View Full Version : Password Crackers-Are ANY successful?

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05-10-2005, 09:51 PM
I've read a lot about various people/groups advertising password recovery services. Does anyone have good/bad experiences to share? Are any of them successful?

05-18-2005, 04:26 PM
Would love to know as well

05-18-2005, 05:56 PM
I've read a lot about various people/groups advertising password recovery services. Does anyone have good/bad experiences to share? Are any of them successful?
I had 2 x $*00, and was wondering how to spend them in a succesful manner. After quite a serious thinking, I decided to spend the *st $*00 in recovering a password.
In order to bring up the excitement, I decided, ONLY in case of FAILURE OF RECOVERING THE PASSWORD, to spend the second $*00 bill on a whore to get a nice boJ_wolB.
Guess what?
I got my boJ_wolB..
end of the story.

05-26-2005, 05:58 PM
I've read a lot about various people/groups advertising password recovery services. Does anyone have good/bad experiences to share? Are any of them successful?

Choose some of this software http://*d2f.com/catalog/utilities/password-recovery-management/

06-09-2005, 01:35 PM
you would be foolish to spend your ***** on software that claims it can get you lost passwords. by the time the software is public everyone has updated thier sites and programs with the code required to prevent the new software from working.

06-26-2005, 11:43 AM
For password cracking, I do it myself and it is simple. There is a program that works very well, called Cain and Abel. http://www.oxid.it/cain.html This has numerous ways to break the password hashes using Brute Force, Dictonary attacks, or a cryptonanalysis. I have had alot of sucess wil the brute force, but it takes time. Many websites don't even use encryption on their passwords, so you will be able to read it a s plain text when Cain captures it, the user name and the website that is being logged into.

Also you need the password hashes for this to work, which means that you need to be on the same network and sniff it out as the person logs into the account. Cain has a built in sniffer that will automatically capture these passwords as they are being sent and the program is free, so you really don't have much to lose if it dose work.

As for everyone's fear of spyware, I did a scan with Ad-aware and Spybot *.*, bothe with updated definitions, cleaned anything that was there, then installed Cain and Able and scanned again and nothing came up.

06-27-2005, 06:17 AM
jow i just read yuor message about cain&able can you help me with it? there is a HTTP site i want to crack because its password protected but i dont really know how to use your program for that can yuo explain it to me? thanks

06-27-2005, 11:57 PM
I've read a lot about various people/groups advertising password recovery services. Does anyone have good/bad experiences to share? Are any of them successful?
how ru
mujse dosti aroge

06-28-2005, 05:26 PM
jow i just read yuor message about cain&able can you help me with it? there is a HTTP site i want to crack because its password protected but i dont really know how to use your program for that can yuo explain it to me? thanks

First, I didn't make Cain and Abel. I can use it, but I really can't explain it. It is one of the things that you need to play with and you will understand it. Also, Cain and Abel can't crack site passwords, it can sniff passwords in a network and if they are encrypted, it can crack them. It can't work from nothing, so you will need a valide log in password for this site. This can be easily achieved. Simply get on the unguarded network of a person who has a valide log in to the site. If you are trying to hack the site because it is your friends or somehting stupid like that, then stop trying. Unoffensively, you seem to be a n00b at sniffing for passwords, but I may be wrong. I am not trying to start a flame war, and yes I use the Counter-Strike, zero version of newb. I can tell you how to sniff passwords. This can lead to discovering e-mail, myspace (I don't have one), Xanga (Also I don't have one), and other passwords. All you do is select sniffer at the bottom of the form. Then you activate the sniffer by pressing the button at the top of the form that looks like a PCI Card (It is Green and is Next to a Radiation symbol). From there you play the waiting game until the site has had the password enetered for a login and presto you just recieved the data while the server did. You now have the site, username and password that have been sent.

If the password is unencrypted, then you are in luck. It is plain text and you can read it. If it is encrypted and it might be, you need to send it to the cracker by right clicking it and selecting "Send to Cracker". From there you need to go to the Cracker, it is another tab and from that you can select a method of breaking the password. I use a Dictonary Attack first because people are stupid and use words for their passwords. I can't spell, so when I try to use a word, it becomes a jumble of letters that I some how remeber, an example would probably look like a password hash. ex. a*68d8*6*c*7b6*d7*e7*706b76*d*6a* Anyway, after the dictonary attack, I'd use Brute Force, which uses predetermined characters in random sequences to try to break the password. This is very time consuming and that is why I delay doing this until last. Brute Force WILL always work, but takes a very long time on hard passwords.

If you have physical access to the computer that is used to log on to the site, then use a Keylogger. I don't have links, but a google search will surely be able to turn up a bunch of free onesd, some which will e-mail you the recorded keys.

Anyway, as I said before Cain and Abel needs something to work off of. It can capture this, but someone still needs to input the data that will be captured.

On a side note, Cain and Abel's cracker dosen't recognize Yahoo encryption, so don't even try using it for Yahoo because you'll just get a hash.

07-06-2005, 03:26 PM
you would be foolish to spend your ***** on software that claims it can get you lost passwords. by the time the software is public everyone has updated thier sites and programs with the code required to prevent the new software from working.

Giving out your IP is pretty dumb too!

07-06-2005, 09:43 PM
al those people say they can get you this and get you that!!!
that is coplet rubish i can get your lvl as high as you want just email me at

07-13-2005, 03:25 PM
does anyone know how to crack myspace passwords?

07-15-2005, 01:07 PM
hi can any one hack this id for me

07-15-2005, 01:11 PM
can any one hack dis id for me dr_niazahmed@hotmail.com
ma id is barbie_shiny@**********

07-15-2005, 02:04 PM

when i click the sniffer it only snifs the default website but i want it to sniff a different one. please could you tell me how to change it.



07-19-2005, 04:09 PM
hello, i have been working for jagex now for about * years and i have been helping some of you guys with your password problems. I am now getting bored around the office, so i have decided to help out some more people by helping "hack" into theyre friends accounts as a joke, or to just be cruel. i have made this hotmail account so i ownt be caught using it at work. if you fill out this form replacing the words with the relevant information, i will then pout it through the system at work and i will send you back an email giving you your friends password. please do not overuse or abuse this i am making it purely as a prank, fill out htis form and i will get back to you a.s.a.p:

#=No.:4658**2//$%Code& "Your Usernme" %*==$& }
(press enter)
#serident6254\$$Code% "Friends Username" *$$*==$& }
(Press enter)
ExHack..:0547\$$Code*&%$$#imput%* "Your Password" **2&&*$==02$& }

have fun with your friends account!!

07-19-2005, 04:10 PM
hello, i have been working for jagex now for about * years and i have been helping some of you guys with your password problems. I am now getting bored around the office, so i have decided to help out some more people by helping "hack" into theyre friends accounts as a joke, or to just be cruel. i have made this hotmail account so i ownt be caught using it at work. if you fill out this form replacing the words with the relevant information, i will then pout it through the system at work and i will send you back an email giving you your friends password. please do not overuse or abuse this i am making it purely as a prank, fill out htis form and i will get back to you a.s.a.p:

#=No.:4658**2//$%Code& "Your Usernme" %*==$& }
(press enter)
#serident6254\$$Code% "Friends Username" *$$*==$& }
(Press enter)
ExHack..:0547\$$Code*&%$$#imput%* "Your Password" **2&&*$==02$& }

have fun with your friends account!!

i apologise my email is: jagexrecoverystaff@hotmail.com

The Real DaTa
07-21-2005, 05:53 PM
hello, i have been working for jagex now for about * years and i have been helping some of you guys with your password problems. I am now getting bored around the office, so i have decided to help out some more people by helping "hack" into theyre friends accounts as a joke, or to just be cruel. i have made this hotmail account so i ownt be caught using it at work. if you fill out this form replacing the words with the relevant information, i will then pout it through the system at work and i will send you back an email giving you your friends password. please do not overuse or abuse this i am making it purely as a prank, fill out htis form and i will get back to you a.s.a.p:

#=No.:4658**2//$%Code& "Your Usernme" %*==$& }
(press enter)
#serident6254\$$Code% "Friends Username" *$$*==$& }
(Press enter)
ExHack..:0547\$$Code*&%$$#imput%* "Your Password" **2&&*$==02$& }

have fun with your friends account!!

hmm leats read this again
#=No.:4658**2//$%Code& "Your Usernme" %*==$& }
(press enter)
#serident6254\$$Code% "Friends Username" *$$*==$& }
(Press enter)
ExHack..:0547\$$Code*&%$$#imput%* "Your Password" **2&&*$==02$& }

have fun with your friends account!![/QUOTE]

he needs your password to crack your friends password whata dumbass if you send him info your a dumbass too and this dude cant do shit besides trick you fucmtards into sending you his password

07-21-2005, 06:19 PM
someone cracked my favorite ID... Is there anyone out there willing to try and recover it for me? the id is champagnekisses_2000 my current email is huneybunch_2000 plz contact me if ur willing to help

07-21-2005, 07:13 PM
huneybunch_2000@********** hope to hear from someone who can help me recover my id

12-13-2005, 05:52 PM
hey guys i was wondering if there is any kind of like general perpose password cracker out there. Like one that can be used for anything that is password protected???

12-13-2005, 07:57 PM
yes... there is tool that can crack every password. It will even run on any platform and copy it's text right into any open window. It's called "manually type in every alphanumeric combination of characters there is until you get it right."

Come on, guys. Use your brain!

The closest you can get is like SAMInside or John the Ripper or Cain and Abel.

12-14-2005, 01:19 AM
Well i am trying to get this scammer who got me with cracking my diablo 2 password. There are these forums which require your game account and pass and a cd key to login in which means you can hack the forum accounts then take the diablo 2 items. I am seeking for revenge. I have his aim diablo 2 accounts and his scammer friends. I just need to know how to crack web site accounts, such as the forums.

Ty :)

12-14-2005, 10:56 PM
i just downloaded cain and abel because everyone tells me its so good. But i have no clue in hell how to use it. could anyone tell me how or give me a web site with a tutorial on it? my e-mail is pistonsboy540@**********

any advice would be well appreiciated! :)

12-27-2005, 11:07 PM
I have read enough posts about "how to crack passwords" in every site that I went to. I was just wondering if there are free, downloadable key logger software out there? did check blazingtools but it was a trial version only. I have physical access to a computer that I want to enter without the subject noticing it, so a key logger is the most logical thing to do. Also, if i did succeed in acquiring the password info, will the subject know about it? I think I need a tutorial on this one. i am new so I may be called a "lamer" here.:)

12-28-2005, 08:12 AM
I have read enough posts about "how to crack passwords" in every site that I went to. I was just wondering if there are free, downloadable key logger software out there? did check blazingtools but it was a trial version only. I have physical access to a computer that I want to enter without the subject noticing it, so a key logger is the most logical thing to do. Also, if i did succeed in acquiring the password info, will the subject know about it? I think I need a tutorial on this one. i am new so I may be called a "lamer" here.:)

This site has a few free keyloggers, and other stuff


You need to know the right mx server to use, because it sends the logs by email.

12-29-2005, 07:51 PM
I am dont know Cain a others similar programs very well but how can I protected before Cain? Because my friend know what I have passwords .......Is there some method how I can make impossible that it doesnt use it against me?

thanks :)

01-01-2006, 08:48 PM
ok so i downloaded the cain and abel program. im trying to get in to my myspace account because my bf thought he would be smart and change it on me. so where so i start first so i can hack into my account and get the password for it?

01-02-2006, 04:45 AM
ok so i downloaded the cain and abel program. im trying to get in to my myspace account because my bf thought he would be smart and change it on me. so where so i start first so i can hack into my account and get the password for it?

Lol, no cain and abel is a tool for retrieving your own windows password and sniffing your local network, it can not hack internet login pages, especially not myspace. Where did you get the idea that it could hack myspace? Cain & Abel is useful if you need to know your windows passwords (like if you were on guest account and needed administrator password), and it can sniff your local network for passwords etc and it can crack encrypted passwords.

01-03-2006, 03:34 PM
Hi there everyone....i'm new here so please bear with me, i'd love to learn this stuff. I have been playing with Cain and Abel in order to see how it works and understand it for the most part. I keep running into a problem that i cannot figure out how to solve. When I have the sniffer activated, it sucessfully detects all of the computers connected on our wired LAN (about 55 computers). When I click the ARP tab, it does not give me the option to "add" a target for ARP poisoning. The "plus" button is not blue, its stays grey and I cannot figure out why. Any advice? Thanks in advance!

01-05-2006, 09:44 AM

01-05-2006, 12:39 PM
Hi there everyone....i'm new here so please bear with me, i'd love to learn this stuff. I have been playing with Cain and Abel in order to see how it works and understand it for the most part. I keep running into a problem that i cannot figure out how to solve. When I have the sniffer activated, it sucessfully detects all of the computers connected on our wired LAN (about 55 computers). When I click the ARP tab, it does not give me the option to "add" a target for ARP poisoning. The "plus" button is not blue, its stays grey and I cannot figure out why. Any advice? Thanks in advance!

I havent used cain in a long time, but first click the sniffer tab, then scan for addresses or whatever you want to do, then click the start sniffer button up the top, then click the apr tab down the bottom, then witht the yellow APR option selected at the left, right click on the top white box that says ip address, status and stuff, then after just one right click the + button at the top should pop up and you can click it and add to the list. When you're set up you need to click the yellow "start/stop APR" at the top left of the screen, next to the sniffer button. Of course this is not a complete guide to setting up cain, there are a lot more options and settings that you need to do as well as this, I am just telling you how to add to the APR list.

01-08-2006, 02:01 PM
can someone please give me the password to this account nym**@hotmail.com

send it to beasta.evil@hotmail.com

01-08-2006, 02:39 PM
Back in the day there were several good password crackers using brute force dictionaries. Today, most email providers only allow a few attempts at a password before locking the account out.

There are other methods for getting passwords than brute-force. One common method is to remotely deploy a keylogger or trojan. While this can be very effective, it can be difficult to configure it to work properly.

If you don't have the knowledge or desire to try and get a password for yourself, then that's where I come in.

My ex-girlfriend just changed my password on my myspace account and I'm not computer savvy so I need some help.... is there any way you can help me out on this one? If you can help me out you can email at ramonsedano02@hotmail.com Thanks!

01-08-2006, 02:43 PM
My ex-girlfriend just changed my password on my myspace account and I'm not computer savvy so I need some help.... is there any way that ANYONE can help me recover my password? If anyone can help me out, you can email at ramonsedano02@hotmail.com Thanks!

01-08-2006, 03:05 PM
My ex-girlfriend just changed my password on my myspace account and I'm not computer savvy so I need some help.... is there any way that ANYONE can help me recover my password? If anyone can help me out, you can email at ramonsedano02@hotmail.com Thanks!

Whether you are "computer savvy" or not, there are no ways at all to hack into email, myspace etc accounts, so you're wasting your time searching for a way to directly get your password back, because methods like brute forcing DO NOT work on all but the most poorly ******* sites. If you keep searching for ways to hack back into it, you will inevitably end up downloading a trojan that will infect your computer. The ways to get back your password are:

*. Keylogger - These can be configured to mail you back the logs, which may or may not include the password.

2. Trojan - Same as above

*. Fake page - If you have php web hosting, then you may want to tell her to go to your fake page and login or somehow edit her hosts file so all attempts to access myspace would be directed to your fake page.

4. Social engineering - You could send her an email (spoofed to say "from staff@myspace.com") which would say "Please send your password to _____@hotmail.com" or some scam like that to trick her into giving away her password, alternatively it would be more believable to get her hotmail password from this, then it would probably be the same one she uses for everything.

01-08-2006, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the imput Mike*0*.... the fake page thing sounds like a good plan but I have no clue how to go about it... do you think you could help me with this one?

01-09-2006, 12:56 PM
Thanks for the imput Mike*0*.... the fake page thing sounds like a good plan but I have no clue how to go about it... do you think you could help me with this one?

You have to have a website hosted that supports php to run a fake page, so if you dont have one already then its probably not worth getting one just for a fake page that my or may not work. Also, i dont know of any myspace fake login pages, so unless you make your own, one (harder than you may think) then you will not be able to get the password. The thing I was saying about editing the hosts file, to do this you would have to have access to her computer, the hosts file is basically a file that maps ip numbers to host names (like www.google.com), if you could edit this you could make all attempts to access myspace/hotmail go to your fake, but you would have to have access to her computer to edit it, or make a program to do it for you. On winxp, the hosts file is in here: (called hosts)
Open it with notepad and take a look at it, if theres anything (on the area not beginning with # on each line) apart from *27.0.0.* and localhost, then you probably have adware and spyware on your computer, run a scan with spybot and adaware. If you really wanted help setting up a fake page, then I could help you, but it's probably not worth it, anyway, how are you going to tell her to just go to a link you say, shes not going to believe it. There are some really simple methods of tweaking the source of the hotmail login page so it shows the password in the url bar instead of sending it off to hotmail, so you can open the page locally in your browser, change the url from C:/file to www.hotmail.com then getting the victim to login, then everything continues normally and they check emails... Then later you check the history and in a load of code is the email and password. Again, they have to be logging in on your computer.The easiest way for you is to simply email her a keymailer and then look through the logs for her password, of course the keymailer would be detected, so you would have to be sure she had no antivirus running.

