View Full Version : ProRat *.* and Speacil Edition & more
12-30-2005, 02:34 AM
Hey guys i am wondering if anybody on here knows how to use ProRat? If soo please let me know i know how to use it but not that good. They closed down the ProRat forum awhile back and stuff but still got the program out:D .. I am wanting to know if anyone has ProRat Speacil Edition or knows were i can get it from? I know it cose 200 buxs but its been out for awhile soo i am thinken it not that much or free know:) .. SOo if anyone has it please let me know.. And if anyone know how to get people AIM password please let me know also:).. Sorry for the newbie questions
12-30-2005, 05:13 AM
Download the help files if you want to know how to use it. You seriously should not be having trouble using user friendly trojans like prorat though.
If you want the "special edition", then either buy it or just search for the torrent, I found 2 torrents of it just by quickly searching for it.
12-30-2005, 09:50 AM
hmm really i could not find no torrents for it.. What torrents? Can u give me a link?
12-30-2005, 02:13 PM
I'm not going to post in a public forum a link to illegaly download an program that costs $200 to buy. The torrents I saw before have gone now anyway. Just search torrentreactor, mininova etc and you will find one in the end. You said:
"And if anyone know how to get people AIM password please let me know also"
There is no easy way to get email/IM passwords. The only ways are keylogging, trojan server, social engineering, fake page, stuff like that, there is no way to get passwords instantly, even brute forcing doesn't work because accounts are locked after a certain amount of attempts. So basically, don't go around searching for ways to get account passwords, because you will find nothing except a few of the "forgot password autobot" scams that seem to be everywhere on the internet, where you will end up sending away your password.
12-30-2005, 02:45 PM
OK i did search on those torrents.. Can u PM me the Place you saw it and do u think its still there? And thanks for the help on the AIM thingy.. I looked Every were fro ProRat *.* SE.. To download but i just dont wont to pay 200 buxs for that program..
12-30-2005, 03:52 PM
Well, like I said the two torrents of prorat have gone what I saw earlier, the only one I can see now is
edit: I'll send the url in a pm
but it hasn't got any seeds and i dont even know if it's the special edition, there are lots of other trojans you could get for free if you can't find prorat, or just use the free version that you've got already.
12-30-2005, 03:58 PM
ya i am using the free verison but its not that good because most people are using a router and it wont work on the free verison and sometimes when i am trying to connect i cant because of firewall or router.. But what are some more free trojans that can go over a router stuff? Oh you dont know if its the SE one hmm just PM me it anyways ill download it and let you guys know.. But hopefully it is the SE.. I search every were for this thing well the SE on a torrent because 200 buxs i not gonna to come out of my pocket.. ANd i dont think i am doing ProRat right.. I know i am suppose to Create a sever then send the sever to someone and when they open it i get there IP and ill be able to connect is that correct? And in the sever is the trojan
If you know any other Trojans that is like ProRat and can get threw routers and stuff for free Please Post the Name of them for i can google it or PM me it
12-30-2005, 04:26 PM
I sent a pm with a link to that torrent. No trojans can get through a router, because when you try to connect the router will block all incoming connections unless you forward the ports in the routers settings, which you need the password for. You will not find a trojan that can get past this problem with the router. There are lots of trojans you could use, like subseven, netbus BO2k etc, I can help you setting up trojans if you pm me, as long as it's not just to cause damage to hard drive, to attack your enemy or for some other poor excuse.
12-30-2005, 05:43 PM
Yea ok i got the PM ill try this but do u have any messagers? If soo please add me and IM me for we can talk..
01-03-2006, 09:07 AM
I'm not going to post in a public forum a link to illegaly download an program that costs $200 to buy. The torrents I saw before have gone now anyway. Just search torrentreactor, mininova etc and you will find one in the end. You said:
"And if anyone know how to get people AIM password please let me know also"
There is no easy way to get email/IM passwords. The only ways are keylogging, trojan server, social engineering, fake page, stuff like that, there is no way to get passwords instantly, even brute forcing doesn't work because accounts are locked after a certain amount of attempts. So basically, don't go around searching for ways to get account passwords, because you will find nothing except a few of the "forgot password autobot" scams that seem to be everywhere on the internet, where you will end up sending away your password.
can you send me url from prorat pleas
thank you so much
01-12-2006, 05:18 PM
Yea ok i got the PM ill try this but do u have any messagers? If soo please add me and IM me for we can talk..
