View Full Version : getting someones IP address
11-25-2004, 09:10 AM
hi to all,
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how people manage to get your IP address while in a chat room as i have no idea how it's done.
thanx steve
P.S great site
Seeing as how this particular thread gets a lot of attention from Google's searcher, I thought I'd advertise a little something here. Mods, feel free to advertise in this post as well.
Fight Disney (http://*****************/watch?v=gBpEovy_7zc)
Two links given for more emphasis.
11-25-2004, 09:29 AM
The only way that I can think of for someoen doing that would be to have an IP sniffer. It works like a password sniffer but for IP's. In case you dont know what that is, a password sniffer allows someone to view passwords on someones computer when a connection is made between 2 computers.
11-25-2004, 09:31 AM
thanx for the reply man
11-25-2004, 06:34 PM
whatz crackin
there are many ways to ***** ones ip addy there is software to do it there is also scanners\sniffers but i use the command prompt to get them myself it is not hard to figure out if u have a hour and the will to learn u could do it as well truely it should not amaze you when someone has your ip addy because most dont have any idea what to do with it once they have it have a nice day and keep your ports pulled shut
« &#*40;**;*;t&#**0*;Ö$T&#***;þ*2;èLéš »
11-28-2004, 09:54 PM
what kind of commands would you use in prompt to find what your looking for
11-29-2004, 06:24 AM
Generally speaking, its hard to get someones IP address from a chatroom. You can 'whois' a user in IRC chat but the host name or IP address you will get is that of their ISP.
To get someones IP you need to have a direct connection from your computer to theirs. When you have a connection established (example: sending a song or image file to someone else) open your MS-DOS window and type netstat -a or netstat -n
This will list all current connections, their host names and IP addresses. Happy hunting.
11-29-2004, 08:47 AM
thats a really helpful command r there n e other commands that r useful to use in prompt?
Just wondering if this would be possible in a forum discussion? We have one for our university and I am getting some abuse - most of which the Moderators are taking off, I just wanted to know if it was who I think it is.
Originally posted by Unregistered
how people manage to get your IP address while in a chat room
If the
/whois nick_name
command is supported,it will reveal your ip address on a chat room.
01-01-2005, 05:17 PM
WEll There Are many Ways.
*.Using DOs: Type Netstat -n or netstat -an
You Wil Get All Foriegn IP Which
connecting to ur Pc (Note: If You Want Sm's Ip From msn You have to send him File or Open Cam With Him To Be Cleared IT's will Be Close _Time) Enjoy..!
2.Using Scanners : You Can Use Too Many Scanners To Ping on Foriegn IP You Can Search in Google For It
..There is too many but That's Enough
Posted By :AhmedLeopard::.HackerZ KillerZ Team::.
01-07-2005, 03:18 AM
OKay then hOw can i get an IP ADDRESS of a PErsOn
IS there anyway to get the IP ????
im facin' some problems with some " SICK" PEOPLE
like now for example if u wanna find the ip address of this
email id : bint_al*in*
what can be done to get the ip add ????
01-10-2005, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Generally speaking, its hard to get someones IP address from a chatroom. You can 'whois' a user in IRC chat but the host name or IP address you will get is that of their ISP.
To get someones IP you need to have a direct connection from your computer to theirs. When you have a connection established (example: sending a song or image file to someone else) open your MS-DOS window and type netstat -a or netstat -n
This will list all current connections, their host names and IP addresses. Happy hunting.
ok you said that by doin so you will get there IP address i did it and got the address but how do you know witch one it is and were is the host name and what it it plz and thx for your help:)
01-10-2005, 08:21 PM
you have to figure out one thing: the mailbox is like a folder on a server, or like a partition. anybody can run an email server (search for email servers with a search engine; they're software, programs which run on a computer with a public IP address - gennerally). so, just ping, and you might just find out the IP of, which most probably is the same or very simillar to the one of and another thing, i assume you realize that a mailbox is accessible from anywhere, as long as you know the correct username and password. so, if you want to find the IP that is accessing that mailbox, well, that's another story. hm, you might consider cracking the server and stealing the logs, but probably wouldn't do you any good, as you might find a lot of IP's that have accessed the mailbox. so, my advice: mark that email address as spam :)
01-10-2005, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
ok you said that by doin so you will get there IP address i did it and got the address but how do you know witch one it is and were is the host name and what it it plz and thx for your help:) u just have too guess
01-11-2005, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by Unregistered
u just have too guess
not really. for example yahoo messenger listes on port 80. so, if you send someone a file, you'll see a connection to the remote ip on port http, or 80 if given -n option to netstat. ok, but you could have a browser running, so there will be a lot of connections on remote port http. which one is the one you are looking for? well, you could close all the browser's windows, or investigate all the ip's that you see with netstat. or, you could receive the file, so then you will be the one with port http (80) connected. as long as you don't have a proxy server, web server, or other server other than the instant messenger's (yahoo) file thansfer server, you are sure that the remote ip connecting to your http port is the one you are looking for.
C:\>netstat -n
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*45 2*6.*55.***.*67:5050 ESTABLISHED
TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*70 2*6.2**.*7.**:80 ESTABLISHED
TCP **2.*68.*.2:80 *2*.*2*.*2*.*2*:666 ESTABLISHED
*. me connected to yahoo server (remote port 5050)
2. me connected to (remote port 80) <= browser
*. me receiving a file through yahoo messenger's file transfer protocol from remote ip *2*.**2.*2*.*2*, remote port 666 on (this is the catch!) local port 80.
so, guess the ip i'm looking for :)
01-11-2005, 06:53 AM
Originally posted by Unregistered
you have to figure out one thing: the mailbox is like a folder on a server, or like a partition. anybody can run an email server (search for email servers with a search engine; they're software, programs which run on a computer with a public IP address - gennerally). so, just ping, and you might just find out the IP of, which most probably is the same or very simillar to the one of and another thing, i assume you realize that a mailbox is accessible from anywhere, as long as you know the correct username and password. so, if you want to find the IP that is accessing that mailbox, well, that's another story. hm, you might consider cracking the server and stealing the logs, but probably wouldn't do you any good, as you might find a lot of IP's that have accessed the mailbox. so, my advice: mark that email address as spam :)
OR hope they sent ya a mail NOT using anon. proxy. That way ya have their IP in the mail header.
01-12-2005, 05:13 PM
If you would like to grab your buddies/enemies IP adress post this in the conversation and make them click on it: EMAIL)!pic=women.jpg
Replace (YOUR EMAIL) with your email adress and get them to click the link. You will have their ip in about 5 seconds.
01-12-2005, 05:30 PM
Sorry i believe the script has been removed.
Basically create a webpage that has a simple php script that logs ip adresses. There doesnt have to be anything else on the webpage, but would be wise if you want to trick the person into clicking the link again.
The netstat -a is outdated with many chat programs but not P2P software. I Believe AIM and Yahoo now use their own servers as the middle man when direcly connecting two users so no more cracking your friends computer... darn
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
01-13-2005, 07:46 AM
you tipe /dns
01-13-2005, 06:04 PM
Jesus christ.. not knowing the basic feature of hacking and AhmedLeo... the thing you said is bullshit.. Netstat is for n00bs..
Wanna get your m8's IP address even through MSN... Download MSN X Final from our site
Lot of features for you there to browse and be care with em... Once downloading switch off antiviruses as some of the files must contain viruses to make the program do its trick...
Good luck with the hacking shit..
Respect Badmick
01-21-2005, 11:28 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
I would like the instructions please!
01-22-2005, 02:57 AM
Lame answers!!!
One can't obtain users' IP addresses in a chat rooms unless there are security holes in that chat room which you specifically have to look for!
Netstat enumerates current connections and open ports on your computer...
In some (I would even say most) cases it is possible to determine email sender's IP address through email header, but that's another scenario.
01-22-2005, 11:05 AM
I would like the instructions please!
Please post your comments here about the prog~ Its almost too easy isnt it...
01-23-2005, 11:12 AM
please, can you tell me what ports aol uses
01-23-2005, 11:17 AM
Does anyone know how to get headers from aol emails?
thank you very much
01-23-2005, 11:17 AM
Defaulted at 5**0 but you can change it~
01-25-2005, 06:00 AM
i have found someones i.p address with the dos-prompt command "netstat -an"
but what can i do with it now??
Can you tell and explain all the hacking options i now can do with that i.p and the port# beside it?..
please help
Okay, I normally do not do this, but someone asked how to get a IP from a user in a chatroom, the answers posted are all right, except they are scattered I will hope to simplify.
Using yahoo as an example.
If you are at a yahoo chatroom, and did a netstat -an You will get the IP alright. The IP of the chatroom. The Chatroom will act as a buffer from you to them, and from them to you. So you have your computer> -<********** room>-<users Basically your netstat will show you ********** But you are going to look for the 5XXX ports. Because it is going to be to be something of that nature, like the chatroom is 5050, even if you opened your messenger session with them, you are going to get yahoo's IP. But knowing the port number will be important....Cause the person to open a file connection with you, or if they have a mic, turn it on, that will cause yahoo to open ports from your computer directly connecting you to the other computer, just netstat -an and look for the 5XXX port again, I do not know for sure which it will be, but once you find the one that is not 5050, you have your IP, same goes for any other chatroom, like MSN, or AIM. The port numbers are the clue to finding it in the mess you have, or to make it any simpler, get as many connections off as possible, close your web browsers, your p2p if you have it going, just try to keep the connect straight and simple if possible. Good luck and happy hunting.
01-25-2005, 10:39 PM
so how do you determine email sender's IP address through email header if they are uesing Yahoo. Please lets as all know this sounds to go to be true
01-26-2005, 02:34 AM
ok, so what if u find the I.P and open port that is used by file transfer, you still cant telnet into it.
