View Full Version : myspace hack
04-15-2006, 09:59 PM
i want to hack my friends myspace account, basically just to fuck around with his myspace page. I have his myspace web page address, do i need to get his e-mail address to be able to crack his password??? any help would be greatly appreciated!:)
04-16-2006, 05:37 AM
i want to hack my friends myspace account, basically just to fuck around with his myspace page. I have his myspace web page address, do i need to get his e-mail address to be able to crack his password??? any help would be greatly appreciated!:)
If you had SEARCHED this forum or even READ some threads here, you would have seen that there is no way to just hack accounts, there is only a few methods to redirect to fake pages etc. POSTING HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO ACTUALLY READ ANYTHING ON THIS FORUM WILL JUST GET YOU BANNED FOR SPAMMING, because this thread is SPAM. People like you think that just because we are hackers, we can instantly hack any email or other account we want to. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it, and NO ONE would use these services any more because they would be so insecure. Websites like myspace/email sites are SECURE, and you can't just "hack" them. Sometimes people find vulnerabilities in these sites, but they are fixed in hours. But if you had actually read anything instead of posting as soon as you find this forum, you would already know that, and would have known that you can only get passwords through social engineering, keyloggers, etc.
i want to hack my friends myspace account, basically just to fuck around with his myspace page.
You loser, if you are going to do something illegal, at least work out how to do it yourself. You can't just become a hacker through a few google searches for "hacking myspace".
any help would be greatly appreciated!:)
No, you are not looking for help, you are looking for someone to do all the work for you because you are too lazy to even read anything for yourself.
04-17-2006, 06:52 PM
If You Need A Myspace Password, Please Im Or8**2*
Would Be Happy To Help
Get off this forum, you were already banned once.
04-17-2006, 08:21 PM
Haha, Myspace is so insecure! Of course all the exploits get patched but there are so many that turn up every day! There are actually a couple of working exploits right now, but the one closest to what you want, besides using redirects to go to a fake login, is a script that allows you to edit any profile info including changing pics etc... I imagine it will be patched soon. Once it is patched, I will release it so you can learn from it, but I don't want to release the script now out of fear of it being patched sooner.
04-17-2006, 08:48 PM
IM you on what? AIM?
04-17-2006, 11:25 PM
Everybody Kris**** is just trying to make ***** i IM him on AIM and he wants *5 to get the passwords.. Thats some bullshit because he only has 5 post need more post before i pay him and pluss i bet he is trying to rip people just to be warned before you IM him. And if he says no he was not i got the IM right here..
or8**2*: Yea
or8**2*: hello
Bighomedog**: hey
Bighomedog**: saw your post on all-net tools
Bighomedog**: you know how to hack myspace?
or8**2*: oh. ok
or8**2*: sure
Bighomedog**: how?
or8**2*: lol..i cant explain how but if you would like to me to get a pass i can for *5
Bighomedog**: umm no thanks
or8**2*: ok
Bighomedog**: *5 buxs nah man i can figure out myself
or8**2*: by
Bighomedog**: by
or8**2*: ok..good lluck
Bighomedog**: k
04-18-2006, 12:57 AM
You did not even know what cracking was. You said you used a script, and since it's a script, it should be simple and take no time at all. So, since it's that simple, what about I post my myspace, and you tell me my password? It will prove you're legit, and people will buy from you.
EDIT: Talked to him, he's a noob. He can't steal the passwords. Anyone who wants to death ping him, his IP is 7*.250.**.2*6.
04-18-2006, 04:05 AM
You did not even know what cracking was. You said you used a script, and since it's a script, it should be simple and take no time at all. So, since it's that simple, what about I post my myspace, and you tell me my password? It will prove you're legit, and people will buy from you.
EDIT: Talked to him, he's a noob. He can't steal the passwords. Anyone who wants to death ping him, his IP is 7*.250.**.2*6.
Yes, he is a n00b, you are new on this forum, but he was here before (a few months ago), using Or8**2* or something as his name, and what was he doing then? Yeah, you guessed it, scamming, still the same myspace scam. I have asked for his new username to be banned.
04-18-2006, 09:50 AM
Haha, I'm a noob at this forum too:) . But at least I'm not a scammer! And I'm not a noob at hacking.
04-18-2006, 06:05 PM
Ya i would not pay him jack first he has to prove it. And i still would not pay him.. Here another IM he sent me when i was away.
or8**2*: nice post u left
Auto response from Bighomedog**: I am away from my computer right now.
or8**2*: dont know what you proved
or8**2*: nothing
or8**2*: loser
Bighomedog**: OK thanks ya scammer
or8**2*: huh
Bighomedog**: trying to make *5.00 by scamming people
04-18-2006, 06:09 PM
Ya i would not pay him jack first he has to prove it. And i still would not pay him.. Here another IM he sent me when i was away.
or8**2*: nice post u left
Auto response from Bighomedog**: I am away from my computer right now.
or8**2*: dont know what you proved
or8**2*: nothing
or8**2*: loser
Bighomedog**: OK thanks ya scammer
or8**2*: huh
Bighomedog**: trying to make *5.00 by scamming people
Lol, if he uses msn, give him my email, and I can send him my memory leak program that crashes the computer in * minute by using up ALL the ram.
04-18-2006, 06:23 PM
yes sir i will ask him:D
04-19-2006, 04:03 PM
No, because THIS FORUM DOES NOT TOLERATE SPAM, and from what you have posted and from quotes from your AIM converations, you are a MORON who knows NOTHING about hacking and is trying to scam people. So I repeat, GET OFF THIS FORUM, don't make me have to PM syntax****** for the *rd time this week. And you spam your AIM address every time you post, trying to get more people. Lol, n00b, why don't you come on an irc channel with all of us then we can pwn you, or at least you can explain why you are not a scammer, instead of posting this crap that doesn't help you. And if you like adding a "signature" to promote yourself at the end of your message, so will I.
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
*kris***/OR8**2* IS A SCAMMER*
04-20-2006, 07:30 PM
mike*0*. do u know how 2 hack? do u know how 2 retrieve passwords? can u help me out man. can u get me the password for or please man. u said it could be done. u say how newbies are stupid. i am newbie, if u dont want to get it for me, at least teach me. i'll do it. the only language i know is html though.
04-21-2006, 12:24 PM
mike*0*. do u know how 2 hack? do u know how 2 retrieve passwords? can u help me out man. can u get me the password for or please man. u said it could be done. u say how newbies are stupid. i am newbie, if u dont want to get it for me, at least teach me. i'll do it. the only language i know is html though.
Like I said in the other thread, I don't have time to waste trying to get into people's accounts, and saying "I have a reason and REALLY need this" makes me want to even less. First of all, I don't even have a myspace account, I prefer to actually create my own websites, and be free from the losers who use myspace. And yes I said it could be done, there are a few vulnerabilities in myspace that can be used to redirect to a fake page by using flash. If you want to do this, get off your ass and learn for yourself, you are looking for someone to do ALL the work for you. It's not as if there is a lack of appropriate tutorials on the topic, there is hundreds. And a lot of people say they know html, but all they know is a few tags that can be used to format text, such as <b> and <u>, etc. I consider "knowing html" to be knowing a lot more than that, such as how http GET and POST work, how to make forms, and a lot of other stuff. I have nothing against n00bs/newbies, everyone has to start somewhere. But the people I AM against are the morons who don't do anything for themself and post in a forum when they first think of something because they are too lazy to GOOGLE ( it or to find out themself. Hackers do not have time to spoon feed information to every single person who wants to be a hacker, which is why you need to learn yourself. And you people think hacking can be done through a few websites or programs without any effort to learn anything by you. All this makes you is a script kiddy.
hey mike*0* you are a lil' harsh on that person!
yeah we may know a lil' bit of html codes like the easy ones but if we know that you know something we don't know. maybe if you teach us we might be able to know after you taught us...the best knowledge to understand is from hands on and someone guiding you through it.
but its okay. as long as you give that person a chance and they will do the rest and once they know all i'm sure they'll ****** you for it.
04-21-2006, 04:07 PM
hey mike*0* you are a lil' harsh on that person!
yeah we may know a lil' bit of html codes like the easy ones but if we know that you know something we don't know. maybe if you teach us we might be able to know after you taught us...the best knowledge to understand is from hands on and someone guiding you through it.
but its okay. as long as you give that person a chance and they will do the rest and once they know all i'm sure they'll ****** you for it.
What really annoys me is when people say "HACK THIS ACCOUNT ___", expecting hackers to just hack it. Why would I do something illegal for a random forum member? They will probably be gone when they get what they want, all I will be doing is something illegal that they will forget about in 2 weeks. I have no problem helping people new to hacking, as long as they are smart enough and actually want to learn themself, I answer any questions they have. But people just ask me to waste my time when they could have googled faster ( So I don't think my flame was unnecessary. If I gave full instructions and tutorials to everyone who asked me, I would not have any time left. And like I said, I will answer any questions about hacking, or html, like you asked. But no full tutorials, there are many good sites like www.w* If you find it hard, just keep reading it, me explaining isn't going to make you understand any more.
04-22-2006, 01:53 AM
mike so ur saying if i am a member that posts a lot you will help me out or something?
well u need to know C+++ to hack a site? is just a basic question ok man. dont get mad. lol. cause i know basic html i guess. i run a site 2 mike, but not those really advance html just basic. and some php. some mysql for forums, and some css. my site is this if u dont believe. is just a fan based site. and yes i am still a kid.
04-22-2006, 03:52 AM
mike so ur saying if i am a member that posts a lot you will help me out or something?
