View Full Version : Going to Blocked site Using IP
03-01-2006, 11:49 AM
ok since i was bored wen we had free time in the computer lab so i was bored and couldnt go to any web so i started playing with and i figured that some sites if u just get the ip and paste it in hte adress bar it will let u go there for example- my school use to block the albni blacksheep game page and wen i just enterd the ip not the whole url it let me in. so does this happen to all site or is there anyother way to go to the blocked site. i mean my school blocks all the proxy pages even with the ip so i cant get that. :eek:
03-02-2006, 01:39 AM
Theres a ton of ways...
here are some Ive written down:
for those too lazy to click:
How to bypass web filters
By HÅ££Å
There are several occasions where you will be at a public terminal, and require access to a particular website that is blocked for some reason or another. How to bypass these restrictions is a very common question, and will be covered here.
Lets pretend for a moment that the Internet is made up of 26 websites, A-Z. Most web filters blocks your browser from accessing sites X-Z, but not sites A-W. Simply make the browser think you’re going to A-W. There are a variety of ways to do this:
Proxy Servers:
This is a list of http proxies. These sites may not be up forever, so you may need to search for "free http proxy" or "public proxy servers" or other similar terms.
Proxy server lists:
Now that you have a list of proxies, you would open IE (internet explorer) and click on Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > Advanced. Enter the address and port of one of the servers from the list in the proper area (http) and make sure the "use a proxy server for your LAN" option is selected. Remember to replace the proxy and port at your terminal to the original when you're done.
*Note: Some proxies listed may not work, and this method may decrease your surfing speed. By trying various entries, you’ll find one that works, or works faster.
The infamous translation trick:
Go to a web page translation site and use their services to translate a page to English thus accessing the blocked page through their trusted site.
You’ll notice that several translation sites are blocked, but by using less popular ones, this method can still be effective. Here is a list of some translation services. Again, these sites may not be up forever, so you may need to search for them.
Url Scripting:
Url scripting is the easiest method. It works on a select few web filters and is based on the same principal as the translation trick. By typing and address like www.********** the filter will not go into effect as it recognizes the trusted site (in this case **********)
Other tricks:
Simply open the command prompt and type:
Ping ( obviously being the restricted site)
At this point you can take down the IP address (ex. 2*6.*0*.*24.7*) and enter it into the browser. If access to the command prompt is also restricted, see "How to bypass restrictions to get to the command prompt." If this article has been taken from information leak, then know that it involves anything from opening the browser, selecting view > source, then saving it as X.bat and opening it to opening a folder or browser and typing in the location of cmd.exe depending on the OS. I will not go into further, as this a completely different topic.
Use as referring to it as a ******* site may confuse the filter.
Note: These are ancient methods that many new filters defend against, but still may be applicable in your situation. If not, a little history never hurt anyone.
Web based Proxies:
Another one of the easier, yet effective methods include web based proxies. These are simple in the fact that you just enter the restricted address and surf! Some of these have some restrictions, like daily usage limits, etc but you can also use another proxy (perhaps one that sucks, like a text only) to bypass their restrictions as well. Here is a list of some:
Proxy Programs:
There are many proxy programs that allow you to surf anonymously that are more or less based on the same topics we’ve covered here. I’ve added them just to cover the topic thoroughly: (toolbar that requires admin rights to install)
Making your own CGI proxy server:
Making your own proxy server may come in handy, but I personally find that simply uploading a txt file/w a list of proxies to a free host makes for a much easier and headache free solution. If you don’t know PERL, there is code out there to help you set it up. Check out these sites for more info:
Admin Access:
When all else fails, you can simply take over the PC and alter or delete the damn filter. This method varies according to the OS (operating system) you are dealing with. Please see "Hacking Windows NT" for more information. If this tutorial has been taken from information leak, then I will go as far as to say it involves booting the PC in another OS, copying the SAM file and cracking it using a program like saminside or LC5 rather than start a whole new topic within one.
Well, I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful. Carpe system.
03-02-2006, 06:02 AM
Yeah, but using a program like LC5 or something similar can take hours on strong passwords, so unless you have like 6 hours to spend on a computer that you don't own (like at a school) then directly cracking the admin password is not really possible, unless you use a program to take the file containing the passwords (depending on what OS it is) and then crack it on your own computer. BTW, tor is another good proxy program that people might want to consider (, it runs on all operating systems, and now includes privoxy with the package, making it easy enough for anyone to use, all you have to do is direct your browser to use *27.0.0.* and port 8**8 then you are using a network of proxies.
03-02-2006, 11:39 AM
its even pointless to go to a proxy site because my schools security wont let me downlaoding anything even if its school related so theres no way i can get a proxy. :mad:
03-02-2006, 12:18 PM
its even pointless to go to a proxy site because my schools security wont let me downlaoding anything even if its school related so theres no way i can get a proxy. :mad:
You don't "download" a proxy, a proxy is a server that will relay your connection to the target, making your ip look as if it came from there, not your real location, you set it up in the browser's settings, or if it's a proxy in a web page you don't need to set anything up, just go to the site and it will do it for you.
03-03-2006, 11:12 AM
ok so what am i suppose to do when i get to a proxy site?... i mean if u cant download it then how do i use it?...:confused: or how do i "Set it up"?
03-03-2006, 12:42 PM
ok so what am i suppose to do when i get to a proxy site?... i mean if u cant download it then how do i use it?...:confused: or how do i "Set it up"?
Come on, there's a big box in your browser's settings named "Proxy server", all you have to do is enter ip and port in the http part then it's set up, there are many tutorials that could have saved you the time of posting here, learn to use google.
03-06-2006, 11:13 AM
but what ip adress do i use and wat port do i put it on cuz i thinkk they should be blocking ports that the proxy works on
03-06-2006, 12:38 PM
but what ip adress do i use and wat port do i put it on cuz i thinkk they should be blocking ports that the proxy works on
What? You use the ip address of the proxy server and the port it is running on, where ever you found the proxy would have given you this information.
"they should be blocking ports that the proxy works on"
Who is "they"? If you are trying to do this from a school or something n00b like that, just buy your own computer, hackers don't need fast computers, you could get one for under $*00 and then you would have no need to try and bypass school restrictions.
03-08-2006, 06:11 PM
well i wanted to go to the blocked sites so i dont need a proxy for my self but i need a proxy for the school computer so i can bypass restricted websites. :D
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