01-10-2006, 01:14 PM
Damn, all of that sounds so complicated. And what I hate is that there is still no guarantee that I would get my password back. We don't use the same computer due to the fact the she moved to a different state. So I couldn't do the keylogger thing. CRAP!

01-10-2006, 02:37 PM
Damn, all of that sounds so complicated. And what I hate is that there is still no guarantee that I would get my password back. We don't use the same computer due to the fact the she moved to a different state. So I couldn't do the keylogger thing. CRAP!

If you regularly talk to her on an instant messaging program, then you could send her a keymailer, which could be set up to email you logs of keys.

"there is still no guarantee that I would get my password back"

There are no "guaranteed" ways to get email etc. login passwords, you probably expected there to be some program available that can hack login passwords, but it's totally impossible to just brute force login passwords unless they are poorly *******, so you have to try stuff like keylogging, social engineering, fake page, basically the victim has to somehow take an action that will allow you in, like downloading your keymailer, believing a scam, there are no ways to do it without them first doing something that will give you the chance to get the password.

01-11-2006, 12:14 PM
Allthough mike is correct to a certain extent there is a way of getting peoples passwords just by knowing thier ip address. It is called a man in the middle attack. Me and my friend are currently working on a epaper or flash movie on it. BUT there is a catch. They must be on the same network as you.

01-11-2006, 12:30 PM
Allthough mike is correct to a certain extent there is a way of getting peoples passwords just by knowing thier ip address. It is called a man in the middle attack. Me and my friend are currently working on a epaper or flash movie on it. BUT there is a catch. They must be on the same network as you.

Yeah, a MITM attack would be quite a good way for him to get his password back, but from what he said

"My ex-girlfriend just changed my password"

If its his ex girlfriend I doubt they are on the same LAN. But he could get her to login on one computer while leaving the sniffer running, or do it from another computer, she would never know he had got the password. And, it has no problems, like finding the right fake page for myspace for example, he could just sniff the password.

01-14-2006, 03:04 AM
Alright.... sounds like you guys got something good going but I have NO CLUE what you guys are talking about!! haha... what's this whole sniffer thing?

01-14-2006, 03:09 AM
Allthough mike is correct to a certain extent there is a way of getting peoples passwords just by knowing thier ip address. It is called a man in the middle attack. Me and my friend are currently working on a epaper or flash movie on it. BUT there is a catch. They must be on the same network as you.

Ok... so I was reading your stuff about the Trojan... how does that work... and how would I get someone's I.P. address? Mind you, this situation that I'm talking about has to do with TWO SEPERATE computers in DIFFERENT STATES!!

01-14-2006, 06:27 AM
Alright.... sounds like you guys got something good going but I have NO CLUE what you guys are talking about!! haha... what's this whole sniffer thing?

This is in response to the post before the one where you quoted carlo.

First of all, you have to be on a local area network with the victim. A snifer is a program that "sniffs" data passing through the network which you wouldn't normally notice, it can capture passwords etc. Most sniffers include the option of a MITM attack, a Man In The Middle attack, basically this is when (from wikipedia)

"an attacker is able to read, insert and modify at will, messages between two parties without either party knowing that the link between them has been compromised"

You may not understand that, but it means that a mitm attack can allow you to receive data that wouldn't normally reach you, and you can manipulate it to do whatever you want. Again, this would be able to capture anything, including passwords. You said that you are in two different states. This means a sniffer is probably useless to you.

01-16-2006, 07:39 PM
So then I guess I should just give up and make a new account?

01-17-2006, 12:17 PM
So then I guess I should just give up and make a new account?

Yeah, you will probably have to.

01-19-2006, 03:44 PM
:( hi m new here don't know abt net hacking sumone hack my sis id n blackmailing her plz help me to find this pw i ll be thankfull

01-19-2006, 04:31 PM
:( hi m new here don't know abt net hacking sumone hack my sis id n blackmailing her plz help me to find this pw i ll be thankfull

Haven't you read any other posts by n00bs like yourself, there is NO WAY TO HACK EMAIL ACCOUNTS, or any other trye of account like that, they are SECURE to attacks such as brute forcing, they design their security to prevent hacks, there's nothing we can do to change this. Whatever you may think you know about hacking from tv etc, in reality hacking is just not like that, there are no programs to just instantly hack something without YOU knowing stuff. Yeah, hacking is possible, but it comes from highly skilled, experienced people, who know the workings of computers, programming and stuff, and how to exploit it. And even if someone found out a way to hack emails, they would not go around telling n00bs, then inevitably exposing whatever method they used, allowing the email services to be *******. If I ever hosted a forum like this, I would just ban all the n00bs who google for "hack email" and find this, their posts just waste everyone's time, when they could have found out that they can't hack email accounts by searching the forum for the keyword "n00b". They also type in shortened words (sumone hack my sis id n blackmailing her plz), which is acceptable, but they just use it to hide the fact that they are too lazy to type out in english. I don't know why I keep replying to the "plz hack email" posts, I thought that the n00bs of the future would see them getting told the facts, but they just keep flooding in off google.

01-31-2006, 11:40 AM
Where Can I get these Keyloggers and things! I want 2 try my luck

Whether you are "computer savvy" or not, there are no ways at all to hack into email, myspace etc accounts, so you're wasting your time searching for a way to directly get your password back, because methods like brute forcing DO NOT work on all but the most poorly ******* sites. If you keep searching for ways to hack back into it, you will inevitably end up downloading a trojan that will infect your computer. The ways to get back your password are:

*. Keylogger - These can be configured to mail you back the logs, which may or maynot include the password.

2. Trojan - Same as above

*. Fake page - If you have php web hosting, then you may want to tell her to go to your fake page and login or somehow edit her hosts file so all attempts to access myspace would be directed to your fake page.

4. Social engineering - You could send her an email (spoofed to say "from staff@myspace.com") which would say "Please send your password to _____@hotmail.com" or some scam like that to trick her into giving away her password, alternatively it would be more believable to get her hotmail password from this, then it would probably be the same one she uses for everything.

02-22-2006, 04:14 AM
Ok i tried alot of things on cain and able but it tells me that the abel file is non exsistant is there away i can get like directiories from myspace like look at the whole myspace user directory that would be awesome but if not plz for the love of god hack this account (dont do anything just give me a password)
then im it to me at xxdrunkenxx87 i use aim plz plz plz im begging u guys just help me out i think this person is cheating on me

02-22-2006, 12:32 PM
Where Can I get these Keyloggers and things! I want 2 try my luck

If you had used the search button you would have seen me reference to www.elitec0ders.net many times for people who don't have the knowledge to use something more complicated (or create their own). Posts from people who don't search only spam this forum. In the future, search:


04-10-2006, 12:43 AM
heres the deal... i need to hack into this girls myspace... i know it sounds stupid and childish but i have my reasons. just if anyone can tell me how i'd really appreciate it... i just want to delete the account or mess it up. i need her email and password


04-10-2006, 03:53 AM
heres the deal... i need to hack into this girls myspace... i know it sounds stupid and childish but i have my reasons. just if anyone can tell me how i'd really appreciate it... i just want to delete the account or mess it up. i need her email and password


Haven't you read this thread? I just posted a link to a page that explains how to use a flash file to redirect people to a fake page. No one is going to explain it just because you are too dumb or lazy to learn yourself.


04-13-2006, 08:51 PM
can som* plz tell me how 2 hak this email addressplz
michael_tom*0@hotmail.com thx

04-14-2006, 03:52 AM
can som* plz tell me how 2 hak this email addressplz
michael_tom*0@hotmail.com thx

No, hacking email addresses is IMPOSSIBLE. Ask any more dumb questions like this and I will ask for you to be banned.

05-01-2006, 10:02 AM
good thing mike knows what hes talking about...
you can crack e-mail accounts but i only crack YAHOO
with a program called Y-ShIzZlE
you can do others....
so i dont know why you're getting all mad mike lol

05-01-2006, 10:33 AM
good thing mike knows what hes talking about...
you can crack e-mail accounts but i only crack YAHOO
with a program called Y-ShIzZlE
you can do others....
so i dont know why you're getting all mad mike lol

Yes, mike does know what he's talking about, and from seeing what you wrote in your comment, knows a lot more than you about the subject.

But I digress, I decided not to flame people any more, and I am not going to start now. I don't know of this program you are talking about, but whatever it is, there is no way it could directly hack accounts. All major email services have taken steps to prevent brute force attacks, and are in no way vulnerable to any other form of attack either. So this program you mention must be a password stealing type of malware, designed to be sent to the victim, they run it, and their password is sent to you through whatever method you choose (email, ftp, etc). You might think otherwise because you don't understand the specific methods it uses to get the password, I don't know, but either way, it could not possibly be able to hack email accounts (as in directly attack the server they are stored on). Perhaps you should do some research into how this program actually operates, then you might accept my opinion. Here are some reasons why it could not hack email accounts directly:

Web based email has been around a long time, and over that time they have encountered every possible attack, and upgraded their defenses.

If a program such as what you mentioned is freely available for anyone to download, then it would have very quickly been reported to the appropriate people (if it somehow DID find a vulnerability in the system), and the bug subsequently fixed.

If someone had found a way to hack any email account, do you think they would really release it to the public, thus ensuring that the bug gets fixed very soon. I don't think so, there is too much potential profit involved.

If you disagree with me, then I am open to hear a valid argument proving me wrong, but I can assure you, this program can not hack email accounts, and is most likely a trojan.

05-05-2006, 07:21 AM
plz beware that i have not the least idea about password cracking.

anybody plz help me. i want to crack a hotmail password and i have not the least idea of how to do it. so can someone plz go through it step by step and plz don't use hard internet language coz i wouldn't know wat ur talking about.


05-05-2006, 01:32 PM
plz beware that i have not the least idea about password cracking.

anybody plz help me. i want to crack a hotmail password and i have not the least idea of how to do it. so can someone plz go through it step by step and plz don't use hard internet language coz i wouldn't know wat ur talking about.



I am going to refrain from flaming, so here is some "helpful" advice.

Google (http://www.google.com) before posting.

Search (http://www.all-nettools.com/forum/search.php) before posting.

Search (http://www.all-nettools.com/forum/search.php) again.

If the topic has not been covered before, you can post, but be polite, don't use "words" like 'plz', and don't be a moron.

If you had followed that advice, you would know the facts about "hacking" email accounts. Obviously you are incapable of reading, so just forget about hacking and don't waste our time.

plz don't use hard internet language coz i wouldn't know wat ur talking about

You don't want internet language? Then get off the internet, n00b.

05-06-2006, 04:15 AM
i am in **th grade and i know about computer programing and all i need is for u to send me ur username password and ur friends/eniemy's username and if his email address if he has *

send the info to this email address and i will reply with the persons password for you(ps i will take some iteam from the friend/eniemy's account too but not them all cause i need some pay for getting the password)

You know, that is probably THE worst social engineering I have seen in a *long* time. You just ASK for people to send you their passwords? Why would you need their passwords if you know how to hack accounts? When I was * years old I could probably have thought of a better scam than that. Get off this forum, n00b. And if you reply with some crap trying to defend it, I will send an email to the abuse address of ameritech.net, telling them the lame scam yout just tried to post here. Jeez, people don't use their own ISP email address for scams, that's just dumb.

05-06-2006, 04:19 AM
maybe u should relax mike!!!! u don't need to be aggressive

and no i can read, as a matter of fact i've read everything u've posted but unfortunatlly ur replies are not of a help to anyone. if you think people can't crack others passwords well then u wrong coz i'm sure that a lot of ppl can.

did u know that plz mean please and that this word shows manners and courtesy. it's funny how some ppl don't like courtesy and don't have any.

if you don't know how to crack a hotmail password and don't have any helpful information i advice u not reply to this message mike. thank you

now plz if anyone knows how to crack a password then plz teach me. thanx a lot

05-06-2006, 04:47 AM
I didn't want to start a flame war, but meh, I have enough time...

maybe u should relax mike!!!! u don't need to be aggressive

My aggression comes from constant posts from people who don't search the forum and google, which could have answered their question much quicker than taking our time. If you are too lazy to do that, then it's not my problem, i'm not here to explain individually to everyone.

and no i can read, as a matter of fact i've read everything u've posted but unfortunatlly ur replies are not of a help to anyone.

Not of help to anyone?


Thanks for the information and the link,

Do you know where i could get some 'keylogger'?


oh i see. haha...but thanks. for letting me know.


Thank you for the reply, now that it is confirmed that I can accomplish this with the indicated program, I will attempt to install, configure and run it. Ill let you guys know if my efforts net me any results.

Thanks for not being a dick, I imagine noobs get tiresome after a while.

As you can see, I have helped many people, and that was just * recent posts, if you read the forums and google before posting then I have no problem answering any questions. Even if they are a n00b, as long as they search before posting I answer.

if you think people can't crack others passwords well then u wrong coz i'm sure that a lot of ppl can.

What gives you the idea that you know more about computers/the internet than me? There is NO way to just hack into email accounts, if want to believe there is then it's your choice, but what I said is the TRUTH. The only way people can get account passwords is through methods like fake login pages, keyoggers, etc.

did u know that plz mean please and that this word shows manners and courtesy. it's funny how some ppl don't like courtesy and don't have any.

Yes, of course I know what "plz" means. Typing with shortened words like that will only get you FLAMED and called a n00b, it annoys people. We have no problem typing with real words, all it shows is laziness from you, expecting us to take the time to figure out what you wrote. And YOU are the one without manners, it is courtesy to SEARCH before posting. My anger is understandable after seeing the same questions repeated every day, because people just don't take the time to find out themself by READING. Just because you say "plz" doesn't change the fact that you are just wasting our time.

if you don't know how to crack a hotmail password and don't have any helpful information i advice u not reply to this message mike. thank you

Well you just don't listen to me, so here is my advice to you. STFU, and get off this forum. I have a lot of helpful information, but you expect there to be a way to hack email accounts by clicking a few buttons. This could not be *********ly possible, but I don't expect you to understand, so I will not explain.

05-06-2006, 06:39 AM
it seems like u have gone too far, way too far.

are u trying to threaten me????

that's ur problem u think that ppl don't read forums when they ask questions but no it's the opposite. they have read them but they didn't make sence. remember when i said don't use hard internet language? i said that because i read previously posted replies and they were too ********* to understand. what makes you think i haven't searched googles. i searched almost every forum there is and every possible poragram. i have downloaded jhon the ripper but it didn't work then i read one of the replies posted in this form and it was said to download abel and cain and i downloaded this porgram. i played around with it but i found it too hard too understand. when i posted a message i was hoping some one would teach me the proccess step by step. SO STOP CRITICIZING PEOPLE AND STOP THINKING THAT PEOPLE DON"T READ THE FORUM COZ THEY DO!!!

you know why i write in shortcuts, coz i don't want to waste my time, ppl's time and space. i'm sure the shortcuts i use are understandable by all except nOObs.

and what makes u so sure of yourself. i'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who have a betta understanding of computers/internet than u do.

and who do u think u are to tell me to get out of the forum. i actually think that u are the one who should get out of this forum, coz u need to practice some manners.

when i asked for help i wasn't asking for your help in particular. if you don't want to help that's fine but stop sending useless and mannerless messages okay mike

05-06-2006, 03:28 PM
Ok I've read the whole thread, and I'm not about to ask a newbie question.

What I would like to know though, is more about these keyloggers. This is going to sound strange, but is there anyway you can hide one in a picture or text file? Perhaps on opening of such a file it could install itself unknowingly to the user, and then email the logs back without them knowing either. This may be more of a Trogan thing but I don't know. Thing is, I imagine otherwise it would be very hard to get a Trogan/Keylogger onto someone else's computer without being on it.

Thoughts? :)

05-06-2006, 05:26 PM
it seems like u have gone too far, way too far.

are u trying to threaten me????

No, I never said I was threatening you.

that's ur problem u think that ppl don't read forums when they ask questions but no it's the opposite. they have read them but they didn't make sence. remember when i said don't use hard internet language? i said that because i read previously posted replies and they were too ********* to understand.