Well my point was, why should I help someone who will give up with hacking when they get what they want (myspace account, email account, etc), and forget everything I said. I only like to spend my time helping people actually interested in hacking, not some loser who wants me to hack an account or something, then he will get bored and move on to something else. Those people can go waste someone else's time, not me. Post count is irrelevant, I can tell who is actually interested and will take it further, and who will not, just from what you people say in your posts, for example "plz hack this email ___" is not someone who I would help.
well u need to know C+++ to hack a site? is just a basic question ok man. dont get mad. lol.
lol, I bet you expected me to say "no". Well actually you DO need to know c++ and many other programming languages to "hack a site". Without knowing programming you would just be using other people's tools which you don't understand, which makes you a script kiddy.
cause i know basic html i guess. i run a site 2 mike, but not those really advance html just basic. and some php. some mysql for forums, and some css. my site is this if u dont believe. is just a fan based site. and yes i am still a kid.
Like I said, I was not flaming, and I don't hate newbies. But I do NOT like people who don't learn for themself and expect me to do their learning for them. If you want to learn scripting languages like html and php, then www.w* is good, like I said, and I can answer specific questions, but not write a html tutorial when there are many tutorials already available.
04-22-2006, 06:55 PM
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c+++, i did not suspect that for site hacking. wtf. but c+++ is not internet language is it?
04-22-2006, 07:07 PM
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c+++, i did not suspect that for site hacking. wtf. but c+++ is not internet language is it?
C++ is a programming language.
08-03-2006, 04:16 PM
she will not stop imin me cuz some one took over her account and she wants me to get it bak so anyone could help me it would b a great help :confused:
08-05-2006, 01:18 AM
well i will start with i want to learn how to hack myspace..
by checking some sites i learned how to hack hotmail accounts with xploits...
fake pages and all that stuff.. u call them flash trick i guess.
well the thing is i want to learn how to make a fake msypace page in which the victim will introduce his password.. and by using a server in which the the fake page will email me back with email and pasword.. i know this is possible.. and once with this fake page is created with the server.. we all can hack any myspace account..
well a fake myspace page should be like this one..
[img=*02/mysqt0.png] (
because you know about html codes.. and programing this can be done by you.. thx to you all
08-05-2006, 05:51 AM
well i will start with i want to learn how to hack myspace..
by checking some sites i learned how to hack hotmail accounts with xploits...
fake pages and all that stuff.. u call them flash trick i guess.
well the thing is i want to learn how to make a fake msypace page in which the victim will introduce his password.. and by using a server in which the the fake page will email me back with email and pasword.. i know this is possible.. and once with this fake page is created with the server.. we all can hack any myspace account..
well a fake myspace page should be like this one..
[img=*02/mysqt0.png] (
because you know about html codes.. and programing this can be done by you.. thx to you all
Well, there are enough html and php tutorials for you to learn how to make fake pages yourself. Asking me to write one for you/explain how to write them, is just lazy.
I made a fake myspace page a while back, then the thread was deleted. You can find the files here:**
It's as simple as uploading them to your php enabled server, giving people a link to index.htm, then reading the passwords captured to passwords.txt.
08-13-2006, 04:57 AM
oh thats cool do you think you could teach me how to do this pleaseim trying to hack in to my bfs myspace can you please help me
08-14-2006, 03:10 AM
Well, there are enough html and php tutorials for you to learn how to make fake pages yourself. Asking me to write one for you/explain how to write them, is just lazy.
I made a fake myspace page a while back, then the thread was deleted. You can find the files here:**
It's as simple as uploading them to your php enabled server, giving people a link to index.htm, then reading the passwords captured to passwords.txt.
Hey Mike,
I have everything setup to do a few things that you have described. Just having some trouble with the message part. Would you PM me so that I can explain it. Didn't want to PM you without addressing you on the ***rd first.
08-17-2006, 09:19 AM
What really annoys me is when people say "HACK THIS ACCOUNT ___", expecting hackers to just hack it. Why would I do something illegal for a random forum member? They will probably be gone when they get what they want, all I will be doing is something illegal that they will forget about in 2 weeks. I have no problem helping people new to hacking, as long as they are smart enough and actually want to learn themself, I answer any questions they have. But people just ask me to waste my time when they could have googled faster ( So I don't think my flame was unnecessary. If I gave full instructions and tutorials to everyone who asked me, I would not have any time left. And like I said, I will answer any questions about hacking, or html, like you asked. But no full tutorials, there are many good sites like www.w* If you find it hard, just keep reading it, me explaining isn't going to make you understand any more.
do you oppose helping someone who has forgotten their password and the security question to have the password reset? I've been in Europe over a month without going online and being a bit of an idiot, I had changed my passwords a few weeks before I left (as I generally change them once every few months) and since the passwords were still new-ish, I can't remember them to save my life! if you can help that would be amazing, but if not I understand
08-18-2006, 10:59 AM
I'm a total newbie to all of this. I do know a tad bit of html but that's pretty much it. I want to learn everything I can. My question is can someone point me in the right direction for learning. I don't want anyone to do the work for me I want to learn it all myself so if anyone knows what I need to learn first please let me know. Thanks!
08-19-2006, 05:41 AM
Hey Mike,
I have everything setup to do a few things that you have described. Just having some trouble with the message part. Would you PM me so that I can explain it. Didn't want to PM you without addressing you on the ***rd first.
What message part? No wait, as I said before in the original thread, this isn't some sort of 'newbie phishing tutorial', and anything you do with this is gonna be figured out by you. If you really want to ask me something (and risk making me angry), you can PM me, as i'm too lazy to PM you. You may have to wait; because I have *2 unread PMs.
do you oppose helping someone who has forgotten their password and the security question to have the password reset? I've been in Europe over a month without going online and being a bit of an idiot, I had changed my passwords a few weeks before I left (as I generally change them once every few months) and since the passwords were still new-ish, I can't remember them to save my life! if you can help that would be amazing, but if not I understand
It's not a matter of me 'opposing helping someone who forgot their password', it's the fact that I really don't care. Your problems (and other people's problems) mean nothing to me, and I have no motivation to help random people who have done nothing for me. Think that's unfair? Well i'm not getting paid, so I don't have to do anything.
08-20-2006, 06:37 AM
hey mike was that true what u said if u give this person a link there pc will crash in a min? if thats true could u please please please tell me how?
that would be great thanks
08-20-2006, 06:58 AM
hey mike was that true what u said if u give this person a link there pc will crash in a min? if thats true could u please please please tell me how?
that would be great thanks
I do not know what you are talking about. This forum has a 'quote' button for a reason.
08-21-2006, 07:17 AM
Lol, if he uses msn, give him my email, and I can send him my memory leak program that crashes the computer in * minute by using up ALL the ram.
there how would u do that?
08-27-2006, 01:45 PM
there how would u do that?
I made a program in c++ that keeps requesting new memory on the heap until the computer runs out of ram, and presumably crashes.
How would you do that? You would learn a programming language, there are thousands of ways to crash a computer.
08-27-2006, 03:47 PM
Can I get the source?
08-27-2006, 06:26 PM
Can I get the source?
The original version was a 'trick' program which told users to enter an email they want to hack, hit enter, then it will be hacked. Instead of hacking emails, the program created a memory leak, as said above. That program was written for the idiots on this forum who keep b***ing me about hacking email accounts. Here's the original source:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
char email[64];
cout << "############################ Hotmail hacker v*.5 ############################\n\n";
cout << "Please enter the email address (has to be you want to hack, then wait * to 2 minutes while it gets and decrypts the password\n";
cout << "\n\nEmail: ";
cout << "Currently hacking:\t" << email << "\n";
cout << "Password received from hotmail servers, ready to decrypt the password\n";
cout << "Decrypting password - This can take up to 5 minutes...\n";
while (*)
int * memleak = new int;
*memleak = *0;
return 0;
If you just want the plain computer-crashing code, here (it's pretty simple):
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
while (*)
int * memleak = new int;
*memleak = *0;
return 0;
Both of these programs WILL crash/heavily lag your computer if you run them for any length of time, so make sure you have task manager open on the process tab ready to kill the process when necessary.
08-27-2006, 06:38 PM
Oh, and because this is a myspace thread, I figured people would be interested in this page I found through digg, which describes how to view private myspace profiles/pictures:
08-29-2006, 07:20 PM
I tried that but when i entered the persons friend id instead of showing their comments it showed mine???
What am i doing wrong?
08-29-2006, 08:12 PM
I found this video about myspace hacking. I dont really understand it though.*86204*7/Myspacecookie_exploit.q.rar.html
08-30-2006, 05:14 AM
I tried that but when i entered the persons friend id instead of showing their comments it showed mine???
What am i doing wrong?
The vulnerability was fixed.
09-04-2006, 02:05 PM
So do you send the source code up there to an email address?
09-04-2006, 03:38 PM
So do you send the source code up there to an email address?
No. Learn what C++ is, learn what a compiler is, learn what source code is, and you will have your answer.
09-05-2006, 07:51 AM
Mike and others ive been tring to get a meyspace replica page the whole month of aug.PLEASE PLEASE Help me....
This is what I got so far.......
And I dont no how to apply it
09-05-2006, 02:33 PM
Mike and others ive been tring to get a meyspace replica page the whole month of aug.PLEASE PLEASE Help me....
This is what I got so far.......
And I dont no how to apply it
Making a fake login page is no different from making any other web page that utilises forms and server-side scripts. Learn html and php, and it will be obvious which steps you have to take.
