View Full Version : Hotmail Hacker Gold

04-28-2005, 09:40 PM
can anyone tell me if this program works??? Or if after you send it the receiver can look at it and find out the properties........like, realizing what you sent them????

05-15-2005, 07:39 AM
* years ago i used it several times and it worked
but now i heard it doesn't work anymore (new msn)

06-16-2005, 08:33 AM
if hot mail hacker gold doesn't work, wich program does ???
plz give a link where i can dl the prog, make sure its not a virus plz

06-18-2005, 08:17 AM
salut tt le monde .
j'espere que mnt c fini car j'ai une methode que je peu avoir tt les mot de pass avec . c'est un logiciel qui peu te donner un vrai mot de pass hotmail de qlq* mm de yahoo aussi mais pour yahoo c'est pas encors sur mais pour hotmail c *00% et je j'esper que je suis le * er maroc* qui connais cette methode qui est vraiment super et je suis tres fier d'etre. mais tt ça c'est acouse des mes recherche chaque jour et mes *5 ans de etude
bon @+
et faite attention ok ?


06-18-2005, 08:19 AM
bon dit moi je peu avoir ce logiciel a 50 euro ??
pcq j'ai vraiment besoin de ce programme
et je veux savoir le mot de pass de ma copine stp

merci d'avance

07-04-2005, 07:08 PM
my ueser name is destroyor x and my passrowed is qwert plz i nead to be lvl *0 bye the night over in atleas by *:00 it 5:*5 the 4 of july plz some one help and if i get band the people that made thit game will hear about thith place maaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha

07-08-2005, 10:55 AM
salut tt le monde
avec mon logiciel que j'ai bien fai j'espere que c fini avec des probelme des mot de pass hotmail avec ce logiciel j'espere que je peu treuver des password hotmail . et je suis tres content
et si qlq* veu des renseignement voila mon e mail
je suis tjr en ligne avec mes programme

07-10-2005, 05:43 AM
hi to all of u ...do ya people know how to get the MSN account password i mean the actual one widout changing it if yes then plz help i want de password of :


to contact me, mail me at barbie_shiny@**********
i'll be waiting for ya reply

07-12-2005, 07:58 AM
salut tout le monde j'esper que c fini avec des prb hotmail car j'ai un logiciel avec jepeu treuver des password hotmail et ce logiciel ça marche *00 % alors j'esper que j'ai fini avec ces prb
aurevoir tt le monde je suis en ligne sur

07-12-2005, 02:11 PM
olvide la contraseña digamenlan mi msn es josefina_87*@hotmail.co pero no me cambien la contraseña

07-14-2005, 09:07 PM
Hi guys, I was wondering if there was a proper way to hack an msn account. Whenever I try it it doesn't work. Thanks in advance for the help you can also email me at Bagelz4life@hotmail.com .

07-15-2005, 12:00 AM
ok i am a pro haker i hak everything. but unlike u i dont use fukin links they stuid and never work. i use strategy of the game. see the game has a free haker server that is how open they are. the reporting server is not to much of a good solution. look my strategy is to become friends with some one for a while and tell them that u have been haked. they beleive u and help u hak ur acount bak then u ask them if u can use their acount for a second to see something. now i forgot to warn u but in the act watch of for those stupid player mods they piss me of. well once u get the password then u should have another window open at the spot for enterin ur loggin in and changin ur pass. now u quikly type it in and log out u change the pass to wateva u want and u good i may add more but untill then give me ur password and user i am tellin u i wont change ur password i will just help u out by gettin some friends so if u are desprate for hakin u better leave ur password and user name at my email tommytusk@aol.com so go ahead and go crazy now u no so leave me ur acounts so i can help u.

07-22-2005, 01:37 AM
that is the dumbest thing ive ever read.... ur not a hacker buddy... this guys so stupid... hes just asking for your passwords for himself... wat a fag

08-07-2005, 12:20 AM
So you want an email password? AOL, MSN, Yahoo, Hotmail, JUNO WHATEVER almost ANY other email password I can get for you!

This service is provided to you for a very nominal fee of just $*0!

Why do I do it? Because it’s rather easy when you have root access to almost every email server in the world!

I will provide *00% verification!

How? When I retrieve the password (usually within 24 rs) I will email you back and have you email the account I have the password to. Use any email address you want to email them and I will forward you the email back to you!…*00% PROOF!

Send your requests to:


Include your name, country AND where you found my email address (the link)

08-07-2005, 03:49 AM
how do i know that hacker ppl arent gonna steal my account?

