View Full Version : Password Crackers-Are ANY successful?
12-31-2006, 06:38 AM
Of course there can certainly be a legitimate purpose for this need. There can also be illicit needs served by answers to such questions, and I'll stop to say I'm not impugning anyone here asking or answering or any of the referenced software.
I just want to float out a general warning to the novices if any are reading, and that caveat is some of the web sites that turn up when searching for keys, cracks, or codes are nothing more than come-ons to infect visitors with a back door Trojan or some other form of malware. If someone is successful at finding and unlocking for illicit purposes, then at best they may not own what they are using, a violation of IPL. Those who seek for illicit purposes probably get what they deserve, but those with a genuine business need behind their quest ought to take their recommendations only from known reputable sources, or they should use a Browser Helper like Netcraft's toolbar to warn them about the "known" bad guys. Stay Safe, keep Smiling. Dean
A lot of that goes without saying - if you search for "hack email", you are **% of the time going to arrive at exploit-coded pages, link farms, fake warez pages and parked pages. If someone is stupid enough to think webmail services' security can be compromised by any idiot off the street searching google for hacking tools, then quite honestly they deserve the damage that results to their software.
If someone found a way to compromise webmail services' security, they would not share it with the world, thus ensuring a quick fix by the administrators. They would at most provide a cracking service for *****, but usually just keep it to themselves.
As for keygens and cracks, anyone searching google for these things is equally stupid. The places these things are distributed are Bittorrent, IRC, FTP and file-sharing networks like LimeWire. You will find nothing via a search engine.
I already own brutus, I have not been able to make it work though.
I have it figured out, It just, when I ran it, on a name I knew the password for, I had * options.
and the correct password
I ran the program *0 times, and only once did it come up with the correct password.
For this problem, I am unsure what I should do... I have tryed using a proxy, but that only got me the message "Unable to connect to _________ try checking settings/timeout"
I was unable to find settings/timeout
So, if anyone has any ideas as to what I should do, please, dont be shy :)
I already answered your question.
If you are clicking the button on the top-left of the screen, you are telling it to brute force basic authentication. All websites like yahoo, hotmail, ebay, myspace, aol, and all other services providing online accounts do not use basic authentication, so brute forcing them will bring no results. Not many websites use basic auth any more.
12-31-2006, 12:52 PM
Wait, since the program can bruteforce basic auth, could it brute force htpasswd logins?
12-31-2006, 12:57 PM
I already answered your question.
If you are clicking the button on the top-left of the screen, you are telling it to brute force basic authentication. All websites like yahoo, hotmail, ebay, myspace, aol, and all other services providing online accounts do not use basic authentication, so brute forcing them will bring no results. Not many websites use basic auth any more.
But mike, I am useing a dictionary, which is different from brute force... right?
Sorry for asking so many questions, lol, I am a novice at this, and I really apreciate what all you are doing.
12-31-2006, 02:03 PM
In a nutshell, All I want to know is, is there a way that I can hook up brutus, to a webpage that has a HTML log in.
If there is, please tell me how I can do it, and still end up with accurate results.
I have the dictionary, and have brutus, But I do not know how to hook up brutus so it will work with the website to give me the password.
12-31-2006, 02:54 PM
If the person's password has numbers, symbols, or is a word that's not in the dictionary (wordlist) you have, Brutus won't be able to find it. You'll have to use another method, called brute-forcing, which guesses every combination of letters, and/or numbers and symbols.
12-31-2006, 03:12 PM
Wait, since the program can bruteforce basic auth, could it brute force htpasswd logins?
Yes, because htpassword uses basic authentication to protect directories. Most basic authentication-protected areas are created via Apache's htpassword files, but it is possible to do it programatically in a language like PHP.
But mike, I am useing a dictionary, which is different from brute force... right?
It depends on how you define the two. Most people define brute forcing as guessing all characters combinations until you get the right one, but using a wordlist is still brute forcing because you don't know the password and you're guessing many different combinations. There is no skill involved if you're breaking in by the sheer size of your pipe to the internet (and your wordlist)
But all this is irrelevant to the point, which was that to get any sorts of results you should not use the top-left button on accessdiver, because the target website does not use basic auth (I think you said?).
Before you ask any more questions I'll say that I for one haven't used brute force software much, and none of us here are experts. If you have questions about the software, a forum on its actual website (or email question) might be a better way to get results; other than simply reading the manual.
01-01-2007, 12:33 AM
Ok... So I have moved on from accessdriver. I am not looking at hacking pornos, I am hacking a game, which has a forum that uses the same password that is used on the game.
This, I would imagine would be no different from hacking any other HTML sites.
I am using brutus now, because I have heard that that will do the job that I am looking for.
I have hooked brutus up, but it doesnt come out with accuarate results.
Is there anyone who has had success with brutus, that wouldn't mind telling me how I could get it to work?
Side note to mike:
I have searched for all the information I could get for brutus. There is no forum, I could not locate the manual, and I have emailed the creator of brutus on numerous occaisions, and he has not responded to me. Plus, I did not say that we website uses basic authentication, Honestly, I dont know how to check if it does, even more so, I dont think I even know what basic authentication is.
01-01-2007, 03:40 AM
Can sum* post this website on google and tell it to friends? kuz it works, i tried it. you send you account name and password from runescape (game pass) and u get free membership. although, they have a glitch they dont know they have. when u use it on the friends list it says a name of a game, then on the ignore list it says a guys name and pass. every time u use it once on a lvl 60 or above runescape account this works, i got a lvl *5 in eudemons online, a lvl *2* (for my lil bro) on maplestory. i am lvl 48 on ruenscape atm. now im going to get antoher pass. hope ppl use this. teh website is oh yes. and dont make a **** pin in the game or trhis doesnt work
01-01-2007, 11:14 AM
Can sum* post this website on google and tell it to friends? kuz it works, i tried it. you send you account name and password from runescape (game pass) and u get free membership. although, they have a glitch they dont know they have. when u use it on the friends list it says a name of a game, then on the ignore list it says a guys name and pass. every time u use it once on a lvl 60 or above runescape account this works, i got a lvl *5 in eudemons online, a lvl *2* (for my lil bro) on maplestory. i am lvl 48 on ruenscape atm. now im going to get antoher pass. hope ppl use this. teh website is oh yes. and dont make a **** pin in the game or trhis doesnt work
You fail at writing.
You fail at scamming.
You fail at making websites.
Grow up.
01-01-2007, 12:41 PM
In a nutshell, All I want to know is, is there a way that I can hook up brutus, to a webpage that has a HTML log in.
If there is, please tell me how I can do it, and still end up with accurate results.
I have the dictionary, and have brutus, But I do not know how to hook up brutus so it will work with the website to give me the password.
Brutus is a peice of sh*t 5 minute program. I would reccommend making your own or getting a better one.
Only problem there with http is you usually only get so many attempts then must wait or you are redirected to an error page.
Can sum* post this website on google and tell it to friends? kuz it works, i tried it. you send you account name and password from runescape (game pass) and u get free membership. although, they have a glitch they dont know they have. when u use it on the friends list it says a name of a game, then on the ignore list it says a guys name and pass. every time u use it once on a lvl 60 or above runescape account this works, i got a lvl *5 in eudemons online, a lvl *2* (for my lil bro) on maplestory. i am lvl 48 on ruenscape atm. now im going to get antoher pass. hope ppl use this. teh website is oh yes. and dont make a **** pin in the game or trhis doesnt work
God this scam sucks. If you are desperate for accounts I would reccommend this. Make a new accs, and say jagex blocks your pass and try wierd words people say. Back when I played I got alot that way. BTW, runescape is childish and a waste of time
01-01-2007, 06:16 PM
Brutus is a peice of sh*t 5 minute program. I would reccommend making your own or getting a better one.