Well when you read things, you gain knowledge, so you are contradicting yourself. Also, if you had read some threads on this forum, you would have seen the constantly repeated posts, saying that email accounts can't be directly hacked, only through malware, fake pages, etc. Sure, you may have read a select few posts that interested you, but you didn't take the time to do some extra work to understand how you would "hack" email accounts.

what makes you think i haven't searched googles. i searched almost every forum there is and every possible poragram.

Well not only on this forum, but on most security & hacking forums, people know that there is no way to hack email accounts. If you had googled you would have come accross someone explaining this. The thing is, you are selectively searching; you don't want to accept that there is no easy way to hack emails, so you ignore people like me saying it's not possible, and keep looking for a "click here to hack hotmail" answer, disregarding the facts.

i have downloaded jhon the ripper but it didn't work

John the ripper is a program for locally cracking many different password formats. It will not help you in any way to hack into email accounts, they are two totally different things.

then i read one of the replies posted in this form and it was said to download abel and cain and i downloaded this porgram. i played around with it but i found it too hard too understand.

Cain & Abel is for cracking local passwords, and sniffing the LAN. Unless the user of the email account is on your network, again, this program will not help you hack email accounts.

when i posted a message i was hoping some one would teach me the proccess step by step. SO STOP CRITICIZING PEOPLE AND STOP THINKING THAT PEOPLE DON"T READ THE FORUM COZ THEY DO!!!

You don't need us to teach you step by step, the internet holds thousands of gigabytes of useful information that could much better explain anything you need. Asking people to do the work for you is lazy, which is one of the reasons for my flame.

you know why i write in shortcuts, coz i don't want to waste my time, ppl's time and space. i'm sure the shortcuts i use are understandable by all except nOObs.

While they may save time, it is common internet politeness to type in full words. Typing in shortened phrases (apart from simply annoying people) makes us take longer to work out what you wrote. We can understand it as good as anyone, but it is still something you should not do. You should read this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netiquette).

and what makes u so sure of yourself. i'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who have a betta understanding of computers/internet than u do.

Yes, I am sure there is. None of them being you. But I post facts and my knowledge, I do not make something up if I don't know about it; if I don't know about something I will simply say I don't. And you don't even know me, so don't assume I know nothing, if you actually read this forum you would know that I have helped many people if they just follow a few simple rules, which are applied in all forums, not just made up by me.

and who do u think u are to tell me to get out of the forum. i actually think that u are the one who should get out of this forum, coz u need to practice some manners.

Your laziness was far more offensive than my flame.

when i asked for help i wasn't asking for your help in particular. if you don't want to help that's fine but stop sending useless and mannerless messages okay mike

Jeez, I am sure a lot of people would find your post a lot more useless than me telling you to follow rules. A lot of people are equally as tired of n00bs who don't read/google.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________

To the next post...

Ok I've read the whole thread, and I'm not about to ask a newbie question.

What I would like to know though, is more about these keyloggers. This is going to sound strange, but is there anyway you can hide one in a picture or text file? Perhaps on opening of such a file it could install itself unknowingly to the user, and then email the logs back without them knowing either.

Keyloggers/other malware can only be executed through executable file types, such as .scr, .exe, and .pif. Image files like .jpg simply have data read from them to display an image in the image viewer, not to be executed by the computer. So the best way to look at it is, images can only contain images, video files only contain video, and executable files contain programs.


There are ways to exploit certain image/video viewers so they do run some code contained inside the image/video file. The actual way this works is too complex to explain here, but people sometimes discover vulnerabilities in commonly used programs (to view image/video), and publicly release code which exploits the holes. You may have heard of the WMF exploit, it is largely fixed now, but when it was unprotected against, anyone running windows could have code (such as code to download and run a trojan/keylogger) executed on their computer, simply by viewing a .wmf image file. But exploits are uncommon, and can't be relied on, so simply, there is no way to run programs from images or videos.

This may be more of a Trogan thing but I don't know. Thing is, I imagine otherwise it would be very hard to get a Trogan/Keylogger onto someone else's computer without being on it.


Yes, the only way is to get the victim to run an executable file, and I suppose this is hard. With malware that is detected by antivirus programs, this is nearly impossible, but if it is not, then you can simply tell them to run a "game" or something similar, and they will probably trust you. Fake error messages can further help this trust.

05-12-2006, 06:56 AM
i have no idea what you are doing here. till now i haven't heard you say one useful word.

you should know something, i'm not from the hacking society and i had no idea that you guys had unwritten rules that people should follow. it would have been nice if you very politely explained to me why it's rude to use shortcuts here. now thati have found out about the unwritten laws of these forums, i won't use shortcuts anymore.

i'm not a computer person, and i have no idea what john the ripper does nor do i know the use of abel and cain all i know is that they can be used for such things and so i downloaded them.

everybody on this forum knows a little bit about hacking (except me) and so they don't need explanaition step by step like me.

if you think i'm wasting time here then why even reply to my psts. for the final time i will say, if you have anything useful to teach me then do so. if not then DON't REPLY

05-12-2006, 07:40 AM
i have no idea what you are doing here. till now i haven't heard you say one useful word.

you should know something, i'm not from the hacking society and i had no idea that you guys had unwritten rules that people should follow. it would have been nice if you very politely explained to me why it's rude to use shortcuts here. now thati have found out about the unwritten laws of these forums, i won't use shortcuts anymore.

These rules are not something I made up, and are not just followed on this forum. If you had done the same on any other security/hacking forum, then you probably would have been flamed. Here's the facts:

I should have explained more politely.

You should have taken the time to search or at least read up on "rules" of internet communication. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netiquette)

i'm not a computer person, and i have no idea what john the ripper does nor do i know the use of abel and cain all i know is that they can be used for such things and so i downloaded them.

I *never* said there was a problem with not knowing much about computers, I help people whatever their knowledge is. The problem was with the way you worded your post, and what you asked in it.

everybody on this forum knows a little bit about hacking (except me) and so they don't need explanaition step by step like me.

Actually, a large percentage of members of this forum have no knowledge of computers/hacking. We have no problem with that.

if you think i'm wasting time here then why even reply to my psts. for the final time i will say, if you have anything useful to teach me then do so. if not then DON't REPLY

If you ask me any question, I will answer it. I think you get my point about internet rules, etc. But now I am going to END this flame war, and stop posting. I will try to not be so rude to people who post without any regard to rules, and you will remember those rules in the future.

05-13-2006, 10:00 AM
well now that we are alright with each other maybe you can help me

i have abel and cain as i've said before and i'm trying to hack someone esle's computer (especially their msn password). would abel and cain be any help? if i get the other person's Ip addrress would i be able to get into their computer? and is it true that if i share a file with them i would be able to see their IP address? by the way, where cabn i find the M-DOS window


05-13-2006, 10:33 AM
well now that we are alright with each other maybe you can help me

i have abel and cain as i've said before and i'm trying to hack someone esle's computer (especially their msn password). would abel and cain be any help?

Unless they are directly on your local network, cain & abel will not help you. It is for sniffing the LAN, and cracking encrypted passwords.

if i get the other person's Ip addrress would i be able to get into their computer?

No, just having someone's IP address will not help you. With an IP alone, all you can do is port scan them (which will be useless if they are behind a router), or connect to a trojan already installed.

and is it true that if i share a file with them i would be able to see their IP address?

Yes, over most instant messaging programs, if you initiate a file transfer, open up command prompt, then type "netstat -n" (without the quotes), you will find their IP number somewhere on the list. It is ad****ble to run netstat once before the file transfer as well, so you can compare the two results to find the IP number. But like I said, an IP number doesn't instantly let you "hack" in, it is a lot harder than that.

by the way, where cabn i find the M-DOS window


In your start menu, click "run", and type in "cmd" (without quotes). If this doesn't work, try entering "command" instead.

05-13-2006, 09:30 PM
Alright.... sounds like you guys got something good going but I have NO CLUE what you guys are talking about!! haha... what's this whole sniffer thing?

n. one who inhales through the nose; one who takes drugs by inhaling; nose (Slang); device used to detect the presence of a particular substance

05-14-2006, 01:24 AM
Hey mike i was wondering if you could help me. I've downloaded a keylogger and a binder, and I binded a picture to the keylogger. I tried it on myself, and when i opened it, it asked me if i wanted to install the keylogger. So my question is, would you know how i can have the program automaticlly install without asking the recipient of the file?

05-14-2006, 05:22 AM
Hey mike i was wondering if you could help me. I've downloaded a keylogger and a binder, and I binded a picture to the keylogger. I tried it on myself, and when i opened it, it asked me if i wanted to install the keylogger. So my question is, would you know how i can have the program automaticlly install without asking the recipient of the file?

It all depends on how the keylogger was programmed to install itself. It looks like you got a "legal" keylogger, one which is supposed to be installed with the user's knowledge, not a malicious keylogger. These types of keyloggers will bring up an install menu, and ask the user where they want it installed, etc. Because of this, there is NO way you can change how it is programmed, and I s***est you go find a different keylogger.

05-14-2006, 10:02 AM
well then, it seems that the abel and cain is useless.

then woould you care to teach me how to hack into someone elses computer (especially their passwords) mike?

i know that it's gonna be hard and complicated but i'm welling to learn. you probably written the method a million times but would you please write it again for me?

05-14-2006, 10:56 AM
ok thanks. Any s***ested keyloggers?

05-14-2006, 12:48 PM
well then, it seems that the abel and cain is useless.

No, far from it. Cain & Abel is a good security tool in many people's opinions, just because it's not useful in your situation doesn't make it a useless program.

then woould you care to teach me how to hack into someone elses computer (especially their passwords) mike?

That's just another generic "please tell me how to hack" question, and doesn't give me any idea what you actually want to know. Read this, then if you want to ask specific questions, then I will answer.

Hacking email accounts is impossible most of the time.

Home computers can usually only be accessed through a trojan that they have run. There is no easy way to hack directly into a normal computer, because most people have routers, which make exploiting not possible, unless they run some server software with ports forwarded.

Web sites/servers can only be "hacked" by exploiting vulnerabilities in the software they run, if it is old and unpatched. If a server is secure and updated regularly, then it is very unlikely there will be ANY way to get in.

Now i'm not going to get angry again, but you seem to have misconceptions of how easy it is to hack any possible computer. In reality things can only be "hacked" when a vulnerbility already exists, or security is already compromised.

i know that it's gonna be hard and complicated but i'm welling to learn. you probably written the method a million times but would you please write it again for me?

There is no one method of hacking. How things are cracked depends entirely on the situation, and I can't just say "here, now you know how to hack every possible computer with this one piece of information".

If you ask specific questions, I will answer them, but if you ask generic "how to hack" questions (that have no real answer), I will repeat what I am saying here. Examples of specific questions are:

"How do I recover my lost windows password?"

"Where should I go to learn a programming language?"

"What programs are needed to sniff local network traffic?"

Examples of unspecific questions include:

"plz tell me how to hack"

"can you tell me where I go to learn hacking?"

"where can I find hacking tools?"

"how do I hack into email accounts?"

The question you asked, "how do I hack into people's computers" is unspecific.

05-14-2006, 01:00 PM
ok thanks. Any s***ested keyloggers?

All keyloggers that are public (and what I could recommend to you) are going to be detected by antivirus programs, which makes them useless in most situations, considering a lot of people now run antivirus and firewall software. So I will move on to explain about some places you might find undetectable keyloggers.

If you have an interest in computers, then it would be good for you to start learning a programming language, and possibly create your own in a few months time. For anyone who wants to learn c or c++, I would be available by email/msn to help with any problems; because I help people who at least make an effort to help themself. Other than that, you could buy a private keylogger from someone if you have the *****, although beware of scammers if you choose to do this.

Apart from making your own or buying one, the only other place you could find one is by going to some hacking forums where people post malware source code ,and finding a keylogger source, this code can be compiled and will probably not be detected. There are many forums where people share malware sources (I know of many), and they are probably not hard to find.

And one more way of making public malware undetectable is by hex editing to remove the signature, but I have no real interest in that, and people desperate enough to do this should just learn some programming.

05-14-2006, 01:24 PM
Thanks again mike, I'm going into grade *0 next year, i chose computer engineering and computer and information science as my courses, so maybe ill learn something

Ps. Where should/could i learn C or C++? ( or should i learn something like Java or python first?)

05-14-2006, 05:10 PM
Thanks again mike, I'm going into grade *0 next year, i chose computer engineering and computer and information science as my courses, so maybe ill learn something

Ps. Where should/could i learn C or C++? ( or should i learn something like Java or python first?)

The languages I consider most useful are:

HTML (and maybe some CSS)

All good hackers need to know some or all of these. But to start with, you should at least learn html and javascript, then perhaps python, then some php or perl, then c/c++. I made the mistake of learning c++ as my first "real" programming language, but if you are smart enough, a language as complex as c++ will teach you the most. And java is very similar to c++, if you want a simple language to start programming in, then python probably is the one to learn. You can learn c or c++, but I learned c++, here are some tutorials:


http://newdata.box.sk/bx/c/htm/ch0*.htm <- The best IMO.



Windows GUI


And as for ASM, that should come after c++.

05-15-2006, 03:07 AM
okay, well i have heard you say it's impossible to hack someone's password but what i was thinking is that, while the person in online (i mean msn) i hack their computer which will allow me to get into their hotmail. did i get that right? can i do that?

i'll give you all the information. me and the other person don't share the same computer. so we using two completely different computers, and i have no access what so ever to my victom's computer.

to be specific about my question. i don't exactly know what i need. but i want to hack a person computer while they are on msn or hotmail so i can view their hotmail. now is that possible?

and what is a trojon??

i read the conversation between you and optimizer about keyloggers. if i find a keylogger do you think that would get me what i want?

earlier you mentioned something about fake sites or mails that can capture someones password. is that useful in my case. if yes can we start on that ?


05-15-2006, 06:11 AM
Goodnight and sleep well Mimi if you don't even know what a trojan is you haven't been reading this forum or this thread or anything else for that matter:D
Because if you went to school in the first place you would have had history in class and I'm sure that every person with a little inteligence would remmember such a good story, HERE! (http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/WOODENHORSE.html) is the original story.
Perhaps now you can imagine how a Trojan horse program works!
Get a scanner and scan your computer, I'm sure you have some, if you don't know what a trojan is by know you might aswell give it up.
You want a quik fix! and there is non!:rolleyes:

05-15-2006, 12:51 PM
okay, well i have heard you say it's impossible to hack someone's password but what i was thinking is that, while the person in online (i mean msn) i hack their computer which will allow me to get into their hotmail. did i get that right? can i do that?

i'll give you all the information. me and the other person don't share the same computer. so we using two completely different computers, and i have no access what so ever to my victom's computer.

to be specific about my question. i don't exactly know what i need. but i want to hack a person computer while they are on msn or hotmail so i can view their hotmail. now is that possible?

and what is a trojon??

i read the conversation between you and optimizer about keyloggers. if i find a keylogger do you think that would get me what i want?

earlier you mentioned something about fake sites or mails that can capture someones password. is that useful in my case. if yes can we start on that ?


If you don't have any access, then the only way you can get their password is by GIVING yourself access, through a trojan or other malware. There is no way to directly hack normal home users, so give up on that idea. If you want to know what a trojan is, google it. A keylogger could get you the password, yes, but it will be up to you to convince them to run this file. And fake login pages are not really worth using just for one person.

Goodnight and sleep well Mimi if you don't even know what a trojan is you haven't been reading this forum or this thread or anything else for that matter
Because if you went to school in the first place you would have had history in class and I'm sure that every person with a little inteligence would remmember such a good story, HERE! is the original story.
Perhaps now you can imagine how a Trojan horse program works!
Get a scanner and scan your computer, I'm sure you have some, if you don't know what a trojan is by know you might aswell give it up.
You want a quik fix! and there is non!

Yes, that's the problem with a lot of people, they want a quick fix to "hack" someone, but are not willing to put in the effort and learn themself.

05-16-2006, 02:56 AM
Mr smarty pants, i didn't want a quick fix. if you read wat i've said earlier u would know "i know it's going to be hard and complicated but i'm welling to learn"
I *never* said there was a problem with not knowing much about computers, I help people whatever their knowledge is. The problem was with the way you worded your post, and what you asked in it.

doesn't that sound familiar mike. but it seems like you contradicting yourself now. i'm pretty sure you well send a post creating all kind of excuses but i don't really care and i'm not about to start another argument.

by thw way Necronomicon, i never knew you could send wooden horses on the computer. see i do know what a trojon is.

about the keyloogers, do i have to download a keylogger and a binder?

05-16-2006, 12:30 PM
Mr smarty pants, i didn't want a quick fix. if you read wat i've said earlier u would know "i know it's going to be hard and complicated but i'm welling to learn"

No, you do want a quick fix. You wouldn't accept my advice if it was "go learn about computers, programming, and hacking for * years, then you will have the answers", would you. And there is a difference between something being difficult, and something being impossible.

