View Full Version : help with ftp access

03-22-2006, 05:39 PM
I designed 2 sites for a 2 guys who are partners. I got paid for first one but the refuse to pay for second one. They won't answer my calls and emails. Both sites are up and running.
I have proof that i did the sites since I have the source files.

I want to remove the files from their server but I don't have the ftp access.

Can anyone help?
I am willing to pay for it.

03-23-2006, 03:58 PM
First if you did the sites then you would already have the FTP. Second, if you did do the sites why did you hand them over without pay? And third, if you are asking us to hack an FTP account you will be banned for * days.

03-24-2006, 11:24 AM
syntax is right. although i doubt you realy made the sites as you would have ftp access i am still going to help you. lookup brutus on google or go to www.xlsite.com/killerhacks/ (http://www.xlsite.com/killerhacks/) and download it there. it has a ftp brute forcer on it.


03-24-2006, 02:52 PM
the reason I don't have FTP access is beacsue they signed up with another hosting company. I had the site on my server for testing and once it was done, I gave them the files on CD.

I trusted them becasue they paid for the first site. They said bill us for second one and that was it.

Anyway, thanks for that brutus but it didn't work. It only looks for password withing the text file. It's just a guess. If it's not in there it won't work.

03-24-2006, 05:13 PM
the reason I don't have FTP access is beacsue they signed up with another hosting company. I had the site on my server for testing and once it was done, I gave them the files on CD.

I trusted them becasue they paid for the first site. They said bill us for second one and that was it.

Anyway, thanks for that brutus but it didn't work. It only looks for password withing the text file. It's just a guess. If it's not in there it won't work.

No, brutus has the option of using a wordlist (list of usernames and passwords) or using a normal brute force attack, trying every possible combination. Using a brute forcer like brutus is not an option to get your password back, trying every combination would take years to complete and using brute force programs like brutus for a long period of time is like just asking your isp to close your account and stop providing their service to you, there is no doubt for them what you are attempting when you are trying hundreds of passwords every second on a ftp server, if you are going to then at least use proxies.