Can We talk on Yahoo?? My id's Wally0ne
01-13-2006, 11:02 AM
can you send me url from prorat pleas
thank you so much
No, I said in my post that the program costs ***** to buy, and there were no torrents available. Anyway, it's not hard to search for torrents, if you dont know that then you dont even deserve to be able to download anything
01-13-2006, 04:52 PM
umm i guess i can explain on yahoo.. My ID is Classfbi and i dont know were SE is but i have *.*
01-14-2006, 04:59 AM
umm i guess i can explain on yahoo.. My ID is Classfbi and i dont know were SE is but i have *.*
Yes, *.* is free to download, just give him the download link. You don't know how to use it any more than him, so giving him your im username wouldn't help either of you.
01-14-2006, 10:58 AM
umm mike i know how to use ProRat buddy I just did not know how to use Sub7..
01-14-2006, 11:36 AM
umm mike i know how to use ProRat buddy I just did not know how to use Sub7..
Oh right, I just assumed you didn't know how to use it because you didn't know how to use subseven. Also, you already have done this, but I recommend you don't post your im/email address on forums like this, because the n00bs come flooding in with stuff like "i saw your address on a forum, plz tell me how 2 hack into my g/f email account", you may want to help these people, but from experience (I posted my email on this forum, and have got about *00 emails from n00bs, and about 25 from people who aren't n00bs), they do not listen to a word you say and if you try to explain anything to them they complain that you're getting "too *********" etc. You should give out your address in a pm, that way you dont give these random forum lurking n00bs another way to spam out their "plz teach me 2 hack" message.
01-14-2006, 12:20 PM
Oh ok Thanks Mike... I know the basics of ProRat how to hack with it but i am not no PRO with it like you are:) ..
But thanks for all the help
01-29-2006, 03:53 PM
wtf when you guys download ProRat *.* free version i get Viruses all over the ProRat.exe am I supposed to just leave it like that?
Of course it will be detected by AV, it is a trojan, what did you think would happen?
02-06-2006, 03:30 AM
I have a link to download ProRat *.* SE from the particular server
Anyoane have link for the Kucumseme v*.* or ProRat 2.0 SE
If anyoane want the link for ProRat *.* SE just give me a email at hackscrack@**********
03-04-2006, 05:39 PM
hi every body.....
please I want a link for free download this program.........
03-05-2006, 03:53 AM
hi every body.....
please I want a link for free download this program.........
If you are talking about the free version, the prorat site offers it to download for free. If you want the version you have to pay for, either buy it or learn for yourself where it could be found for you to download, no one is going to tell you how to illegaly download software.
03-05-2006, 05:21 AM
hi every body.....
please I want a link for free download this program.........
just download ProRat *.* public edition fix 2 from and use this patch to make it ProRat *.* Se fix *8*47*5*28/ProRat_*.*_Special_Edition_Patch.rar.html
03-09-2006, 04:49 PM
who want;s it here is the link :*5*0*08*/ProRat_2.0_SE.rar.html and the pass to arhive is : qwerty
have fun !
03-10-2006, 04:43 AM*5***000/ProRat_2.0_SE.rar.html this is the link without password , sorry .
03-10-2006, 05:29 AM
umm mike i know how to use ProRat buddy I just did not know how to use Sub7..
after you learn how to use sub7 , you will find another trojan and say that "dont know how to use"
if read the help file from that programs you will understend , they have the same exe file , client ,server, and another exe for notifications
is easy to use them , only the menu , grapihcs and port are changed , and offcourse the trojan is another , but they are the same
03-10-2006, 04:34 PM
Get the prorat 2.0 at
08-08-2006, 04:32 AM
all of yall are noobs,and mike is nowhere near a pro,especially since he thinks people behind routers cant be owned by a trojan,getting by that is simple all u need is a reverse connection trojan (not free edition prorat)which makes the people behind a router connect to you(assuming you are not behind a router or have forwarded your points)and as far as prorat being detected,all trojans are detected unless u make them undetectable yourself,if you need an undetectable trojan email me squidderuds@**********
If you had actually read any of my posts, you would have seen that I stated this information many times.
