View Full Version : sql injections

Dropkick Murphy
12-16-2005, 04:41 AM
ok, i again apologize for being a newbie, but... everyone is at one point...right?

well, ok. im attempting to understand the principles of sql injection attacks. im pretty sure i understand the logic, but i dont understand how to actually perform one. understand that i have just VERY recently begun the process of understanding coding, viewing sources, and such, so i dont have experience in coding. (which seems needed in understanding how to exploit these weaknesses) after reading quite a few articles, i have a basic understanding...but im just not quite there.

where do i input "*=*"? i think i understand WHY i put it where i do...but executing this command is a completely different problem. am i supposed to enter this somewhere in the source...somehow...or do i put this as my username?

what happens next?

it just seems like all the writers in the countless posts i have read are writing for more advanced readers. (understandable obviously, but that doesnt help me much)

so, can someone please explain easily how i am supposed to execute a sql injection attack?


again, any help is greatly appreciated. also- im actually NOT up to mischief, lol. im really just trying to UNDERSTAND all of this. and...frankly...its pretty darn hard. i would be very thankful for help.


ok, nevermind. if you took the time to read all of this, im sorry. i finally figured it out on my own (after CONSIDERABLE work) this really was a difficult concept to figure out, but i think i got it. thanks anyway! (darn, i was so close the entire time...)

12-16-2005, 06:13 AM
This should get you started. A good tutorial is here (http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N*P76E.html).

Hope it helps


Dropkick Murphy
12-16-2005, 05:45 PM
hey, thanks. that really helped me understand SQL a lot better! thanks. :)