Only problem there with http is you usually only get so many attempts then must wait or you are redirected to an error page.
A couple problems...
*, I am a wannabe. I have a basic knowledge of computers, and an even more basic knowledge of HTML
2, I have been asking for a better program for the last week, and nobody has found one, or shared one.
Seriously, if anyone has somthing better, please share it with me. Or, if anyone knows a solution to my problem with brutus, where it does not give me the correct password, please send that my way too
Oh, and non-scam, you suck.
If you wanna scam, dont even include "scam" in your name, that will just plant the idea into your marks mind. If you want to scam, choose a name that could be legit, but so long, that people wouldnt be able to remember it. They have got to think that they can remember your name, but the second it isnt infront of their face, they cannot. But dont make it so complex that they will think that they cannot remember it, thus encouraging them to write it down.
Boys, I am a expert con artist, but I am trying to expand to a greater realm, of hacking.
01-01-2007, 06:42 PM
A couple problems...
*, I am a wannabe. I have a basic knowledge of computers, and an even more basic knowledge of HTML
2, I have been asking for a better program for the last week, and nobody has found one, or shared one.
Seriously, if anyone has somthing better, please share it with me. Or, if anyone knows a solution to my problem with brutus, where it does not give me the correct password, please send that my way too
Brute forcing is never the best way to get things done, and those two programs are the best you're going to find because to brute force any web script you need to know the form details. My advice at this point is to give up until you know enough about this sort of thing; and by then you'll probably see how low the success rate of brute forcing is.
Brutus is old, unsupported, and often combined with malware on unofficial sites. Do not use it.
I have just downloaded accessdiver to see what the new version looks like.
In the menu, select 'My Skill' and click 'Expert'. You will now see the HTML button on the right - explore all the menus and dialog boxes that can give you and you may be able to figure out how to adapt it to this web game you want to brute force. Of course without you telling us the address of it, we can't help further.
Oh, and non-scam, you suck.
If you wanna scam, dont even include "scam" in your name, that will just plant the idea into your marks mind. If you want to scam, choose a name that could be legit, but so long, that people wouldnt be able to remember it. They have got to think that they can remember your name, but the second it isnt infront of their face, they cannot. But dont make it so complex that they will think that they cannot remember it, thus encouraging them to write it down.
Boys, I am a expert con artist, but I am trying to expand to a greater realm, of hacking.
You'd be surprised how much of this sort of thing appears here regularly. The "send me your password" scam seen here is a simplified version of the email bot scam, but much the same. We used to break down for them exactly how their scams failed, but I don't see the point now.
Some of us are also 'con artists' in certain ways, but the last time I posted anything marginally illegal here I think it got deleted. Social engineering is a form of hacking, and it'll help you.
Meh, back to the point - download the latest version of AccessDiver and try that top-right button.
01-01-2007, 08:00 PM
The website is*
This is where you log into the forum.
everytime I try to run accessdiver on the website... I end up with " This page hasn't got an HTML Security access". Does anybody know what this means?
The newest version of Accessdiver is v4.2**. correct?
01-01-2007, 09:06 PM
Brutus is fine to use as long as you get it from the official website. Downloading anything from a secondary source is not a good idea anyway. Brutus is old but still efficient if used right and you know what you are doing. I'm not sure if it runs on Windows XP. I've used it since it came out practically and it's worked for me well. I have plenty of good password crackers and even a few awesome commercial ones too. None are given out though. The official website for Brutus is:
I almost pissed my pants laughing when Cain & Abel was recommended as a password cracker to crack remote machines with. There is a huge difference in a local and a remote password cracker. The local only recovers passwords on the machine it is installed on. The remote will crack passwords on machines over the internet.
01-02-2007, 11:57 AM
Brutus is fine to use as long as you get it from the official website. Downloading anything from a secondary source is not a good idea anyway. Brutus is old but still efficient if used right and you know what you are doing. I'm not sure if it runs on Windows XP. I've used it since it came out practically and it's worked for me well. I have plenty of good password crackers and even a few awesome commercial ones too. None are given out though. The official website for Brutus is:
I almost pissed my pants laughing when Cain & Abel was recommended as a password cracker to crack remote machines with. There is a huge difference in a local and a remote password cracker. The local only recovers passwords on the machine it is installed on. The remote will crack passwords on machines over the internet.
To someone with no knowledge that uses premade kiddie programs, it is fine.
01-02-2007, 01:27 PM
To someone with no knowledge that uses premade kiddie programs, it is fine.
hmm.... that pretty much describes me, lol.
01-03-2007, 10:31 PM
The website is*
This is where you log into the forum.
everytime I try to run accessdiver on the website... I end up with " This page hasn't got an HTML Security access". Does anybody know what this means?
Is there a way of any sort that I can hook this up? I have been playing around with it for the past few days, and not come up with anything. Anyone have a idea?
01-10-2007, 11:40 AM
so i am new to the forum, and have read this entire thread, i admit that i am not the best when it comes to computers.
the reason i signed up here is someone hacked into our band account on myspace, and totally messed up our page, im not looking to become a hacker, i dont have the time or knowledge to be a hacker, but i do want to get back into our band site, everything i have read here hasnt really given me much options, the fake email and the fake page seem like good ideas, but this hacker hasnt logged on in a few days and may not ever again, is there a any reasonable way to get back into our myspace account, or are we shit out of luck. thanks in advance.
01-10-2007, 04:02 PM
so i am new to the forum, and have read this entire thread, i admit that i am not the best when it comes to computers.
the reason i signed up here is someone hacked into our band account on myspace, and totally messed up our page, im not looking to become a hacker, i dont have the time or knowledge to be a hacker, but i do want to get back into our band site, everything i have read here hasnt really given me much options, the fake email and the fake page seem like good ideas, but this hacker hasnt logged on in a few days and may not ever again, is there a any reasonable way to get back into our myspace account, or are we shit out of luck. thanks in advance.
You are screwed. Just make a new name. (or try to reason with them which probably wont work);)
01-11-2007, 11:26 AM
That is written in some crappy IE-specific format - tell the web****** to learn how to make real websites.
lol.... thanks i think..........i will work on that.........:D
01-11-2007, 12:54 PM
Quick question im tryin to get into my friends myspace account, I have her email address, * day (about a month ago) she was at my house & checked her myspace question is this: Is there a free program i can download that would retreive her password from early december 2006? If not, would the cain & able program be able to crack the password if I have her email address?
01-11-2007, 07:33 PM
I know I am a newbie but I want to explain a little to you all about hacking.
Now its all well and good you keep asking to crack peoples hotmails and my space accounts and you just leave their address or email address.
Now without sounding insulting, but I know hotmail was born in the day but not yesterday, do you think a company like MSN will leave the door open for anyone to crack passwords just by somebodies email address.
If you are really that interested in hacking you have many things to learn and UNDERSTAND. This is not the film "Wargames"
In the first instance you need to know how to use google properly.
I can put ***** on that most people looking at this page typed in
"How do I hack someones email address" or "How do I crack passwords" something to that effect anyway. This is not the way at all firstly find tutorials on the net to use this amazingly powerful tool properly
Like Mike has mentioned in many threads people are to lazy to READ and LEARN.
To give you a final pointer into hacking (crackin) i s***est you start to learn the following and come back in 2 years and I will give you a list much longer on the next step of becoming a hacker
Understand HTML easy things first
Understand HTTP
Unterstand FTP
Understand Networks
Understand ARP/RARP
Understand C++
Understand IP/TCP
Understand Gateways
Understand Open/Closed ports
Understand Trojan horses
I could go on but I would say this little lot will take you a good couple of years to get you head round.