08-16-2005, 11:08 PM
yo i need the password to this email relly badly
please if u can do it or if you know how to properly then send me a reply at bilalbagha@hotmail.com please

08-19-2005, 06:05 AM
Somebody Please tell me how to hack yahoo and hotmail password the person who answered and it worked will get some **'s :cool:

09-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Well most people just want your account, if they could hack they would view ur profile and hack ur acconut also keep it to theirselfs. and why would they go tellign everyone about and shouting out their email address too if i could personally hack i wouldent have a free @usa www.email.com account or a name2222@hotmail.com account id have something like billgates@msn.com cmon who wouldent or yourname @hotmail.com not some random name, and dont tell me its to hide my identiy because its not i used to go arround saying i could hack when i couldent i even made vb programs that did nothing. i could do some things but thats another story... dudes cmon use ur COMMON SENCE! :eek:

09-14-2005, 05:29 AM
I sounds terrible for these companies :D

09-23-2005, 10:56 PM
thx for that

09-27-2005, 05:01 AM
mon avis a mois c'est que tous ces rigol sont des menteurs car jusqua maintant sa n'existe pas de methode pour craquer un hothmail a par une ,mais sa demande des conaisance en HTML V BASIC ect ,,, je ne vais pas vous dire toute la methode car c' compliquer mais je vais vous inotier ok
vous envoyer un email contenant n'importe quoi a votre victime ,mais surtout insister le a vous repondre avotre email ;
maid la programation de ce fichier qui ne depasse pa la taile d'* mo est un peu dificille et sa necessite qu'on soit un peux expert :eek: :eek: :eek:

09-27-2005, 05:03 AM

09-27-2005, 05:12 AM
i ve been seraching for hotmail crack programs...hackers online etc for the past few days....most of them seem like scams and most appz never work...

if a hacker proves to me that he is what he says then i wont mind even paying...its as simple as the "print screen" button from the victims inbox...that would b a good proof....so if any* can do that and can hack into n hotmail acount i need 2 see...i ownt mind payin...

09-27-2005, 05:49 AM
sorry for my bad englich

i have found the way to hack email password, tis way may invite to play whit trojan ,no non dont be affraid not on your pc ,but on victims pc ,you are going to send a programe trojan to vivtim this file must containt other name like "picture "or something like this ,,and on conversation with your victim on your pc you will right "somthing wich im alone who know tha"on messenger
after *7 second trojan send to you the request pass word :) :) :)

if you want this program ontacte me

10-07-2005, 09:46 AM
indeed, steveo is right:

"Social engineering is an art of science that makes use of some psychological tricks on users to get the information you want... Looks very simple but it requires patience, approach towards the target, should be quick to respond and many more..."

but i wonder who is so stupid to send account&pass to a "auto bot?" :)

02-07-2006, 11:09 AM
I need a PW for barbigirl808@hotmail.com asap. If anyone can help me with that. They can send to shazbot*886*@**********.

02-07-2006, 12:13 PM
indeed, steveo is right:

"Social engineering is an art of science that makes use of some psychological tricks on users to get the information you want... Looks very simple but it requires patience, approach towards the target, should be quick to respond and many more..."

but i wonder who is so stupid to send account&pass to a "auto bot?" :)

Exactly, it is a scam, there is no "auto bot" and there never was, it's just one of the oldest social engineering tricks around and I can't believe people are still believing it.

I need a PW for barbigirl808@hotmail.com asap. If anyone can help me with that. They can send to shazbot*886*@**********.

We have posted hundreds of times before the ways that can be used to hack email accounts, social engineering, trojans, XSS, keymailers, fake pages, there is no direct way to just "hack" them. What you have posted is forum spam IMO, if you had actually read even one thread like this you would have known not to post that. Any why would we randomly hack someone's account anyway, we have nothing to gain from it.

02-09-2006, 10:20 AM
Personally this topic isn't new and it's a matter too fu**** talked.

If a method do came to the air of the internet, the ppl beyond hotmail.com and ********** will fix it in a snap. If a vulnerability cames up you only would have a few limited days to play with. Further more there were some dudes that post that they are l**t (In my opinion a l**t at least under this parts doesn't say they are one).

Thank you for your time and have a nice day!

02-09-2006, 12:23 PM
Personally this topic isn't new and it's a matter too fu**** talked.

If a method do came to the air of the internet, the ppl beyond hotmail.com and ********** will fix it in a snap. If a vulnerability cames up you only would have a few limited days to play with. Further more there were some dudes that post that they are l**t (In my opinion a l**t at least under this parts doesn't say they are one).

Thank you for your time and have a nice day!

Yes, vulnerabilities will only last until they become publicly known and a problem to whoever they affect (like hotmail), if you pick up a vulnerability directly from a vulnerability mailing list, then it can last a few weeks or months depending on how quickly it spreads (or last forever if the people who discover it don't tell anyone), but if you find out from a tutorial on the internet, then it will probably already be fixed. All these people who claim to have discovered a password autobot or made an email hacking program are just scamming you, it's not *********ly possible most of the time and they just want ***** or to spread trojans.

02-15-2006, 05:47 AM
The big secret to hacking hotmail:


Work It Out
(By the way, it aint a php code)

Dark Phoenix 78
02-16-2006, 11:40 AM
actually there is no soft in the world that hacks mails and steal their password that easly
the onely think that works is Brute Force and some times it may take ages unless u have a very fast connection and for 24/24

03-04-2006, 12:48 PM
i need to find a yahoo password for certain account. can anyone help.

03-04-2006, 01:56 PM
i need to find a yahoo password for certain account. can anyone help.

Yes, I can help you and give you the answer to hacking any email account in * minute. Go to this site http://*27.0.0.* and enter the email you want to hack, click the "hack" button and it will hack you the account, with current password. Also, there is this totally secret hacking site where you can find all the information you will ever need about hacking. It's called http://www.google.com. Syntax******, if you're reading this, lock it, i'm sure you want to stop these threads from being brought back up as much as me.