outside, running arbitrary code once logged in. I was infected with this type of virus while using a copy of BartPE and it managed to cross-over to my Windows XP installation on my HD from an MBR. I now need to buy an external harddrive in order to backup my *20GB of data in order to format to get rid of the virus in the boot record.

However, most people don’t realize this but using a bit of creativity there is a way to REPAIR ANY COMPUTER infected with a virus using BartPE with customized programming. That is actually what I was working on before I got infected, ironically enough. Good thing, I guess because before that I never knew it was possible for an MBR virus to run arbitrary code in that manner. After research, I found that a company created and released their source code for an example of the method (the same one used), knowing that it could and probably would be used for virus purposes. Now if Microsoft made a way for the MBR to be LOCKED (un-editable) while in Windows (because no legitimate program would change it) then this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.. Well, I guess Microsoft can’t account for everything, but for their mistakes they do keep alot of guys like me in the business LOL, or at least keep up busy!
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06-20-2010, 07:58 AM
There are many sources from where you can get virus or spywares. These are CD, pendrive, internet and any other ways with which your system get contact to outside world..

06-21-2010, 03:03 AM
Virus are very easy to create with little bit codes of programming. Many way to get virus into computer. Some of the virus are get from Internet, CD's. And mostly it is coming from pen-drives and such kind of applications of flash.

07-13-2010, 02:54 PM
my antivir notices that csrss.exe has been infected by trojan TROJ_LDPINCH.BM.how to get rid of it?

07-26-2010, 05:15 AM
Many way to get virus into computer. Some of the virus are get from internet and Cd's , etc.

08-21-2010, 10:59 PM
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09-05-2010, 11:10 PM
In my personal experience I have found AVG quit ineffective at detecting Trojans and malware. Ad-ware is also not the best at its job, you may want to use the komodo browser add-on in stead. for an anti virus I would s***est avast, the free version if you have no other choice. Also fast action should be taken when dealing with harmful viruses, you may eventually lose browsing control or you may not be able to open any windows.


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07-20-2012, 12:42 PM
Viruses are computer programs with the sole purpose of destroying data on our computers. The virus may only destroy unimportant files, or it may decide to erase all of your document files. A virus can cause an infected computer to do funny things on certain dates, as well as issue serious commands such as erasing our Registry file, thus disabling the operation and booting up of our computers.

06-09-2015, 11:33 AM
use Kaspersky antivirus. It will wipe out all virus, malware and worms from your system

06-09-2015, 11:35 AM
others include avast and avg. good prices for the premium pack

06-15-2015, 02:15 AM
lots of impromptu downloads on the internet. files from a non trusted website can contain worms and viruses

06-23-2015, 01:42 AM
On Windows machines, some malware comes from drive-by downloads. You visit a website, you get infected by a piece of script that triggers a buffer overflow that allows the malware to stealthily install.

If you keep your system fully patched, you are almost certainly not that victim. Those types of attacks are typically successful only with PC owners who haven’t installed the latest security updates. Most such exploits, in fact, target vulnerabilities that were patched years earlier.

06-29-2015, 01:03 PM
my experince s***ests that the most efficient vector is to associate some adware with the content that users would love to get. Imagine, say, nearly any office worker at least once wanted to convert pdf back to word. So you get a free program like that and bundle it with adware. The scheme might be legitimate, your adware is announced, users agree by failing to uncheck the box which is checked in advance, everything is pretty legitimate. Example of such adware scenario is adsmatte, you may leran more here http://soft2secure.com/knowledgebase/adsmatte

06-30-2015, 05:53 PM
virus, malware and trojan can get into your computer via different means. The most popular and common is via internet surfing/downloading. Others can be via flasdrives, infected programs on CD etc.

got a new virus infected into my system last week, do not know how. AS I have firewall, vpn and antivirus all working. This virus edits out content on my word documents. Hence , making it not readable anymore. :(

There are different ways wherein you could be infected. Most of those viruses, trojans, and malwares were from a website you probably visit, from a file you downloaded from the web or from an email by which people could send you an attached virus. You have to be careful. In order to be safe you should always have an update of your AV and other security apps in order for you to be protected from those.