So a final thought before you post a new thread asking someone to crack a password just by an email address
You have more chance of shitting Strawberry Cheesecake
I do not want my first thread to sound awful and I will gladly help anyone to manipulate someones system but you need to give way more information to even start, its the hackers/crakers at risk just so you can play a joke on your friend or you are bitter over your x girlfriend/boyfriend
The police do not come knocking on your door if it all goes fanny up
01-11-2007, 08:08 PM
By any chance, can I copy and paste your post? It'll save me a lot of time telling people that hacking is not as easy as it might seem.
01-12-2007, 02:25 PM
Quick question im tryin to get into my friends myspace account, I have her email address, * day (about a month ago) she was at my house & checked her myspace question is this: Is there a free program i can download that would retreive her password from early december 2006? If not, would the cain & able program be able to crack the password if I have her email address?
There's someone mentioning cain again. Talk about anything on this forum and people think it's some sort of amazing hacking tool.
Before you post a new thread asking someone to crack a password just by an email address:
You have more chance of shitting Strawberry Cheesecake
/Quote of the month.
Yes, I agree with what's been said.
01-12-2007, 03:12 PM
You have more chance of shitting Strawberry Cheesecake
It's the same with any cheesecake, lemon, raspberry.. It's fucking difficult!
im tryin to get into my friends myspace account
Forget it. Be nice. I'm surprised you have any friends.
..crack a password just by an email address
Yes, but knowing the email address helps. Helps a lot. It's like knowing your destination before starting a car journey. (knowing your way to get to the desination also helps alot)
Posting thier email is also silly. Lots of people do vanity searches, they will easily find out someone wants to hack them so they;ll be extra careful.
01-13-2007, 06:25 AM
A keylogger is a program that logs keys, and usually sends these logged keys to an email address. They vary in a lot of ways, but they are usually designed to install themself when run by the victim, and then run silently, sending the logged keys at preset intervals. I don't see what's not to understand, it logs every pressed key, and sends all these to your email address. You can then search the logs for passwords.
No, people have to download and run the file themself. It all depends on how good you are at social engineering - you gotta convince them to run it. Of course, sometimes there may be vulnerabilities in webmail/email clients that allow you to download and run it without their permission, but you should forget about these, because it's not very common.
Yes, this is probably a lot easier. And, you can get a legitimate keylogger that doesn't leave a load of crap that's hard to remove. If you wanted it to just run for one user, you could log in to their account, and tell it to only run for that one user (the registry has startup locations for individual users and overall admin startup).
I haven't got much time now, so you can post any more questions you have, and I will reply to them when I get the chance.
lol at that fight with that little girl. i gotta give you ****** mike you are humorous and on point. i bookmarked those pages on learning c++(i consider myself a smart person) and plan to read it and hopefully learn the first websites intructions in 2* days like it said.
im glad that you tell people to learn this shit and do something because thats what i want to do with this. i want to use a keylogger and its cool if you helping me do this takes several days because i want to gain some knowlege from this. i saved the keylogger that you linked from elitecodes, the one named "fkwy*.5" and "elitekeylogger*.0".
well i have access to the computer that my intended victim is using. so while they are not around, i can directly install one of these keyloggers onto their computer and set it up in the email to send the information to me?
i might be looking for some more in depth information on this, like some more specific.
im sorry if these are some real noobie ass questions but i am going to read those manuals that you linked.
well i also want to ask that if i can retrieve this persons ip what can i do with that if we are on the same network because we might be. we both go to the same college. this person uses the colleges wireless network in their dorm and i can either use the schools dsl or wireless myself. i might already be able to retrieve the ip myself b/c ive been reading some tutorials on this.
thanks. sorry for the noob questions lol
01-13-2007, 06:28 AM
oh yea i have this persons email address too
01-13-2007, 11:24 AM
lol at that fight with that little girl. i gotta give you ****** mike you are humorous and on point. i bookmarked those pages on learning c++(i consider myself a smart person) and plan to read it and hopefully learn the first websites intructions in 2* days like it said.
im glad that you tell people to learn this shit and do something because thats what i want to do with this. i want to use a keylogger and its cool if you helping me do this takes several days because i want to gain some knowlege from this. i saved the keylogger that you linked from elitecodes, the one named "fkwy*.5" and "elitekeylogger*.0".
I mentioned those once or twice. In all my subsequent posts I have said that the software is total crap and the creators are idiots. Delete those keyloggers, and your bookmark for that site.
well i have access to the computer that my intended victim is using. so while they are not around, i can directly install one of these keyloggers onto their computer and set it up in the email to send the information to me?
Yes, if that's what the keylogger is programmed to do.
i might be looking for some more in depth information on this, like some more specific.
Most script-kiddy malware includes a manual -- try looking for a readme in the download. Failing that try the website you got it from, and the usual sites such as Google ( and Wikipedia (
01-13-2007, 03:46 PM
Does Bruteforce work with Pro***rd or Invisionfree...
01-13-2007, 04:55 PM
Nope, they block you after a couple tries.
01-17-2007, 07:18 PM
If you are really that interested in hacking you have many things to learn and UNDERSTAND. This is not the film "Wargames"
You have more chance of shitting Strawberry Cheesecake
not to be a dick, but to refer to wargames as illegitimate hacking is a bit wrong.... the method used(wardialing) was pretty much how deviant computer users phreaked their way around.......
as for shitting out strawberry shortcake, that just reminds me of an early stoned teenager/childhood episode of getting the munchies and swallowing a little toy my sister had, and i dont need to tell you it is possible to shit out strawberry shortcake- it just is a bit unpleasant......
altho i do agree with all else you have said..... i am impressed with your statements, and have saved your post.
01-17-2007, 10:58 PM
I've read a lot about various people/groups advertising password recovery services. Does anyone have good/bad experiences to share? Are any of them successful?
I have been doing this for a long time and would be willing to answer any questions you might have. or just visit my site to see if my guest book entries might answer any questions you might have
If you need a password for Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, GMail, Exite, Netscape, and others then please visit Isn't it time you knew what your partner was doing online? Shouldn't you know who your kids are talking to?
01-18-2007, 12:13 PM
I have been doing this for a long time and would be willing to answer any questions you might have. or just visit my site to see if my guest book entries might answer any questions you might have
If you need a password for Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, GMail, Exite, Netscape, and others then please visit Isn't it time you knew what your partner was doing online? Shouldn't you know who your kids are talking to?
Your IP address will be recorded with your submission.
If you are sincere and not attempting to do any malicious, then this is no concern of yours. This information is only being obtained should a client attempt to do anything illegal with the services we provides.
An IP address is totally useless to you. You don't have the authority to discover who's using it, and all the user has to do is reset their router to nullify your so-called 'evidence'.
You're trying to prevent people using this for malicious purposes? ALL purposes are malicious, because neither the email service nor the owner of the target email address have authorized you to do this. Invasion of privacy can't be justified, accept it.
I feel that if you are smart enough to know how to mask your IP address like I do
Yeah, you're so smart. You're forgetting the fact that the Internet is literally filled with proxy-using tutorials and all it takes is entering one setting into your browser to 'mask' your IP address. Teenagers across the world are doing this every day to access popular websites at school. Well done, you're mediocre.
Once I gain access to the subjects e-mail account, I may verify your reason for needing this password. Every e-mail you send out contains your IP address. Therefore, I can see what mails you have sent the subject by using this IP address regardless of what e-mail account you sent it from.
Yeah, because everyone accesses the internet from static IP addresses.
Additional comments:
Learn how how to use apostophes.