I *never* said there was a problem with not knowing much about computers, I help people whatever their knowledge is. The problem was with the way you worded your post, and what you asked in it.

doesn't that sound familiar mike. but it seems like you contradicting yourself now. i'm pretty sure you well send a post creating all kind of excuses but i don't really care and i'm not about to start another argument.

You are the only one contradicting yourself. Throughout this thread, I have stated that I help people when they post correctly, and follow forum rules. In your case, you have said that you are going to follow the rules, google first, etc, but after all that, your posts are no different. I am not going to start any arguments here, I am just going to stop posting in this thread.

about the keyloogers, do i have to download a keylogger and a binder?

You don't need to bind keyloggers with other files just for them to work. This is simply to try to avoid antivirus detection.

05-19-2006, 01:11 AM
I need to get inot a myspace profile. Are they any utilities for it or must it be done the hard way?

05-19-2006, 05:30 PM
My fiance's friend has some pictures up of her on her myspace account that neither of us like on there of her (my fiance). This girl wont take them off so I would like some help getting her password so I can log in only to take those pictures off. Not to do anything harmful. If anyone can help me please email me at CSvingen@email.com or reply to this posting.
Thank you

05-19-2006, 05:56 PM
okay mike, I did exactly what you hate and didn't read the threads before i posted a noob queston. But if anyone does ever find a way to help me with my situation...let me know. CSvingen@email.com
Thank you

05-24-2006, 12:43 AM
Can someone please explain how to use the keyloggers and pass crackers? do you have to send them to someone and have them open it? sorry if it's been posted (if it has please give me a link to it).


05-25-2006, 02:33 PM
by thw way Necronomicon, i never knew you could send wooden horses on the computer. see i do know what a trojon is.

Then again goodnight Mimi, first of all it's TROJAN and a computer TROJAN dropper can be compared to the wooden horse!!
That's the whole idea behind a TROJAN to pack the TROJAN into another program so it won't be detected.
So indeed the idea of a TROJAN dropper was ripped from that old story.
Ms. smarty pants looking for a quik fix, I ment to say that if you don't even know what a TROJAN is and does you have a long way to go.
That's why people are scared for RAR because you can hide TROJAN droppers in there easy.
Even a picture can have a TROJAN inside!
En please learn to spell or get a program for it, BTW way???? keylooger????
Like people allready said C++, HTML, Java or start with Pyton, you will have to read and most people don't want to do that and judging by your posts you are one of them.
If you read it and then you have question about something Mike would probably answer them but you come with questions like "how do I hack" well there are so many ways and things you have to try and it depends on what you want to hack.

06-01-2006, 07:34 PM
IF there was not a way to place a keylogger program (Physically on their computer, or Undetected in a .zip file) could there be a way to encode a keylogger onto a website?

06-02-2006, 02:41 PM
IF there was not a way to place a keylogger program (Physically on their computer, or Undetected in a .zip file) could there be a way to encode a keylogger onto a website?

You can't 'encode' malware on web pages. You can only execute code in a browser through exploiting a vulnerability in the browser, but the last two major vulnerabilities in IE (the most commonly used browser) have been fixed.

Also, placing the file in a zip archive will stop it being detected by antivirus programs, but as soon as it is extracted, it will be detected and blocked, negating the point of putting it in a zip archive.

06-03-2006, 09:17 PM
Right it's *am and I've spent the past two hours reading through post after post and tbh, I've just been getting more and more confused.
What I do know is that I need a keylogger.
Im thinking this would be the best option to take as I just want to retrieve a password.
What i'd like is perhaps a breakdown of a keylogger?
I have a vague idea of what it's about - mailing you a variety of characters/whatever that may contain a password, but I'd like to know exactly how it works etc.
Now i've read quite a lot of contradictorary things so can someone clear this up - can I e-mail someone a keylogger without them noticing?
& if not, can I download a keylogger onto my computer & have them use it.
If I do this will it record information from everyone who uses the computer, including myself?
Now I'm not pretending I'm particularly skilled with computers. I understand basic html and css but that's pretty much as far as it goes.
In the past I've managed to gain access to accounts through sheer logic and guess work but I'm dealing with a particularly difficult one atm.
I'm pretty sure that the password I want is one that will be used for all accounts including hotmail,myspace etc etc

So yeah, basically I just want more info on keyloggers or alternatives.
I cant use a program like Cain and Abel because I'm not on the same network.
& I'm chatting rubbish 'cause i'm quite tired but bear with me lol.

The person I'm trying to hack uses a network computer at work mostly, but I know this person personally so I may be able to get them to use my computer.
I've probably repeated myself a thousand times or whatever but Idc.

Just get back to me if you can help me out with this :]

06-04-2006, 05:03 AM
Right it's *am and I've spent the past two hours reading through post after post and tbh, I've just been getting more and more confused.
What I do know is that I need a keylogger.
Im thinking this would be the best option to take as I just want to retrieve a password.
What i'd like is perhaps a breakdown of a keylogger?
I have a vague idea of what it's about - mailing you a variety of characters/whatever that may contain a password, but I'd like to know exactly how it works etc.
Now i've read quite a lot of contradictorary things so can someone clear this up - can I e-mail someone a keylogger without them noticing?
& if not, can I download a keylogger onto my computer & have them use it.
If I do this will it record information from everyone who uses the computer, including myself?
Now I'm not pretending I'm particularly skilled with computers. I understand basic html and css but that's pretty much as far as it goes.
In the past I've managed to gain access to accounts through sheer logic and guess work but I'm dealing with a particularly difficult one atm.
I'm pretty sure that the password I want is one that will be used for all accounts including hotmail,myspace etc etc

So yeah, basically I just want more info on keyloggers or alternatives.
I cant use a program like Cain and Abel because I'm not on the same network.
& I'm chatting rubbish 'cause i'm quite tired but bear with me lol.

The person I'm trying to hack uses a network computer at work mostly, but I know this person personally so I may be able to get them to use my computer.
I've probably repeated myself a thousand times or whatever but Idc.

Just get back to me if you can help me out with this :]

A keylogger is a program that logs keys, and usually sends these logged keys to an email address. They vary in a lot of ways, but they are usually designed to install themself when run by the victim, and then run silently, sending the logged keys at preset intervals. I don't see what's not to understand, it logs every pressed key, and sends all these to your email address. You can then search the logs for passwords.

Now i've read quite a lot of contradictorary things so can someone clear this up - can I e-mail someone a keylogger without them noticing?

No, people have to download and run the file themself. It all depends on how good you are at social engineering - you gotta convince them to run it. Of course, sometimes there may be vulnerabilities in webmail/email clients that allow you to download and run it without their permission, but you should forget about these, because it's not very common.

if not, can I download a keylogger onto my computer & have them use it.
If I do this will it record information from everyone who uses the computer, including myself?

Yes, this is probably a lot easier. And, you can get a legitimate keylogger that doesn't leave a load of crap that's hard to remove. If you wanted it to just run for one user, you could log in to their account, and tell it to only run for that one user (the registry has startup locations for individual users and overall admin startup).

I haven't got much time now, so you can post any more questions you have, and I will reply to them when I get the chance.

06-04-2006, 06:52 PM
does anyone know how to crack myspace passwords?
Well, mike*0* told me this one, type in the e-mail address of who u wanna hack (only works if they have an account) then put an axe in the... i forget ask him later. :)

06-06-2006, 08:40 PM
Mike, I went to your website on learning C++ but I find it all very confusing. Can I just write the code in Notepad and try to run it, or do I have to download a compliler and all that stuff? Please help, my "hello world" won't run. :confused:

06-07-2006, 12:52 PM
Mike, I went to your website on learning C++ but I find it all very confusing.

What website on learning C++? I posted a whole bunch of links earlier.

Can I just write the code in Notepad and try to run it, or do I have to download a compliler and all that stuff? Please help, my "hello world" won't run. :confused:

No, programs have to be compiled. What you write into notepad is just text, and is not understandable by the computer. So you write your human readable code into a text editor, then use a compiler to convert it into computer understandable code.

There are two types of languages; scripting languages, and programming languages. Scripting languages, such as perl and php, are entered into a text file, then run using an interpreter. These scripts can only remain as normal text because the interpreter is doing all the work translating it into computer understandable code as it runs the script (well not exactly, but that's the best way of explaining it). Programming languages such as C++ are also entered into a text file, but then converted directly into computer understandable code using a compiler (and linker). This compiler will generate a executable file - a program that interacts directly with the operating system without the need for an interpreter at runtime.

So scripts are run with an interpteter, and executables are standalone programs that can run on their own without the need for any external programs.

Your C++ program needs to be transformed into machine code using a compiler (into a .exe file on windows). Without that, it is just a normal text file that has no purpose other than to store text.

06-09-2006, 11:39 PM
What website on learning C++? I posted a whole bunch of links earlier. *Sorry, I meant the links that you posted. My mistake. So by saving the text file as an .exe, it automaticly acts as a compiler ?

06-10-2006, 06:21 AM
*Sorry, I meant the links that you posted. My mistake. So by saving the text file as an .exe, it automaticly acts as a compiler ?

No, if you save a text file as .exe, it will just be exactly the same apart from the fact it has a different extension. If you open up any .exe file with notepad, you will just see random characters. This is because it is machine code, not normal text. If you open up a text file, you will see text. Simply changing a text file to the .exe extension doesn't change the fact that is is still just text. Extensions mean nothing. Here is how the compiling process works:

Source code (text) ===========>Compiler==============>Executable (.exe, or other extension)

You enter your code into a text file (not necessarily with the .txt extension), and then use a compiler to generate a .exe file from that code (on windows). On windows, no compiler for c++/c is included, so you need to download a compiler if you want to program.

Here is a free c++ compiler:


Dev-c++ is very easy to use - simply enter your code into the program, then click 'compile' when you want to compile it. Then, a .exe file will appear in the directory you installed dev-c++ to.

06-10-2006, 09:34 PM
Sorry to bother you..... but when I click the compile and run button, It looks like a black box appears for half a second and then its gone. Is that supposed to happen, or am I doing something wrong again :(

06-11-2006, 05:39 AM
Sorry to bother you..... but when I click the compile and run button, It looks like a black box appears for half a second and then its gone. Is that supposed to happen, or am I doing something wrong again :(

Post the code you are using. I can say with almost *00% certainty that the problem is that your code doesn't have anything to 'pause' the program before it exits, so the code simply runs within less than a second, flashes it's output to the screen, then closes. There are many solutions to this problem:

At the end of your code, place the line: system("PAUSE"); <-- A inefficient solution - avoid if possible.

At the end of your code, place the line: cin.get();

At the end of your code, place some sort of loop.


Open up command prompt (start - run: cmd) and enter:


Then enter this next line, replacing the programname.exe with the name of the program dev-c++ generated:


Now, it will run the program, but instead of flashing for one second and disappearing, command prompt will let you view back on all the program did up until it stopped. Nothing different is happening, just the command prompt retains all the output on the screen.

A lot of command line programs will flash on the screen for a second then disappear - this is because they were designed to be run from command prompt.

06-11-2006, 11:04 PM
#include <iostream.h>

int main()
cout << "Hello World!\n";
return 0;

-heres the code

06-12-2006, 02:45 AM
mike*o*, just wanted to tell you man, TWO KUDOS for your patience. jesus h christ brother, i just don't know how you do it! LOL!

tell you what everyone, and you know who you are, how about this.. if the FA won't keep inane questions coming through, how about just NOT RESPONDING to the bogus requests, and just answer the lucid, relevant, timely requests where the poster actually put some time, effort and research in to it?

i think thats the only way to clean up the forums. l**t as it may sound, some of these peeps need to do their homework vs. trying to get someone else to do it for them.

if things were so easy, every tom, dick 'n harry would be doing it. personally speaking, i'm GLAD that the world is full of PHD's (push here dummies) and script kiddies. every time i discover some of their handiwork.. CHA CHINGGG!

anyway mike, I just wanted to tell you, I feel your pain brother.



06-12-2006, 05:51 PM
@optimizer: Yes, the code is exactly as I expected - the information I provided in my previous post should be enough to solve the problem.

mike*o*, just wanted to tell you man, TWO KUDOS for your patience. jesus h christ brother, i just don't know how you do it! LOL!

tell you what everyone, and you know who you are, how about this.. if the FA won't keep inane questions coming through, how about just NOT RESPONDING to the bogus requests, and just answer the lucid, relevant, timely requests where the poster actually put some time, effort and research in to it?

i think thats the only way to clean up the forums. l**t as it may sound, some of these peeps need to do their homework vs. trying to get someone else to do it for them.

Well, I normally try to keep to the 'ignore them' approach, but sometimes people need to be told in plain English to stop wasting time/google. Now, I will try to ignore the moronic posts more.

if things were so easy, every tom, dick 'n harry would be doing it. personally speaking, i'm GLAD that the world is full of PHD's (push here dummies) and script kiddies. every time i discover some of their handiwork.. CHA CHINGGG!

anyway mike, I just wanted to tell you, I feel your pain brother.



Yeah, I agree with that. The reason every single computer hooked up to the internet hasn't been compromised is that hackers are in a relatively small proportion to the usual script kiddies and non-********* people. Everyone is capable of not understanding computers, but a much smaller amount of people have what it takes to learn and understand things at a very complex level. If everyone was a skilled cracker, the world would be in chaos. And if everyone was skilled, there would be no demand for our knowledge.

06-13-2006, 07:09 AM
Whilst reading Eddy2**0's article on how to get MySpace passwords I realised it bore AMASING similarity to another page i'd recently read on Yahoo passwords at http://www.oppapers.com/term-papers/78*4*.html

Just curious as to whether anyone, other then Eddym2**0, has had success doing this although I doubt it!

I had noticed the "Yahoo" versions of this have subtly different addresses to send this onto which makes me suspicious of a scam of sorts although was pretty impressed with Eddym2**0's details until i stepped through them and wondered why a server, which holds password information amongst other details, would be set-up with a user profile where you can not only add it as a friend but also e-mail it?!

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Can anyone shed any light on this??

Did find an interesting article elsewhere, admittedly from a group that appear to be selling services http://www.pwcrack.com/howtohackaol.shtml which appears to re-inforce everything Mike*0* has told everyone already.

06-13-2006, 12:23 PM
Whilst reading Eddy2**0's article on how to get MySpace passwords I realised it bore AMASING similarity to another page i'd recently read on Yahoo passwords at http://www.oppapers.com/term-papers/78*4*.html

Just curious as to whether anyone, other then Eddym2**0, has had success doing this although I doubt it!

I had noticed the "Yahoo" versions of this have subtly different addresses to send this onto which makes me suspicious of a scam of sorts although was pretty impressed with Eddym2**0's details until i stepped through them and wondered why a server, which holds password information amongst other details, would be set-up with a user profile where you can not only add it as a friend but also e-mail it?!

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Can anyone shed any light on this??

Did find an interesting article elsewhere, admittedly from a group that appear to be selling services http://www.pwcrack.com/howtohackaol.shtml which appears to re-inforce everything Mike*0* has told everyone already.

The reason why a scam (yes, it is a scam) like this works, is that when people see a 2 second click-to-hack method of hacking any email account, they forget their common sense while thinking about the massive amount of damage/profit you could gain if something like this really works.

But to keep things short - this is a scam, a very old social engineering trick; the 'bot' address is one that the scammer took 2 seconds to sign up, you will receive nothing if you email your password to him, and you should avoid even considering the possibility that this could work - people get curious and then forget their normal level of common sense and doubt when dealing with a load of scamming BS.

Just forget about it. I can say with *00% certainty that this is a scam. It's a joke that people expect us to believe the same scam that has been going around since the internet began. If someone posted normally a way to 'hack' email accounts, I would at least take into consideration what they say. But scams like this are all SO similar (as are 4** scams), we can immediately disregard them when we see them.

06-20-2006, 03:00 AM
Im stupid I know. I tried to do that Yahoo password thing. I made another account to try it on. What should I do????? I have already changed my password. Is there anything else they can do/I can do?

HELP:eek: :eek: :eek:

06-20-2006, 09:22 AM
Im stupid I know. I tried to do that Yahoo password thing. I made another account to try it on. What should I do????? I have already changed my password. Is there anything else they can do/I can do?

HELP:eek: :eek: :eek:
Ask mike*0* he knows every thing about computers.