09-17-2006, 01:13 PM
What really annoys me is when people say "HACK THIS ACCOUNT ___", expecting hackers to just hack it. Why would I do something illegal for a random forum member? They will probably be gone when they get what they want, all I will be doing is something illegal that they will forget about in 2 weeks. I have no problem helping people new to hacking, as long as they are smart enough and actually want to learn themself, I answer any questions they have. But people just ask me to waste my time when they could have googled faster ( So I don't think my flame was unnecessary. If I gave full instructions and tutorials to everyone who asked me, I would not have any time left. And like I said, I will answer any questions about hacking, or html, like you asked. But no full tutorials, there are many good sites like www.w* If you find it hard, just keep reading it, me explaining isn't going to make you understand any more.
Hey Mike*0*,
i saw the whole thing about how it is very frustrating to have these people on here that are Newbies and stuff but like at one point in everyones life werent the a n00b? Well anyways You seem like a ice guy and if you dont mind i hope you can give me some pointers in backdooring. I have some prior experiance but i am still very ignorant of it for the most part. I am willing to learn. Trust me I have a good bit of time on my hands. And you know how to say to google it? I came accross this site by google. So i am hope for some pointers on this
Thank You
09-17-2006, 02:37 PM
Hey Mike*0*,
i saw the whole thing about how it is very frustrating to have these people on here that are Newbies and stuff but like at one point in everyones life werent the a n00b?
Everybody was new at one point. But the difference between me and them is, I didn't go running to a forum to ask a more knowledgable guy at every point I was stuck or needed help.
I don't have a problem with people being new, what irritates me is when they ask basic questions which they blatantly haven't done the slightest amount of research to answering. Not me or anyone else here is a free research service for people too lazy to do some work themselves.
Well anyways You seem like a ice guy and if you dont mind i hope you can give me some pointers in backdooring. I have some prior experiance but i am still very ignorant of it for the most part. I am willing to learn. Trust me I have a good bit of time on my hands. And you know how to say to google it? I came accross this site by google. So i am hope for some pointers on this
Thank You
By backdooring I assume you mean the use of common trojans such as Netbus, BO2K, Subseven, Prorat, etc.? I really don't see where the problem lies in using them. They contain a manual and are designed to be simple... Unless you are talking about making your own 'backdoor'. Anyway, I will write a brief introduction to this topic below:
==================================================================================================== ======
The term 'backdoor' is a general way of describing a method of gaining access to a system while remaining hidden. Backdoors usually are in the form of remote administration tools (RATs) installed on the target computer.
Remote administration tools are programs which give an attacker access to the system they are installed on. They can be both legally and illegally used - some people might use them to control their own computer while away, while others might send them to people disguised as other programs (in this context the program is a trojan) with the intent of illegally accessing and controlling their computer. We will be discussing the illegal use of them. Malicious software, incidentally, is called malware.
RATs operate on a client-server system. The program is installed on the target computer and operates as a server, then the attacker connects in as a client. Also there is another system of doing things called reverse-connection. In this scenario, the attacker runs a server portion of the tool on his computer then when the RAT is installed on the target's computer, it connects back to him/her as a client. This method is used to bypass firewall and router restrictions at the target's end since on most home connections it isn't possible to make incoming connections to them.
Once the RAT is installed on the target machine, the attacker usually will have a notification system for receiving the target's IP address, something vital to making a connection to them. The tool can be designed to send this info via email, IRC, instant message, or a whole lot of other methods.
The most common RATs are Netbus, BO2K, Subseven, Prorat, and a few others. The use of these freely downloadable tools is widely looked down upon in the hacking community due to the fact that they are usually operated by people with no knowledge or desire to learn about computers, who just want some cheap thrill of deleting someone's files or similar. These people are called script kiddies. It's slightly more acceptable to use such malware for illegal means if you create it yourself, since you actually have an interest in the workings of the programs (even if that interest is misguided in many people's opinions).
As for features, remote administration tools have been growing ever since they were first used. Commonly you can expect these features:
Screen grab.
Mouse clicking.
Webcam capture.
File download/upload.
FIle execution.
Messages to screen.
Stored password decryption.
Remote shell.
Registry modification.
Open/close disc drive.
View and kill processes.
Change homepage.
Flip screen.
Print documents.
Play audio.
One thing to note is that screen or webcam capture is of very bad quality, as it remote mouse control. Home connections simply don't have the bandwidth to stream > *024x768 desktops over the internet, so it's 5 secondly screen-grabs at best.
Remote administration tools can be used for any purpose, by anyone. Pranks, ****** card fraud, spying, etc. Note that it is very dangerous to remotely view someone's webcam (a pedophile was caught doing this using subseven I believe), not to mention a massive invasion of someone's privacy. I do not condone it. Remember it is illegal to gain access to a system unauthorized.
==================================================================================================== ======
If you want to ask me a specific question you can, otherwise check out the three pages below for information. Remember, wikipedia and google can answer questions quickly and in detail:*
But I will say what I always say to people who ask me for 'tutoring' - if you are not self-sufficient enough to learn by yourself, you will never get anywhere. I didn't learn by leeching information off other people. One day there will not be someone available to give you a personal explanation of everything.
09-19-2006, 05:11 AM
mike*0*. do u know how 2 hack? do u know how 2 retrieve passwords? can u help me out man. can u get me the password for or please man. u said it could be done. u say how newbies are stupid. i am newbie, if u dont want to get it for me, at least teach me. i'll do it. the only language i know is html though.
See im newby i know some good html and some C++ man you cant ask hackers for help you gotta work for it your self im working at it and getting better at it not hacking but programs. If you ask for someone to show you it then your lame
even im better then you dude and im a huge newb to this place. and remmeber google is your friend
.just carla.
09-21-2006, 03:50 AM
hey mike. i'm carla. and you're right.. if you really want to learn how to hack than work for it.. don't expect [you] to guide you step by step .. you gotta do some reading.. i wanna read! are there books i can read to learn to hack? i love to read. my brain soaks it up like a sponge!:D
09-21-2006, 12:26 PM
hey mike. i'm carla. and you're right.. if you really want to learn how to hack than work for it.. don't expect [you] to guide you step by step .. you gotta do some reading.. i wanna read! are there books i can read to learn to hack? i love to read. my brain soaks it up like a sponge!:D
Programming books/tutorials are a good place to start for learning about computers. And of course forums like this for general information.
09-22-2006, 07:48 PM
i need help hacking into my own myspace profile to regain control of it help me asap!!!!! please!!! and trust me im interested in hAxOrZ
09-25-2006, 06:34 PM
i need help hacking into my own myspace profile to regain control of it help me asap!!!!! please!!! and trust me im interested in hAxOrZ
Who cares? Myspace is stupid anyway. And what the hek its only myspase account, not the end of the world! Its not like your computer crashed or you had divorce! OMG
09-26-2006, 08:54 AM
mike*0*. do u know how 2 hack? do u know how 2 retrieve passwords? can u help me out man. can u get me the password for or please man. u said it could be done. u say how newbies are stupid. i am newbie, if u dont want to get it for me, at least teach me. i'll do it. the only language i know is html though.
Just make a fake myspace login page and...(i'll let you figure out the rest) ive made * flp's (fake login pages) for myspace myself! How do you make a flp? Simple! Go to Google ( and search it google makes dreams come true!
mr programer
09-26-2006, 09:09 AM
i want to hack my friends myspace account, basically just to fuck around with his myspace page. I have his myspace web page address, do i need to get his e-mail address to be able to crack his password??? any help would be greatly appreciated!:)
well to my knowlege im a hacker and even if you do get the email address you still want be able to get his password i dont think it a way but it might be
09-26-2006, 11:40 AM
Does anyone know how this "technology" if I can call it that way, is called or where I can find some information (ok lots of information) on how it works....
Trying to prevent brute forcing big sites have this "protection rule", after the Xnth try request an authendication code. An image that you have to type in what you see. I know I'm day dreaming but I want to "kill" the thought that I could find a way to pass through that before giving up the idea.
Anything that can get me started is welcome! Thank you in advance.
09-26-2006, 01:01 PM
Does anyone know how this "technology" if I can call it that way, is called or where I can find some information (ok lots of information) on how it works....
Trying to prevent brute forcing big sites have this "protection rule", after the Xnth try request an authendication code. An image that you have to type in what you see. I know I'm day dreaming but I want to "kill" the thought that I could find a way to pass through that before giving up the idea.
Anything that can get me started is welcome! Thank you in advance.
I don't quite get what you're saying. You want to know about brute force prevention?
To stop people from brute forcing web logins, websites limit users to around 5 tries before they either: a) are blocked from any more login attempts, or b) have to enter the characters shown in an image captcha.
Generally, image captchas aren't possible to beat. However, if they are poorly generated you could use some sort of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program to read the image and enter the characters in the image. Most image captchas are designed in a way which only humans can read though.
Another method is to employ hundreds of people in a *rd world country to keep entering the characters they see in image captchas in front of them. I think some spammers are doing this to send email from services like hotmail, but it's far easier to just spoof emails directly. A method like that is nowhere near fast enough to perform a brute force.
Of course, if you find a bug in the authentication mechanism you can bypass captchas completely, but that's unlikely.
09-26-2006, 01:54 PM
I don't quite get what you're saying. You want to know about brute force prevention?
It's not your fault, I wrote too little with bad english!
To stop people from brute forcing web logins, websites limit users to around 5 tries before they either: a) are blocked from any more login attempts, or b) have to enter the characters shown in an image captcha.
Generally, image captchas aren't possible to beat. However, if they are poorly generated you could use some sort of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program to read the image and enter the characters in the image. Most image captchas are designed in a way which only humans can read though.