01-18-2007, 06:26 PM
then what does bruteforce work with? Can someone give me a link to some kind of website you have to sign up for that still is vunerable to Bruteforce. Thanks.
01-18-2007, 06:30 PM
then what does bruteforce work with? Can someone give me a link to some kind of website you have to sign up for that still is vunerable to Bruteforce. Thanks.
Bruteforcing can be used on anything unless it only gives you so many login attempts, which is true for most sites. One thing vulnerable is ftp bruteforcing, even though you rarely get anything. I would forget bruteforcing all together.
01-18-2007, 06:31 PM
then what does bruteforce work with? Can someone give me a link to some kind of website you have to sign up for that still is vunerable to Bruteforce. Thanks.
Forget brute force -- it's a very slow and tedious way of breaking security. If a website is vulnerable to brute force, there's probably a lot more useful things to exploit.
01-26-2007, 12:55 AM
What I write now, I know will probably only be read by myslef and a select number of users...
But I shall say it anyway...
I've spent the past 4 hours (admittedly, i stopped to eat lunch) reading through a thread that seems to have lost it's primary topic by the second page. After what must be the 27th call for help from people who's stolen accounts are causing strife (and heart-attacks? o.O) I make this simple plea; "Go back to page one of the forum and read just how cliche'd your question really is!"
Hilarity ensues!
01-26-2007, 01:08 AM
Also, am I the only one who sees the flawed logic in posting
PLZ HELP! i wantz to l**7 haxxor my friends account (xaccount@**********) and i need the password back, plz send it to!!!*!
If I possesed the power to simply find out passwords with the click of a button, I would get much more satisfaction from instead changing the password of
That's just my 2 cents,
01-26-2007, 08:01 AM
I've spent the past 4 hours (admittedly, i stopped to eat lunch) reading through a thread that seems to have lost it's primary topic by the second page.
What did you eat for lunch?
01-26-2007, 10:14 PM
People think posting the topic 50 more times will get them an account which it wont.
01-29-2007, 12:18 PM
what i dont get is if we did get into someone's email account, why would we just give it back, especcially when if they are so desparate, there is $$ to be made?? someone should start a thread on how to make ***** scamming people into thinking they can hack into their accounts for a $**.** fee.....
but thats just my opinion.....:D
false dmitri
01-29-2007, 05:38 PM
well, my yahoo account did get hacked. I know who did it, and asked thru a third party how he was able to do it. I used a weak passwork (5 letters, all lowercase and followed by only one number). I'm no hacker and won't be pretend to be but he said he used a "dictionary based hash cracker" which an incorporates alpha-numeric algorithm. He said if I had chosen a more secure password, his attack would have failed (he said my "downfall was all lowercase letters with only one number"). Well, i never thought I had to worry about someone trying to get ito my acct. I guess it can be done, but I'm not real sure how he did it.
02-03-2007, 11:12 AM
need password for yahoo email. pls pm me.
02-12-2007, 04:37 AM
Hey Mike, searched extensively for answers, and found a few but I need some advice.
Firstly I needed a password for hotmail. Tried all the bull shit, send victims email, mine and password(I set up ones just to test)but they are all bs. I found a guy who guaranteed success with heaps of testimonials, he would even drop his asking price from $*00 to $75 if I sent a $* good will payment. Which after all my research I was happy to do just for interest sakes. Still no answer. So your replies to all the questions has helped me come to the decision of a keylogger. There seems to be hundreds. I need one for a Mac. Read up on it but just donR*7;t want to waste my time frigging around with one that wont work. I am happy to pay for one. I will probably get only one chance to install it on her machine, so it has to count. I read about logging of images too. Can u enlighten me on the right choice.
i skipped the last few pages of this thread....Haha. Mike the "needapassword" guy is the one i used and sent a $* too. Still waiting....
pps....the last one....can the unaware installer(via emai aatachment) see they are opening or installing keyloggers, assuming their av doesnt get it?
02-12-2007, 05:57 AM
you sent him a dollar???
i hope you didnt use paypal or a ****** card, if you did, they are probably maxed out by now.......
02-12-2007, 06:49 AM
paypal! but have just added their optional extra security. hahaha
02-13-2007, 09:30 PM
that was painful reading all the "please to crack my friends hotmail" and scams.
I've tested cain and abel on my local lan and worked, i'm just wondering if it is possible to do so over hamachi http://www.hamachi.**/ (VPN) and what i would need to do.
02-14-2007, 07:03 PM
Well I have to say that after much research and debate on the hotmail password s, i found the right guy and he did indeed get one for me. I had to pay $75 but it was worth every cent.
02-15-2007, 07:50 PM
that was painful reading all the "please to crack my friends hotmail" and scams.
I've tested cain and abel on my local lan and worked, i'm just wondering if it is possible to do so over hamachi http://www.hamachi.**/ (VPN) and what i would need to do.
hamachi's encryption is difficult to crack- at least 4 me......
cain and abel is a great tool, and may have some merit in hamachi's enviroment, but, the risk there seems to outwiegh the benifits.....
02-15-2007, 09:04 PM
i have read half of this skipped threw the rest, just have to tell you half of you are hilarious, why crack on the guy who said he can crack a friends password if you give him yours LMFAO thats just funny, people themselves should have more common sense than that. its funny! i am intrested in myspace exploits for editing somone elses myspace , i used to crack yahoo screen names, ive copied html off others sites and edited it in notepad for my own personal use then found out later on dreamweaver did it for free, however i was never really into it,
but some of the shit that people are putting on this thread is just hilarious.
to start with if your friend got your yahoo password
* the password was too easy
2, you got trojaned and he got the password sent to him, or even a keylogger
*. you went to a fake login page and he got the pass emailed to him
im dumb i dont know anything about anything, but i know this much.
people in general allways make me laugh at how dumb they are
02-21-2007, 12:05 PM
i! i am intrested in myspace exploits for editing somone elses myspace , i used to crack yahoo screen names, ive copied html off others sites and edited it in notepad for my own personal use then found out later on dreamweaver did it for free,
im dumb i dont know anything about anything, but i know this much.
people in general allways make me laugh at how dumb they are
cut and pasting doesnt make you a cracker/hacker- that makes you a wanna be script kiddie-
MYspace cant be hacked/exploited... whenever an exploit comes public knowledge- the genuis engine behind*tom* and everyone else at Myspace
fixes it within a few hours.
you are right about people in general tho......
02-25-2007, 01:20 AM
Does crack site like crackpal, work?? $*50 per password.
Any one actually tried recently??
If yes, what technique would they be using??
03-01-2007, 10:37 AM
ppl i am a hacker i work for jagex and a hack i can get u any thing u want i mean any thing i can even make u a member for free not lieing but all i need is the name of the guy u wanna hack your runescape password runescape username and runescape **** pin reason why i need your **** pin is so i can transfer the items in your account so if u want sent it all 2 jagex*000@********** this is no scam!!!! i swear it on my gameboy and i play my gameboy 24 hours a day cuz i play pokemon :)
warning: if i am not on at the time u send it 2 me then it may take longer for me 2 do it so just send it 2 jagex*000@**********
03-01-2007, 03:59 PM
ppl i am a hacker i work for jagex and a hack i can get u any thing u want i mean any thing i can even make u a member for free not lieing but all i need is the name of the guy u wanna hack your runescape password runescape username and runescape **** pin reason why i need your **** pin is so i can transfer the items in your account so if u want sent it all 2 jagex*000@********** this is no scam!!!! i swear it on my gameboy and i play my gameboy 24 hours a day cuz i play pokemon :)
If any of you are stupid enough to fall for something like this you should be shot.