Can you??
if yes, please help me!!!
tell me exaclty what to do...
01-26-2005, 03:05 AM
don't telnet to a port if you see an established connection through it. you want to telnet to a listening port. look into your messenger for "listen on port **** for transferring files" or something like that. if your buddy uses the same protocol (say yahoo, aol, etc) he will most probably listen on the same port as you are. telnet him on that port.
but! that is only to make sure he has port **** open, as you will most probably get a black blank shell (this would be the result of a successful raw connection to that port on the remote machine). try playing with putty.exe ( , hope it might come in handy...
01-26-2005, 01:49 PM
Hi, just wondering what port MSN Messenger uses? thanks.
01-27-2005, 12:58 PM
01-27-2005, 05:52 PM
Someway's worth mentioning.
- Assuming the other person is not going to really pick up on the funky web address in there browser -
In AIM or Yahoo - send a link "click here" inside put - http://<your ip>:<some port>
(note: Open this port on your firewall / and use a program for listening on specific ports. | you can prob. find one on or / better to montior firewall logs. for any hits. on the specific port.
- monitor your ports w/ "netstat -an"
(repeat on until you see the connection)
works on Linux & Win
2.) Learn to read the email headers. a email from is impractical for this but for a AOL or reg. ip accounting using a email client. you will have the users IP in there ( Test on you own to figure out.)
Hope this helps...
U happy hunting..
01-27-2005, 06:26 PM
how do u open ur MS-DOS window?
01-28-2005, 07:07 AM
Dude, there's nothing you can do except flooding that IP address with a bunch of IP datagrams!
Hacking is not what you think! Don't be another lamer...
Originally posted by shanej
i have found someones i.p address with the dos-prompt command "netstat -an"
but what can i do with it now??
Can you tell and explain all the hacking options i now can do with that i.p and the port# beside it?..
please help
01-28-2005, 07:10 AM
What the hell are you doing on this forum if you can't even open a DOS window?
Originally posted by Unregistered
how do u open ur MS-DOS window?
01-28-2005, 07:54 AM
The blind leading the blind
01-28-2005, 04:10 PM
Dude, there's nothing you can do except flooding that IP address with a bunch of IP datagrams!
LAMER - lol - Speak for yourself~
Dont listen to most unregistered user post. Most are fly by "i dont know what the hell i am talking about but i feel like saying something" posts. I do agree though, if you have someones IP and you cant open a command prompt window, maybe you should think twice b.f you try to hack something.
01-29-2005, 03:26 AM
Come on over here and post what you are posting here. Should be a giggle..
For a Syntax [******] your grammar sure sucks hehe
02-12-2005, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by SyntaX******
LAMER - lol - Speak for yourself~
Dont listen to most unregistered user post. Most are fly by "i dont know what the hell i am talking about but i feel like saying something" posts. I do agree though, if you have someones IP and you cant open a command prompt window, maybe you should think twice b.f you try to hack something.
Speak for yourself you too! :) I'd like to see you in action hacking some major server or even a plain pc.
02-12-2005, 02:42 AM
Most people that post comments like that dont know what they are doing anyways. They think they can crack computers/servers/ANYBOX b.c of OTHER peoples programs... they dont even write their own. They probably know how to do one little hack and they think they know it all. Thats why you just laugh at people like that~
How do i end up answering questions for new-comers and then get ridiculed of my knowledge for answering questions? Doesnt make much sence to me...
Anyways, i hope i have been some help to those that are actually here to learn things~
02-12-2005, 02:45 AM
Give me YOUR server name? I dont need/want to crack any other server exept yours... Give me either the NAME or IP of a server you own
You are hereby giving me permission to crack your BOX -
02-15-2005, 05:16 AM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
02-15-2005, 05:18 AM
oh and btw syntax will ya program work in england if i put their county in the program instead of state?
02-15-2005, 12:16 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
That sounds like a pretty little program here's my e-mail if you could send me it. TBevand@**********
Thanks a lot
02-15-2005, 03:06 PM
I will send out the program after i write some instructions. I will keep them as simple as possible and in as few steps as possible. Give me until this weekend and i will have it ready to email. I have been trying new things with the program to speed up its scanning times but it seems tweaked to the max.
NOTE* Do not think you can use this to crack servers or just any systems. It is nothing more than a basic script that takes advatage of open ports and shares...
02-15-2005, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by SyntaX******
I will send out the program after i write some instructions. I will keep them as simple as possible and in as few steps as possible. Give me until this weekend and i will have it ready to email. I have been trying new things with the program to speed up its scanning times but it seems tweaked to the max.
NOTE* Do not think you can use this to crack servers or just any systems. It is nothing more than a basic script that takes advatage of open ports and shares...
I have sent to some fellows over here some emails, just to show them that the *800 viewers (so far) of this post have spent their time reading illusions on "getting someones IP address".
To those who received my email so far, whenever you get my IP let me know. (bunch of kids)
02-15-2005, 07:05 PM
To those who received my email so far, whenever you get my IP let me know. (bunch of kids)
aw... using other peoples servers to send email... Why dont you use your own kid?
02-15-2005, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
What the hell are you doing on this forum if you can't even open a DOS window?
pmsl, like watching slugs in a bottle.
02-17-2005, 07:47 AM
You guys are cool :)
Can you s***est a proggy which logs IRC chats and sends them via e-mail???
02-18-2005, 10:30 PM
I often log into a chatroom using Yahoo Messenger, and sometimes using 2 different Yahoo ID. I was surprissed when one of the chatters said that my IDs come from the same originating IP address. How can someone read my IP address in a chatroom?
If there is a proggy to read IP address in chatroom (without having to connect to the directly using "send file" or "voice"), can you please send me the proggy to shania_ainahs@**********.
Or if there is link to download that proggy, please provide here. Thanks a bunch ;)
02-25-2005, 09:09 PM
Ok i can get like the ip of someone, if i wanna browse there computer like go in his documents is there only the trojan way?
02-25-2005, 09:09 PM
all of u people that no how to take peoples ip dont tell how its done i mean i no how to tale them but u dont want others to no how all of u who want to get peoples ip u no u can get introuble with the cops they ***** down hacker ip addresses r use for hacking dont do it or u can go to jail u been warned
Master Po
03-05-2005, 07:43 AM
IMO, chatrooms are more trouble than they're worth. Instant Messengers are the worst as they open their own port. That's just me though, I don't have any friends and don't fish for IP#'s to exploit. :)
To the netstat fans, there is a freeware GUI netstat utility called NetMon that can sit on your desktop and give a constantly updated readout of open ports and connections to your machine. It uses very little resources will free you from having to enter the command over and over. I'm mirroring it as it's becoming hard to find:
SuperScan 4, from Foundstone, has been rewritten and now includes a WIndows Enumeration section that will automagically return reports on NULL sessions, shares, users, groups, services, etc. It's pretty much up to you as to what you do with that information though.
The one area that doesn't seem to have been adressed is firewalls. Windows now comes with the XP firewall on by default, people who know anything about them switch to something else. A growing number of personal firealls use SPI, or Stateful Packet Inspection. Simply put, the firewall examines the flags of the packet to make sure it's in response to a request from that machine. If not, the packet is dropped. Some people assume every ping logged by their firewall to be a personal attack and report them to the source ISP.
Chances of crashing a decent firewall by direct attack is next to none anymore. has an exploit test where they subject your firewall to a dozen or so, including igmpsyn, KOD, Jolt2, nuke, teardrop, land, etc. Some of them are OS vulnerabilities that have been patched. If the firewall can withstand the test, and who would continue to use one that didn't pass, I doubt there's much you'll be able to throw at it from a mighty windoze boxen.
And then there are routers/gateways that perform a hardware firewall service in addition to whatever software firewall's running on thier machine. If you do grab someones IP using Netstat, it might only be that of their router. It won't display those allocated to a LAN.
Sorry if I came off as being overly negative or rambled. I'm not trying to spoil anybodys fun and there are other forum members more skilled in this area than I am.
If you've got more than one computer get a router and set up a LAN. That way you can practice hacking your own box to see what works and doesn't without the possibility of getting caught.
03-05-2005, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
can you email that to me pls? thanks :)
03-06-2005, 01:45 AM
lets assume you are getting messages from hotmail and you are collecting them with say Outlook. right click on the message header and go to Properties there you'll see all hidden headers like this one:
Message-ID: <BAY*0*-F**6E8*A5C84B57*875ABDEFC5E0@phx.gbl>
Received: from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX by by*0*fd.bay*0* with HTTP;
Sun, 06 Mar 2005 06:**:0* GMT
X-Originating-IP: [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]
X-Originating-Email: []
From: "me" <>
Subject: test
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2005 06:**:0* +0000
Mime-Version: *.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 06 Mar 2005 06:**:0*.0**0 (UTC) FILETIME=[**D7AFE0:0*C522*6]
X-UIDL: m'D"!6c5"!>kL!!f*@"!
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP of the sender unless they are using proxy but thats another story
03-06-2005, 04:43 AM
Hey SyntaX****** can you email me the windows batch script you have written my email is cheers
03-06-2005, 10:46 PM
I will email it to you as soon as i can. To whomever email me the Beagle, lol nice... Well it got through hotmails scan undetected but do you seriously think i would open it?
03-15-2005, 06:42 AM
Please send me the tool that can be used to know the ip address of any user chating with me on yahoo messenger. my email id is : rhtdm*
03-18-2005, 02:18 PM
You can find someone's IP using IRC if you write: "/dns nickname". It's not that hard,is it?