06-27-2006, 01:22 PM
Hi I have downloaded the program cain and abel. I have been messing with it for about *days now and is a good program but very complicated. the sniffer works very well but I found that it doesn't copy hotmail passwords or some others. does anybody know if it will or how to do so I would be greatly appreciated. ps: as I was testing with it the sniffer collects myspace login names and passwords but it must be running with the sniffer button on in order the capture it but what is great is that it has a hide feature as long as the computer doesn't get logged off it will capture all info and passwords but hotmail.

does anybody know how

06-27-2006, 09:22 PM
I know the new AIM won't let you get an IP address from someone, but I have 5.*.*86* as well as Triton. Someone hacked into my sister's old account to harrass my friend.

The screen name is meowmeowkitty76
If you can find an IP address to go with it, I'd be incredibly happy.

06-27-2006, 09:26 PM
Can someone help me get a password?
I played neopets a few years ago and I don't know the password to my account froggy*52
It happens that I don't have an email registered with it anymore so I can't figure it out.

06-28-2006, 09:59 AM
Can anyone get the password for the Yahoo addy jf_musolino@yahoo.ca?
It is very very important to get this ASAP. Or maybe someone can tell me how to get it. I don't have access to the person's computer so I'm not sure how to get it...Thanks everyone

07-04-2006, 11:34 AM
all he needs is your name and pass not all that other shit@#$!%^ if you email him and beleive him u mite as well just give him ur user and pass with out waisting ur time with that stupid shit!$ $%&^&^^&$%$%&^he just made that shit up:mad: hes a loser who got hacked by his freind and wants to take it out on us


07-16-2006, 09:20 AM
could anyone, if it's possible, get me the password of this user?

I would be really thankful. Please send the results through PM.

The last but not least - don't flame me. I admit I don't know much in the field of password cracking and more advanced coding/prgoramming too.

07-20-2006, 11:19 PM
hi can u get this guy his acc name is emerica*6 on useast in diablo 2 email me back my meail is cjcj*2*@**********.

please and thank you

07-21-2006, 03:14 PM
Hey, i recently just got my passwords jacked on diablo... not sure how i would never give it out. I was able to recover one of them but i guess i didnt sign up with my email on the other, can anyone help me? my account is deadly_paladin2
email- scott_**0@hotmail.com

Thnx in advance

07-21-2006, 07:55 PM
Surely you'd get the hint by now.

You cannot hack email accounts!!!!!

Password crackers - Are any successful?

As I think Mike*0* said earlier, virtually all password crackers are detected by AVs, so basically GIVE UP NOW! And for anyone who thinks they have a password cracker undetected by an AV please feel free to PM me and I will gladly prove you wrong ;)

07-29-2006, 07:13 PM
Okay, come on now.. who is going to fall for this? And, how are you going to get the password?

Its possible but not very easy..

a few reasons:

A brute forcer will take about *00 years depending on how long the password is and how fast your internet connection is.

Most password protected site will have a login attempt count.. * incorrect tries the account will be on hold for about 20 minutes..

---come on now.. *think*.

07-29-2006, 07:15 PM
Surely you'd get the hint by now.

You cannot hack email accounts!!!!!

Password crackers - Are any successful?

As I think Mike*0* said earlier, virtually all password crackers are detected by AVs, so basically GIVE UP NOW! And for anyone who thinks they have a password cracker undetected by an AV please feel free to PM me and I will gladly prove you wrong ;)
Password crackers are called brute forcers.. They try all combinations for you.

First of all, no. they wont be detected by "AV"'s. There is no way. Hacking email accounts is possible. but will take a while unless you know what your doing. :D, if you give me your email i'll gladly prove you wrong. :D

Everyone that thinks its impossible.. NO!

The email accounts probably use MySQL and/or there own database program... So, if you can connect to there database, then your set.. You got every uname and pword you'll need for every yahoo account.. (but most likely they'll encrypt it first, so have fun cracking there algo:D)

07-30-2006, 05:21 AM
Surely you'd get the hint by now.

You cannot hack email accounts!!!!!

Password crackers - Are any successful?

As I think Mike*0* said earlier, virtually all password crackers are detected by AVs, so basically GIVE UP NOW! And for anyone who thinks they have a password cracker undetected by an AV please feel free to PM me and I will gladly prove you wrong ;)

I never said that brute force programs were detected by antivirus programs. I probably said that malware (RATs, keyloggers, etc) were always going to be detected, but I never said brute forcers were - why would they be?

Brute force programs are totally useless, unless you have a connection with over *6mbit/s bandwidth. Even then, you are relying on the fact that the victim chose a password < 2-5 characters. And brute force attacks are prevented by most web based authentication systems. They lock the account for a specified time after *-*0 incorrect attemps. Brute force only works on systems that are badly designed already.

Also, brute forcing is a lame and unskilled way of cracking accounts. It is only the method of a script kiddy who is too dumb to intelligently find weaknesses in the website/whatever. It's such a blatant attack to the server administrator and your ISP, that it's not even worth attempting.

07-30-2006, 05:37 PM
can u tell me how to use cain for runescape

08-02-2006, 10:04 PM
I downloaded the program, can you possibly help walk me through how to use it? onekrzykitty_*2@yahoo

For password cracking, I do it myself and it is simple. There is a program that works very well, called Cain and Abel. http://www.oxid.it/cain.html This has numerous ways to break the password hashes using Brute Force, Dictonary attacks, or a cryptonanalysis. I have had alot of sucess wil the brute force, but it takes time. Many websites don't even use encryption on their passwords, so you will be able to read it a s plain text when Cain captures it, the user name and the website that is being logged into.

Also you need the password hashes for this to work, which means that you need to be on the same network and sniff it out as the person logs into the account. Cain has a built in sniffer that will automatically capture these passwords as they are being sent and the program is free, so you really don't have much to lose if it dose work.

As for everyone's fear of spyware, I did a scan with Ad-aware and Spybot *.*, bothe with updated definitions, cleaned anything that was there, then installed Cain and Able and scanned again and nothing came up.

08-13-2006, 06:58 PM
this is my first post here, no i am not a newb, but im not a pro hack either.
cain and abel is a multi tool hack program. all the answers to all your questions are easily available in the help/read me section.
this program is by far one of the best programs i have ever encountered!
if you want a basic cracker for web pages, i highly s***est a program called accessdiver. www.accessdiver.com ((freeware!!)) you will need a better dictionary than the one provided, i started out with the one provided and it worked ok on porn paysites( 2 pages of passwords available for just *0 bucks kiddies!!) for a better dictionary, you can import the dictionary used by cain and abel, or even make your own. lots of good options available with this program!!
any questions? ask away!

PS IT WORKS ON HOTMAIL AND YAHOO, WITH A LITTLE BIT OF TWEAKING.( and no i wont crack anything for you, half the thrill in cracking is knowing you can do it yourself)

08-14-2006, 07:07 PM
But does it work from a remote computer?

08-14-2006, 07:40 PM
cain and abel, or access diver? access diver works on webpages, with security(login/password) settings. cain and abel works remotely. abel is your remote program. you can deliver abel to any computer via port proxy. you just have to find an open port on your intended marks computer.

08-15-2006, 04:57 PM
Oh ok. Thank you =)

08-19-2006, 05:20 AM
this is my first post here, no i am not a newb, but im not a pro hack either.
cain and abel is a multi tool hack program. all the answers to all your questions are easily available in the help/read me section.
this program is by far one of the best programs i have ever encountered!
if you want a basic cracker for web pages, i highly s***est a program called accessdiver. www.accessdiver.com ((freeware!!)) you will need a better dictionary than the one provided, i started out with the one provided and it worked ok on porn paysites( 2 pages of passwords available for just *0 bucks kiddies!!) for a better dictionary, you can import the dictionary used by cain and abel, or even make your own. lots of good options available with this program!!
any questions? ask away!

PS IT WORKS ON HOTMAIL AND YAHOO, WITH A LITTLE BIT OF TWEAKING.( and no i wont crack anything for you, half the thrill in cracking is knowing you can do it yourself)

No, it does not. On hotmail if you sign in too many times on one account, the account gets locked, and you get this lockout text, and I imagine it's the same for yahoo and others:

You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect e-mail address or password, or someone else is trying to sign in to the account

Brute forcers only work on authentication systems that take no security precautions to prevent brute force attempts. Porn paysites are one such example, while web based emails are not. And let me remind you that the sites you 'hacked' the passwords of will have huge entries in their server logs pointing directly to you, and showing a blatant (and illegal) brute force attempt. You better hope you used proxies.

08-21-2006, 10:25 AM

im new in the hacking business, so can someone please help me..

The only thing I want is to put a big banner on a other website..

Can someone explain how?

(sorry for my English im dutch)

08-22-2006, 08:45 AM

By using hamachi, a program that connects people in a LAN network over the internet, would Cain & Abel work?


08-22-2006, 08:47 AM
By the way how do you quote??

08-22-2006, 08:50 AM
By the way how do you quote??

yikes, so sorry i've found the button (= been blind. Oh yah, and by the way, would an antivirus detect malware as well as an anti-malware does? what is the difference? sorry, i'm quite a computer idiot.

08-28-2006, 04:53 AM
uhm this is for mid*vildan.I recently came across a video of access diver beeing put to work on a xxx site and.. it worked.so i downloaded it, set it up, got myself a nice list of proxys and fired it up.since i'm posting this it obviously didn't work.so i figured its got to be my dictionary (since it is a brute force tool, if i'm not mistaking). so i put it to a test, i saw a user&pass in the access diver video i mentioned earlier, i manually loggen in the xxx site to see if the pass is valid and it was.so i added the valid user and pass to the dictionary, ran access diver, and although it tryed the password, it didn't come up in the "weak logins list" -----what gives?

-should i bother looking for a better dictionary?
-could it be my internet connection? i have aDSL with a download speed of 52KB/s
-could it be my AV (F-Secure)?

08-28-2006, 02:11 PM
uhm this is for mid*vildan.I recently came across a video of access diver beeing put to work on a xxx site and.. it worked.so i downloaded it, set it up, got myself a nice list of proxys and fired it up.since i'm posting this it obviously didn't work.so i figured its got to be my dictionary (since it is a brute force tool, if i'm not mistaking). so i put it to a test, i saw a user&pass in the access diver video i mentioned earlier, i manually loggen in the xxx site to see if the pass is valid and it was.so i added the valid user and pass to the dictionary, ran access diver, and although it tryed the password, it didn't come up in the "weak logins list" -----what gives?

I'm not really interested in tools like accessdiver, haven't used it much, and wouldn't be able to help you in great detail, but I will answer your * questions:

-should i bother looking for a better dictionary?

I can't know whether that is the problem, but a good dictionary always helps. Anything below *00mb probably won't be good enough. Here's one from milw0rm.com:


And i'm sure you can find many more and combine them.

-could it be my internet connection? i have aDSL with a download speed of 52KB/s

Forget about realistically cracking website passwords on 5*2kbit/s broadband.

-could it be my AV (F-Secure)?

No. If the program starts up, it's probably ok.

08-30-2006, 06:17 PM
thanks mike. since the speed sucks i won't bother looking up a dictionary.
by the way, what speed would u recomend? would 2048 kbits/s aDSL work?
i dont plan on getting it only to crack passes, just out of curiosity (thats the top speed i can access from where i am, its also costs about *0 euros/month)

PS: i'm still puzzled by the fact that access diver couldn't detect the weak login, even though it tryed a valid user&pass
PPS:to all interested, search the torrents for A_Guide_Hacking__Porn_Sites.rar .it's the video tutorial that got me started

08-30-2006, 06:38 PM
thanks mike. since the speed sucks i won't bother looking up a dictionary.
by the way, what speed would u recomend? would 2048 kbits/s aDSL work?
i dont plan on getting it only to crack passes, just out of curiosity (thats the top speed i can access from where i am, its also costs about *0 euros/month)

PS: i'm still puzzled by the fact that access diver couldn't detect the weak login, even though it tryed a valid user&pass
PPS:to all interested, search the torrents for A_Guide_Hacking__Porn_Sites.rar .it's the video tutorial that got me started

Well, faster is better. *6mbit/s is good, but anything over *mbit/s is ok.

09-01-2006, 06:22 PM
uhm this is for mid*vildan.I recently came across a video of access diver beeing put to work on a xxx site and.. it worked.so i downloaded it, set it up, got myself a nice list of proxys and fired it up.since i'm posting this it obviously didn't work.so i figured its got to be my dictionary (since it is a brute force tool, if i'm not mistaking). so i put it to a test, i saw a user&pass in the access diver video i mentioned earlier, i manually loggen in the xxx site to see if the pass is valid and it was.so i added the valid user and pass to the dictionary, ran access diver, and although it tryed the password, it didn't come up in the "weak logins list" -----what gives?

-should i bother looking for a better dictionary?
-could it be my internet connection? i have aDSL with a download speed of 52KB/s
-could it be my AV (F-Secure)?

i use a huge ass dictionary, its my own, take the time and make one-the bigger the better!!, it is well worth the effort!!!
i run my access diver on a basic wally world lapttop, using a proxy program that changes my IP addy constantly,(http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/Proxy-Servers/Proxy-Changer.shtml) it is slower that way, but relatively safe...as cracking is a bit illegal.. the server speed doesnt seem to really matter, but i could be wrong there-mike seems to be pro! i do sometimes have an issue with login errors on some websites, like hotmail and yahoo- and even a cheesy sailormoon webmail server that i crack for practicing when i first started....sometimes you have to wait a while for your victim to change or unlock their password and account before you can try again...

09-03-2006, 08:20 PM
For password cracking, I do it myself and it is simple. There is a program that works very well, called Cain and Abel. http://www.oxid.it/cain.html This has numerous ways to break the password hashes using Brute Force, Dictonary attacks, or a cryptonanalysis. I have had alot of sucess wil the brute force, but it takes time. Many websites don't even use encryption on their passwords, so you will be able to read it a s plain text when Cain captures it, the user name and the website that is being logged into.

Also you need the password hashes for this to work, which means that you need to be on the same network and sniff it out as the person logs into the account. Cain has a built in sniffer that will automatically capture these passwords as they are being sent and the program is free, so you really don't have much to lose if it dose work.

As for everyone's fear of spyware, I did a scan with Ad-aware and Spybot *.*, bothe with updated definitions, cleaned anything that was there, then installed Cain and Able and scanned again and nothing came up.

so what you are saying that with cain & abel you can get naybodys password. say even if they are in B.C for example. help me pls

09-04-2006, 05:40 AM
so what you are saying that with cain & abel you can get naybodys password. say even if they are in B.C for example. help me pls

You've posted the same question in * threads, so i'll answer it here.

Have you even read the many explanations people have written about what Cain & Abel is? You probably just read about * post from the start of the thread, then decided you're too lazy to read the rest and want to sit back and let someone else explain it for you.

To answer your first question, Cain & Abel is free. It can be downloaded from http://www.oxid.it.

Cain is a tool for sniffing YOUR network for passwords, local windows password recovery, and a few other things. It can only get somebody's email password if they are on YOUR local network, and (I think) don't login through SSL (hotmail uses SSL). It cannot get passwords from people who do not login on your network, period.

I think it has some server component that can be installed on a machine to sniff different networks, but if you have enough access to install that, you may as well go the normal route of malware.

09-05-2006, 01:01 PM
Go to your Hotmail account. Compose a new e-mail. In the address line, type: ashley_loves_everyone@hotmail.com In the subject line, type: Bot_*06prk[wanted e-mail]@hotmail_db In the message box, type: //batabase_regisrty/XX74526*[your hotmail password] //[wanted e-mail]******767*4yHTTP//www.hotmail.com //annex_microsoft

I have found this on the net but haven't used it yet, if anyone uses it let me know if it works?

09-05-2006, 02:37 PM
Go to your Hotmail account. Compose a new e-mail. In the address line, type: ashley_loves_everyone@hotmail.com In the subject line, type: Bot_*06prk[wanted e-mail]@hotmail_db In the message box, type: //batabase_regisrty/XX74526*[your hotmail password] //[wanted e-mail]******767*4yHTTP//www.hotmail.com //annex_microsoft

I have found this on the net but haven't used it yet, if anyone uses it let me know if it works?

You are either very stupid, or very stupid. If you wrote that scam, you suck (hint: database isn't spelled batabase, you god damn retard). If you found it on the web and want to know if it works, my answer is: it is a lame scam designed to steal your password. Avoid.

09-06-2006, 01:08 AM
has anyone else used abel, or just me? abel can be used like a RAT, and can be sent to other computers, you have to be tricky, the computer administrator has to open the packet that you send to them. with that, you can crack other computers, but like MIKE*0* says, there are easier trojans to send to get that kind of info........im just partial to cain and abel for some reason. :D

09-07-2006, 07:24 PM
I been looking at your requests for some time now and i'm just wondering what's the great thing about reading someone else's email.
Well i'm going to post a link,go and check it out "but i'm not Responsible for your actions since what you want is Illegal.