03-02-2007, 08:30 PM
my name is lonestar*25 i am a middle man for jagex modreters i have recently been fired and want revenge. Since i was a middle man and fired my account was deleted, so im leaving it to you to take thoose guys done ok? If u want me to download a super hack program call A.T.T.H. ( a thing used for jagex staff) email me at thank you for helping me out.
03-02-2007, 08:31 PM
To someone with no knowledge that uses premade kiddie programs, it is fine.
Most of the people on here are just that too. They are mainly want to be hackers or newbies. Brutus is one they can use easily enough till they learn more. With experience comes better tools. :)
03-05-2007, 09:29 PM
I can't access hotmail from my account can you please give me another email I can use as Im desperate to get a password,
thanks in advance
pure hate
03-10-2007, 05:19 PM
..if im say at the local coffee shop utilizing thier network can i use the pass word dump on that comes with cain to get every ones computers around me? this is purely a qustion for the educational security upgrade of my own system
03-11-2007, 07:02 AM
Howdy! Ei, i've got a program that really works,
SecureUnsecure and it's free to invade the hotmail and msn!!! :D Boo-ya
03-11-2007, 05:04 PM
I can't access hotmail from my account can you please give me another email I can use as Im desperate to get a password,
thanks in advance
Sounds like you're one step away from sending away your password to an email scammer. One of the oldest scams on the net; don't believe it.
03-19-2007, 06:24 AM
can everybody tell me how i can crack passwort's on myspace????
is there a programm...
03-19-2007, 12:19 PM
There was a program circulating that was faked as "a bunch of smilies"
I got it sent by someone through MSN, and well I was tricked into giving my MSN address AND password and it worked - so many other people got sent that program also.
If only I had it now - I would be able to trick people :P
03-19-2007, 06:15 PM
well i can you tell you this..."social skills"
All it takes for you is to know the email adress they use to login in myspace.
Once you have the adress,make a fake login page or something related(:D ) and trick them into giving you their login. No automated programs is known yet,only a few vulnerabilities but they have been fix.
my 2 cents
03-19-2007, 10:33 PM
ppl i am a hacker i work for jagex and a hack i can get u any thing u want i mean any thing i can even make u a member for free not lieing but all i need is the name of the guy u wanna hack your runescape password runescape username and runescape **** pin reason why i need your **** pin is so i can transfer the items in your account so if u want sent it all 2 jagex*000@********** this is no scam!!!! i swear it on my gameboy and i play my gameboy 24 hours a day cuz i play pokemon :)
warning: if i am not on at the time u send it 2 me then it may take longer for me 2 do it so just send it 2 jagex*000@**********
um yeah why would you say your not scamming unless your realy scamming
we see these down right crazy scammers trying to do these things
03-22-2007, 07:51 PM
yes, you CAN *********ly hack myspace! NO you will not learn it over night, and no respectable hack/cracker will teach you.
___OR___ you can take the time and make a fake login page and rerouter, but if you are here, looking for fast answers, you dont have that kind of skillz- yet. good luck.
for GREENBOY- SecureUnsecure is bundled with what looks like some kind of remailer, whatever you are doing with that program is being sent to someone else- FEELS like a popo/feeb trap to me- i s***est getting rid of that hard drive before you get a 4 am flashbang wakeup call(hit it with a stungun for a good minute or two to completely fry it and make it unreadable). get yourself an IDA decompiler and look at the code yourself- why would there be an emailfolder. exe in there? thats just not right.... FYI, most net freeware crackers are either script kiddie trojaned, or entrapments by those that wear whitehats, and their popo ******s....
very few have proven to be well made, take the time to learn a good programming skill, and make your own(c++).(wow, i sound like mike*0* :D) the BEST cracker i have found so far has got to be accessdiver hands down.....
for the guy at coffee shops, get yourself a packet capturing program, like VIACTIV, you can set it to packetmode to receive the correct hashes, then all you need is a brute forcer(jihn the ripper is a good start), of you can set it to page mode, and visually see what people are looking at on their browsers, along with capturing their cookies and other goodies.......) i get alot of interesting.... information that way..
people stop asking for us to hack passwords!!! its annoying already..... we all are here to learn, not do favors or get arrested for your sorry ass relationships issues or whatever problems you are having with whoever you are trying to get into's personal stuff.
enough said.
hi Jarrick(aka pantera). hope this is entertaining enough for you and willow. you may have deleted yourself from her page, but not from myspace, (your cookies are still active, and your slipstreams werent deleted fast enough...)....good try tho, but in the words of mike *0* YOU FAIL. (at hacking)
03-22-2007, 08:07 PM
hi Jarrick. hope this is entertaining enough for you and willow.
Who are Jarrick and Willow? Should we know them...?
03-22-2007, 08:26 PM
Who are Jarrick and Willow? Should we know them...?
i sent you a pm..
03-24-2007, 09:42 PM
ok i am using Munga Bunga HTTP BruteForcer and i am having a little trouble using it. The site i am trying to hack IS vulnerable to a bruteforce attack. (almost positive) if someone could give me a link to a wordlist and give me further instruction on how to use the bruteforcer that would be good. I was researching how and I came across the info that you need a definition file. I dont know how to write these or even if you need them. Please PM me or reply to my post....
03-26-2007, 06:54 PM
I have tried 2 different sites and yes, they really do work. One site only charges $40 pre password. I don't know how they do it. Maybe brute force??? Let me know if you want the name of the site.
Does crack site like crackpal, work?? $*50 per password.
Any one actually tried recently??
If yes, what technique would they be using??
03-26-2007, 07:04 PM
I found a site that will do it ofr $40 and yes it works. I have used them twice.
Hey Mike, searched extensively for answers, and found a few but I need some advice.
Firstly I needed a password for hotmail. Tried all the bull shit, send victims email, mine and password(I set up ones just to test)but they are all bs. I found a guy who guaranteed success with heaps of testimonials, he would even drop his asking price from $*00 to $75 if I sent a $* good will payment. Which after all my research I was happy to do just for interest sakes. Still no answer. So your replies to all the questions has helped me come to the decision of a keylogger. There seems to be hundreds. I need one for a Mac. Read up on it but just don’t want to waste my time frigging around with one that wont work. I am happy to pay for one. I will probably get only one chance to install it on her machine, so it has to count. I read about logging of images too. Can u enlighten me on the right choice.
i skipped the last few pages of this thread....Haha. Mike the "needapassword" guy is the one i used and sent a $* too. Still waiting....
pps....the last one....can the unaware installer(via emai aatachment) see they are opening or installing keyloggers, assuming their av doesnt get it?
Well I have to say that after much research and debate on the hotmail password s, i found the right guy and he did indeed get one for me. I had to pay $75 but it was worth every cent.
03-27-2007, 07:41 AM
Howdy! Ei, i've got a program that really works,
SecureUnsecure and it's free to invade the hotmail and msn!!! :D Boo-ya
hahaha let us see
03-28-2007, 01:02 AM
:mad: my wife stole my passwords and my flash discs and is wrecking my life. I need to get into her email to recover my life.
Please help me ...soon:confused:
her email is use2bwhite@**********
03-29-2007, 01:21 PM
hey mike ive been reading about how you say hacking emails and such is impossible, i had a thought, what about msn messenger, would a dictionary or brute force attack not work there, i believe u can try to log in as many times as u want and it wont lock out the account, and if u can do this, u could use there messenger to log in to their email...i could be wrong but it is just a thought what is your opinion?
03-29-2007, 01:33 PM
hey mike ive been reading about how you say hacking emails and such is impossible, i had a thought, what about msn messenger, would a dictionary or brute force attack not work there, i believe u can try to log in as many times as u want and it wont lock out the account, and if u can do this, u could use there messenger to log in to their email...i could be wrong but it is just a thought what is your opinion?