03-18-2005, 04:58 PM
can you email that to me pls? thanks :)
yea can u mail it to me to plzz :) nismo_gt*
03-18-2005, 05:10 PM
I will send out the program after i write some instructions. I will keep them as simple as possible and in as few steps as possible. Give me until this weekend and i will have it ready to email. I have been trying new things with the program to speed up its scanning times but it seems tweaked to the max.
NOTE* Do not think you can use this to crack servers or just any systems. It is nothing more than a basic script that takes advatage of open ports and shares...
hey can u send me the program to plzz thx :)
P.S ur alot of help man thx
03-18-2005, 05:12 PM
I will send out the program after i write some instructions. I will keep them as simple as possible and in as few steps as possible. Give me until this weekend and i will have it ready to email. I have been trying new things with the program to speed up its scanning times but it seems tweaked to the max.
NOTE* Do not think you can use this to crack servers or just any systems. It is nothing more than a basic script that takes advatage of open ports and shares...
can u send me the program plz :) Nismo_gt*
03-18-2005, 05:39 PM
I will post the scripts here when i get home tonight. It is a very simple script but it can be fun to use.
03-19-2005, 02:15 AM
i've read through this entire thread, and i have 2 questions.
*. where do you put "/dns nickname"?
2. maybe you can help me - i'm having problems making AIM direct connect. It doesnt connect, and i think this is a problem with a port not being opened up. I'm using XP SP2.
if you have any answers/s***estions, PLEEEASE email me at Pilotwings*** . THANK YOU!
03-19-2005, 02:21 PM
These guys get your IP soon as you log in.
If you go in and find it's got some people in one night, you'll find some dickhead very soon starts saying things about you that they couldn't know except by knowing your IP address and also knowing the surfing history on your PC by the script they run.
Dunno if what they do there is illegal, but it damn well should be.
03-19-2005, 04:52 PM
Why Yes Im Sexy Do Me Dom Me
03-19-2005, 07:44 PM
I'm posting the scripts here because of the large number of emails ive been recieving asking for them. If you would like me to write something for you guys just name the prog language you need it in and ill throw something together. Can i ask you guys a favor also. I would like you to comment on my two websites that i have out there on the www~ and ~ Enjoy
First Save This As Netview.bat
echo off
prompt ~
IF NOT EXIST mkdir c:\a\
IF EXIST c:\a\ del /q c:\a\*
echo w=
set /p w=
echo x=
set /p x=
echo y=
set /p y=
echo z=
set /p z=
set count=0
set ipadd=%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%
echo %ipadd%
ping -n * -l *0 -f -w * %w%.%x%.%y%.%z% >> c:\ping5.txt
findstr "Reply" c:\ping5.txt
If %errorlevel% EQU 0 GOTO :NETVIEW
del c:\ping5.txt
set /a count=%count%+*
If %w% EQU 255 If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (cls && echo The number of combinations is %count%)
If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a w=%w%+* && Set x=0 && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0)
If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a x=%x%+* && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0)
If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a y=%y%+* && Set z=0 && goto :*0)
set /a z=%z%+*
GOTO :*0
del c:\ping5.txt
echo ^e^cho off >> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat
echo net view \\%w%.%x%.%y%.%z% ^>^> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt >> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat
echo exit >> c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat
start c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat
Next Save This as Search.bat
echo off
prompt ~
echo w=
set /p w=
echo x=
set /p x=
echo y=
set /p y=
echo z=
set /p z=
set count=0
echo c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt
IF EXIST c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt GOTO :FIND
del c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt
del c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.bat
set /a count=%count%+*
If %w% EQU 255 If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (cls && echo The number of combinations is %count%)
If %x% EQU 255 If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a w=%w%+* && Set x=0 && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0)
If %y% EQU 255 If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a x=%x%+* && Set y=0 && Set z=0 && goto :*0)
If %z% EQU 255 (Set /a y=%y%+* && Set z=0 && goto :*0)
set /a z=%z%+*
GOTO :*0
FINDSTR Share c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt
If %errorlevel% EQU 0 echo %w%.%x%.%y%.%z% >> c:\SHAREIP.txt
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 type c:\a\view%w%.%x%.%y%.%z%.txt >> c:\hackme.txt
To Use The Windows Batch Scripts:
*. Run Netview.bat
2. Run Search.bat (Will give you results in the ip's you scanned w/ netview.bat)
*. Open c:\hackme.txt and c:\shareip.txt to view your results
4. Delete hackme.txt and shareip.txt before you run the scripts again unless you want to add to your results instead of start *****
03-20-2005, 12:12 AM
my windows will not run it. it says that (although i saves it as .bat) it is not an operational .bat file. im stumped
03-20-2005, 01:48 PM
i got both programs running, but i get an error message after i put the IP into netview. "Windows cannot find 'c:\a\view\', Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search."
oh- and please remind me- what does this program do?
thnx- stevo
03-20-2005, 02:56 PM
If you would like me to write something for you guys just name the prog language you need it in and ill throw something together.
~SyntaX******, what the hell are you pretending?
everytime you come up with a shit pretending miracles .. and everytime it turns into a fiasco.
Your script (that you copied from another site) is a piece of crap, for the simple reason that you were not able to put the copied parts correctly together. You need to stop pretending man.
For once (at least) post a shit script that works.
03-20-2005, 08:05 PM
~SyntaX******, what the hell are you pretending? Your script (that you copied from another site) is a piece of crap
You make me laugh~ Please post the site that i "got the script from" since i wrote it myself lol - The script works perfectly~ You might have to tweak it a little depending on your settings, but i've run it on win2k and xp and it works just fine. I appologize for Mr.Unregistereds ignorance
what does this program do?
Its a very basic script that scans IPs for shared folders on the computer and then it posts the results to hackme.txt and shareip.txt Hackme will contain the shared folders and shareip will just list the IPs that it found w/ shared folders.
Again i appologize for the last Unregistered users ignorance.
my windows will not run it. it says that (although i saves it as .bat) it is not an operational .bat file. im stumped
I really have no idea man. I've never seen this error before.
03-21-2005, 02:42 PM
Ok Syntax******... question.
So you have these cool programs to find peoples IP's right? cool
Lets say i wanna find my friends IP im talking to on AIM.. how do I use your programs to find his IP? will the program just auto detect it and tell me? Do i need to make a direct connection?
Im confused
03-21-2005, 07:50 PM
You're a fucking knobhead, lad.
And if you want a fight about it, and your post refers to me, then you'll know how to email me.
I mean, fuckinell, you're a shite anyway, but if you have an idea who I am and that post is a shitty little wind-up, let me know, and I'll blow you out of the water.
If you don't know who I am, you're still a knobhead. Get a life, shitface, or I''ll get one for you, pencil-dick.
03-22-2005, 04:20 AM
OKay then hOw can i get an IP ADDRESS of a PErsOn
IS there anyway to get the IP ????
im facin' some problems with some " SICK" PEOPLE
like now for example if u wanna find the ip address of this
email id : bint_al*in*
what can be done to get the ip add ????
Hey, i found this ok site which can give you the co-ordinates of someones ip adress!!!! here is the site tho sometime it will say unable to locate the certain ip adress: ok once (IF) it found it, write down or wateva the latitude and longitude co-ordinates then go to this page and type it in the decimal place ( you will see it ) it will then give u a map showing the location of that ip adress.
P.S those two sites have ecome very useful for me
03-22-2005, 04:22 AM
Hey, i found this ok site which can give you the co-ordinates of someones ip adress!!!! here is the site tho sometime it will say unable to locate the certain ip adress: ok once (IF) it found it, write down or wateva the latitude and longitude co-ordinates then go to this page and type it in the decimal place ( you will see it ) it will then give u a map showing the location of that ip adress.
P.S those two sites have ecome very useful for me
and there ya go...
03-22-2005, 07:32 AM
So you have these cool programs to find peoples IP's right?
The program "May" be able to find out your friends IP addy. This is a very slight possibility b.c of all of the updates windows has launched. A few factors have to be true about your friends computer for the program i posted to work on it.
*. They have to have their messenger service enabled.
2. They have to have shared folders on their computer
*. You must already know your friends computer name or a shared folder on their computer for you to identify it in the results. ISP normally list their clients IP adresses by Country and State.
4. They cant have any firewall or router
Ex: You know your friend has Bell South Internet. You also know he lives in Louisiana. Bellsouths IP addys look like this. HUGE Give away. You then scan a bellsouth IP range and look through the results for your friends shared folders or his computer name. The results will contain both.
What it does in general:
- Scans any IP range you place in the program.
- Reports all of the venerable shared folders in the IP range
- You can then connect to any of the shared folders you have found
Why did i write the scripts:
- I worked in an IT dept for a college. I wrote them to scan the entire campus of computers for viruses/spyware/P2P sharing programs/ etc
The script does work and it is original. I wrote it for fun... nothing more~
03-22-2005, 12:06 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
03-23-2005, 06:15 AM
someone who knows my personal details has changed the password to my hotmail account so i guess i no longer own it.
does anyone know if hotmail (the free service) strips headers
basicallly i just want the ip address from an email supposedly sent by me so i can sort of ***** which user sent those emails
03-24-2005, 01:07 PM
well i am trying to find my friends ip address but .. i cant seem to find it i tryd alot of stuff can some one give me addvise?
03-24-2005, 05:20 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
That sounds like a pretty little program here's my e-mail if you could send me it. TBevand@**********
Thanks a lot
would you plez send me the program send it to mart*** en if ya want any other software say i c if i can get it
thank you
03-24-2005, 07:27 PM
i would like to get this fun windows batch script
03-25-2005, 12:38 AM
I just realised what some users were fussing about !!! Sorry about my simple mistake. I originally would manually make and delete the c:\a\ folder that the script needs to run. I quickly (too quickly) added it to the script before i posted it.