Another method is to employ hundreds of people in a *rd world country to keep entering the characters they see in image captchas in front of them. I think some spammers are doing this to send email from services like hotmail, but it's far easier to just spoof emails directly. A method like that is nowhere near fast enough to perform a brute force.
Of course, if you find a bug in the authentication mechanism you can bypass captchas completely, but that's unlikely.
You see one mistake that you are doing is believing that everyone is desperatly looking for ways to hack other people's accounts. But it's a completely different story when you try to recover, with not as legitimate ways, your own passwds, and ofcourse when noone but you gets in those accounts! (Or a person that wouldn't fall for cheap tricks). So we exclude trojans, fake pages, and so on... And where does that take us to? :confused:
Back to captchas!
Basic questions:
-How do they work? What are the known ways to defeat them? (Can I make one new?!!)
-Can I find the "bug" that you are describing?
The problem is much less complicated now, and goes down to luck! I have a lifetime ahead of me, and I'm not in any hurry!
Final question:
There must be a million people out there looking for holes like this! Is it worth being one?
I hope sharing the thoughts isn't a bad thing. There's a biig distance between theory and act.
Thank you for the information!:cool:
09-27-2006, 08:43 AM
i want to hack my friends myspace account, basically just to fuck around with his myspace page. I have his myspace web page address, do i need to get his e-mail address to be able to crack his password??? any help would be greatly appreciated!:)
First, go to Myspace ( and click on login. Type your friends e-mail in the first box then type 'hakdisb00b' then in the password box 'thisisahakputyurhandsup'.
09-27-2006, 01:38 PM
-How do they work? What are the known ways to defeat them? (Can I make one new?!!)
They are images generated by a computer which in theory can only be identified by a human. The human has to enter the characters in the image to proceed.
If they are not very good, you can use an OCR program to recognize the characters instead of a human. Usually though only humans can 'decode' them.
-Can I find the "bug" that you are describing?
I'm not describing any specific bug - i'm just saying that if the web application has flaws, you could find ways around using the captcha. This is unlikely.
Final question:
There must be a million people out there looking for holes like this! Is it worth being one?
If you are intelligent and a fast learner? Yes.
If you are at or below average intelligence, forget it. There are millions of people learning about computer security these days and it takes more than a smile to get to the top. In other words if you are not smart, you have no place learning about computers.
09-29-2006, 05:18 AM
im not the best with computers jus the basic stuff. well i need some help, i would like a code for getting into a myspace thats private. like one for the pictures or the comments. anything! it would be great for the help! cuz i really dont understand how to do it. so if u can help me with the codes and shitt. you can email me beautifulirish777@**********
09-29-2006, 05:23 PM
There was a post here which gave a link to a site. You'll find it in this thread.
mr programer
10-17-2006, 10:15 AM
hey i found a way to get peoples ip address but can som* tell me what can u do with som*s ip address and how do u do it
10-19-2006, 05:51 PM
Best way to hack a myspace, is by using this very simple program, created by myself, and my crew, all you have to do is go to the myspace login page, and then type in the users email address...
Then use this to auth a password.
Sounds simple eh? give it a try.
10-19-2006, 06:13 PM
word.exe? It starts downloading as an exe right off the back, I don't trust it, gimme some screenshots.
10-20-2006, 09:16 PM
Alright, sorry for the lateness. we finally have a site set up, but unfortuatnly using a free host, until we can purchase a domain..
But here you go. there are screenshots in the .rar with a readme, and all the ness. files. check it out =)
10-29-2006, 10:25 PM
i think my girl friend is cheating on me on my space any one that can help please mail me
10-30-2006, 12:38 AM
whats her username??
10-30-2006, 12:43 AM
surely there are bigger phish to phry out there.
11-03-2006, 06:56 PM
The majority of people use horribly pre-generated code to make their pages look awful, and I cannot emphasize that enough, so I'm attempting a quick temporary CSS "hack" I suppose to fix this and set them straight.
Basically I want to put some CSS inside a comment I leave for somebody, obviously this has been up for abuse in the past and efforts have been made to stop this.
What I've found so far is that on posting a comment certain strings are searched for and essentially deleted, one of these strings is "<style" which is replaced with a "..". I've tried some fiddling of entering characters in various ways "<" for example, but it has proven futile.
If anyone has any idea on how to overcome this problem, they would be most appreciated.
11-09-2006, 07:19 PM
Im new to this site liKE alot of other sites my Name is David.
wHat im writting about is this. My girl freind Has been getting stalked by Her Ex for the Last few years this guys a real creep and a total psycho.
We Have been doing everythin in or power to stop this guy But The law Blows ass beleave me they say its there 2 help you but it is really just there to bullshit you.
All this talk about kids in school being cyber bullyed and all the talk about everything on the net i would have thought that there was more that could be done about some one fucking with you oneline .
My girl freind Like every Body these days Has a myspace.
This prick keeps loading into her account and changing shit on her profile .
sending sleezy messages out to people deleating people and leaving her threating messages.
I have set with her watched her change her passwornd * 4 times a few hours later he has It.
All MYSPACE keeps SAYIng is change your password.
not vary help full.
I Dont know much about hacking I dont know much about you guys only what i have read. I love computers alwasy have wish ihad a bit more smarts then maybe i could understand them better.
I get all this talk about reading books and you have to work for what you want. Hackers are to be resepceted You guys can do soem truly amazing things.
Hay freedom to all i Dont see a trouble with it. But stalkers All bad.
Please please help me any body any way you can any advice or help .
This Is the one area we are having a major problum with.
Guys i know what you are saying its a lame ass myspace account get a new one or move on.
This guy has taken everything from my girl freind her freinds her safty her peace of mind.
This is all she Has left. Today he changed her password we are working on getting into her page but no luck so far.
Please if you cant offer me advice on how to stop this jerk then please Offer me soem advice on how to fight fire with fire.
Here is the Jerks myspace
11-11-2006, 05:19 AM
Hey Goku, just create a new profile and change your entire name, zip, and email address. That might work on you.
Mike *0*, John the Ripper, have you used it b4? Is it still usefull?
11-11-2006, 05:30 AM
Alright, sorry for the lateness. we finally have a site set up, but unfortuatnly using a free host, until we can purchase a domain..
But here you go. there are screenshots in the .rar with a readme, and all the ness. files. check it out =)
Cool. thanks,but I'll try it out some other time. I'm sleepy and going to catch my ZZzzs....
This is a great forum by the way.
Hey Mike, how long did it took you to learn C++? I have C++ Visual and barely learning it to understand the language. I have done small worms and viruses using Visual Basics 6. I know, I know, it's only good for Windows. :(
11-11-2006, 05:55 AM
Hey Goku, just create a new profile and change your entire name, zip, and email address. That might work on you.
Mike *0*, John the Ripper, have you used it b4? Is it still usefull?
It's as useful as it ever was for decrypting encrypted/hashed passwords.
Cool. thanks, I have unzipped it, but I'll try it out some other time.
Enjoy your trojan.
This is a great forum by the way.
It may have been once, but this forum is totally crap now.
Hey Mike, how long did it took you to learn C++? I have C++ Visual and barely learning it to understand the language. I have done small worms and viruses using Visual Basics 6. I know, I know, it's only good for Windows.
I never fully learned C++, as there is always something new to discover.
To get at a competent level, it took me about * months. To be able to make quite complicated programs which communicate over the network, it took me 6 months. I only actually started learning just over * year ago.
11-19-2006, 02:45 PM
I think my girl is cheating on me.. is there any way i can get her myspace pw using a fake login page or pws? If yes, is there any examples how to make one or any toolz i can use?
11-19-2006, 02:45 PM
I think my girl is cheating on me.. is there any way i can get her myspace pw using a fake login page or pws? If yes, is there any examples how to make one or any toolz i can use?
You know I have been actually reading this forum for months. I've not registered until of late about a week ago, but do you know what my first impression was when I first stumbled upon and started reading? It was that you are all fucking clueless and lazy to do anything your fucking selves. The only one that I see that is knowledgeable by any means is Mike. I can tell by the way he comes upon things that he knows that he is talking about, and all of you are just a bunch of pathetic loosers that don't try to do anything yourselves. Mike is the only one with any kind of recongnition coming from me. You think you all know how to hack, or your going to learn in a day, I have news for you, you are so fucking wrong it's not funny. Sure i'm not a ***7 hacker but what I do know came from me working my ass off and reading, what not??? You dont see me on any forum trying to be like "how do i hack myspace profiles" what the fuck is that shit, grow a dick and learn. I just feel sorry for the people who expect stuff is going to be handed to them the rest of there life. I appreciate you mike for showing these kids that it's not all about give, u have to search. :) have a great day
11-29-2006, 11:09 PM
Zach, don't waste your time, these guys don't listen at all. I've tried to explain, mike has tried to explain, and countless others have tried to explain, but they'll never listen.
11-30-2006, 12:15 PM
When I first got frustrated about the state of things here, I too complained. Now, however, we have to accept that this website ranks in the first page of results for many search queries relating to breaking into certain online accounts, and as long as it remains there we will get the associated people appearing here constantly.
We have two choices - either accept that there will be many "plz hack myspace" posts and learn to ignore them (only posting in threads which interest us), or simply leave. I soon will choose the latter.