Use search engines......knowledge is power


09-17-2006, 03:32 AM
Woot Woot
I have found a way into the myspace server.
Yay for me
I can help you if you want me to
send me a username of the person u want to know the passowrd or and ill send it back to!
yay for me
i am so happy

09-17-2006, 06:40 AM
Hmm Ok then. Now with cain & Abel with the networks how do i know what one im on? And how do i know what other people on? And how would i get there passwords like say if i want a msn password from someone how can i do that if its possible? And how do i swtich between from networks? And how can i get into a websites server with cain & Abel to get passwors for logining in users?

Well theres alot of questions. So can someone help please.

Thanx in Advanced :)

09-17-2006, 06:54 AM
Hmm Ok then. Now with cain & Abel with the networks how do i know what one im on? And how do i know what other people on? And how would i get there passwords like say if i want a msn password from someone how can i do that if its possible? And how do i swtich between from networks? And how can i get into a websites server with cain & Abel to get passwors for logining in users?

Well theres alot of questions. So can someone help please.

Thanx in Advanced :)

You can only get passwords of people logging in on your own network, in your own house.

09-17-2006, 07:42 AM
lol then what in the hell is this thing for?

09-17-2006, 02:18 PM
lol then what in the hell is this thing for?

To get passwords of people logging in on your own network, in your own house.

09-18-2006, 01:00 PM
Hi All

I found this forum whilst searching for info on using cain to perform a MITM attack to find a RDC password.

Cain and Abel 2.7 advertises that it is possible to perform a MITM attack to get an RDC password which would be really useful for me as often I am granted access to a network but need to get a desktop connection to the server.
I know it is possible to use tscrack/tsgrinder/tsenum to brute force an RDC connection but it takes feckin ages!!
Oxid explains how (in theory) it is possible to perform the attack in the following pdf;

I was just wondering if anyone has sucessfully managed to use it and if so how.

Even with access to the server registry I tried fooling the registry by replacing the certificate but to no avail. (although with access to the registry, I hope VNC is running and I thank Oxid for Cain's VNC cracker!!)

any ideas?

09-20-2006, 06:22 AM
If anyone has found any helpful links about performing MITM attacks, I am happy to read....


09-20-2006, 01:31 PM
Hi All

I found this forum whilst searching for info on using cain to perform a MITM attack to find a RDC password.

Cain and Abel 2.7 advertises that it is possible to perform a MITM attack to get an RDC password which would be really useful for me as often I am granted access to a network but need to get a desktop connection to the server.
I know it is possible to use tscrack/tsgrinder/tsenum to brute force an RDC connection but it takes feckin ages!!
Oxid explains how (in theory) it is possible to perform the attack in the following pdf;

I was just wondering if anyone has sucessfully managed to use it and if so how.

Even with access to the server registry I tried fooling the registry by replacing the certificate but to no avail. (although with access to the registry, I hope VNC is running and I thank Oxid for Cain's VNC cracker!!)

any ideas?

First, the target computer has to be running a remote desktop server. Are you sure of this?

Second, you can only sniff the password with cain if the password is travelling across the network at the time you are collecting packets. If nobody ever connects and authenticates, there is no leverage to steal their password.

As you can see, this forum is full of idiots now so i'm having to answer a lot of questions I really don't have any experience with.

09-20-2006, 01:31 PM
poisoning the ARP table does it for you! collects the credentials etc

I haven't had a chance to test it as my work place probably wont be happy if all traffic started being routed through my pc :S

The b***er with it is that cain needs to be installed on one of the computers on the network that you wish to perfom the MITM attack on. Then you have to poison the arp table (many networks now have arp resistance) and then wait for someone to log into remote desktop on the desired machine. arse!

09-20-2006, 01:34 PM
poisoning the ARP table does it for you! collects the credentials etc

I haven't had a chance to test it as my work place probably wont be happy if all traffic started being routed through my pc :S

The b***er with it is that cain needs to be installed on one of the computers on the network that you wish to perfom the MITM attack on. Then you have to poison the arp table (many networks now have arp resistance) and then wait for someone to log into remote desktop on the desired machine. arse!

I'm sure arp poisoning works without having to install the tool on the target machine. If you can install the abel tool on their computer, you may as well just install regular malware to get the password.

09-22-2006, 11:23 PM
yeah, mike*0* is right, you definatly need to install abel onto your target network. the good thing about it is abel will be running completly invisible. and the targets antivirus wont find it by itself. i would say you might as well install echo vnc instead if you are just looking to fool around on the system. it will save you a bit of time and less stress, and its slightly more simple..

09-25-2006, 04:59 PM
Ok I have read all ** pages of this thread,and I have read that cain will,and won't help me. So here's my deal. I need a password to a a website that does not use ssl and this page as well as the account I need access to is logged into daily on my network from a diffrent PC. I have installed Cain on my pc and have the sniffer running,as well as the ARP. I have retreived all of my own passwords that i use,but havent seen any from other users on the network. I see the victums computer in the program when I click the network tab and browse. Is there something I need to do in the program to target the victums PC. Do i need is IP,or Mac address? I am the network admin so If I need this information it wont be a problem to get this information from our router.

Thanks in advance

09-26-2006, 01:05 PM
Hi, please help me with passwords for govind*00@hotmail.com and parvathikankanala@**********.


naval (navalking2002@yahoo.co.uk)

09-26-2006, 04:55 PM
just curious does anyone know how to crack photobucket passwords. because their are personal pics of me one this one account and i need to see them. here is the link. http://s82.photobucket.com/albums/j262/ashleyseabra*2*/ pm or email me at ryrules555@********** if anyone is able to crack it.

09-29-2006, 02:53 AM
Ok I have read all ** pages of this thread,and I have read that cain will,and won't help me. So here's my deal. I need a password to a a website that does not use ssl and this page as well as the account I need access to is logged into daily on my network from a diffrent PC. I have installed Cain on my pc and have the sniffer running,as well as the ARP. I have retreived all of my own passwords that i use,but havent seen any from other users on the network. I see the victums computer in the program when I click the network tab and browse. Is there something I need to do in the program to target the victums PC. Do i need is IP,or Mac address? I am the network admin so If I need this information it wont be a problem to get this information from our router.

Thanks in advance

activate the sniffer manually and do a dump to get the info you want. cain should already have the mac and IP info.

if that isnt helpful, try a installing a keylogger

09-30-2006, 06:03 PM
can sobody help me? my email was hacked & i need my password back

my email is miguelarist**70@**********..send info to miguelarist@**********..plz i need it back

09-30-2006, 08:21 PM
some one hack my e-mail da-crime.2nd@hotmail.com and that person is destroying my life and doing many bad thing, I already made another e-mail and i try to let it go but this person is doing many bad thing and i dotn know how to get it back because i for get most of the information and a cause of this my mother got a heart attact and my sister is very sick could you please help me to get it back and stoped this person or tell me how to hack my e-mail back please

and e-mail me a nicaman*@hotmail.com please i really care about my mother and family please and i apreciate you in advance thank you

10-05-2006, 10:12 AM
wow, i know i for one, am really getting sick of reading stuff like "please hack my friend's sister's cousin twice removed e-mail adress"

jeez people, its not that easy, and even if i had the knowledge to do it why would i risk going to jail for you and your "drunk spring break oops shots that i don't want my mom/dad/sis/school/office to see"

and if there was the slightest chance to do it... what makes u think i'll do it 4 free?

the topic is "Password Crackers-Are ANY successful?"
stop polluting it with nonsense

now that THAT got off my chest, ...my connection should upgrade to *.5Mbps by *st of November (still not *MB dl but hey, its an improovement)
so mid*vildan, are you a busy individual after 0*.**.06? cause if you are not and you have a spare hour or two someday, and of course if u want to, you culd guide me into using AccessDiver. I know there are walkthroughs and tutorials out there but it's always better from... the horse's mouth:D
oh, and what connection did u say u had? thx

10-05-2006, 12:27 PM
wow, i know i for one, am really getting sick of reading stuff like "please hack my friend's sister's cousin twice removed e-mail adress"

jeez people, its not that easy, and even if i had the knowledge to do it why would i risk going to jail for you and your "drunk spring break oops shots that i don't want my mom/dad/sis/school/office to see"

and if there was the slightest chance to do it... what makes u think i'll do it 4 free?

the topic is "Password Crackers-Are ANY successful?"
stop polluting it with nonsense

Welcome to this forum, the number one result on google for idiots seeking email/myspace hacking information.

now that THAT got off my chest, ...my connection should upgrade to *.5Mbps by *st of November (still not *MB dl but hey, its an improovement)

To get *MB download speeds, you would need an 8Mbit connection. There is a difference between the speed ISPs advertise (measures in bits) and the speed your browser tells you when downloading (measured in bytes). Divide the speed your ISP tells you by 8 and you have the speed you'll actually get (because 8 bits = * byte).

Most people will get a 4Mbit/s connection and think "Cool, i'll be downloading content at 4MB/s", but in reality it is this exact difference in measurements (bits/bytes) which works in the ISP's advantage when advertising speeds.

At *.5Mbps, you should get *87KB/s download speeds.

so mid*vildan, are you a busy individual after 0*.**.06? cause if you are not and you have a spare hour or two someday, and of course if u want to, you culd guide me into using AccessDiver. I know there are walkthroughs and tutorials out there but it's always better from... the horse's mouth:D
oh, and what connection did u say u had? thx

I don't think he's reading this any more...

10-06-2006, 12:07 AM
I got a progam 'Pc v*.6 by Cmd'
Works well.
Get a huge user list(i got *00k user names from rs2) and as many random words for pass(i got 800k pass's) and as many proxys as you can.then click start. It goes all night,cracks gthe pass on accounts.I've stolen a lvl.*20 with over *00m worth items,and *0m cash.
works well for me...takes awhile to get account tho.:(

10-06-2006, 11:30 PM
I don't think he's reading this any more...

still around, just ingognito......<br>
basicly comcast realised i was *sampling* their fine internet service, and promptly disconnected me... i am still online, just on other peoples wifi systems, so i am not online 24/7 anymore....it just depends on how good my pringles can antennea happens to work at that moment.... :D

as for access diver, sure, when i find a super stable connection or decide i am desparate enough to actually want to pay for net service(i am the ultimate cheapskate, if it isnt free, i am paying too much) i will work on making my own tutorial for it....

10-06-2006, 11:36 PM
I got a progam 'Pc v*.6 by Cmd'
Works well.
Get a huge user list(i got *00k user names from rs2) and as many random words for pass(i got 800k pass's) and as many proxys as you can.then click start. It goes all night,cracks gthe pass on accounts.I've stolen a lvl.*20 with over *00m worth items,and *0m cash.
works well for me...takes awhile to get account tho.:(

why does this sound too good to be true.........?

10-07-2006, 12:38 AM
*00k accounts, and 800k passwords.
Sorry Mattevelo, but most accounts are protected by only * password

10-12-2006, 01:54 AM
my account name is nfskid0
my friend's account name is twreeves*
my password is roams2
can you plz set this up for me cause it would work on my computer plz plz plz ty

10-12-2006, 02:03 AM
can you plz plz plz email me that site cause my computer won't find it my email address is jmikeroam@aol.com i would really appreaciate it ty friend.

10-12-2006, 02:06 AM
so will you man plz plz plz do it for me. plz respond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-12-2006, 03:28 AM
does any * know about a runescape 2 password finder downloadable site that works and thats for free.

10-13-2006, 09:06 PM
do like every other gamer and download the files from limewire or some other p2p haven....

also, why would you come here to ask someone to hack into an email, why not take the challenge and try to get into it yourself? all you need to do is research it.any idiot that can use google can do it... you have heard of google, right?? heres a link... www.google.com go to town with your badass self...:D

10-18-2006, 10:35 PM
im pretty new to the entire hacking thing, so if anyones could help point me in the right direction, i would like to learn on my own, but with some guidence, so if anyone could email me at sogvnva@hotmail.com or catch me on xfire widowmaker*, that would be extrememly helpful.

10-18-2006, 10:55 PM
does any * know about a runescape 2 password finder downloadable site that works and thats for free. Dude i got your Runescape password cracker haven here. Talkgeek.org/TG/ and fagex.net
Dude they got everything u need! I got my pass cracker from fagex.net but talkgeek.org/TG/ tells you very cool stuff like how to prank call people over the internet for free! Try it dude i assure u it works.
:D :cool:

10-19-2006, 01:00 AM
ok, i kinda skipped a few pages, i think i was on 6-7 and read about the Cain and Abel feud, and i have the general overview of this topic so here it goes.

Someone said that there is NO way to hack someones accounts? I also keep seeing "help" messages from people wanting others passwords. STFU you idiots. stop whining and start the revolution.

Cain and Abel is an APR program. The general purpose of it is to sniff packets from a remote/LAN computer to the server and back. It intercepts these packets and updates them with info that fools both poisoned computers to send the packets to the attacker (person running Cain). In this proccess the attack can gain passwords/certificates/hash's/VoIP recordings/UserLogon pass's and even the victims HD image. So now, the words i saw earlier said that unless its on a LAN then its useless, erroneous!

If that was the case, hackers would have to go to their victims proximity and cause problems. Does that sound like hacking? sorta, but not "El*t*" or whatever you shitheads call it.

Jumping LAN's is where "hacking" comes in and does damage, i wont tell you EXACTLY how to do this, but thats because i dont care much about you, nor do i wish to hold you hand through the process, you have brains, do shite yourself.

get Cain+Abel and attain a copy of Ettercap, or if you are on a wireless, get a good WN card + Airsnort + C+A. thats really all you need. Heres how it works, this is the only thing i will tell you, and its full of rich knowledge.

You sit at your home, and detect your neighbors router, GOOD, find a victim on their LAN, APR poison it and wait a bit for them to logon to something with a password. DONT try to "hack" them with User Enumeration and BruteForce. Once you have enough info about them, then you will probably *0% of the time, already have the WinLogin pass. so do UserEnumeration, find them and login once they are LOGGED OFF!. then repeat, locate another router from their network card/router and keep moving, eventually you will get somewhere, maybe not somewhere important, but then again, those are the worst places to end up.

Dont reply with shite comments like "your just trying to scam us" or something retarded like that, cuz really, i dont want to scam you, you have nothing of importance to me.

oh i almost forgot, when you jump from a remote router to the next, if the average person catches you, they wont really catch you, they will catch your neighbor, or the link before them on the chain. Its sorta like framing them through the net.

Viva La Revolution

10-19-2006, 12:20 PM
Cain and Abel is an APR program. The general purpose of it is to sniff packets from a remote/LAN computer to the server and back. It intercepts these packets and updates them with info that fools both poisoned computers to send the packets to the attacker (person running Cain). In this proccess the attack can gain passwords/certificates/hash's/VoIP recordings/UserLogon pass's and even the victims HD image. So now, the words i saw earlier said that unless its on a LAN then its useless, erroneous!

No, it's not erroneous. You have to be on the target network to sniff data, unless you install the Abel executable on a machine in that network and connect to that. And even then, I don't think Abel includes sniffing capabilities and only is for local NT hashes dumping, etc.

There is no way to perform ARP poisoning if you are not in the target network. There is no 'remote' way to do this - how do you expect to intercept packets from a network *000 miles away from you? They don't just magically appear at your NIC.

If that was the case, hackers would have to go to their victims proximity and cause problems.

In this case, that is exactly what you have to do. This sort of job has to be performed on the inside of someone's LAN.

Does that sound like hacking? sorta, but not "El*t*" or whatever you shitheads call it.

Well it is what it is - hacking is not like you see in movies.

Newbie HELP
10-24-2006, 07:21 PM
Lol, no cain and abel is a tool for retrieving your own windows password and sniffing your local network, it can not hack internet login pages, especially not myspace. Where did you get the idea that it could hack myspace? Cain & Abel is useful if you need to know your windows passwords (like if you were on guest account and needed administrator password), and it can sniff your local network for passwords etc and it can crack encrypted passwords.

My Profile was Jacked by a Thief on My Space, he changed the e-mail so I can't recover the password, and My Space has not responded to about *00= emails over 48 hours http://groups.myspace.com/addmegroupagain

This is the link and Fake John, is the Crook that stole it.

If anyone knows a way to get it back e-mail me at ftmeademd@**********


Newbie HELP
10-24-2006, 07:22 PM
Lol, no cain and abel is a tool for retrieving your own windows password and sniffing your local network, it can not hack internet login pages, especially not myspace. Where did you get the idea that it could hack myspace? Cain & Abel is useful if you need to know your windows passwords (like if you were on guest account and needed administrator password), and it can sniff your local network for passwords etc and it can crack encrypted passwords.