Please make this simple correction for it to run correctly:
echo off
prompt ~
IF NOT EXIST mkdir c:\a\
IF EXIST c:\a\ del /q c:\a\*
echo off
prompt ~
IF EXIST c:\a\ del /q c:\a\*
IF NOT EXIST c:\a\ mkdir c:\a\
My apologies!
03-25-2005, 12:50 PM
send me this fun prog
03-25-2005, 02:32 PM
The script is already posted under this topic.
03-25-2005, 11:43 PM
um... I have tryed to use command prompt. Telnet [hostIP] and [port] and so I was just wondering if someone could give me some tips on how to use it..
03-25-2005, 11:52 PM
Also how to use Whois because I have tryed.....[ net whois, degug first.exe -whois, I have tried just typing Whois in there, I have tryed net computer whois, ipconfig whois, lol Im so confused...and please dont get mad at me because im just a beginer.. thanks!
03-26-2005, 10:33 AM
Here is the syntax for telnet (I'll send a free text message). #=hard return
telnet 25
HELO MrFreeTextMessenger #
mail from: ** #
rcpt to: ** #
data #
subject:Free Text Messages ##(two hard returns)
Body of message goes here #
. (period to end mail)
I found this posted in a forum about FoolProof Hope it helps:
The first thing you should do is download and install FoolProof on your own home computer to become thoroughly familiar with the program. You can download it here:
FoolProof Downloads
You will need two codes: an unzip code, and an Install Code. Can't post them here.
I hacked FoolProof about a year ago. It's not that hard, unless the person who installed it hardened the default settings. I used the ECHO command once to overwrite the FoolProof exe file, and it worked. But it really depends on the individual settings. You want to try and copy the settings files and install them on your own home installation of FoolProof in order to know what you're up against. These are the settings files:
Basic Settings are located in c:\sss\local\basic.lfl
Other settings files seem to be located in c:\sss\local\00000000.lfl
c:\sss\local\0000000*.lfl, etc., and c:\sss\defs\resource.lfl
Since you know the password on your own version of FoolProof you could substitute the settings files from your school's installation of FoolProof, plug them in to your own installation and open up the FoolProof control panel and see what settings are in place. And what is NOT restricted too. The trial version of FoolProof is fully-functional.
The password file is c:\sss\local\fp.db. You might try and substitute your own password file onto your school's computer (using the password file from your own installation of FoolProof). Then you could open up FoolProof Control Panel and turn it off. Try copying it from a floppy disk (or download from your email) to c:\sss\local to see if it will let you replace it. If you just delete the password file it does you no good, since you still cannot open the FoolProof Control Panel. A message just pops up saying "Database not found."
You can use Process Explorer to kill the two FoolProof processes:
fpwinldr.exe *2-bit shell hook loader
fpwldr*6.exe *6-bit shell hook loader
The fpwldr*6.exe you may have to be patient with. It takes 40 seconds or so before it dies. Do it twice if you have to.
But you will still need to edit c:\config.sys and delete the following line: DEVICE=C:\SSS\FOOLDRV.SYS
Also, another powerful hack on Windows *5/*8 is using a wininit.ini file (a simple text file you can create with Notepad) to delete all the FoolProof files. You'll need to use syntax like the following:
Save it as wininit.ini in the Windows directory. Wininit.exe executes this file before most everything else loads. It is used to delete files in use. Include the line above too, because shlhkw*6.dll is the only file I was not able to delete because it was "in use". wininit.ini will delete it on the next reboot.
Download the Manual
Using Process Explorer and wininit.ini and deleting pointers in special boot files like config.sys, autexec.bat, winboot.ini you can hack most all Windows *5/*8 security programs.
Process Explorer
FoolProof Downloads
The syntax for the wininit.ini is as follows. One NUL line for each file to delete. Create it in Notepad and save it as wininit.ini in the windows directory. Then restart the computer.
Kill that puppy!!
Aaron, I sent you an email here on this system too. Check it
03-26-2005, 12:08 PM
DO you know how to create a valid log in package for a host? It says connection to host was lost ( telnet 66.**2.*54.2* 40**) Its a game..
In command promt..
LNOSOCKET DISSCONNECTED: CLient did not send a valid log in packet within 4 seconds
Connection to host was lost..
What do I do to get one of thoughs "log in packets" ?
03-27-2005, 07:26 PM
Hello everybody.
I am experiencing the same problem with finding an IP Address. Threatening posts in my guestbook on my website has been causing difficulty. I have removed them from the guestbook and uncovered the IP Address of the person, but now I am trying to figure out who this person is that owns the IP Address. I have no idea how to do this, I thought of asking people over MSN Messenger that I think may be the person, but that sounded too suspicious. I have also heard of sending files to the person, but no such MS-DOS window exists on my server. I am running a Macintosh computer, which is another problem. Please help me!
03-27-2005, 09:50 PM
Sorry i believe the script has been removed.
Basically create a webpage that has a simple php script that logs ip adresses. There doesnt have to be anything else on the webpage, but would be wise if you want to trick the person into clicking the link again.
The netstat -a is outdated with many chat programs but not P2P software. I Believe AIM and Yahoo now use their own servers as the middle man when direcly connecting two users so no more cracking your friends computer... darn
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
yes i would like the program please email me at syst*m_5hutd0wn @**********
03-28-2005, 07:18 AM
Yes i would like u to send me this.... my email gi**_is_here@**********
The netstat -a is outdated with many chat programs but not P2P software. I Believe AIM and Yahoo now use their own servers as the middle man when direcly connecting two users so no more cracking your friends computer... darn
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
03-28-2005, 12:31 PM
It is already posted in this Thread. I also have posted the changes that need to be made to the script.
someone left a vulgar post on my website, and i have theyre ip adress, but i would like to know how to locate where the person lives exactly, can anyone help?
04-01-2005, 12:01 AM
yes i would like the program please email me at syst*m_5hutd0wn @**********
hmm . ok ,, PLease sned your writen program to me , hazemger@**********
Thanks a lot
04-02-2005, 07:07 PM
Hi, i'd very much appreciate if you could send that program to me too! thnx -- jim
04-03-2005, 01:04 PM
yeah al have some of that program please m8 -
04-03-2005, 09:10 PM
how can i get someone ip address through msn messinger i need in because i no how to put a sever on to ther pc through sub7/netbes but now i need a way to get there ip address to connect to them
any answers thank you for helping
04-03-2005, 09:19 PM
Hello everybody.
I am experiencing the same problem with finding an IP Address. Threatening posts in my guestbook on my website has been causing difficulty. I have removed them from the guestbook and uncovered the IP Address of the person, but now I am trying to figure out who this person is that owns the IP Address. I have no idea how to do this, I thought of asking people over MSN Messenger that I think may be the person, but that sounded too suspicious. I have also heard of sending files to the person, but no such MS-DOS window exists on my server. I am running a Macintosh computer, which is another problem. Please help me!
u r dum!!!!! because you use mac u wanna use windows *8 it the hacker heven because it has no secraty shit on it and then al u wil hav MSDOS
04-03-2005, 09:22 PM
yes i would like the program please email me at syst*m_5hutd0wn @yahoo.comUnregistered]would you please email it me a wud b very greatful is you did please send it me to mart*** thank you
04-03-2005, 09:27 PM
how do u open ur MS-DOS window? start run type "command" press enter
04-03-2005, 10:04 PM
yes i would like the program please email me at syst*m_5hutd0wn @**********
yes, can i have the program as well plz? virusboy@*****
04-04-2005, 03:52 PM
may I also have a copy of yout program please...? sistema_cam@**********
04-05-2005, 12:27 AM
Sorry i believe the script has been removed.
Basically create a webpage that has a simple php script that logs ip adresses. There doesnt have to be anything else on the webpage, but would be wise if you want to trick the person into clicking the link again.
The netstat -a is outdated with many chat programs but not P2P software. I Believe AIM and Yahoo now use their own servers as the middle man when direcly connecting two users so no more cracking your friends computer... darn
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
I want this my email is darewinder@**********
04-09-2005, 02:42 AM
Are you up ? Im bored im looking for someone to talk to
04-09-2005, 06:30 AM
well i am trying to find my friends ip address but .. i cant seem to find it i tryd alot of stuff can some one give me addvise?
Go onto
04-09-2005, 12:47 PM
Please post your comments here about the prog~ Its almost too easy isnt it... TwoFast2Bad*
04-12-2005, 05:30 AM
not really. for example yahoo messenger listes on port 80. so, if you send someone a file, you'll see a connection to the remote ip on port http, or 80 if given -n option to netstat. ok, but you could have a browser running, so there will be a lot of connections on remote port http. which one is the one you are looking for? well, you could close all the browser's windows, or investigate all the ip's that you see with netstat. or, you could receive the file, so then you will be the one with port http (80) connected. as long as you don't have a proxy server, web server, or other server other than the instant messenger's (yahoo) file thansfer server, you are sure that the remote ip connecting to your http port is the one you are looking for.
C:\>netstat -n
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*45 2*6.*55.***.*67:5050 ESTABLISHED
TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*70 2*6.2**.*7.**:80 ESTABLISHED
TCP **2.*68.*.2:80 *2*.*2*.*2*.*2*:666 ESTABLISHED
*. me connected to yahoo server (remote port 5050)
2. me connected to (remote port 80) <= browser
*. me receiving a file through yahoo messenger's file transfer protocol from remote ip *2*.**2.*2*.*2*, remote port 666 on (this is the catch!) local port 80.
so, guess the ip i'm looking for :)
04-12-2005, 05:33 PM
Stop Asking For The Program/Script ~ Its posted in this THREAD!