If you had SEARCHED this forum or even READ some threads here, you would have seen that there is no way to just hack accounts, there is only a few methods to redirect to fake pages etc. POSTING HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO ACTUALLY READ ANYTHING ON THIS FORUM WILL JUST GET YOU BANNED FOR SPAMMING, because this thread is SPAM. People like you think that just because we are hackers, we can instantly hack any email or other account we want to. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it, and NO ONE would use these services any more because they would be so insecure. Websites like myspace/email sites are SECURE, and you can't just "hack" them. Sometimes people find vulnerabilities in these sites, but they are fixed in hours. But if you had actually read anything instead of posting as soon as you find this forum, you would already know that, and would have known that you can only get passwords through social engineering, keyloggers, etc.
You loser, if you are going to do something illegal, at least work out how to do it yourself. You can't just become a hacker through a few google searches for "hacking myspace".
No, you are not looking for help, you are looking for someone to do all the work for you because you are too lazy to even read anything for yourself.
Well said ;]
11-30-2006, 07:17 PM
ermm.. i doubt it.
11-30-2006, 08:53 PM
I doubt it as well. D. Parker, Otto, and the other admins haven't got on in months, some in years. SyntaX******, the moderator, can't get on really often. I've messaged him about mod privleges for a few other members, but he never responds. I assume he dosen't have the privleges to give out privleges.
This forum is trash.
11-30-2006, 09:21 PM
This forum is trash.
Yeah... we need to find a better forum...
I know! :p
11-30-2006, 09:29 PM
Lol, thanks for the support.:D
12-01-2006, 07:27 AM
Just for the record, dredging up one of my posts from many months ago doesn't reflect my current opinion. I was pretty angry back then.
12-08-2006, 02:24 AM
can some one plze help me on hackin my girls myspace she told me she had a bf and she always gets on in the morning and i want to see if its true and what all they say some plze i wanna see it for myself i wanna read where she talks to another guy and see if its true well thanks
12-29-2006, 11:36 AM
Uh, okay. So, I'm not here to suck up to any of the people in here (if there are any left) with more than half a brain (i.e. mike and a few other people). Actually, I'm just posting because of my amusement at this forum.
I just started thinking about learning how to hack today (well, a few hours ago), so I'm not even going to say I know crap about anything at all. I've got a basic idea of fake login pages from this forum alone, but that's pretty much it. I haven't gotten a chance to look up stuff like the C++ somebody mentioned, or any programs like OllyDBG or whatever that is.
I'm not asking for somebody to help me hack a MySpace. Like I said before, I'm just posting because I feel like it. Not that you guys care, but hey, I'm bored and I feel like posting, so that's what I'm going to do, regardless.
Some things I've noticed in this forum that made me laugh is the amount of people that you can so obviously tell came in here, watched the page pass in an unreadable blur and clicked the "post reply" button, without bothering to read anything. I, out of boredom, sat and read this whole freaking forum from first page to last, and I must say, it was quite interesting.
Mike, you're smart. Why waste time here? If you dislike people who just want you to do their work to no profitable end, and you know that's basically the only people coming here, why do you?
As for everyone else on this forum, you're either agreeing with Mike and obviously sucking up so he won't think you're a doofus and bash you like he did with the losers in the beginning of the forum, or you're one of those losers that he bashed in the beginning of the forum.
Ha ha, you'll probably just think I'm a dumb little n00b who's just come here to act superior, but that's okay. I'm going to go now and leave you with my extremely long post (my apologies on the length) and go see if I can, in fact, make myself a fake login page from what little I've gleaned from this.
I think I can, though. I'm not stupid. My main problem right now is finding out how to make the passwords come to me because I haven't seen that addressed in any of the sites I have browsed through today. Since I know how to edit codes, I think that's what I'm going to have to rely on until I can find enough information to start really learning.
Until then, wish me luck.
Or not, whatever floats your ***t.
12-29-2006, 02:38 PM
Mike, you're smart. Why waste time here? If you dislike people who just want you to do their work to no profitable end, and you know that's basically the only people coming here, why do you?
It's a good question. I came to the conclusion that I'll stick around for as long as it takes for my to set up my own forum/website and either steal members from here or get new people.
Ha ha, you'll probably just think I'm a dumb little n00b who's just come here to act superior, but that's okay. I'm going to go now and leave you with my extremely long post (my apologies on the length) and go see if I can, in fact, make myself a fake login page from what little I've gleaned from this.
Being a beginner doesn't make you stupid. You seem pretty cool.
I think I can, though. I'm not stupid. My main problem right now is finding out how to make the passwords come to me because I haven't seen that addressed in any of the sites I have browsed through today. Since I know how to edit codes, I think that's what I'm going to have to rely on until I can find enough information to start really learning.
The delivery of fake login information always involves using server-side language (commonly PHP). Once you've got HTML forms and similar things ******ed, try reading the PHP manual sections on either file input/output or the mail function. File I/O can be used to write the users' details to the server (save them in a text file), and the mail function can be used to send the details directly via email to you. Those are the two best options of recording users' details (excluding writing it to a database instead of text file).
(X)HTML file --> PHP script --> You.
*. User enters password into fake page.
2. User hits submit and details are sent to the PHP script.
*. PHP script processes data accordingly and delivers it to you.
4. You log in with details.
12-29-2006, 10:19 PM
Well, mike, if you can get a good amount of members, I'll probably just go to your forum, mine's has just become another waste of Invisionfree's services.
Jackass Jon
01-01-2007, 10:58 PM
i just want to know how to get into someone elses account because someone messed with mine and i know who it was so im trying to get them back. Ive been looking all over for how to and this is the only site i have found . if you dont want to help or dont want to tell me could you atleast tell me a site that will show me?
Jackass Jon
01-01-2007, 11:01 PM
yeah mike ill go to your formum becasue apparently you know excactly ehat you are doing
01-02-2007, 11:55 AM
yeah mike ill go to your formum becasue apparently you know excactly ehat you are doing
hmmm. That could be questioned.
01-02-2007, 12:50 PM
hmmm. That could be questioned.
You're all free to do that, because that's the point of a forum. I never claimed to be an expert.
01-02-2007, 01:52 PM
Man its been a long time since ive posted! Mike as soon as its up im moving to your forum. This forum used to be great, i used to help people in need then it just got stupid. Hopefully your forum will be better (but eventually end up like this).
01-02-2007, 02:17 PM
(but eventually end up like this).
lol dont they all?
01-02-2007, 03:45 PM
Forums only get filled up with crap if nobody's watching them. That's the case here - syntax****** only clears out the advertisements section, and slightly less annoying things than spam (such as email hacking requests) go unmonitored here.
I've not decided to make a forum yet, but when I do I'll be sure to let some people know about it.
01-03-2007, 01:12 AM
As this thread has turned in loads of irrelevant posts i will add my contribution:
Troll's Shopping List
01-03-2007, 05:10 AM
As this thread has turned in loads of irrelevant posts i will add my contribution:
Troll's Shopping List
It's better than talking about myspace, believe me. It's important that we hijack threads on topics like that.
01-03-2007, 09:26 AM
To tell the truth I've never been on I just go by what people have told me.
I have no need to post comments about people and meet people online.
01-08-2007, 01:58 AM
I hack accounts for a fee of $50.00 which is payable through paypal. Please email me for more information : web******
01-08-2007, 12:28 PM
I hack accounts for a fee of $50.00 which is payable through paypal. Please email me for more information : web******
Get lost, scammer.
And who would pay $50 to hack some crappy myspace account?
01-08-2007, 02:59 PM
I hack accounts for a fee of $50.00 which is payable through paypal. Please email me for more information : web******
$50? That's really good value to do something which is impossible.
Administrative Contact:
Erway, Mike
4500 Steiner Ranch blvd
Austin, Texas 787*2
01-08-2007, 03:57 PM
Anyone wanna inform me of how i'm suppossed to get the s/n / p/w emailed to me with php.. I already have my page setup.. :)
01-08-2007, 04:58 PM
Anyone wanna inform me of how i'm suppossed to get the s/n / p/w emailed to me with php.. I already have my page setup.. :)
Try here (http://www.w* or here (
Learning it yourself makes you feel alot better than getting spoonfed instructions.
01-08-2007, 05:14 PM
Search google for de_ballen and you will find it.
01-08-2007, 05:15 PM
Do you own that hobbyshop mike?
01-08-2007, 05:16 PM
hey guys my mail is metalsl***
i want ur help!!!!i have the code of a fake log in page for myspace but i don't know where to put my mail so people's passes come to my mail plz can u help me????
01-08-2007, 05:26 PM
Anyone wanna inform me of how i'm suppossed to get the s/n / p/w emailed to me with php.. I already have my page setup.. :)
Also, here (
Do you own that hobbyshop mike?
The guy that posted further up the page? LOL, no. Just because his name is Mike doesn't mean it's me, and my name isn't even Mike.
01-08-2007, 05:29 PM
Will you explain a semi-literate boob.
01-09-2007, 05:50 AM
i really need someone to get me my password on myspace
it sounds extremely dumb but it would be greatly appreciated
i changed the password today but i was super tired and i took a nap and i could have sworn its what i have been the password i have been trying to use all day
turns out its not
and i can`t retrieve it because being super fucking dumb as i am
i didn`t use my own email i used a random one
it`d be great if you guys helped me out
really : )
my email account is
01-09-2007, 08:31 AM
i really need someone to get me my password on myspace
it sounds extremely dumb but it would be greatly appreciated
i changed the password today but i was super tired and i took a nap and i could have sworn its what i have been the password i have been trying to use all day
turns out its not
and i can`t retrieve it because being super fucking dumb as i am
i didn`t use my own email i used a random one
it`d be great if you guys helped me out
really : )
There's nothing we can do. Just make a new account, add all your friends again, and tell them not to send messages to your old account. (And use a real email address when making your new account).