10-10-2006, 04:50 PM
You all have to be STUPID to e-mail him,
First of all If you want to hack learn how to program in python, great program to be learning how to program (DONT use visual basics it can lead up to some bad habbits)
But if you want the prorat sn go download it the login info for it is
when u unzip it the zip pass is oksa52wq
the user: mohdjase*
the serial: 666*8e86*accfc4f*6
NOW ... please stop asking stupid Q's you done know the basics of hacking, and now you know the serial. Want to learn how to make prorat undetectable PLEASE go to this page and type in make prorat undetectable!!!
10-10-2006, 05:41 PM
You all have to be STUPID to e-mail him,
First of all If you want to hack learn how to program in python, great program to be learning how to program (DONT use visual basics it can lead up to some bad habbits)
Any programming language can help you become a hacker, not just python. The more you know, the better.
But if you want the prorat sn go download it the login info for it is
when u unzip it the zip pass is oksa52wq
the user: mohdjase*
the serial: 666*8e86*accfc4f*6
NOW ... please stop asking stupid Q's you done know the basics of hacking, and now you know the serial. Want to learn how to make prorat undetectable PLEASE go to this page and type in make prorat undetectable!!!
Using packaged malware isn't what anyone would call hacking. It is simply clicking a few buttons and menus - something a monkey could probably be trained to do.
My advice is to forget about helping these people with RATs and go back to learning python if that's what you said you were learning. It feels a lot better to use your own tools.
Download any file that says "ProRat *.* SE" or "ProRat 2.0 SE" and I can garuntuee that it will be a server itself, or some other sort of malware
10-26-2006, 09:15 PM
Can I get a copy of that somehow?
I looked online and everything seems to be shut down on downloading it.
10-31-2006, 12:58 PM
One day I was browsing through Google on the internet. I came across this thread, I am not sure how, but I read through it. As I read, I thought to myself, "Wow, theres still a lot of script kiddies on the 'net."
In my honest opinion, I think you all should LEARN exploits and other goodies like programming instead of downloading a script kiddie tool without knowing what code went into it or how it works.
If you absolutely cannot learn how to exploit a system, at least get an open source one like the GNUNetcat. Its open source, so you can look through the code and find out how it works.
By the way, did ANY of you know that Sub7, Prorat, and a lot of other RAT have malicious coding in the client so that the person who tries to infect someone else ALSO gets backdoored? This means YOU become a zombie computer as well as your victim. I don't trust any backdoor that I haven't seen the source. You wonder why theres so many zombie networks of Sub7 and Prorat.. Its sad.
10-31-2006, 02:47 PM
One day I was browsing through Google on the internet. I came across this thread, I am not sure how, but I read through it. As I read, I thought to myself, "Wow, theres still a lot of script kiddies on the 'net."
In my honest opinion, I think you all should LEARN exploits and other goodies like programming instead of downloading a script kiddie tool without knowing what code went into it or how it works.
If you absolutely cannot learn how to exploit a system, at least get an open source one like the GNUNetcat. Its open source, so you can look through the code and find out how it works.
By the way, did ANY of you know that Sub7, Prorat, and a lot of other RAT have malicious coding in the client so that the person who tries to infect someone else ALSO gets backdoored? This means YOU become a zombie computer as well as your victim. I don't trust any backdoor that I haven't seen the source. You wonder why theres so many zombie networks of Sub7 and Prorat.. Its sad.
A lot of us agree with those statements, but telling it to this forum is pointless. The population of this place is as follows:
5% skilled computer users
*5% kids wanting to hack myspace / hack emails / settle e-battles with their enemies via point 'n click malware kits
These people spend a few weeks begging for someone to break the law for them, or they find a piece of malware and send it to people. They get bored within weeks because they realize they don't have the mental capacity to go any further than that, they quit, then the next batch of idiots connect to the internet. The process repeats. Which is why it's pointless trying to convince people like that.