04-12-2005, 11:59 PM
Hey, Syntax, they don't realize that its been posted further in the thread, those guys are reading that youll send it throught email than they emediately post without reading all 7 pages... You have an account, if you can edit your posts, make a flashy message saying LOOK ON PAGE blah or something for the code and page whatever for the fix ^_^ Heh, some poeple are too lazy to read entire threads... and like me, have too much time to read them but not care to use any of the info HAHAHAHA lol ya i was ***rd and trying to find out how to list ips in dos as i've seen a friend do through remote assistance a while back.
04-13-2005, 11:43 AM
The post is only **0 Replies long... I'm sure they will be able to find it someday ~ I'm normally @ work when i post stuff on this forum, keeps me busy and makes the days go by faster.
Did you run the .bat? I found some very interesting companies that had NO firewalls and all there business documents wide open. I'm nice enought to give them a call and let them know...
04-13-2005, 12:20 PM
04-13-2005, 03:09 PM
I would like to try your program too...Syntax
please email me on
04-13-2005, 11:43 PM
how do u open ur MS-DOS window?
Click start.
go to "run"
type "cmd"
click enter
you're done.
04-16-2005, 12:33 PM
Hey everybody,
I was just wondering if anyone of you know the REAL way of hacking a hotmail account. I have an enemy that I've had it with and now I want my revenge to hack his hotmail.
So again, if you know the way to do this, or just wanna do it yourself, his email adress is black_sabath8*8*
04-17-2005, 11:13 AM
Can i have the programme plzz????
04-18-2005, 07:44 PM
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04-20-2005, 01:17 AM
Okay, I normally do not do this, but someone asked how to get a IP from a user in a chatroom, the answers posted are all right, except they are scattered I will hope to simplify.
Using yahoo as an example.
If you are at a yahoo chatroom, and did a netstat -an You will get the IP alright. The IP of the chatroom. The Chatroom will act as a buffer from you to them, and from them to you. So you have your computer> -<********** room>-<users Basically your netstat will show you ********** But you are going to look for the 5XXX ports. Because it is going to be to be something of that nature, like the chatroom is 5050, even if you opened your messenger session with them, you are going to get yahoo's IP. But knowing the port number will be important....Cause the person to open a file connection with you, or if they have a mic, turn it on, that will cause yahoo to open ports from your computer directly connecting you to the other computer, just netstat -an and look for the 5XXX port again, I do not know for sure which it will be, but once you find the one that is not 5050, you have your IP, same goes for any other chatroom, like MSN, or AIM. The port numbers are the clue to finding it in the mess you have, or to make it any simpler, get as many connections off as possible, close your web browsers, your p2p if you have it going, just try to keep the connect straight and simple if possible. Good luck and happy hunting.
I have one quesiton -
the scenario :
I am chatting on Yahoo messenger.
I have a voice chat on with a friend.
If my IP address is not a static IP address, but one that come thru' DHCP server.
is it possible for my friend to see the IP address assigned to me ? or does he see the IP address of the ISP only ?
04-20-2005, 11:48 AM
hi all i wanna learn how to hack into someones computer can anyone tell me. its not for anybad reasons jst so i can delete some stuff on an ex computer.ha.
04-21-2005, 08:22 PM
Can someone please give me exact instrucitons for getting the ISP of someone who posts in a yahoo group forum. There is very little information on a post. Who it came from by their email address, the subject and the message text. I know this can be done as someone posted information on a poster but wont give out the secret to doing it.
04-22-2005, 02:04 PM
Generally speaking, its hard to get someones IP address from a chatroom. You can 'whois' a user in IRC chat but the host name or IP address you will get is that of their ISP.
To get someones IP you need to have a direct connection from your computer to theirs. When you have a connection established (example: sending a song or image file to someone else) open your MS-DOS window and type netstat -a or netstat -n
This will list all current connections, their host names and IP addresses. Happy hunting.
it didnt work for me
04-23-2005, 12:54 PM
umm i dont get it.. lol
04-23-2005, 07:48 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
That sounds like a pretty little program here's my e-mail if you could send me it. TBevand@**********
Thanks a lot
TBevandgive it to me
04-23-2005, 07:49 PM
give it to mefattymcbluff@**********
04-25-2005, 02:18 AM
Hey SyntaX****** can you email me the windows batch script you have written my email is
04-25-2005, 05:31 PM
Just wondering...could I get that dos program too?
Hey SyntaX****** can you email me the windows batch script you have written my email is Andycq**77@**********
04-27-2005, 02:07 AM
I was in a chatroom and got told somes getting my IP address and that would tell them where i live and everything else...then they said they were going to kill me...can they really get my IP address?
04-27-2005, 10:28 AM
Dont worry about it... Someone may find a relevant location of where you live, but no exact location will be given from your IP.
04-27-2005, 11:05 AM
My script is posted here:*482
04-30-2005, 10:20 AM
Im not smart at computers and i need to find one easy. I dont know wat dos is all about cause i have xp and my friend said i can find it in my hotmail messages? HELP!!!! plz!
04-30-2005, 10:05 PM
hey, can you send me a copy of that too please :P
05-01-2005, 10:47 AM
can you send it to me too my email is
05-01-2005, 12:38 PM
First off you are all clearly very good at these things and you all seem brave enough to actually explain how to do some hacking. What I want to know is anyone brave enough and knowledgable enough to explain HOW TO do a DOS/Nuke/Ping attack on an IP you have obtained from any of these steps. As well as explain how you can protect yourself from such attacks?
05-01-2005, 12:43 PM
someone left a vulgar post on my website, and i have theyre ip adress, but i would like to know how to locate where the person lives exactly, can anyone help?
enter the IP into the whois
for a good GUI style register at and use the demo
05-02-2005, 06:10 PM
Hi! Im sorry but i dont have the time to read all the previous posts. So, how can i know(simple and step-by-step) the IP addressess of different posters from a certain forum so i can compare them and let me know if they are the same person (or using alternicks). Coz they are flooding messages on a certain topic and I suspect they are the same person. Thanks in advance.
05-03-2005, 11:52 AM
Dudes... can i get a link to a tool similar to the builtin in KDE's GAIM so i can find out a yahoo messenger user's ip? (e.g. i'm chatting to fool* (username) and i want to see his ip...) is there any tool for this stuff?
05-03-2005, 02:51 PM
how do i hack in there comp once i have there ip?
05-05-2005, 04:15 PM
i ran those netstat -a -n and - an what one of those is the ip of the person i am direct connected with on aim thanks
05-05-2005, 07:27 PM
Ite, I know alot about hacking for I learned from a ******, but times have changed, and its more effcient to use a program to connect to some*'s computer. These programs I do not know, and can anyone plz tell me some of those programs? Now, I shal teach you somthing about Microsoft.
Microsoft is evil, and if u don't believe me, then heres your proof. When u install Windows, your C drive is automatically Shared to anyone on the internet. If u connect to some*'s computer by using one of their shared folders, their C drive will be saved as c$ or $c That means, you can use that as your 'bridge' to their computer, or as I learned it was called. Now, if your sdealling with some* stupid, and u want to hack theri computer, use Remote Manager; this is a program which is automatcially installed with Windows. Imput your victums ip in there, and htey get a screen taht says would u like to connect to so and so; if t heir supid, their probably say yes, and you'll have full access to their computer. Also, if u want to get into some*'s computer by using their login name and passoword, Windows hides a user account from ev eryone that is named Admin, or Administrator. The password will always be password. If you get a screen asking for a login name or passowrd, try those combinations, or use Websnort to get weak packets whcih will tell you their ip. Websnort is a Linux Program, so just use a boot disk of Linux to use websnort and get some*'s passoword. Any questions or comments, plz email me at
05-06-2005, 04:10 PM
dudes i got a problem, i need to hack some* i know urgently. i want to get in his files or in his mail and have domain of his pc. i prefer havin his email hacked first well i want some* to tell me how to do it. thx
05-06-2005, 09:45 PM
I learned how to full fledge hack some*s computer and have full access and to be able to do what ever you want. Just Email me if u want an explanation.
05-06-2005, 10:36 PM
Generally speaking, its hard to get someones IP address from a chatroom. You can 'whois' a user in IRC chat but the host name or IP address you will get is that of their ISP.
To get someones IP you need to have a direct connection from your computer to theirs. When you have a connection established (example: sending a song or image file to someone else) open your MS-DOS window and type netstat -a or netstat -n
This will list all current connections, their host names and IP addresses. Happy hunting.
Whoever said this can u help me, when u said after ur directly connected with the person, which i got aim and i can direct connect,then where is the Ms-DOS?If you can help me thanx.
05-07-2005, 02:03 AM
Just wondering if this would be possible in a forum discussion? We have one for our university and I am getting some abuse - most of which the Moderators are taking off, I just wanted to know if it was who I think it is.
05-07-2005, 07:00 AM
can you send me the utility to find ip of any computer my email id is
05-07-2005, 08:57 AM
Whoever said this can u help me, when u said after ur directly connected with the person, which i got aim and i can direct connect,then where is the Ms-DOS?If you can help me thanx.
If you don't know how to get onto Ms-DOS, you definently won't be able to do any of the other stuff required for hacking. Ms-Dos is a command prompt menu; you imput commands, and it does those specific commands. To get to Ms-Dos, you go to Start:run and in the little box that pops up, type in cmd. A black screen will pop up; this is MS-DOS.
Now, using MS-DOS to find ips:
Ty pe in netstat -n into the box, and a bunch of Ips wiht ports will appear. Find the specific person you are looking for by using the port numbers. If you want to find someone's ip while ur talking to them on AIM, find the AIM ports, and one of them will be that person's ip. Compair and contrast wiht that you usually get, and you'll be able to zero them out.
