View Full Version : how can i kick an intruder?

04-08-2005, 11:09 AM
I need know how to kick an intruder connect in my system. With netstat I can detect the ip of the connection and the PID of the proccess but i dont know how can i cut this connection and prevent that this intruder canīt enter instanly in my system. Nowadays i catch the ip and configure the firewall to deny the acess of this ip but i think that can be other qickly solution. Thanks.

04-08-2005, 04:02 PM
look for rootkits/backdoor/trojan or something.. like that and update your system.

04-08-2005, 08:28 PM
Hi buddy,

I s***est u to set ur firewall to prompt for each and every action, I s***est u to go for sygate, thats the best.. u can download the shareware from their website.. www.sygate.com and next is download Microsoft antispyware which is also shareware. what this antispyware does is keep ***** of everythg in the PC including registry and applications and prompt for actions.. this way u can find the trojan and when u find it.. first disable it from the registry and then deletethe file.. mostly u can find the trojan exe in system*2 folder of windows. This is the best possible solution