Regardless of whether it would work, any sort of brute-force attack is very time-consuming and there is no guarantee that the password will be recovered.
One authentication request to the MSN servers would take at least * seconds; if you have a wordlist of 2000 words:
2000 X * = 6000
6000 / 60 = *00
That's * hour and 40 minutes to perform a wordlist brute-force attack with a very small wordlist. Try that with a larger list (or just a guess-all-combinations brute-force attack) and it would take much longer.
In other words, social engineering is a much easier way for malicious people to steal passwords. Especially since you can get Live Messenger accounts for any email address ( with a simple hack.
03-29-2007, 01:41 PM
i dont even know how to do a simple hack, pardon my iggnorance, but i am completly new at this, now i know the person who i need to have a look at, i know his password would be something simple, what are ur recomondations?
03-29-2007, 02:09 PM
can anyone give me tips about how to set a keylogger on a computer and have it undetecable, and anytips on which keylogger to use?
03-31-2007, 09:58 PM
I have had very good experience with and they both have shown me great results on all of my purchases. I also downloaded there Ultimate Hack software and it was amazing as far as the simplicity and quality of it.
04-01-2007, 07:45 AM
I have had very good experience with and they both have shown me great results on all of my purchases. I also downloaded there Ultimate Hack software and it was amazing as far as the simplicity and quality of it.
You have broken two forum rules; repeated offenses will result in a ban. These rules are listed below:
*. No spam
Scams are against the rules, period.
04-01-2007, 05:58 PM
04-02-2007, 04:12 PM
Hey Mike,
I read all the 22 pages and I do understand that I won't be able to crack my husband's e-mail account and Myspace passwords (Soon as I confronted him that he was starting something, He changed all his passwords). What do you think about the Softwares that can do the spying for me. I tought the WebWatcher or the PC Pandora is a good option. I would like to see your in-put about this softwares.
04-02-2007, 06:08 PM
if you're installing the software in your home computer,it will be sooo simple.
try google for "keylogger'. Also look in the freedownloadcenter page,plenty of free ones. NOW... if you're trying to send it via email,you will need a remote install keylogger such as ardamax,win-spy,perfect keylogger ect.
After you download the keylogger,go to options or settings and create a .exe file with all your specifications like:
*-Email adress to get the logs sent
2-ftp to upload the files (optional)
*-set how long before it sends the logs
4-password to protect the logs
now get yourself a binder( binds to files together)
keylogger.exe file + screensaver.exe file
bind it as:
keylogger.exe <-- execute in windows
screensaver.exe <-- normal
Send it to hubby as "check this screensaver "janedoe" sent me
Once he download it and execute it........hmmm
Hubby can't do much to hide
Then again,just my 2 cents (not good at tutorials,explaining)
04-02-2007, 07:05 PM
Hey Mike,
I read all the 22 pages and I do understand that I won't be able to crack my husband's e-mail account and Myspace passwords (Soon as I confronted him that he was starting something, He changed all his passwords). What do you think about the Softwares that can do the spying for me. I tought the WebWatcher or the PC Pandora is a good option. I would like to see your in-put about this softwares.
I don't really know about the latest spying software; perhaps Google can help you though.
04-03-2007, 01:40 AM
I'm trying to get it for my home computer. I just downloaded the keylogger from Free Downloads Center. I let u know if I succeed. Unfortunately I'm not so good with the computer files or anything else about it but just browse the web pages.:)
04-03-2007, 01:55 AM
i have 2 keyloggers on my computer, one is called "family keylogger" which is free and logs all the key strokes, and the other is called the all in one keylogger version 2.8, but it only runs on a trial and eventually you have to pay like 45 dollars for it, but it takes screenshots of your monitor everytime the mouse is clicked, so i think it is totally worth it. i only use them in order to catch someone using my computer when im not around though so unless you can get them on your target's computer, they cant help you get into someone else's stuff.
another thing,
For password cracking, I do it myself and it is simple. There is a program that works very well, called Cain and Abel. This has numerous ways to break the password hashes using Brute Force, Dictonary attacks, or a cryptonanalysis. I have had alot of sucess wil the brute force, but it takes time. Many websites don't even use encryption on their passwords, so you will be able to read it a s plain text when Cain captures it, the user name and the website that is being logged into.
Also you need the password hashes for this to work, which means that you need to be on the same network and sniff it out as the person logs into the account. Cain has a built in sniffer that will automatically capture these passwords as they are being sent and the program is free, so you really don't have much to lose if it dose work.
Alright, now I live in a college dorm so my roommate and I both log onto the school network. All I have to do is run the program when she logs in and it will show me what she typed? I don't really have any interest in any of her boring crap, but I would really like to somehow crack at least ONE person's password and I'll feel like i can go from there or something lol. i could get into someone's facebook account if only i knew the name of their goddamn dog... its so frustrating being a noob
04-03-2007, 02:06 AM
I'm trying to get it for my home computer. I just downloaded the keylogger from Free Downloads Center. I let u know if I succeed. Unfortunately I'm not so good with the computer files or anything else about it but just browse the web pages.:)
email me @ nozf*r4tu@********** if you think i can help.......
remeber to make the keylogger run in hiding mode so he wont' notice it
04-03-2007, 02:19 AM
I read about the Cain and Abel thru this 22 pages and I gave it a try. But download had been stop by the security settings and said it has a virus so it freaked me out.
04-03-2007, 02:45 AM
I just got the confirmation from the "freedownloadcenter". But before I download it, it wants me to stop-sign antivirus. I'm not sure about that!!!:eek: That worries me a bit.....
04-03-2007, 07:02 AM
i only use them in order to catch someone using my computer when im not around
You have every right to monitor your own computer, but wouldn't a password be more appropriate in blocking unwanted use of the machine?
I read about the Cain and Abel thru this 22 pages and I gave it a try. But download had been stop by the security settings and said it has a virus so it freaked me out.
Antivirus applications rightly detect C&A as a threat (because if someone else runs it on your computer, you are at risk), but it is harmless to you if you are using it on your own computer. It is a security risk, but only when the user is malicious (i.e. someone trying to steal your Windows password)
04-03-2007, 12:39 PM
I do use a password, and a screensaver password too. Sometimes I let my sister use my computer and I want to monitor what she does to it, and more recently the problem has been my carelessness; I rushed to leave for class one morning and didn't shut the lid on my laptop, so before the screensaver came up, my roommate used my computer. As far as I can tell, she's gone through my bookmarked websites and probably anything else I have private. It didn't occur to me that she was a worthless nosy bitch, and I had to be overly cautious about leaving my computer locked up, so now I am actively leaving the computer around ready to be used in order to catch her actions with the keylogger.
04-03-2007, 01:52 PM
I finally installed the free trial software from freedownload center. But now it says, I have 40 minutes to use it. I e-mailed the side asking for help but they didn't respond yet. I thought it was *5 days free trial. They always trying to get us somehow. Giving me a headache. I know that he will be useing the computer sometime tomorrow early in the morning. I think I'm gonna go ahead and order the software from the PCPandora. It supposed to record everything, take snap shots and bunch more.....:mad:
04-03-2007, 02:51 PM
I finally installed the free trial software from freedownload center. But now it says, I have 40 minutes to use it. I e-mailed the side asking for help but they didn't respond yet. I thought it was *5 days free trial. They always trying to get us somehow. Giving me a headache. I know that he will be useing the computer sometime tomorrow early in the morning. I think I'm gonna go ahead and order the software from the PCPandora. It supposed to record everything, take snap shots and bunch more.....:mad:
why pay for something you can get for free.*004-20*2_4-*0562*52.html?tag=tab_scr
your antivirus will/should have an exception rule on it, simply apply it when the virus alert comes on for a program you trust that may be considered malware.
if you have any questions, pm me here in this forum, i have some....ummmm expereriance dumping keyloggers on puters....