Now, to find some*'s ip in a chatroom:
In aim, there is no way that you can find some*'s ip in a chatroom becuase there is simply becuase you aren't connected to them, but your connected to somewhat of a server. The ip you will find in netstat -n won't be of the people in the chatroom, but the ip of the chatroom itself. I do believe tho, the host of the chatroom will have the same ip as the chatroom itself. Now, on Yahoo Messenger, if your in a chatroom, and someone uses voice communication, Yahoo opens up specific ports on your computer. In other words, your directly connected to the person speaking. Netstat -n their @$$ and you'll have their ip. As for MSN Messenger, use MSN X becuase u can directly connect to others.
Now, for many of you who want to 'hack' some*'s computer, i will give you a simple and limited methoid which really isn't hacking their computer, but exploiting it. The ping attack that i'm going to teach you people only works on computers wiht Windows NT *.0 or *.5, Win *8, Win *5, all Linux's, All Macs. You go into command prompt, and you type in ping (thier ip). What will happen, is your computer will send specific packets to their computer, and their computer will respond to your computer. Now, the byte rate of this ping is *2 bytes. What you want to do, is overflow th eir computer wiht packets and cause their computer to stall and shutdown. to do this, use the command: ping (thier ip) -l 65500 -f
Now, what will happen, is your computer will send a huge packet that the other computer can't handle. You usually want to do this on a remote computer. Now, without the -f at the end of the ping command, your computer would fragment the 65500 byte package into smaller bytes; that means that their computer will get a couple smaller packets, and they won't be overloaded, so add the -f at the end. Hope this helped some of ye. Just email me wiht ?s and Comments. Peaces
05-08-2005, 03:40 AM
Can some* talk me through using net send from the start cuz im a computer noob
05-08-2005, 05:05 PM
Can some* talk me through using net send from the start cuz im a computer noob
Didn't I just F***ing do that?
Hack my email
05-09-2005, 12:27 AM
Hi guys and girls!
Its Stefanie Cierpka.
My full contact information is below:
06526 Sangerhausen,
Am Beinschuh, 40
004* *464 *445*6 (house)
004* *6* 84*66*6 (mobile)
Stefanie Cierpka
05-11-2005, 11:46 PM
every time I try that, the window will open, for no longer than a second, then close itself
05-13-2005, 02:13 AM
Just to note: I've been looking at this post from time to time and while I commend the sharing of information, it is ad****ble to know what that information can do before you try to use it. Also eating n00bs for breakfast is not what a HACKER does it is what a CRACKER does come back to reality and let information be free again.
P.S.- Don't try to take down a single user, be a man and take down the server he connects to.
05-14-2005, 07:38 AM
05-14-2005, 10:59 AM
Sunday I'll post my URL that you can put your email address into and send it to a friend. Once they go to the URL you will be emailed their IP.
05-14-2005, 11:06 PM
The netstat -a is outdated with many chat programs but not P2P software. I Believe AIM and Yahoo now use their own servers as the middle man when direcly connecting two users so no more cracking your friends computer... darn
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~ Ok definetly want to get in touch with you
If anyone would like the program leave your email here
05-15-2005, 10:42 PM
If you would like to get someones IP send them to this page i created and input your email address- It will immediately send you their IP address:
I will work writing the script to show a different picture everyday. Any other ideas?
*st Change -Pictures will now change everyday for *0 days. Hope you guys enjoy the easy URL and please dont use it for any spamming purposes or ill have to take it down.
2nd Change - Counter Added
05-16-2005, 06:52 AM
what do u do after u get ther ip??
05-16-2005, 07:29 AM
Could someone help me please, I'm new to this?
I need to trace someones IP by tracing a post/thread they created in a forum. Is this possible?
Can I view a persons IP for one particular post and then another post?
As my mates forum account has been stolen by someone else and I need to know whether it is my mate thats posting or the hacker.
Please let me know through here. Thank you.
05-20-2005, 02:35 AM
what the hell is wrong with you guys u sit there in class all day trying to get admin privliges so u can change your backround or set up a screen saver oh ya your cool. pass notes like little girls in elementary school pffffb download a program called lantalk works great :P i dunno obout compatability issues with novell tho, our schools comps suck!!! last time i used novell was in **** ... try hacking sumfin bigger than another comp on the same network like a friends comp (or an enemies)
05-20-2005, 08:49 AM
Dudes... can i get a link to a tool similar to the builtin in KDE's GAIM so i can find out a yahoo messenger user's ip? (e.g. i'm chatting to fool* (username) and i want to see his ip...) is there any tool for this stuff?
kjasdjf ;saldfjlkajsdl;k
05-20-2005, 11:37 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
I would like the instructions please!
05-22-2005, 03:01 AM
Now, for many of you who want to 'hack' some*'s computer, i will give you a simple and limited methoid which really isn't hacking their computer, but exploiting it. The ping attack that i'm going to teach you people only works on computers wiht Windows NT *.0 or *.5, Win *8, Win *5, all Linux's, All Macs. You go into command prompt, and you type in ping (thier ip). What will happen, is your computer will send specific packets to their computer, and their computer will respond to your computer. Now, the byte rate of this ping is *2 bytes. What you want to do, is overflow th eir computer wiht packets and cause their computer to stall and shutdown. to do this, use the command: ping (thier ip) -l 65500 -f
When i try this it says:
Packets need to be fragmented but DF set.
What do i do?thanks
05-23-2005, 08:38 PM
05-24-2005, 09:38 PM
Please send me the tool that can be used to know the ip address of any user chating with me on yahoo messenger. my email id is : rhtdm*
do u have any tools that can be used to know the ip address of any hotmail email id is
05-25-2005, 09:35 AM
This Is A Scam . . .
" Ive Wrote A Script . . . " Wa Ever , Most Scripts Dont Even Work U Nut Case . . ..
+ In What Language . . .and Do U Think That This Script Would Bypass The Victims Firewall (windows) ?
05-26-2005, 09:49 AM
Hi there
Give me some more information on your findings.
05-26-2005, 05:11 PM
I need some basic info on how to get an ip and then search for someones address (home) from the information found. Why wife has a stalker and I am going to put a stop to it.
05-26-2005, 05:44 PM
Your wife has a stalker... Sorry to hear that. This is my best solution for you and please comment back~
*NOTE- Do not threaten the guy... let him stalk you for a while so you can gather info
First, do you have a record of his IP's that he has emailed you from? If not send the guy to this page i made:
**of course replace the words YOUREMAILADDRESS w/ your own email address
Second, once you recieve this IP address go to and search the IP you recieve. It will either be a proxy server that he is connected through or his IP that his ISP gave him. If it is the IP that his ISP gave him you need to record the EXACT time and date of every occurance that you recieve his IP and records of his stalking activity. Save conversations and screen shots...
When you query his IP in the database it will give you phone numbers and email addresses that you can report the abuse. I would recommend speaking w/ a real person. Its too easy to hit DELETE on an email.
The ISP can look back in their logs and see what internet account was given a certain IP at a specific time. Again, that is if this stalker is NOT using a proxy server. Once they connect their logs w/ the IP they will know his address (Home), Name, etc...
You can also go here to get a relative location of the stalker (If hes not behind a proxy):
If he is behind a proxy then i would recommend changing screen names (you can import your buddy list back) Stop all contact w/ the person through email and chat.
Personally I would give him my home address... Invite him over for dinner... and let my girlfriend beat his ass~ Thats just me, im crazy like that~
I Hope i've helped you or least helped you understand your options
05-26-2005, 06:59 PM
i'm trying to pull a computer prank on my friend. i have his ip address. i'm really not all that good on computers, so i need something basic. if i get directions that are explained good i could figure it out. i just want to screw with his system a little bit such as a force shutdown, settings, ping, etc. i'm going to load vnc to his system the next time i go to his house. i'll have fun with that. but i need more ideas. you can email me at kylebarrett2* come on syntax****** i know you got a good trick up your sleeve. drop me an email. thanks. just nothing that will do permanent damage.
05-27-2005, 11:32 AM
I need some basic info on how to get an ip and then search for someones address (home) from the information found. Why wife has a stalker and I am going to put a stop to it.
You can visit as there have been good information there in the past on IP address related issues.
05-27-2005, 12:37 PM
hi check my personal website:*
send ur ip address if u wanna hack msn!!!!!!!!!!!
05-27-2005, 01:15 PM
hi guys,
plz tell me how to hack the computers plz give me sum information on the given address,
05-27-2005, 04:00 PM
hi guys,
plz tell me how to hack the computers plz give me sum information on the given address,
lmao so you wanna hack computer eh? .. okie first go here
^ ^_^ all u need u asshole
05-29-2005, 02:09 PM
you kids are fucking nubs.
$remote_ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
boom upload it with a disguised url they click it add something funny like
"bitch i got your ip" boom it's over ... " gg no re "
05-29-2005, 02:12 PM
lol trying to netstat while in a direct connection is the nubbest way to do it any real kid knows that...
05-29-2005, 04:22 PM
Can someone tell how to find ip address of the sender in following link*;24*2;585;*67**;47288;77455;77464;784*4;78504
Person is using nickname: Lautakunnan pj on parakkifani...,
If wondering about language its finnish;)
05-29-2005, 08:49 PM
What a bunch of fucking morons. "This person said X,Y,Z to me in TeEnChAt and now i want to get even with them please help me get their IP so i can hack them... blah blah blah."
For starters.. most of you are wrong. Its virtually impossible to get someone's IP address in chat without a little bit of social engineering. The majority of chats out there dont work on a peer to peer system. For the idiots out there that means that you dont get connected directly to their computer in a private conversation window.
This means that your little theories about netstat wont work. For example on MSN you chat through a number of Microsofts messenger servers which means that you will get one of MS's IP addresses not the person you are chatting to unless you establish a file transfer with them because then that is direct.