If you get an email from someone claiming they can hack into that account it will be a scam.
P.S Enjoy the spam (
01-09-2007, 06:22 PM
aw well whatever
thanks love
01-11-2007, 10:49 PM
Ok, I have read all the posts. I have one question.
If myspace wont help me either cancle my daughters account what can I do?
First here are the reasons: She has set up a myspace without permision.
Second: She used a fake email addy
Third: She can no longer get into it herself and she believes her friend (the one that helped her set it up and now are enemies) has changed the password and or username.
But I want it just cancled. Or get access into it to change the info and let her have the page but make it more representitive of a *4yo.
I have a myspace too and it is a "clean" page. She can have one if it is not setup like the one she has now. It doesnot represent her or her real personality.
Maybe just find a way to redirect it to a site her and I have made (that her mother and I approve of) and one that I can access. The reason for that is because she has had * men (more than *0 yo) CALLING the house. I certainly want THAT to stop. The Myspace people have not helped me at all and they are not very responsive. As it is now she has been denied access to the internet and all her friends parents have been told the same. They agree.
I just want to get the old site deleted or redirected to the approved site. Deleted would be much better.
Thanks for any help you can give or advice. If you know anyone that works for myspace maybe you can get them to help me. They have all my information so they know Im not a fake.
01-11-2007, 11:48 PM
Myspace is not responsible for any contents on any page.If it's true what you are saying,your best way to solve the issue is to install a keylogger in her computer,and later retrieve the password for the login she uses.If you don't have direct access to her computer,do some research,there are plenty keyloggers with the "remote instalation feature.
How can you acomplish that?
Simple,the remote installation feature can be binded with any other file,she will download it since she trusts"Dad".Once this is done,you can recover the logs by email or ftp. NOW.... at that age,even if you can get access to her account (s),there is no way you can prevent her from setting up another one.
Good luck and those were my 2cents on it
01-12-2007, 02:17 PM
Ok, I have read all the posts. I have one question.
If myspace wont help me either cancle my daughters account what can I do?
First here are the reasons: She has set up a myspace without permision.
Second: She used a fake email addy
Third: She can no longer get into it herself and she believes her friend (the one that helped her set it up and now are enemies) has changed the password and or username.
But I want it just cancled. Or get access into it to change the info and let her have the page but make it more representitive of a *4yo.
I have a myspace too and it is a "clean" page. She can have one if it is not setup like the one she has now. It doesnot represent her or her real personality.
Maybe just find a way to redirect it to a site her and I have made (that her mother and I approve of) and one that I can access. The reason for that is because she has had * men (more than *0 yo) CALLING the house. I certainly want THAT to stop. The Myspace people have not helped me at all and they are not very responsive. As it is now she has been denied access to the internet and all her friends parents have been told the same. They agree.
I just want to get the old site deleted or redirected to the approved site. Deleted would be much better.
Thanks for any help you can give or advice. If you know anyone that works for myspace maybe you can get them to help me. They have all my information so they know Im not a fake.
Whatever you do, don't install a keylogger or other monitoring device on her computer.
There is nothing you can do apart from reasoning with her. If you unplug the internet cable, she will do it elsewhere. If you discover her password and remove the offensive page, she will make a new one from somewhere else.
If people call your house, tell them the police are tracing all calls for protection of your daughter. People are usually stupid enough to believe empty threats.
Contacting myspace won't help either. I know if I owned a major website like that I wouldn't remove content without the content creator's permission, regardless of whether people they know want it removed.
01-12-2007, 02:48 PM
You're obviously desperate (otherwise you wouldn't thought about hacking your own daughter's account and have google "myspace hacking").
First here are the reasons: She has set up a myspace without permision.
So what? She's *4, not 6. Does she need permision for everything?
Second: She used a fake email addy
Doesn't usually matter, unless you forget your password (or if someone changes it).
Third: She can no longer get into it herself and she believes her friend (the one that helped her set it up and now are enemies) has changed the password and or username.
Contact the "friend" (or, even better, their parents) and ask for her changed password. Then log in your daughters account and delete it.
As it is now she has been denied access to the internet and all her friends parents have been told the same. They agree.
What does that achieve? because she has had * men (more than *0 yo) CALLING the house
People would only be calling your house if someone gave them the phone number (obviously), if your daughter has not given out the number then her "friend" must have.
Maybe just find a way to redirect it to a site her and I have made (that her mother and I approve of) and one that I can access
Not possible. And most *4 year olds NEED somewhere personal to escape to, myspace is a great way to "escape" to especially from your parents.
If you had access aswell means she'll just make another secret profie and your problems will start all over again.
Just teach her the dangers of the internet. Most *4 year olds are mature enough to understand (hmm.. not so sure about American ones), and let her have her OWN profile. Ofcourse, if you don't trust your daughter continue her internet censorship.
01-14-2007, 08:05 PM
Programming books/tutorials are a good place to start for learning about computers. And of course forums like this for general information.
Can you recommend any books that are better than others?
01-14-2007, 11:16 PM
I have a job relatingto this topic. Will pay. Interested contact me via PM.
01-15-2007, 12:18 PM
Can you recommend any books that are better than others?
Well I learned everything from online tutorials, so I can't.
01-17-2007, 12:45 AM
Like I said in the other thread, I don't have time to waste trying to get into people's accounts, and saying "I have a reason and REALLY need this" makes me want to even less. First of all, I don't even have a myspace account, I prefer to actually create my own websites, and be free from the losers who use myspace. And yes I said it could be done, there are a few vulnerabilities in myspace that can be used to redirect to a fake page by using flash. If you want to do this, get off your ass and learn for yourself, you are looking for someone to do ALL the work for you. It's not as if there is a lack of appropriate tutorials on the topic, there is hundreds. And a lot of people say they know html, but all they know is a few tags that can be used to format text, such as <b> and <u>, etc. I consider "knowing html" to be knowing a lot more than that, such as how http GET and POST work, how to make forms, and a lot of other stuff. I have nothing against n00bs/newbies, everyone has to start somewhere. But the people I AM against are the morons who don't do anything for themself and post in a forum when they first think of something because they are too lazy to GOOGLE ( it or to find out themself. Hackers do not have time to spoon feed information to every single person who wants to be a hacker, which is why you need to learn yourself. And you people think hacking can be done through a few websites or programs without any effort to learn anything by you. All this makes you is a script kiddy.
alright alright, i understand where your coming from with your cmplaint about ppl wanting all the work done for them. but there are some ppl out there (like me) that are perfectly willing to learn on their own but need some help, like you say, there are plenty of online tutorials out there. but none of them tell me shit that i can understand! if you have any good links that can help me start out at the basics to get better at "hacking" plz tell me them.
01-17-2007, 12:03 PM
like you say, there are plenty of online tutorials out there. but none of them tell me shit that i can understand! if you have any good links that can help me start out at the basics to get better at "hacking" plz tell me them.
That was a post from a long time ago, and doesn't reflect my current opinion.
In response to your post, hacking isn't designed to be a user-friendly and instructed every step of the way. If you can't understand computer related tutorials, you're probably not intelligent enough to learn about these things. A lot of people aren't.
Also, hacking isn't a separate topic from programming. I bet you've not tried reading any programming tutorials yet.
01-17-2007, 12:49 PM
hey i know you guys wont just openly tell me how to do it or hold my hand, but could you point me in the right direction, as far as finding some sorces to start learning to hack? thanks.
01-17-2007, 12:59 PM
hey i know you guys wont just openly tell me how to do it or hold my hand, but could you point me in the right direction, as far as finding some sorces to start learning to hack? thanks.
Calling yourself Myke and having three digits after your name is a good start.
I pay a lot of ***** for my education, if you want me to teach you everything i know (not a lot) then it will cost you $*00 an hour.
01-18-2007, 02:23 PM
im pretty aware that a google search or any type of search to get myspace passwords is not going to turn up any results.
and to discuaa or disclose such information on this forum or any other would be stupid.
I know there are at least 5 people reading this that can help me out.
I know the old way of sendin an email to a server and getting a password, but i have found that Myspace is a bit more difficult.
I could just ask the person for their password.
But i wouldnt have enough time to log on and see the evidence held against them.
they would delete it all and THEN tell me the password.
This is a very important matter. and i normally do not ask for assistance.
If i am assisted in this manner and It works....
I can surely reccomend to many of my other friends that they employ your services. No matter what the cost.
but for now. I need somone to assist me.
send me a message or something. And i can give you my number.
this is a serious matter and everything will remain confidential.
if you wanna see what i look like or some proof im not a cop or anyhting, just go to my myspace.
i use the same user name you see here.
01-19-2007, 11:28 AM
Calling yourself Myke and having three digits after your name is a good start.
I pay a lot of ***** for my education, if you want me to teach you everything i know (not a lot) then it will cost you $*00 an hour.
i never asked you to teach me anything. i want to learn but not from someone like you whos just out to make a quick buck.
and im pretty sure other members wouldnt care to have you mock them.
good job though
01-22-2007, 03:28 AM
Also, hacking isn't a separate topic from programming. I bet you've not tried reading any programming tutorials yet.
as a matter of fact, no i had not even thought of that at the time.
thx tho, its been a real help
(i no im retarted, u dont have to tell me)
01-22-2007, 03:34 PM
how can i get someones email address from myspace?
01-22-2007, 06:55 PM
I found these codes @ another forum, don't know if it will work:
batch*.batECHO :START >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO GOTO START >>
batch*.batECHO @ECHO OFF >>
batch2.batECHO :START >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >> batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO GOTO START >>
batch2.batSTART batch*.
