View Full Version : Access to ip address and email info
11-13-2004, 02:46 PM
Sorry, new here and accidently posted these questions as a reply to other subject before making new thread. Curious about following two topics and wondering if anyone could help with answers. I appreciate any replies. Thank you.
If someone sends you an email (a normal email not one with any virus), when you open it can they see your ip address from where you are opening it?
If you use an proxy service to log into yahoo or aol to check your email, does the proxy site have access to your email account since you went thru them (username,password, read emails,ect..)
Also is there a way to block your ip address when on yahoo mess. with someone else
Thanks again fro help!!
11-13-2004, 09:30 PM
I am sure there are more qualified than I to answer the details but I have used this service for some time with GREAT luck when I need to know if someone has received and opened my email and at what IP addresss on what type of system and even for how long it was open and read for.
Check them out... very reasonable monthly and you get an amazing amount of info back on your emails. Also the self destruct / retract option is nice with a timer you can set.
I have used another srvice like this but it does not have the features and had more people having problems reading thme then with I ave nointerets n either and acually stumbled upon this butit has been a godsend. Not exactly the answer you are looking for I guess... perhaps in some ways. If someone is using a similar service or is a real techie then I would assume yes since these guys manage to do it with ese.
Hope that is of use.
If someone sends you an email (a normal email not one with any virus), when you open it can they see your ip address from where you are opening it?
No,they cannot.
11-14-2004, 08:22 AM
Thanks for the replies.
Is there anyway to log onto yahoo and (not aol directly) thru a free anonymous proxy site without having to worry about your details(passwords,usernames,ect) being disclosed?
If you 'trust' the proxy,its fine. If you want to access your yahoo e-mail account via the proxy,it should be willing to store the cookie on your behalf.I haven't tried any though.
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