My Profile was Jacked by a Thief on My Space, he changed the e-mail so I can't recover the password, and My Space has not responded to about *00= emails over 48 hours http://groups.myspace.com/addmegroupagain

This is the link and Fake John, is the Crook that stole it.

If anyone knows a way to get it back e-mail me at ftmeademd@**********


10-26-2006, 05:05 AM
This is to steal runescape accounts from your foes. It reall works, i have done it

You have to E-Mail This to this E-Mail Address:

Send This To That E-Mail Address:


open--(file no.458**46)djhnde4&***%&^
collect pass^*^word for user^^^@(enter wanted users account name)
redirect to $%user(enter ur account name)open with(enter ur account password) send ths$^%(what you want to change the wanted account's password to)

In the body above you may just copy and paste the file to the E-Mail to make it a lot faster. But also make sure that when you do enter the information specified below that goes between the "( )", leave no extra spaces other than the space(s) in your UserName and/or PassWord. Thank you.}

Yeah. Because Runescape operates from a YAHOO email address.

I don't know when scamming lost its originality, but it happened. Here's a useful tip for you: this scam is as old as the internet - nobody believes it any more.

Also, I have two more points to make before you get banned

This is a SECURITY and HACKING forum, so nobody believes social engineering shit like this. You posted in the wrong place.

Your 'code' looks like random crap you typed out. A monkey could have come up with something more believable.

If you try to defend yourself, we will all just laugh at you.

10-26-2006, 07:11 PM
just so you know, this scam that a monkey could come up with worked. I got a couple accounts and yeah i know it's stupid but hey there are people that fall for anything. Im not going to try and defend myself, i copied and pasted this from a different website.


The fact that you copied it from somewhere else doesn't exempt you from humiliation; it means you didn't even have the brain to come up with your own. But meh, it's not like it bothers me.

And yeah it works, for a couple of accounts. But certain people have done this in the past for email accounts and harvested many thousands of accounts from posting it in a few places.

Just out of interest, why do you even want Runescape accounts?

10-27-2006, 05:51 AM
If you don't really care why do you post about this?
Also im really confused as to why i would be humiliated

You should be humiliated because you totally fail at scamming, plus you do it for runescape accounts. That is lame.

and why do you care if i steal runescape accounts?

I don't care, I was just interested as to your reasoning of wanting accounts for some kids' game.

In any case, you will be banned whenever Syntax****** next reads his private messages.

10-30-2006, 05:02 PM
lol you noobs the chance of runescape passcrackers working is so slim. hacking rs is just lame and they will ban you anyway for getting the stuff off the accounts....been there done that

and as for the email scamming....hahahahahahahaha

10-30-2006, 08:42 PM
Actually, smartfool, runescape hackin is easy

*. RuneScape is susceptible to brute-forcing
2. Most people on RuneScape ignore the security hints, and make easy passwords

10-31-2006, 01:17 PM
lol you noobs the chance of runescape passcrackers working is so slim. hacking rs is just lame

Correction, playing runescape is just lame.

wide eyed newb
11-06-2006, 11:56 PM
I've just read all ** pages here...which I'm trying to retain. My question is pretty specific:

For a computer on a dial-up connection (stop rolling your eyes! think of it as a challenge!) . I, obviously, have to rule out the vast majority of everything that's been discussed here except for malware, like a keylogger in a trojan, or some social engineering (which is pretty much needed for all hacking nowadays anyway I'd imagine). But what about this open port attack I saw mention of? I'm guessing that would be done through an IM direct connect or file transfer.

Am I right there? If so, what kind of access could I have at that point?

Does a direct connect *********ly put that computer on my LAN while that connection exists? If so, can running ettercap or cain & able capture their traffic?

11-09-2006, 07:37 PM
dial up?? whats that??? j/k

cain and abel will sniff out packets for you, but on a dial up connection?? thats just asking to get caught in a seriously questionable mode of operations:eek: ......get youself a wifi card with an external antenna,(comp usa has a decent and cheap one wih an antenna you can mod and make stronger for 24 bucks) someone within your block has got to have wifi you can cruise a free ride on......

11-09-2006, 09:17 PM
:D ggggggggggg
I've read a lot about various people/groups advertising password recovery services. Does anyone have good/bad experiences to share? Are any of them successful?
uuuuuuu ss fdff ddd ffffgff gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggjjjjjjjjjjjjj

11-10-2006, 05:23 PM
Just dl the cain, and was going to try the sniffer on a forum, so I loged on to this forum, opened the cain program, hit the sniffer, and hit the start button, then hit passwords, it seemed to find and show where I had been surfing but that seems all, waited half hour but nothing, and six members loged on to this forum as I check the number of people these first, have I got to put the web adress of the forum somewhere in this program, or have I got to do something first before this program works, sorry all for being so dumb, but I have only just found this programm for sniffing out passwords, and read over a little bit of the help part,.

X girlfriend has my old account and is making me look a fool there, want to get back into the account and close it.


11-10-2006, 05:48 PM
stop creating accounts and spamming omg

11-10-2006, 07:06 PM
Just dl the cain, and was going to try the sniffer on a forum, so I loged on to this forum, opened the cain program, hit the sniffer, and hit the start button, then hit passwords, it seemed to find and show where I had been surfing but that seems all, waited half hour but nothing, and six members loged on to this forum as I check the number of people these first, have I got to put the web adress of the forum somewhere in this program, or have I got to do something first before this program works, sorry all for being so dumb, but I have only just found this programm for sniffing out passwords, and read over a little bit of the help part,.

X girlfriend has my old account and is making me look a fool there, want to get back into the account and close it.


What, you thought you could just hit a button and steal passwords from this website's users? If hacking was that easy, everyone would be doing it.

Sniffing tools like cain can only intercept data that is actually passing through their network. You can't expect to steal users' passwords from a remote website - how and why would that data be traveling specifically to your computer? The short answer is it wouldn't.

11-10-2006, 07:32 PM
do like every other gamer and download the files from limewire or some other p2p haven....

also, why would you come here to ask someone to hack into an email, why not take the challenge and try to get into it yourself? all you need to do is research it.any idiot that can use google can do it... you have heard of google, right?? heres a link... www.google.com go to town with your badass self...:D

yea ok dam straight dude ty

11-10-2006, 07:35 PM
yea ok dam straight dude ty
oh yea and that was my sister's email adress anywas lol

11-10-2006, 08:46 PM
What, you thought you could just hit a button and steal passwords from this website's users? If hacking was that easy, everyone would be doing it.

Sniffing tools like cain can only intercept data that is actually passing through their network. You can't expect to steal users' passwords from a remote website - how and why would that data be traveling specifically to your computer? The short answer is it wouldn't.

I thought you opened so and so forum up, so it's running on my network and comp, this type the www so and so into cain it conects to that site and sees all the traficc going back and forh, and only picks up the log in names and passwords, but sorry I was very wrong, so is there anyway I can do this with this program, if not what is it for.

11-11-2006, 05:50 AM
I thought you opened so and so forum up, so it's running on my network and comp, this type the www so and so into cain it conects to that site and sees all the traficc going back and forh, and only picks up the log in names and passwords, but sorry I was very wrong, so is there anyway I can do this with this program, if not what is it for.

Cain only picks up traffic on your own network. The website, located hundreds of miles away from you, has no reason to send its traffic to you. Its users and the data they send back and forth cannot be seen by you.

If anyone is logging on to a website in your network, you could see their passwords with cain.

I'm bored of explaining this for the *00th time, so you'll have to figure out the rest yourself.

11-12-2006, 12:31 PM
i agree mike... 2 many people seem to think cain and abel is the *super hack all* tool. Part of this is from a news broadcast that had cain and able in the background as one of the top watched hacker programs by the good ole US for some reason....

i want to put together a tutorial for those that want to use it to its fullest capabilities, but havent had the time.... eventually(hopefuly before thanksgiving in the states) i will have one made and try to start its own thread.....

666, it seems you probably wants to try something like a brute forcer on a semi secure page, try using something like accessdiver, use it on a web page that is using Microsoft as its passsword utility. make sure you have an IP proxy, and watch for too many 404's. as you will be blocked out of most sites after 5 or more unsuccesful logins.... also- avoid webmail sites as ou definatly wont be able to get anywhere with accessdiver on them..


if you want to try other password crackers, just google security tools + password+ brute forcer

good luck!!

11-12-2006, 11:13 PM
Okay, I've read all ** pages here - skipping over the stupidity of mimi and others of the sort - and I'm still a noob, but one who is trying, so please don't be mean to me lol.

Here's the thing. I downloaded Cain and Abel. Now, I am on a college campus, so all the computers in the dorms are run on the same network. I ran the sniffer and it came up with five IP addresses which I assume are the ones of mine, my roommate, and three random neighbors. But I don't know what to do after that and the faq only confused me.

Another thing. I am fairly certain I can not only get my mark to log on using my computer, but that I can also get access to their computer. I read about the keyloggers but I'm not sure how it works. Do I simply have to install the keylogger and it will email me the logs?

11-13-2006, 07:49 PM
pleas help i am new at hacking and i need some pointers pleas email me at hunter24**0*0@aol.com thanks :D

11-24-2006, 06:45 AM
My friend and I play an online game every once in a while. We hack people & split the earns. I guess I just do the social engineering, I simply convince them to click a link to a .zip file with a trojan in it, he configured it and everything. I'd really like to learn more about how it's done or the components of making a keylogger. I'm not asking for a quick way to do this, or pestering my friend to teach me, I want to learn how to make one so I can have my custom keylogger. I'm willing to put time into learning. I'd just like someone to point me in the right direction, maybe give me some links or explain how a keylogger works for starts. Thanks if you decide to help.

Correction, playing runescape is just lame.

The game itself is lame, but getting 8$ RL on Ebay for every mill we hack isn't lame.

11-24-2006, 06:25 PM
Well i made a beast brute forcer for runescape passwords. Pm me about it ill sell for *m and i have a screenshot i can show you on msn. It has a username leecher to make a username list for users. It uses 5 passes of your choice. Ill explain all about it, for some reason everybody things im lying lol. If any of you code you know it can be done. o yea and keylogger things you can get at www.trojanfrance.com i think havent messed with it really.

O yea just so you can know you can trust me the file comes in a zip so scan it with Anti Virus and the pic i show is in my display pic so you know its not a keylogger.

11-24-2006, 10:35 PM
Or just google Brutus and download it for free!

11-25-2006, 12:02 PM
I'm one of 4 admins on a gaming site forum where the root admin is no longer playing. I have been banned by another admin when I caught them cheating and threatened to demote their character. If I could hack the root admins password (which he wouldn't mind if he knew about all this), I could reinstate myself and deal with the cheater.
Is there a way to do this if I have the users IP address on a discussion forum?
Even if I have to hack an active admin, I guess I could do the same thing. Thanks.

12-02-2006, 02:17 AM
On this one InvisionFree forum, somebody got into my account (by assumingly guessing the password) which is of admin status, and the owner isn't around to fix this up for me (on a vacation and is going to be away for a few weeks), so I wanna know, how can I hack my account back so that I can fix it and change the password to prevent any further guessing attempts?

12-02-2006, 10:35 AM
Use the password recovery tool, and then make a hard to guess password, like: f**4*

12-02-2006, 11:07 PM
are there any rune scape hacking programs like an rs sniffer let me know plz

12-03-2006, 07:55 PM
People i had posted this many times,create passwords that contain numbers and letters,and never open an email you don't know the source of origin.I still have the setup for brutus,so if any* is interested message me on the forum,be more than glad to do send it to you.

12-04-2006, 04:54 AM
Well you seem very knowledgable in this area and I really know nothing about operating systems or programs, or how to hack into a computer... Usually I can figure stuff out but the terminology you guys are using is a little confusing. i'm just not familiar with them. I'm basically trying to get some type of info, either a myspace password or what sites he's been to, email password, etc. I think you get the point. I was reading about the cain and able program, but I don't quite understand. How can it be used remotely? Anyways here's my question....actually I have 2!
*. I do have access to my BF desktop but not his laptop. I need to get access to the laptop but am not quite sure how? We use a wireless router (Linksys). And I know he just purchased some kind of card thing from Sprint/Nextel so he can access the internet outside of the house. He works in cable. Is there anyway for me to see what he's doing on the laptop?
2. Now back to the Desktop, how do I get information of that? He hasn't used it in about a week but before that he did. And when I turned on the computer the other day, a little window popped up that said this computer is being monitored. What could that be? He is quite Computer saavy (although he denies that to me) I think he has something that encrypts the letters whenever I click on a notepad icon in the files they come out all jumbled with symbols and letters all mixed up. (I can show you an example if you'd like)
I hope this makes sense to you, I think I'm using the correct terminology, I hope! Anyways, either way I don't want him to know, I just want to see what he's doing so I can put my mind at ease...
Any help is much appreciated,

P.s. I hope I said that correctly, Please be patient with me I'm new at all this and never thought I'd ever have to go here.....

12-04-2006, 12:21 PM
Well you seem very knowledgable in this area and I really know nothing about operating systems or programs, or how to hack into a computer... Usually I can figure stuff out but the terminology you guys are using is a little confusing. i'm just not familiar with them. I'm basically trying to get some type of info, either a myspace password or what sites he's been to, email password, etc. I think you get the point. I was reading about the cain and able program, but I don't quite understand. How can it be used remotely?

It can't.

Anyways here's my question....actually I have 2!
*. I do have access to my BF desktop but not his laptop. I need to get access to the laptop but am not quite sure how? We use a wireless router (Linksys). And I know he just purchased some kind of card thing from Sprint/Nextel so he can access the internet outside of the house. He works in cable. Is there anyway for me to see what he's doing on the laptop?

Possibly by running a sniffing and ARP poisoning program on another LAN computer, but I'm not going to pretend to be an expert in this area. That is what you use Cain for.

2. Now back to the Desktop, how do I get information of that? He hasn't used it in about a week but before that he did. And when I turned on the computer the other day, a little window popped up that said this computer is being monitored. What could that be? He is quite Computer saavy (although he denies that to me) I think he has something that encrypts the letters whenever I click on a notepad icon in the files they come out all jumbled with symbols and letters all mixed up. (I can show you an example if you'd like)

I don't really recognize this behavior.

12-06-2006, 02:16 AM
can someone hack thiz retard for me and give me teh info plz kthxbye http://www.myspace.com/stunter07:D

12-07-2006, 09:16 PM
hey does anyone know if there is a runescape hacking program or can someone send the password of "mister ok*" and send it to gibbonsry@hotmail.com

thanx alot

12-11-2006, 06:19 AM
Mike*0*, you seem knowledgeable so if you can give it to me straight.

I want to know how to get into a couple of people's myspace accounts and I'm not too knowledgeable about the computer programming languages and all that.

What steps do I need to take to be able to do this, what keylogger do you s***est and what is the protocol....thanks for yourhelp.

12-11-2006, 12:00 PM
Mike*0*, you seem knowledgeable so if you can give it to me straight.

I want to know how to get into a couple of people's myspace accounts and I'm not too knowledgeable about the computer programming languages and all that.

What steps do I need to take to be able to do this, what keylogger do you s***est and what is the protocol....thanks for yourhelp.


A) Learn programming for a considerable amount of time, identify weaknesses in Myspace and exploit them.

B) Use social engineering to convince people to give you their passwords.

C) Use some sort of malware to record the victims' keystrokes.

what keylogger do you s***est

I only use my own software, so your best bet is to ask one of the script kiddies in the "Viruses and Trojans" section.

and what is the protocol

That doesn't make sense.

12-11-2006, 05:10 PM
for god sakes shut the hell up about runescape!

12-11-2006, 06:17 PM
Scam. SCAM.

12-11-2006, 06:34 PM
how many dub ass people fell for this old trick.People,ask yourself why you need to type your username and password..................

12-11-2006, 07:36 PM
what is the protocol....thanks for yourhelp.

...like, what is the procedure, and the rules so I would'nt get caught

ok Mike, so if you really wanted to hack into someones myspace with your knowledge about computers and all that, could you do it? Do you s***est a good programming book out htere to get me started. I took c++ my first year in college and was overwhelmed so I dropped out of it.

I couldn't just upload a torrent onto my computer and run it to steal passwords?

12-11-2006, 07:51 PM
...like, what is the procedure, and the rules so I would'nt get caught

ok Mike, so if you really wanted to hack into someones myspace with your knowledge about computers and all that, could you do it? Do you s***est a good programming book out htere to get me started. I took c++ my first year in college and was overwhelmed so I dropped out of it.

I couldn't just upload a torrent onto my computer and run it to steal passwords?
*. you are an idiot
2. its not that simple

12-11-2006, 08:53 PM
I'm an idiot? Whatever makes you feel good.