If you want to get someone's IP address on a chatroom its really simple. Just be creative. If its a guy show him the link to Http://somesite/pictues/hotchick.jpg and tell him that's you. Offer him your email address, get chatting on Messenger or whatever then send another photo on MSN and boom youve got your direct client-client connection.
The only people who have been even remotely close to the mark so far are those referring to users on IRC, but even that isnt fullproof since most people mask their hosts by vhost services offered by IRC networks to stop script kiddies who like to fuck around with winnuke and the like from packeting you off the network.
What are you going to do with the IP once you get it anyway?
05-30-2005, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Generally speaking, its hard to get someones IP address from a chatroom. You can 'whois' a user in IRC chat but the host name or IP address you will get is that of their ISP.
To get someones IP you need to have a direct connection from your computer to theirs. When you have a connection established (example: sending a song or image file to someone else) open your MS-DOS window and type netstat -a or netstat -n
This will list all current connections, their host names and IP addresses. Happy hunting.
that is wierd , i get the beggining part but wat part is when u have to open ur MS-DOS window, how can i open it and wat is it?
05-31-2005, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Unregistered
that is wierd , i get the beggining part but wat part is when u have to open ur MS-DOS window, how can i open it and wat is it?
Click Start->Run, type "cmd" without quotes, and click OK. Now you're at the DOS window. Type "netstat -an" without quotes. Now if you've sent them a pix, or they've sent you one, or have made a connection to thier machine anyway, you'll see the remote IP numbers and ports of all active connections to your machine. Depending on if you've got your browser open to website, etc you may see more than one listed.
Now, just what do you plan on doing since you couldn't even get this far by yourself? My advise would be to get a life.
05-31-2005, 09:18 AM
o.k. simple question ?? got kid problems - don't want them to go on msn chat or even msn at all ! don't have a router - don't have a firewall.. win xp sp2.. how can i block them ?
05-31-2005, 09:33 AM
I will send out the program after i write some instructions. I will keep them as simple as possible and in as few steps as possible. Give me until this weekend and i will have it ready to email. I have been trying new things with the program to speed up its scanning times but it seems tweaked to the max.
NOTE* Do not think you can use this to crack servers or just any systems. It is nothing more than a basic script that takes advatage of open ports and shares...
hi! im very very interested at this little program that uv been talking about, is there any chance that u could mail it to me too
my mail add is humanhand@**********
pls proivde me with it.
05-31-2005, 12:42 PM
once someone has found your i.p. address and they wanna trace it to find your location is it possible that the wrong location may appear? Say you live in Houston, Texas and it traces back to Bronx, New York or something...
05-31-2005, 09:04 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
That sounds like a pretty little program here's my e-mail if you could send me it. TBevand@**********
Thanks a lot
Hey Can u send that here id like to try it out pimptistic2008@**********
05-31-2005, 09:05 PM
Hey that sounds nice let me try it out pimptistic2008@********** thanx
06-01-2005, 04:54 PM
how i can get ip via mail
06-02-2005, 07:01 AM
hi i wanna to get someones password
06-02-2005, 04:27 PM
hi i wanna to get someones password
here ya go:
06-03-2005, 01:40 PM
Can you send that batch to me at
thanks very much.
well done sounds very cool!
06-04-2005, 08:41 AM
Download netcat, It has many different uses....
06-06-2005, 03:00 PM
Is there a certain way to hack vbulletin ***rd users?
06-06-2005, 03:07 PM
...ip address i mean
06-07-2005, 01:15 AM
what is a batch script and how do u get it
Sorry i believe the script has been removed.
Basically create a webpage that has a simple php script that logs ip adresses. There doesnt have to be anything else on the webpage, but would be wise if you want to trick the person into clicking the link again.
The netstat -a is outdated with many chat programs but not P2P software. I Believe AIM and Yahoo now use their own servers as the middle man when direcly connecting two users so no more cracking your friends computer... darn
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
06-07-2005, 01:23 AM
and what do i do after i got there ip address, what's a foreign address, and state plzzzz answer meee
what is a batch script and how do u get it
06-07-2005, 05:02 AM
that batch programe sounds cool. can you send it to me at nztomatoes@**********
06-07-2005, 08:21 PM
i'm asking what isss the program and what do u do with it also what do i do when i got someone's ip addresss, how could i hack in there comp
that batch programe sounds cool. can you send it to me at nztomatoes@**********
06-08-2005, 02:52 AM
the program that SyntaX****** wrote
06-09-2005, 05:54 AM
666 i think but like how do you know wich is wich out of the three you had?????
06-09-2005, 02:09 PM
OKay then hOw can i get an IP ADDRESS of a PErsOn
IS there anyway to get the IP ????
im facin' some problems with some " SICK" PEOPLE
like now for example if u wanna find the ip address of this
email id : bint_al*in*
what can be done to get the ip add ????
PLZ HELP ME :mad:#
As per ur problem described in this forum .plz download
and download email *****er and find out the address of this mail id.but these mails dont have the rgt ip these are fake ones.
No one knows how to access someone's computer using their IP?????????
No one knows how to access someone's computer using their IP?????????
An IP number is the address of a computer on the net, like the street address of their house in the real world. Ports are virtual openings on a computer like the windows on the persons house. Are the ports listening, the windows on the house open, or are they closed?
Get the picture? It's not enough to know the IP of the persons machine. They're going to have to have a port in a state that will permit an incoming connection to be made by something like telnet or an FTP client. If the person has a decent firewall, one that performs Stateful Packet Inspection, it won't accept incoming packets unless the flags indicate it's in respose to an outgoing packet anyway.
Quit hanging out on lame ***rds filled with lusers asking for your password and spend some time reading up on TCP/IP or learning to use Linux.
06-11-2005, 11:30 AM
How is it possible to know the computers location from the ipaddress?
Please reply zakayos@**********
06-11-2005, 03:10 PM
I need to hack into my boyfriend's e-mail, he has comcast and i have tried all the passwords i can think of, i am new to this! Please help me!
Someone in des. need
06-11-2005, 05:22 PM
How is it possible to know the computers location from the ipaddress?
Please reply zakayos@**********
Try VisualRoute:
An IP number is the address of a computer on the net, like the street address of their house in the real world. Ports are virtual openings on a computer like the windows on the persons house. Are the ports listening, the windows on the house open, or are they closed?
Get the picture? It's not enough to know the IP of the persons machine. They're going to have to have a port in a state that will permit an incoming connection to be made by something like telnet or an FTP client. If the person has a decent firewall, one that performs Stateful Packet Inspection, it won't accept incoming packets unless the flags indicate it's in respose to an outgoing packet anyway.
Quit hanging out on lame ***rds filled with lusers asking for your password and spend some time reading up on TCP/IP or learning to use Linux.
Hey root!!!!! do you have that program root..... (something) i don't know exactly how it's called but i know it's a verry good prog for hacking and floding
06-12-2005, 05:29 PM
first they click start>run>type command>type netstat your ip address will be there somewhere
06-12-2005, 05:34 PM
helo i have got lots of peoples ip addresses but i need to no how to connect to them please please help
06-12-2005, 06:38 PM
helo i have got lots of peoples ip addresses but i need to no how to connect to them please please help
Why do you want to connect to them? Do you want to get the control over their computers or what?
06-16-2005, 03:32 PM
If i get low level access to a computer how can i open a programs source file
so i can do some exploiting?
06-21-2005, 12:49 PM
If i get low level access to a computer how can i open a programs source file
so i can do some exploiting?
I can help you with these needs.... contact me at
I don't really get off posting - so if you want my free tutorial just ask. It has hacking techniques and VB code writing. A hacker can hack systems with tools, a good hacker makes his own tools.
BTW I HATE script kiddies.....
*******Remember******* The information I give you is used for educational purposes ONLY.
To be a hacker you need to think like a hacker. Contrary to popular belief and movies and rumors, most hackers are older men and women, 40-50's, and then we have the famous ScRiPt KiDdIeS.....
Hackers aren't out to destroy systems there out for information, sometimes the thrill of getting somewhere they can't be. I take it upon myself as a personal challenge to do something others can't do. Education is the key, always remember that. Not typing in caps or using special characters. Practice social engineering - is also a form of hacking but without a computer. Breaking into a system, looking around, and getting out undetected is what it's all about. The hackers that you read about... A good hacker is the one you don't know about. One that doesn't get caught.
My carrier is heading toward security because I think up new hacking techniques and learn ways to stop them. From the little to the big things, this is were it begins.
06-21-2005, 12:55 PM
I can help you with these needs.... contact me at
I don't really get off posting - so if you want my free tutorial just ask. It has hacking techniques and VB code writing. A hacker can hack systems with tools, a good hacker makes his own tools.
BTW I HATE script kiddies.....
*******Remember******* The information I give you is used for educational purposes ONLY.
To be a hacker you need to think like a hacker. Contrary to popular belief and movies and rumors, most hackers are older men and women, 40-50's, and then we have the famous ScRiPt KiDdIeS.....
Hackers aren't out to destroy systems there out for information, sometimes the thrill of getting somewhere they can't be. I take it upon myself as a personal challenge to do something others can't do. Education is the key, always remember that. Not typing in caps or using special characters. Practice social engineering - is also a form of hacking but without a computer. Breaking into a system, looking around, and getting out undetected is what it's all about. The hackers that you read about... A good hacker is the one you don't know about. One that doesn't get caught.
My carrier is heading toward security because I think up new hacking techniques and learn ways to stop them. From the little to the big things, this is were it begins.
