View Full Version : Web Bot

05-23-2005, 04:00 PM
I'm writing a .PHP bot that will scan our competition and report back price changes on webpages. I know URLs can change frequently but its better than manually going to sites to compare price listings.

I havnt found the syntax for stripping the actual text off of webpages. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks~

05-24-2005, 09:52 AM
I think that last couple of guys, that is, the guy that threatened "the girl that he was just friends with" (and all of her friends!) and the guy that made a huge list of all the things he can do...YOU BOTH ARE INSANE. My advice to people is not to contact those two psychos, unless you want to become the target of a serial killer.

05-24-2005, 01:29 PM
Why are you posting that message in this thread?