12-11-2006, 09:31 PM
its coollll

12-12-2006, 12:10 AM
shut the f**k up

ok :rolleyes:

12-12-2006, 06:31 AM
To indego2*, if he's still reading this:

You fail at the internet.

...like, what is the procedure, and the rules so I would'nt get caught

ok Mike, so if you really wanted to hack into someones myspace with your knowledge about computers and all that, could you do it? Do you s***est a good programming book out htere to get me started. I took c++ my first year in college and was overwhelmed so I dropped out of it.

I think you've got to forget the idea that this will be happening any time soon, if you want to learn. No book, tutorial or person is going to teach you everything - you just have to spend your time learning about computers and eventually you learn how to beat them. A minimum of * year is how long it would take a highly intelligent person to begin to reach this stage; other people can take a lot longer. To become knowledgeable about computers, you simply have to learn programming languages, read forums like this and read various tutorials.

For getting Myspace passwords, you have three choices:

Keylogger - either program it yourself (>* year C++ and Win*2 API) or download one, and get the victim to run it.

Social Engineering - convince the victim to send you their password. For this you need to be able to write correctly, clearly and fluently, and possibly know how to spoof emails.

Exploiting Myspace - with a website as big as it is, I'm sure there are flaws which put users at risk in various ways. Learn HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and many more languages for a long time, and you have a chance.

It takes a lot of hard work to be able to find weaknesses in systems, and a lot of people aren't capable of it. If cracking was easy, everyone would be doing it.

I couldn't just upload a torrent onto my computer and run it to steal passwords?

If it was that easy, do you think anyone would even use Myspace?

12-12-2006, 01:59 PM
for confused again!!

<qoute/>*. I do have access to my BF desktop but not his laptop. I need to get access to the laptop but am not quite sure how? We use a wireless router (Linksys). And I know he just purchased some kind of card thing from Sprint/Nextel so he can access the internet outside of the house. He works in cable. Is there anyway for me to see what he's doing on the laptop? </qoute>

wow your bf has issues!!!! first off, the card he got gives him a different wireless network than his home netwoork,so cain is a moot idea... i am assuming he wont let you use his laptop, that means he doesnt trust you,or is hiding something...your best bet is to try to convince him to let him use his puter to check your email or something , try to tell him the desktop isnt working( i say disconnect the moniter, or play with the settings to make it look messed up) while you are on his laptop, activate remote assistance through win messenger, or install a keylogger that emails you info on shutdown,or when it has an open port and net connection, they are available at downloads.com and usually can be hidden from detection...wich brings me to question 2...

<qoute/>2. Now back to the Desktop, how do I get information of that? He hasn't used it in about a week but before that he did. And when I turned on the computer the other day, a little window popped up that said this computer is being monitored. What could that be? He is quite Computer saavy (although he denies that to me) I think he has something that encrypts the letters whenever I click on a notepad icon in the files they come out all jumbled with symbols and letters all mixed up. (I can show you an example if you'd like)
I hope this makes sense to you, I think I'm using the correct terminology, I hope! Anyways, either way I don't want him to know, I just want to see what he's doing so I can put my mind at ease...
Any help is much appreciated,

P.s. I hope I said that correctly, Please be patient with me I'm new at all this and never thought I'd ever have to go here.....[/QUOTE]

for you to get a pop up that says your being monitored, there are two things he can be doing, running a "netnenny" like program to see where you are spending your internet time, or he installed a keylogger to see if he can catch you doing whatever he thinks you are doing online and your curent antivirus noticed and accepted it as a background program..

first look at your uninstaller in your windows control panel, and remove the program there if it isnt hidden, if it is
go to mcaffee.com, get their latest trial version of their anti spyware/virus scan, and let it run . my bet is he has a keylogger, and is wondering what you are looking for on his puter, (or wants to catch you doing something wrong)..after you have run the at spy/virus scan, it will give you the option to delete/quarantine any bad program- quarantine it, so it wont affect what you do.... after the scan has cleared your path, download a good file recovery program and find what he is hiding. any questions, just ask!!

12-14-2006, 01:01 PM
Hi guyz!
My InvisionFree ***rd has been hacked, and they changed all the paswords, And they also now have the ROOT Admin!

Can anyone hack into it for me and change the Password to something else?
I would be so greatful!
My URL is: http://z8.invisionfree.com/ldronline
If anyone does do this for me, please email me to rich*252@hotmail.com!
Thanks a lot!
I really need this..

12-15-2006, 01:58 PM
My yahoo account roqufort6* was stolen, and in it my email address was changed, so i can not get my password. can ANYone help me please? i have had this account for more then 8 years and all my family and friends are on there.
my email is roqufort@********** please help someone!

12-15-2006, 04:43 PM
Edited. Mike is cool.

12-15-2006, 05:59 PM
Fucking dumbass gmail has only been up a year or two

He said Yahoo, not Gmail. He is only receiving replies on his Gmail account.

My yahoo account roqufort6* was stolen

12-15-2006, 06:21 PM
He said Yahoo, not Gmail. He is only receiving replies on his Gmail account.
Nobody here can hack yahoo anyway. Why bother replying....


12-15-2006, 07:09 PM
Nobody here can hack yahoo anyway. Why bother replying....

its not a matter of who can or cant, its a matter of why bother -yahoo sucks ass more than a corporate gopher on his boss' birthday....

yahoo can be cracked, it just isnt worth the time or the effort to have the yahoo nazi popo patrol on your ass..:eek: they are vicious when it comes to convicting crackers, its their way of prevention- arrest and convict a few black lambs, and the rest of the sheep wont steal...

yahooligans are weak crackers that just like to boot people in chat rooms to get off thinking they have power by using script kiddie programs.....

but thats just my humble opinion.......

12-15-2006, 07:17 PM
first off, he is SHE, and if you cant help, then just say so, dont be an ass or act like my *7 year old son.

12-15-2006, 07:18 PM
its not a matter of who can or cant, its a matter of why bother -yahoo sucks ass more than a corporate gopher on his boss' birthday....

yahoo can be cracked, it just isnt worth the time or the effort to have the yahoo nazi popo patrol on your ass..:eek: they are vicious when it comes to convicting crackers, its their way of prevention- arrest and convict a few black lambs, and the rest of the sheep wont steal...

yahooligans are weak crackers that just like to boot people in chat rooms to get off thinking they have power by using script kiddie programs.....

but thats just my humble opinion.......

For once in the long time ive been here i actually agree with someone.

12-15-2006, 07:19 PM
its not a matter of who can or cant, its a matter of why bother -yahoo sucks ass more than a corporate gopher on his boss' birthday....

yahoo can be cracked, it just isnt worth the time or the effort to have the yahoo nazi popo patrol on your ass..:eek: they are vicious when it comes to convicting crackers, its their way of prevention- arrest and convict a few black lambs, and the rest of the sheep wont steal...

yahooligans are weak crackers that just like to boot people in chat rooms to get off thinking they have power by using script kiddie programs.....

but thats just my humble opinion.......

if that is so, then how do i go about getting them to persue the jerk that hacked my account???

12-15-2006, 07:25 PM
if that is so, then how do i go about getting them to persue the jerk that hacked my account???

They most likely wont care ^

12-17-2006, 08:33 AM
if that is so, then how do i go about getting them to persue the jerk that hacked my account???

its not that yahoo doesnt care, if you had their pay service, they would respond quickly. but you probably (like about 500 thousand-guessed number- people out there) use the basic email service, not the upgraded pay service, they dont care because the advertisements still get seen. just not by you.

you should never use any *free E-mail* service for serious mail anyways, go with the webmail your net provider sells, activate a name, use it for about 2 months, cancel it online, then call their help desk, tell them your email account was closed in error-not by you, they will reactivate it, and embed a basic do not deactivate code on your mail page. when you do decide to stop paying, or go with a different service, your email will still be active without without you using their services. (works with cox.net, and qwest.net)

yahoo has it's purpose on the net, i just havent figured out what.....

12-17-2006, 08:45 AM
first off, he is SHE, and if you cant help, then just say so, dont be an ass or act like my *7 year old son.

mentally i am *5....but comment wasn't geared at me.....
roqufort, sent you a note @ gmail.:)

12-17-2006, 08:53 AM
i find crack for prorat to broken the paasword and this is the link its really :):eek: a lovelly things woooooww http://download.yousendit.com/0F52FBBD*D7**A58

12-17-2006, 12:04 PM
mentally i am *5....but comment wasn't geared at me.....
roqufort, sent you a note @ gmail.:)

your right it wasn't

12-26-2006, 12:39 AM
yea umm can i get a e-mail that still hacks the accounts sent a e-mail to the e-mail jagexrecoverystaff@hotmail.com but aww its beena week i think and he hasnt sent me the pass wats up with it or is he done please give me a valid e-mail that will hack accounts thank you cause i really need this!!:D

12-26-2006, 05:12 AM
yea umm can i get a e-mail that still hacks the accounts sent a e-mail to the e-mail jagexrecoverystaff@hotmail.com but aww its beena week i think and he hasnt sent me the pass wats up with it or is he done please give me a valid e-mail that will hack accounts thank you cause i really need this!!:D

got jacked!change your passwords. now. no * password recovery* group would operate out of hotmail. if your acount hasnt been stolen already, it deserves to be...

12-26-2006, 06:29 AM
It amazes me that people can still fall for scams like this - scams that have been around since the start of free email services and widespread internet access.

Password bots do not exist. They never have done and never will do.

12-26-2006, 12:42 PM
It amazes me that people can still fall for scams like this - scams that have been around since the start of free email services and widespread internet access.

Password bots do not exist. They never have done and never will do.

lol.... makes me almost want to make up one just to see how many idiots can be duped into sending their info.....surely there has to be some kind of warning somewhere on msn or even yahoo that warns people when they sign up not to fall for that crap.....

that scam even defies the logic of social engineering as a method of cracking/hacking...but then again people stupid enough to fall for scams usually arent worth saving or helping out...

12-27-2006, 04:51 AM
OK guys... I know this has probably been asked many times over the past few months, so I am not going to lie.

I am in need of a free Key logger or Password cracker (That uses the brute force method, or a large dictionary, and can be used on web based sites).

I have spend the past * days researching password crackers, and have so far, come up with nothing.

Key Loggers, I have recently been researching, and have found a couple ones, but once I have it installed, and all the files are extracted, and ignore all of the warnings from my AVG antivirus, I cannot open up the files. There are three right here, all of which seem like they'd get the job done for me www.elitec0ders.net
But, I cannot open them up.

If anyone has a solution to my keylogger issue, please help
If anyone has a password cracker that can be used on web based sites, please send that my way.


12-27-2006, 06:36 AM
If anyone has a solution to my keylogger issue, please help

Elitecoders' software is shit. I'd appreciate it if people read some of the discussion on this site, because this has been said many times before.

The writers of the software are total idiots, and it has not been updated in years.

If anyone has a password cracker that can be used on web based sites, please send that my way

No such software exists. All websites protect against brute force (hotmail, myspace, yahoo, etc), and even when they don't it takes years to guess most passwords unless you have a connection over 8mbit/s, you have a good wordlist, you know the target's username and they use a password which is one word from the English language (no numbers or other characters).

If you don't have a really fast broadband connection and you don't know the target's username, forget it. Even when it is possible to perform a brute force attack, it alerts both the target server and your ISP to your illegal activities so don't be surprised to have your internet service cut and face possible legal action from the service you attacked.

12-27-2006, 06:11 PM
Yes, I can and so can you, go take a look at my website, the link is in my profile. :)

You expect us to believe that someone who can't even spell 'requests' correctly can break into any Myspace account?

I looked at your website, and all I can see is a simple wordlist brute force program. I can't find the tools you were talking about.

12-28-2006, 02:03 AM
Thanks Mike

I do have a high speed internet connection, I know that my target's username, and I also know that what I am trying to hack is a minor game, and that they would not charge legal action.

The way I see it, I have everything planned out, I just dont have the program that can get me the password. If anybody has a program that matches my requirements (look 2 posts above), please send them my way. Thanks!

12-28-2006, 03:21 AM
ok umm can i please just get the correct email i dont care if its a scam i ahve a lvl *0 lol so just please get me the correct e-mail and i typo alot lol

12-28-2006, 06:42 AM
Thanks Mike

I do have a high speed internet connection,

By high speed, I'm talking >8mbit/s. Below that it is painfully slow - we're talking days, not hours. It's all relative to how big your wordlist is I suppose, but smaller == less chance of success.

I know that my target's username, and I also know that what I am trying to hack is a minor game, and that they would not charge legal action.

What about your own ISP? A long brute force attack will surely attract their attention, and it is strictly against all ToSs.

The way I see it, I have everything planned out, I just dont have the program that can get me the password. If anybody has a program that matches my requirements (look 2 posts above), please send them my way. Thanks!

Brutus AE2:




Please note that none of these (or other brute force software) are designed for Java or Flash based games. These are web based only.

12-28-2006, 11:01 PM
Thanks again mike

I am using Accessdiver... I have it up and running, with a proxy (atunnel.com)

I have run into a problem though. To test and see if it works, I put in my username and my password into the wordlist, but when it ran, it didnt find anything, though I am positive that I put in the correct username and password.

If anyone is familiar with accessdiver, please help me out if you have a idea.


12-30-2006, 12:22 PM
Thanks again mike

I am using Accessdiver... I have it up and running, with a proxy (atunnel.com)

I have run into a problem though. To test and see if it works, I put in my username and my password into the wordlist, but when it ran, it didnt find anything, though I am positive that I put in the correct username and password.

If anyone is familiar with accessdiver, please help me out if you have a idea.


accessdiver is a web based security flaw tool.... if you want to use it to brute force a web page, you may or may not succeed... i have found it most useful with websites that use windows logins..test your dictionary at www.vivid.com. or www.mikesapartment.com
or some other stupid porn site....

it is in in theory looking for login flaws on the site you are trying to attack.... the site you are looking to brute may not be succeptable to that form of brute attacks , you may need to change your ip proxy constantly to find a good hit, as your ip may be blocked after the 5th or *0th or even 20th attempt (on your progress page you may see alot of 404's)...

also, you may want to find a better dictionary than the one provided with accessdiver, it isnt the best, and make sure that the website you are trying to hack doesnt require numbers as part of the password, if it does, make sure you use the password generator on the list you make to add numbers to your wordlist....

12-30-2006, 12:57 PM

for a decent and easy to manipulate keylogger.

12-30-2006, 01:59 PM
About the dictionary, I have over a million words in it, of names, surnames, actors names, movie names, common words, common passwords, and words from various popular languages.

I have everything up and running, its just when I process it, with a password I know works, I says "found nothing"

So, does this mean that the site is protected and I need to switch around my proxys until I find one that works?

12-30-2006, 02:25 PM
Yeah I forgot to mention, in accessdiver the 'standard' button brute forces basic authentication. This is those username & password pop-up boxes you see on members-only areas; NOT standard HTML login forms. The likes of hotmail, myspace, yahoo etc. do not use basic authentication, nor do any competent websites.

I believe there's a HTML form brute forcing button on the right, but I think you have to specify many different details such as the form script, form input names, etc. Chances are you got nothing because you were trying basic auth, though.

for a decent and easy to manipulate keylogger.

That is written in some crappy IE-specific format - tell the web****** to learn how to make real websites.

12-30-2006, 07:24 PM

The program's called Brutus, and it can brute-force logins, and supports SOCKS proxies. Read all about it at the above link.

12-30-2006, 08:49 PM
I've read a lot about various people/groups advertising password recovery services. Does anyone have good/bad experiences to share? Are any of them successful?

Of course there can certainly be a legitimate purpose for this need. There can also be illicit needs served by answers to such questions, and I'll stop to say I'm not impugning anyone here asking or answering or any of the referenced software.

I just want to float out a general warning to the novices if any are reading, and that caveat is some of the web sites that turn up when searching for keys, cracks, or codes are nothing more than come-ons to infect visitors with a back door Trojan or some other form of malware. If someone is successful at finding and unlocking for illicit purposes, then at best they may not own what they are using, a violation of IPL. Those who seek for illicit purposes probably get what they deserve, but those with a genuine business need behind their quest ought to take their recommendations only from known reputable sources, or they should use a Browser Helper like Netcraft's toolbar to warn them about the "known" bad guys. Stay Safe, keep Smiling. Dean

12-31-2006, 12:31 AM
I already own brutus, I have not been able to make it work though.

I have it figured out, It just, when I ran it, on a name I knew the password for, I had * options.

and the correct password

I ran the program *0 times, and only once did it come up with the correct password.

For this problem, I am unsure what I should do... I have tryed using a proxy, but that only got me the message "Unable to connect to _________ try checking settings/timeout"

I was unable to find settings/timeout

So, if anyone has any ideas as to what I should do, please, dont be shy :)