*never claimed to be an English Major... so ignore my spellllling mistackes... ;)
06-21-2005, 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
That sounds like a pretty little program here's my e-mail if you could send me it. TBevand@**********
Thanks a lot
yea plaz send to
06-22-2005, 12:18 PM
me too
i want that batch script
06-23-2005, 04:24 PM
Just curious about a few things... you all keep asking about finding IP addresses. What do you actually plan on doing once you get an IP address? Having someone's IP address is not anything special. You can't just get an IP address and expect to log onto their machine and cause mayhem. It seems like none of you know anything about "hacking" as you keep calling it. If IP addresses were so important/secretive, they wouldn't be present in almost every packet your computer sends out over the web. The most an IP address will tell you is the physical location of a machine... possibly (considering routers).
Note to the n00b: "Hacking" isn't as easy as you may think. Nor is it as anonymous and sneaky as you may think. You may want to reconsider your intentions here before you start something that you won't be able to finish. You'll just waste a lot of your own time as well as other people's time.
06-23-2005, 06:06 PM
que pasa?
Yo no se escribir en ingles:pero tengo problemas con un maldito hacker. necesito que me ayudes. Ha! y que me invites a tu casa para tomarnos unas chelas. :p
06-25-2005, 04:42 PM
I need to hack into my boyfriend's e-mail, he has comcast and i have tried all the passwords i can think of, i am new to this! Please help me!
Someone in des. need
Ok, first question, are you on a LAN with your boyfriend? If yes, then that makes it alot easier. What you need to do is get him to sign into his account and access his e-mail on the LAN. While he dose that, you will be running a great program called Cain and Abel This program will capture and log any and all passwords that are transmitted on a network. I use a wireless network and it works well, as for wired networks, I am unsure of weither or not this will work, but I assume so. When he logs in, he will send the data to the server and you will intercept it on its path.
If you are not on a LAN with him, then put a keylogger on your computer and get him to check his e-mail on your PC. The logger will record the keys and there you go.
You could also do what Canadian Spys did during the cold war, just watch as he typed the password in and record a few keys. Don't try to remember them all, just a few and then next time a few more and before you know you will have the entire password, unless his password is a paragraph long.
06-25-2005, 04:45 PM
This might be possible. With e-mail, it can be traced very easily. Save the fourm where the user has submitted and open it so that you can see the html code. From there, you should look for a line that says something like *28.64.2*2.*2.64:80 -> *8*.*2*.82.*2:80 and htnat should give you the ip address. His shopuld be the first and the server's should be the second address. From there, use a good Whosis program and trace the ip address to a city, country and an isp. Get evidence against the guy and report it to the isp.
06-27-2005, 01:10 PM
syntax ****** send me the dealy batch file thing
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
06-27-2005, 06:24 PM
someone left a vulgar post on my website, and i have theyre ip adress, but i would like to know how to locate where the person lives exactly, can anyone help?
I can help you out on that, contact me on AIM screen name is iceofdoom*2*4*2*
06-28-2005, 05:29 AM
Can someone please find the IP adress of these 2 email adresses :
and send the ip adresses to
thnQ very much
06-28-2005, 09:29 AM
yay!! lol, yea im happy now
stupid n00b
06-28-2005, 11:17 PM
i downloaded a ip scanner and some other progs. but it wants me to enter a range for ips to scan it says it can only do *.*.*.* to
and so i did it and it comes up blank no ips there
wat do i do?
06-29-2005, 08:07 AM
Sorry i believe the script has been removed.
Basically create a webpage that has a simple php script that logs ip adresses. There doesnt have to be anything else on the webpage, but would be wise if you want to trick the person into clicking the link again.
The netstat -a is outdated with many chat programs but not P2P software. I Believe AIM and Yahoo now use their own servers as the middle man when direcly connecting two users so no more cracking your friends computer... darn
Alternative of how to get an IP
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
dude if u can plz send to me ill really enjoy this kingwillyii@********** cheers
07-01-2005, 12:10 AM
how can send information thru Command prompt do that person ip address or finding out any information thru his ip address is der any cool other information to kno about....
07-01-2005, 04:01 AM
how do u ping a computer
07-01-2005, 04:39 AM
im playing this game runescape but the problem is that i have to download java. When java is installing it says ERROR and something about a system cashe i really dont know whats going on, can anyone help. ill really appreciate it.
07-01-2005, 11:22 AM
If you use Hotmail, you can get a detailed message and check where it says X-Originated-IP, do a tracert of the IP that shows up, because sometimes X-Originated-IP is passed up as a Hotmail node, other time it's their IP, but you ahd to do this quickly, as most IPs are dynamic and you don't know how long they will spend online.
07-01-2005, 11:23 AM
The simple ping command is to open up a Command Prompt and type ping IP address. There are also some great tools our there for getting details, such as Nmap.
07-02-2005, 05:48 PM
OMG!! im getting so pissed off from noobs sayin "o use netstat -n cuz ther ip will show up when u direct connec through aim" that dosent work!!
yes youll get an ip address but it will be an ip from their ISP's server so you would have to have a prog. like magic net trace and trace the ip through the server to ther computer but even if u did that it would come up with like 50 ips and you would have to ping everyone one to find out if its a comp. and not some server our webpage... jezzum freakin crow ya nubs!!!!
if u really have ur heart set on using command prompt to hack someone i s***est learning to use nbtstat aka netBIOS
07-02-2005, 08:13 PM
OKay then hOw can i get an IP ADDRESS of a PErsOn
IS there anyway to get the IP ????
im facin' some problems with some " SICK" PEOPLE
like now for example if u wanna find the ip address of this
email id : bint_al*in*
what can be done to get the ip add ????
send them a message with a url on a server you can check it's log file...
check the log file for that url
you've got the IP.
07-02-2005, 09:52 PM
someone please help, I'm really uaksdjf someone on this website is pretending to be someone they aren't and it's really annoying me. I have a feeling they are getting their pictures from MY website so it sucks! They more than likely have an account there so I'm needing some help. I read through a few of these and didn't get it, but can someone help me with getting someones IP ADDRESS! Like if you were using and they commented you, how would you get it? Or if you were in a message***rd like this place, how do you get those ip's? I really want to find out who this person is, because they are pretending to be a good friend of mine, and it's really creeping me out.
PLEASE send an email to
07-04-2005, 05:26 PM
wat the concl, there will be ip only u cant know who is he/she, thats all, now stop all this floting, IP can tell only the country info, nothing more, just stop dreaming
07-06-2005, 03:46 PM
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Mr. Me
07-09-2005, 12:10 AM
Just for the hell of it I tried running the same script. One started to work, and then crapped out. The other I got the same error message as the dude a feww messages back. I can read and write various types of script. You said to tweak it, it looks like it is different parts of script that was just thrown together, just doesn't work. I am going to have to agree with the potty mouth dude. You don't exactly know what you are doing man.
07-09-2005, 06:08 PM
Some jerks on Myspace are photoshopping nudes of girls , they did it to one of my friends and she was pretty upset. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to use that program Cain & Abel to get the guys password, or if that's possible even? thanks
07-10-2005, 12:01 AM
yeah so it seems pretty much everyone here knows how to script
well all the KOOL people do
and if you do email me nebulatorface@**********
i 2 am a scripter and im gona start like a scripting website/"association" or wat have you need some kool ppl that are good at scripting like HARDCORE AWESOME!!!
07-10-2005, 09:13 AM
Is it possible for someone u r chatting live with in Yahoo IM to see your IP address (using eg DOS netstat -an command) ? Or for this to happen should one send a file, image, or open a WebCAM ? Similarly, while playing games in Yahoo rooms is it possible to detect someones IP while chatting during the game ? I tried /whois (nick) command there but it does not work. Any feedback would be appreciated.
07-10-2005, 12:32 PM
no they cant see ur ip while connected but if u send a large file and you netstat -an it will show their ip address
07-11-2005, 04:20 PM
it can be like this before yahoo had an option like peer to peer chat . that time netstat cmd was useful now i think they removed their service and connection comes thro their server. so it is not possible to find ip of user. but in file transfers u can find
07-11-2005, 06:42 PM
hey syntax ****** can you send me that program you were talkin bout in post #* in page 6??? krisofbeyondreality@**********
07-13-2005, 04:59 AM
I have an email address, how do i get its ip address!!
07-13-2005, 06:01 AM
Hey i was wondering if you can find out someone's E-mail address by useing there name? Please Help me!
07-13-2005, 12:45 PM
sounds usefull could you send the program i need 2 get my mates back for cracking me thanx jaxor)(
07-13-2005, 12:47 PM
my adress is thx jaxor)(
hiyas, i was wondering if its at all possible to find out people's IP addresses in a forum? I want to find out if the same guy is posting under two different accounts. Is there a way to do this? thanks :)
07-15-2005, 01:06 PM
n how can we find the address of some* after finding ip address
07-22-2005, 01:22 PM
there are people who can find your IP adress @ jippii.
how do they do that ?
They told me: "i can get your IP", and i said "haha you can't" and suddenly he told me my IP adress, and it was the correct one.
How did he find my IP via jippii ?
Please help me ! :(
hoe kan je een IP adres vinden op jippii?
sommigen kunnen dat :s
maar hoe ?
help me AUB :(
08-01-2005, 05:03 PM
I have written a fun little windows batch script... All you have to know is the ISP of your friend, the State they live in, and either one shared folder on their computer, their computers name, or their printers name.
Not only can you find their computer but you can also drop them a little note on their desktop and freak them out~
If anyone would like the program leave your email here -
Can you email that to me pls? thanks
08-01-2005, 05:46 PM
Its in my signature... Just Click the link ~ I'm rewriting it so it is literally a "Script for Dummies" ~
08-13-2005, 06:51 AM
yes, but once you've got their ip address what can you do with it? :confused:
p.s. the link to email address
works a treat in getting their ip address! :D
08-15-2005, 11:41 AM
Are there any of those I can do that send me paswords to things they are on at the time? Lol
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