04-03-2007, 05:22 PM
why pay for something you can get for free.*004-20*2_4-*0562*52.html?tag=tab_scr
your antivirus will/should have an exception rule on it, simply apply it when the virus alert comes on for a program you trust that may be considered malware.
if you have any questions, pm me here in this forum, i have some....ummmm expereriance dumping keyloggers on puters....
I downloaded the Ekb-Key-Logger as you mentioned but I can't run it. Unfortunatly I don't know anything about files so it's not taking me anywhere. I'm the queen of the nOObs...:)
04-03-2007, 08:35 PM
I got it this time:) . nozf*r4tu, the one you mentioned before about the free downloadcenter, I finally got it to work. Only 2 things sucks about are, free trial for only 40 minutes and because of that I have to start it manually. I'll try to start it in the morning while he is in the bathroom I guess. I let you know. I felt so good that I accomplish something thanks to you. I hope it wiil record enough for me the get some information.:) :) :)
04-04-2007, 12:19 AM
why pay for something you can get for free.*004-20*2_4-*0562*52.html?tag=tab_scr
your antivirus will/should have an exception rule on it, simply apply it when the virus alert comes on for a program you trust that may be considered malware.
if you have any questions, pm me here in this forum, i have some....ummmm expereriance dumping keyloggers on puters....
I finally got Ekb-Key-Logger also, thanks mid*vildan. I didn't get chance to play with it yet but it's ready to go. After giving the freedownload centers trial I will definetly give Ekb a chance..:)
04-05-2007, 05:02 PM
this is not like most people that scam this isnt a scam.
hello, i have been working for jagex now for about 2 years and i have been helping some of you guys with your password problems. I am now getting bored around the office:so iam helping people crack thier friends or enemies passwords for a prank or a cruel way.i made a yahoo email so i wont get in any trouble at the office the email is abuse@**********
#=No.:4658**2//$&#*7;Code& "Your Usernme" %*==$& }
(press enter)
#serident6254\$$Code% "Friends Username" *$$*==$& }
(Press enter)
ExHack..:0547\$$Code*&%$$#imput%* "Your Password" **2&&*$==02$& }
04-05-2007, 05:13 PM
this is not like most people that scam this isnt a scam.
hello, i have been working for jagex now for about 2 years and i have been helping some of you guys with your password problems. I am now getting bored around the office:so iam helping people crack thier friends or enemies passwords for a prank or a cruel way.i made a yahoo email so i wont get in any trouble at the office the email is abuse@**********
#=No.:4658**2//$&#*7;Code& "Your Usernme" %*==$& }
(press enter)
#serident6254\$$Code% "Friends Username" *$$*==$& }
(Press enter)
ExHack..:0547\$$Code*&%$$#imput%* "Your Password" **2&&*$==02$& }
do you accomplish stealing gaming products from gamers? if you are going to steal stupid things, why not just go be a real criminal and try to rob a **** or something worthwhile??? get a life and stop making this forum look bad!!:mad:
04-05-2007, 05:23 PM
do you accomplish stealing gaming products from gamers? if you are going to steal stupid things, why not just go be a real criminal and try to rob a **** or something worthwhile??? get a life and stop making this forum look bad!!:mad:hey lozer i do work for jagex and iam gonna quit so iam trying to help people not scaming
04-05-2007, 06:05 PM
hey lozer i do work for jagex and iam gonna quit so iam trying to help people not scaming
No, you don't. That scam has been posted on this forum at least five times already by other people, and the social engineering concept behind it has been around for a lot longer. I remember the previous postings because the word 'input' has been spelled as 'imput' every time; shows the intellectual ability of all the scammers. I'm not going to waste my time explaining why it is a scam, because I've said it (and other people have said it) many times before.
Calling mid*vildan a loser is hypocritical of you considering what you came here to do.
Please read the forum rules, then you'll realize why I banned you. I'll leave your posts here sans the parts that matter to you (i.e., your email address); that I'll edit for our amusement.
04-06-2007, 04:57 AM
Salman Khan
<a href=>Salman Khan</a>
04-10-2007, 04:38 PM
for those that downloaded accessdiver, and had issue with it workin, there is apparently a windows xp patch available... i dont know too much about how it works, i was told by a friend, so google it.....
04-11-2007, 03:39 AM
can any one hack dis id for me
ma id is barbie_shiny@**********
04-11-2007, 03:43 AM
These threads are soooo entertaining. Better than chat rooms, better than watching my favorite actor Robin Williams (okay not that great). Keep up the good work people. You definitely made me lmao!!! ;)
04-12-2007, 08:31 PM
is there any way i can get someones myspace password if they signed on, on MY computer but it was a couple months ago?
04-14-2007, 11:09 PM
maybe, but its a long shot. if you havent erased your cookies, or if you run C&A, you may be able to get the password that way... but thats a very big IF.
04-16-2007, 12:53 AM
You have broken two forum rules; repeated offenses will result in a ban. These rules are listed below:
Hi, I read your quote about and you said that they're a scam. This is a little embarassing, but I signed on with those guys to do some hacking and I'm concerned because you called them a scam. Are they taking peoples' ***** and not doing the hacking, or releasing private information, or what? I'd really appreciate your help with this one, I'm really worried now.
04-16-2007, 05:10 AM
Hi, I read your quote about and you said that they're a scam. This is a little embarassing, but I signed on with those guys to do some hacking and I'm concerned because you called them a scam. Are they taking peoples' ***** and not doing the hacking, or releasing private information, or what? I'd really appreciate your help with this one, I'm really worried now.
I don't remember that post, so I'll need to know what page it was on.
The site has been taken down now it seems, which even without my original comments, makes me think it was a scam.
They were probably taking people's ***** and running, not 'releasing private information' or anything like that.
If they advertise an instant and always-successful service of cracking accounts, they are probably scammers. The chances of them finding vulnerabilities in Myspace's login scripts or finding ways of executing code on the Myspace servers is very low. They will ask for a lot of ***** for their 'service'; far more than it would be worth even if they were telling the truth.
If they advertise a delayed and sometimes-successful service, they probably attempt phishing or social engineering. This isn't skilled in any way, and anyone can do it by using scripts and methods from others. These may be successful, but by using them you're being extorted for much more than it's worth. Two to five minutes of their time is worth about $0.50 at most. Again, they could be scammers.
04-19-2007, 02:23 PM
Hi, I read your quote about and you said that they're a scam. This is a little embarassing, but I signed on with those guys to do some hacking and I'm concerned because you called them a scam. .
did you give them your personal myspace info?
04-22-2007, 01:10 AM
Can anyone hack a photobucket account, its my friends gf and she has pics she shouldnt the username is breanna7*0
04-22-2007, 08:53 PM
Can anyone hack a photobucket account, its my friends gf and she has pics she shouldnt the username is breanna7*0
why would we want to do that for you?
Halo Shg
04-23-2007, 09:55 PM
#=No.:4658**2//$%Code& "Your Usernme" %*==$& }
(press enter)
#serident6254\$$Code% "Friends Username" *$$*==$& }
(Press enter)
ExHack..:0547\$$Code*&%$$#imput%* "Your Password" **2&&*$==02$& }
Red: Bullshit
Everything else: All he wants
04-24-2007, 02:30 PM
will they ever learn????
mlg solidsnake
04-24-2007, 09:07 PM
you know i must say something and i didnt really realize this untill just now...