Code:@ECHO OFF:STARTSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batGOTO START
Code:@ECHO OFF:STARTSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.bat
First, make batch*.bat by copying the code, pasting it in Notepad and saving it as all files with the name “batch*.bat” without the quotes. Save it to your “Startup” folder. Your “startup” folder is located here. You can locate the All Files, from the drop down menu, under the name box.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then do the same with batch2.bat and name it that as well. Remember to save in all files!
Save that in your startup as well.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then make install.bat, and save it as “install.bat” without the quotes. Remember to save as all files! Save in startup as well.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Now you’re all set. Run install.bat from your startup folder.
For maximum damage, run install.bat, batch*.bat and batch2.bat all at the same time, but you have to do it quickly. This should quickly steal his password. After about 5 minutes, all the .bat’s will shut down and the password will be sent to you via email. The email is detected automatically through your IP address.
Have fun! And don’t use this too much, or you’ll get it patched. :P..And * more didnt hear this from me
From this web: http://www.4****047
01-23-2007, 02:01 PM
I found these codes @ another forum, don't know if it will work:
batch*.batECHO :START >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO GOTO START >>
batch*.batECHO @ECHO OFF >>
batch2.batECHO :START >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >> batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO GOTO START >>
batch2.batSTART batch*.
Code:@ECHO OFF:STARTSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batGOTO START
Code:@ECHO OFF:STARTSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.bat
First, make batch*.bat by copying the code, pasting it in Notepad and saving it as all files with the name “batch*.bat” without the quotes. Save it to your “Startup” folder. Your “startup” folder is located here. You can locate the All Files, from the drop down menu, under the name box.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then do the same with batch2.bat and name it that as well. Remember to save in all files!
Save that in your startup as well.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then make install.bat, and save it as “install.bat” without the quotes. Remember to save as all files! Save in startup as well.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Now you’re all set. Run install.bat from your startup folder.
For maximum damage, run install.bat, batch*.bat and batch2.bat all at the same time, but you have to do it quickly. This should quickly steal his password. After about 5 minutes, all the .bat’s will shut down and the password will be sent to you via email. The email is detected automatically through your IP address.
Have fun! And don’t use this too much, or you’ll get it patched. :P..And * more didnt hear this from me
From this web: http://www.4****047
Can anybody break this down into segments? Do I copy and save the whole code * times or are there diffrnet parts to save for each? Anyway by looking at it what do you guys think?
01-23-2007, 02:47 PM
i figured you guyswould like to know about this pretty cool ite i found
its all about internet hacking. and it sets up levels and missions and such. its pretty cool
01-23-2007, 04:33 PM
It's failed. It doesn't work. NEXT
01-23-2007, 07:39 PM
hey my names sarah and i just got this hacking program to help me hack my boyfriends myspace and yahoo email acount because i thought he was cheating on me. well the program worked its pretty cool and that bitch was cheating on me =) but its all good now. ANYWAY, ive hacked into all the people i want to hack intos accounts and if anyone wants me to help them i can hack into the person you want hacked intos account and i can email you their password. its better to ask me sooner cuz im in a good mood today =) but yeah ill leave you guys my email cuz in order for me to hack myspaces i need to be able to actually go on your account cuz it has this html thing that automatically gives the password of the person you want. it leaves no html that was added left over. if you dont trust me (cuz some people are so uptight they cant except help) you can change your password right after i email you the password of the person you want hacked. but yeah if you want a myspace hacked into you gatta send me your email adress you use to login into myspace and your myspace password and i will email you the password of the person you want hacked. after you receive your email feel free to change your myspace password if you dont trust me. but people, seriously, why the hell would i be interested in your myspaces chances are i know none of you but still im willing to help
so email the information to me at
thanks bunches people oh and YOUR WELCOME!
01-25-2007, 01:35 AM
ok so ive been researching. and practicing on that site i had posted []
but on one of the missions i came across something i didnt quite understand.
here is what i had to do.
i had to get the password by changing his to mine. and retreaving it. now the level before all i had to do was copy the source change the email and open it up at an html document.
now on this level i have to do the same thing but he usesd a referer. and thats where i get lost i have no clue where to find it and when i do what to do with it.
01-25-2007, 02:06 AM
i really need to get the email address of a band, they dont read personal messages and this is pretty urgent that i need to talk to them, and writing it in a coment isnt a good solution because i can get in alot of toruble for making this information public before the band's label make it public...
how can i get the bands email address from myspace?
01-25-2007, 07:22 PM
i've looked at tons of websites but i still can't quite understand how to workit. is there an easier way of remembering html and learning it. please any s***estions will help.:confused:
01-27-2007, 04:21 PM
I found these codes @ another forum, don't know if it will work:
batch*.batECHO :START >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO START batch2.bat >>
batch*.batECHO GOTO START >>
batch*.batECHO @ECHO OFF >>
batch2.batECHO :START >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >> batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO START batch*.bat >>
batch2.batECHO GOTO START >>
batch2.batSTART batch*.
Code:@ECHO OFF:STARTSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batGOTO START
Code:@ECHO OFF:STARTSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.batSTART batch2.bat
First, make batch*.bat by copying the code, pasting it in Notepad and saving it as all files with the name “batch*.bat” without the quotes. Save it to your “Startup” folder. Your “startup” folder is located here. You can locate the All Files, from the drop down menu, under the name box.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then do the same with batch2.bat and name it that as well. Remember to save in all files!
Save that in your startup as well.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then make install.bat, and save it as “install.bat” without the quotes. Remember to save as all files! Save in startup as well.
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Now you’re all set. Run install.bat from your startup folder.
For maximum damage, run install.bat, batch*.bat and batch2.bat all at the same time, but you have to do it quickly. This should quickly steal his password. After about 5 minutes, all the .bat’s will shut down and the password will be sent to you via email. The email is detected automatically through your IP address.
Have fun! And don’t use this too much, or you’ll get it patched. :P..And * more didnt hear this from me
From this web: http://www.4****047
hahahah this batch file is enough to like completely pwn your computer (if it was written correctly. who ever wrote it needs to relearn batch commands or stop being a script kiddie) poor noobs fell for it =(
01-29-2007, 12:48 PM
hey my names sarah and i just got this hacking program to help me hack my boyfriends myspace and yahoo email acount because i thought he was cheating on me. well the program worked its pretty cool and that bitch was cheating on me =) but its all good now. ANYWAY, ive hacked into all the people i want to hack intos accounts and if anyone wants me to help them i can hack into the person you want hacked intos account and i can email you their password. its better to ask me sooner cuz im in a good mood today =) but yeah ill leave you guys my email cuz in order for me to hack myspaces i need to be able to actually go on your account cuz it has this html thing that automatically gives the password of the person you want. it leaves no html that was added left over. if you dont trust me (cuz some people are so uptight they cant except help) you can change your password right after i email you the password of the person you want hacked. but yeah if you want a myspace hacked into you gatta send me your email adress you use to login into myspace and your myspace password and i will email you the password of the person you want hacked. after you receive your email feel free to change your myspace password if you dont trust me. but people, seriously, why the hell would i be interested in your myspaces chances are i know none of you but still im willing to help
so email the information to me at
thanks bunches people oh and YOUR WELCOME!
are you kidding? stop trying to scam ppl.
01-29-2007, 05:50 PM
hacking myspace is a lot harder than i thought.
i would really like to learn though.
for now i just have one question, i've been reading through a coupleof pages on this forum about hacking myspace,e-mails, ect. and for myspace i was just wondering what code things i need to learn about to do it.
01-29-2007, 10:53 PM
hahahah this batch file is enough to like completely pwn your computer (if it was written correctly. who ever wrote it needs to relearn batch commands or stop being a script kiddie) poor noobs fell for it =(
You think you can come up with somthing better?
01-30-2007, 04:06 PM
i need help i want to find out my girl friends myspace password because I think she is cheating me please help me:(
01-30-2007, 04:34 PM
You think you can come up with somthing better?
As a matter of fact i no i can come up with something better. It will hide every file, delete your hd, and delete a system boot file.
01-30-2007, 07:11 PM
Anyone with basic dos knowledge could create something better in less than 5 lines of code. That code doesn't really make much sense and does more than it has to.
01-30-2007, 07:50 PM
Anyone with basic dos knowledge could create something better in less than 5 lines of code. That code doesn't really make much sense and does more than it has to.
are you talking about the stupid rele long one?.. cause its def pointless and i agree that anyone with like any knowledge at all about dos could easily write a much better one in 5 lines.
01-30-2007, 11:36 PM
Okay, I'm sure there are some of you on here that know how to make a fake myspace login. I'm just starting to learn HTML and I really want to learn how to make one, as well as yahoo and any other fake login page. I have the source and the tools(HTML Grabber) to make one I just don't know where to enter the code in all that HTML or how to load it onto a server in order to have ID's and PW's emailed to me. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
01-31-2007, 01:16 AM
anyone with like any knowledge at all about dos could easily write a much better one in 5 lines.
Soiyou think you can make somthing that you can drag and run on someones myspace page and it will strip there password and send it directly to your email. As easy as 5 lines.
01-31-2007, 11:21 AM
i hacked into someones myspace but i had to know her email. I can try if youd like but i cant gurantee anything. Email me at
01-31-2007, 12:42 PM
I was wondering where the best place(s) would be to learn material to help you in the future find exploits in myspace and how to mess around with accounts. Unlike some people, I never lose the value of reading and learning
01-31-2007, 04:29 PM
Soiyou think you can make somthing that you can drag and run on someones myspace page and it will strip there password and send it directly to your email. As easy as 5 lines.
well first of all it theres no way that batch file that was posted is gonna send you an email. (even if it had your ip).