I will be leaving this forum soon because i've just got so damn bored of explaining to people the same thing over and over again. What is so hard in learning to search yourself? I could be discussing interesting programming and security topics, but guess what, the programming forum stagnates in 2 week old posts while the main forum is boosted every day by some retard who thinks people give a shit about his reasons for wanting to hack some equally retarded individual's myspace page.
Back to your post, a lot of remote admin tools like BO2K are open source. Subseven does not have any hidden backdoors in it but prorat does - i'm *00% certain because if you look in is with a disassembler or even a text editor you can see strings containing web addresses of secondary backdoors to download. Not that I ever use any sort of RAT, though - you can see all that in a video someone published exposing prorat. But I just don't see the desire people have to use a tool they didn't create - it feels a lot better to create a custom tool from scratch and learn a lot more in the process.
10-31-2006, 03:04 PM
A lot of us agree with those statements, but telling it to this forum is pointless. The population of this place is as follows:
5% skilled computer users
*5% kids wanting to hack myspace / hack emails / settle e-battles with their enemies via point 'n click malware kits
These people spend a few weeks begging for someone to break the law for them, or they find a piece of malware and send it to people. They get bored within weeks because they realize they don't have the mental capacity to go any further than that, they quit, then the next batch of idiots connect to the internet. The process repeats. Which is why it's pointless trying to convince people like that.
I will be leaving this forum soon because i've just got so damn bored of explaining to people the same thing over and over again. What is so hard in learning to search yourself? I could be discussing interesting programming and security topics, but guess what, the programming forum stagnates in 2 week old posts while the main forum is boosted every day by some retard who thinks people give a shit about his reasons for wanting to hack some equally retarded individual's myspace page.
Back to your post, a lot of remote admin tools like BO2K are open source. Subseven does not have any hidden backdoors in it but prorat does - i'm *00% certain because if you look in is with a disassembler or even a text editor you can see strings containing web addresses of secondary backdoors to download. Not that I ever use any sort of RAT, though - you can see all that in a video someone published exposing prorat. But I just don't see the desire people have to use a tool they didn't create - it feels a lot better to create a custom tool from scratch and learn a lot more in the process.
I totally agree. Everything I know is self taught, I by no means know EVERYTHING, but I know enough. I don't use it for illegal purposes, its all to keep myself safe. It really makes me think that people are totally incapable of using google.
In response to you saying S7 doesn't have a backdoor. If you disassemble it, while its running, it contains a code that listens on the default port for any incoming connections. I by no means use it, I more like to see the inner workings. I think its pointless to use a RAT. Of course, I like the challenge of gaining root.
07-22-2007, 12:19 PM
Anybody can help me about downloadin the Prorat Special Edition v 2.2.
If someone has it plese upload somewhre like rapidshare or something else.
07-31-2007, 04:14 PM
can someone of you guys to send me link of prorat *.* pls my email is or any of se versions pls
08-01-2007, 09:00 PM
can someone of you guys to send me link of prorat *.* pls my email is or any of se versions pls
filips i s***est you going to they have it download it.
no need to upload it to a server.. shit an di almost agree with you two. but we noobs do understand somethings.. but in this kind of a forum you both are right and I'd love to learn how to code and write shit but i cannot find anything that can download for my weak ass connection 24k sucks ass when trying to download a program like pyhon and shit like that and you say this source code reader's name is GNUNetcat ? I'm gonna look on that,,
ProRat 2.0 best*b0f*2*0.html
08-04-2007, 10:21 AM
ive had it 4 a while now
but dont no how to send it via msn.. coz its sus if i put it in a .rar file
i bind it witha foto but still.. msn wont let it threw
wat can i do
wats the best way 2 send it?
08-04-2007, 11:24 PM
Mike can you lock this please man.
Every post is the same thing.
08-05-2007, 04:45 AM
Yeah, this thread doesn't contribute anything.
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