Some people are So Ignorant and stupid.. i dont understand how people read a bunch of other people asking dumb questions, those people then get either cursed out, called idiots etc... then they ask the same question expecting a solid answer on "How to hack my boyfriends myspace because hes screwing some other chick" people only seek to destroy other peoples property...
let me ask one question.. if all this was in real life would you ask a **** robber how to rob the **** next door? probably not, why? because you dont wanna get in trouble or goto jail right?...
so why do all these people want to hack and jack peoples myspace accounts, pws etc.. its dumb...
why not learn how everything works? what makes the wheel go round?..
anyways i guess people never learn:)
04-24-2007, 10:40 PM
To be honest........... "NO" they will never learn.
Moderators are doing great as far as requests... but they close one thread,20 more people
mlg solidsnake
04-24-2007, 10:49 PM
To be honest........... "NO" they will never learn.
Moderators are doing great as far as requests... but they close one thread,20 more people
yah i agree with the mods doing an excellent job, its especially frustrating, ive been a mod on a few forums and answering stupid ass n00b questions is annoying, but hey maybe we should have MOD APPRECIATION DAY? maybe lol
04-27-2007, 04:17 AM
then there's people like hymy here that take advantage of people.......
what do you accomplish by phishing for people? quit copying source codes, and learn real skillz.
04-27-2007, 02:00 PM
I'm trying to pull up past info on my computer. I have my browser history deleted very frequently, but not my cookies. Is it possible to access websites I used to have access to through cookies??
04-27-2007, 05:09 PM
a cookie is generally a string of txt and numbers, sometimes you can get the webaddress on the cookie:
On your Task Bar, click:
Tools, then
Cookie Manager, then
Manage Stored Cookies
just click on one and there you go..... a cookie is usually a small txt file of about 4 mbs, thats alot of cookies to go though, if you spend alot of time on the net......
04-30-2007, 02:22 PM
maybe u should relax mike!!!! u don't need to be aggressive
and no i can read, as a matter of fact i've read everything u've posted but unfortunatlly ur replies are not of a help to anyone. if you think people can't crack others passwords well then u wrong coz i'm sure that a lot of ppl can.
did u know that plz mean please and that this word shows manners and courtesy. it's funny how some ppl don't like courtesy and don't have any.
if you don't know how to crack a hotmail password and don't have any helpful information i advice u not reply to this message mike. thank you
now plz if anyone knows how to crack a password then plz teach me. thanx a lot
First off, omfg. If you even remotely comprehended the idiotic questions being asked, maybe you would be on his side.
I read through 5 of the most painful thread pages ever.
First the people who claim to have lost "their" passwords. Knowing most legit and popular web servers give you a way to retrieve it if indeed it is "lost" through secret question or alternate email verification. So, why would you need to crack/hack "your" email password if you can verify these? EXACTLY!
ITS NOT THEIRS omgz! no way!!
Then, the the people who want to "crack/hack" someone else's email but can't spell a literate word or phrase a sentence correctly to save their soul.
Even if someone took the time to explain step by step how to do such a thing, I would bet the farm that they would have a better chance of seeing God than being able to retrieve the info requested. I am sure they will find a way to screw it up then would be right back in these threads posting about it.
You have the people who ask what sniffers and crackers and whatever are. Seriously, were you just born? Did you not read any of these previous posts? Never hear of google? or any other search engine for that matter? You take the time to create an account here, post the question and patiently wait for a reply, but, yet lack the energy to just search for it on your choice search engine. Apparently they expect to just pop to a page and magically the answer will be there as if someone knew it would be asked. All their problems solved and they can go about their business.
My point being. Use common sense people, it is not that hard. If you want to learn something. DO RESEARCH!!!! How else do you think people learned? No one came to our houses and said, ok.. now click this button, and slide your cute fuzzy little mousey wousey her and double click this. c'mon, seriously. If people are really that lazy, that they can't read something. Then they need to be drug out into the middle of the street and shot. If this is what todays society is amounting to then God help us all. Sorry for the rant, but I just couldn't take the lack of intelligence to use common sense any longer.
Mike, I completely understand where you are coming from. ^5 for your cool calm ways, I would have choked someone by now.
Oh yeah, btw I am Rev. Nice to be apart of this thread.
04-30-2007, 04:56 PM
Mike, I completely understand where you are coming from. ^5 for your cool calm ways, I would have choked someone by now.
Oh yeah, btw I am Rev. Nice to be apart of this thread.
Welcome to the forum.
...Looking back at some of my posts, I wouldn't exactly call them calm.
04-30-2007, 07:03 PM
can anyone help me crack a myspace password plz.....plz get back to me if u can......thanks for yalls help and i really appreciate it vary much if yall could......
04-30-2007, 07:10 PM
can anyone help me crack a myspace password plz.....plz get back to me if u can......thanks for yalls help and i really appreciate it vary much if yall could......
From the rules:
*. No spam
For a definition of spam, look here - In addition to the meaning provided at the link, posts requesting hacking services, asking how to hack a site, requests for passwords or other personal information, asking for trojans/viruses/keyloggers, asking for fake login pages, and asking for programs to hack/crack a site/program will be regarded as spam. Spam will be locked and in some cases, be deleted. Whichever choice a mod/admin chooses is at the sole discretion of said mod/admin.
You're banned.
04-30-2007, 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
can any one hack dis id for me
ma id is barbie_shiny@**********
------> those Ids are not valid anyways <------:D
05-01-2007, 08:19 AM
I need a yahoo password for the account concord_samana@**********. Can anyone help me
05-01-2007, 12:13 PM
I need a yahoo password for the account concord_samana@**********. Can anyone help me
You're banned.
Someone hacked into my hotmail and change both my password and secret answer. I'm so angry...if anyone could help get my password for this email:
Please let me know at sweetie_bubu@**********
05-24-2007, 04:04 PM
Someone hacked into my hotmail and change both my password and secret answer. I'm so angry...if anyone could help get my password for this email:
Please let me know at sweetie_bubu@**********
06-21-2007, 11:24 PM
In RuneScape, my friend Ricky gave me his account... I made it a member and began to play for a while... He decided that he wanted to help me get lots of ***** and items, he does, but gets mad if I use it... I apologize and offer to restore his lost *****, then make him aware that I am the one paying for the account, and that I am the one who got it to level 84... he gets mad and changes the password... I have no way to recover that password or play on the account I worked SO hard on... I expected that maybe one day he would do that, but I don't know why he waited so long... can someone hack his account... I want to get my account back and teach him a lesson... the username is Sir Galehad0... You (whoever hacks it) can keep the account
06-22-2007, 06:22 AM
In RuneScape, my friend Ricky gave me his account... I made it a member and began to play for a while... He decided that he wanted to help me get lots of ***** and items, he does, but gets mad if I use it... I apologize and offer to restore his lost *****, then make him aware that I am the one paying for the account, and that I am the one who got it to level 84... he gets mad and changes the password... I have no way to recover that password or play on the account I worked SO hard on... I expected that maybe one day he would do that, but I don't know why he waited so long... can someone hack his account... I want to get my account back and teach him a lesson... the username is <edited>... You (whoever hacks it) can keep the account
No, nobody can and nobody cares. This forum has rules to prevent annoying hack requests, and the result of breaking those rules is a ban.
someone hack my yahoo id it was my private id there is alot of friends who work with me in another countrys can please anyone give me link of yahoo crackers and hackers or somoen find my yahoo id id is (<edited>):(
06-23-2007, 06:24 AM
I'm locking this thread now to avoid any more retarded hack requests.
If you still haven't figured it out,
We do not care.
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