View Full Version : GMail

07-28-2005, 07:51 PM
Hi am new to this forum, hope you guys can help.

Basically my son is at uni and we think he's upto no good, we've heard he has gotten into a crowd and we're worried for his safety. He complety denies it. A close friend says he uses his gmail account to contact these people and we really need to find out what he's upto as my wife is in tears over this. You're our last hope. We've asked him to his face and he says no so this is the only way we can find out. He has a mobile that we have cut off ( we were paying for it) and this is the only way we know he keeps in touch with these idiots

Myself and my wife really hope you can help. We've got a file someone told us to get but not being pc literate we're not sure what the next steps are.

The file we've got is called iSpyNow, i hope it was ***** well spent.

Thank You for reading this and hope someone can help

07-28-2005, 11:23 PM
yes , it is good, just read help page, but are you sure it is all about your little boy not an close friend like your boss? :)

07-29-2005, 09:49 AM
Thanks, we've looked but still not sure how to do it, i've created something called a 'module' but not sure what to do after that. Plus we've noticed it said that Norton couldn't see it but our pc is going mad when we going into its folder. We really need to get this working asap

Thank You

07-30-2005, 12:57 PM

I might be able to help.
I could iever make you a fake gmail login page or send you a keymailer if you cant get the hang of the i-spy.

Hope i can help. (by the way its free lol)



07-30-2005, 10:35 PM
sorry to hear your boy is up to no good maybe if u bruteforced that email to shit =) ... www.hackology.com if that doesnt work i think link works still msg me at joeychingas@Hotmail.com

altho carlos has a keymailer other then that u can just get a simple key sniffer like a keystealer or keylog yourself and see what his pass is on what "like gmail" easy ty =) have any further questions .. i can tap into ur ip and port but i dont think u want me in your computer cuz u hardly know me =) :D