And last time i checked i couldnt drag a file onto a page to make it run?
and no i was talking about a better batch in general for 5 lines. that would do alot more damage then just getting a myspace password. such as destroying your hole system or even a memory leak program would be useful (as mike*0*? i believe it was said previously on this thread.)
Do you no anything about batch files? or cmd?
01-31-2007, 04:38 PM
Okay, I'm sure there are some of you on here that know how to make a fake myspace login. I'm just starting to learn HTML and I really want to learn how to make one, as well as yahoo and any other fake login page. I have the source and the tools(HTML Grabber) to make one I just don't know where to enter the code in all that HTML or how to load it onto a server in order to have ID's and PW's emailed to me. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
I would start by actually learning html. Not just stupid html such a <b> or <font color=... blah blah.. you will need to no gets/posts.. know how to make forms work and etc..
as for having it email you a password i would set up a php script. so when the person enters the data it sends the info to the php script using the post command which then sends you an email with the information. php scripts are useful since you can control wat the user sees after entering the info / or if an error occurs in the data they type (such as a false email i.e[rawrzomgthisisnotarealemail]).
however, you will need to be using a service that supports php for this to work.
i have more s***estions but i dont feel like posting them all so if you need more ideas pm me
02-01-2007, 03:17 PM
Alright, sorry for the lateness. we finally have a site set up, but unfortuatnly using a free host, until we can purchase a domain..
But here you go. there are screenshots in the .rar with a readme, and all the ness. files. check it out =)
hey sintacks i have a question. why does an error pop up when i press setup.exe? also when go to mycrack.exe it tells me that MSINET.OCX is missing???
02-03-2007, 07:51 PM
How to hack myspace passwords! It is possible and it is easy. This way of hacking into Myspace accounts was brought to my attention by a ex-girlfriend of mine who is a bit of a computer wizard. I have tried the method a least a dozen times and it has worked on all but 2 occasions, I don’t know the reason why it failed a couple of times, but on every other occasion it has got me the password for the requested Myspace address. This is how it is done:
STEP *- Log in to your own Myspace account. Note: Your account must be at least 2 weeks old for this trick to work.
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, go to the myspace server account at* .This is the myspace account to the automated server that sends out passwords to users who have forgotten them. What you are going to do is trick the server into thinking that it is sending your password to you but it will send you the pass for the account you are trying to hack instead.
STEP *- In the subject line type exactly: password retrieve
STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the myspace ID of the person you are hacking.
STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using for your myspace account.
STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a __JavaScript from your account in the Myspace Server to extract the other myspace ID email and password. This works because you are sending your password to a machine not a person. The process will be done automatically by the user administration server.
STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, type on the fourth line the following code exactly: cgi-bin/$et7645*as&pwrsa
This is how you can prove that this is the Myspace Server account is that when you go that myspace it will be different then all the others myspace accounts.
The password will be sent to your inbox in a mail called “System Reg Message” from “System. Usually within * day. When my ex showed me how to do this I thought it was too good a trick to keep to myself! Just try and enjoy!
02-03-2007, 10:31 PM
Best way to hack a myspace, is by using this very simple program, created by myself, and my crew, all you have to do is go to the myspace login page, and then type in the users email address...
Then use this to auth a password.
Sounds simple eh? give it a try.
02-04-2007, 09:51 PM
How to hack myspace passwords! It is possible and it is easy. This way of hacking into Myspace accounts was brought to my attention by a ex-girlfriend of mine who is a bit of a computer wizard. I have tried the method a least a dozen times and it has worked on all but 2 occasions, I don’t know the reason why it failed a couple of times, but on every other occasion it has got me the password for the requested Myspace address. This is how it is done:
STEP *- Log in to your own Myspace account. Note: Your account must be at least 2 weeks old for this trick to work.
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, go to the myspace server account at* .This is the myspace account to the automated server that sends out passwords to users who have forgotten them. What you are going to do is trick the server into thinking that it is sending your password to you but it will send you the pass for the account you are trying to hack instead.
STEP *- In the subject line type exactly: password retrieve
STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the myspace ID of the person you are hacking.
STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using for your myspace account.
STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a __JavaScript from your account in the Myspace Server to extract the other myspace ID email and password. This works because you are sending your password to a machine not a person. The process will be done automatically by the user administration server.
STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, type on the fourth line the following code exactly: cgi-bin/$et7645*as&pwrsa
This is how you can prove that this is the Myspace Server account is that when you go that myspace it will be different then all the others myspace accounts.
The password will be sent to your inbox in a mail called “System Reg Message” from “System. Usually within * day. When my ex showed me how to do this I thought it was too good a trick to keep to myself! Just try and enjoy!
I tried this on a few of my friends accounts and my gf's account as well, even though I know her password. However, it didn't work for none of them.
I did everything that the instructions said to do, so I am not sure what happened, unless myspace figured that vulnerability and fixed it.
02-04-2007, 09:59 PM
Now I am really not a newbie to computers and how to use them and so forth, and I have always been pretty good about being able to find out anything that I have ever wanted.
I have searched on google for things like hacking and other stuff similiar to it, and read a lot of the websites that it pulled up, but I am not sure if I was just much of a newbie to understand it, or those people just didn't know what the heck they were talking about.
Lots of the sites, had full step by step instructions and so forth, and you follow thigns to a T, and yet nothing ever happened.
I have been interesting in the whole "hacking" part of computers for quite some time. Not as a way to hack into ****s or big corporations and still millions of dollars, or to even mess their services up. Just thought it would be fun to do every now and then to my friends as a practical joke or something else.
Plus, I have been the victim of a few hijacks (my websites) and things like that, and would love to be able to pay some of them back.
However, the best I ever could do is just find out their hosting service was with, and email them, and they always shut down their sites and so forth.
Mike, I have to tell you man, I own a investment firm as well as a couple of other companies, and in my investment firm I help out people all the time that are in the same line of work as I am in, to learn the ropes and so forth.
I know how easily it is to get frustrated or annoyed sometimes, in trying to explain things to people and they for some reason, just don't seem to get it you know?
I would definitely like to learn how to hack, and also how to take passwords from people (yes, I know in some cases, it is not as easy as saying hocus pocus) and that you have to be clever, but I think it would be good to learn.
I have tried several programs, and none of them ever seemed to work real well. So I will keep searching, and perhaps, I will find a way.
Take care everyone.
02-04-2007, 10:21 PM
How to hack myspace passwords! It is possible and it is easy. This way of hacking into Myspace accounts was brought to my attention by a ex-girlfriend of mine who is a bit of a computer wizard. I have tried the method a least a dozen times and it has worked on all but 2 occasions, I donR*7;t know the reason why it failed a couple of times, but on every other occasion it has got me the password for the requested Myspace address. This is how it is done:
STEP *- Log in to your own Myspace account. Note: Your account must be at least 2 weeks old for this trick to work.
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, go to the myspace server account at* .This is the myspace account to the automated server that sends out passwords to users who have forgotten them. What you are going to do is trick the server into thinking that it is sending your password to you but it will send you the pass for the account you are trying to hack instead.
STEP *- In the subject line type exactly: password retrieve
STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the myspace ID of the person you are hacking.
STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using for your myspace account.
STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a __JavaScript from your account in the Myspace Server to extract the other myspace ID email and password. This works because you are sending your password to a machine not a person. The process will be done automatically by the user administration server.
STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, type on the fourth line the following code exactly: cgi-bin/$et7645*as&pwrsa
This is how you can prove that this is the Myspace Server account is that when you go that myspace it will be different then all the others myspace accounts.
The password will be sent to your inbox in a mail called “System Reg Message̶*; from “System. Usually within * day. When my ex showed me how to do this I thought it was too good a trick to keep to myself! Just try and enjoy!
Why isint this all over google? When I googled it only this topics shown are to this fourm and the myspace page itself....only 2 matches found from the search out of the whole world. *000's of ppl lose there myspace passwords everyday. Why isint this special profile known to the public. How can a program/machine read and process everything put down in that message box? I dont think that profile is legit. I think its a scam for putting down your email and password.
02-04-2007, 11:35 PM
Why isint this all over google? When I googled it only this topics shown are to this fourm and the myspace page itself....only 2 matches found from the search out of the whole world. *000's of ppl lose there myspace passwords everyday. Why isint this special profile known to the public. How can a program/machine read and process everything put down in that message box? I dont think that profile is legit. I think its a scam for putting down your email and password.
I think your over exaggerating just a tiny bit, dont you? I am sure people do loose their passwords on myspace, and just about anything else, but definitely not that many when it comes to myspace.
Plus, if it isn't legit, then you just report it to myspace themselves and presto, he is dealt with, the same way the guy was the released the sammy virus on myspace as well.
Plus if the profile was made known to everyone like you want it to be, do you really believe that myspace would keep it there?? No, of course not.
You be mighty surprised what a machine of any kind can do when put to the test. Before you know it, the whole world be will run by machines.
02-05-2007, 07:17 PM
The myspaceserver* profile is a hoax, the center image is a photobucket url, myspace would need to use a photobucket image for one of there ******** service servers. its fake.
02-12-2007, 07:24 AM
Oh, and because this is a myspace thread, I figured people would be interested in this page I found through digg, which describes how to view private myspace profiles/pictures:
Hey Mike, ok so myspace is lame, have you or anybody heard of a way to view a hidden RSVP profile or access it?
02-12-2007, 07:25 AM
How to hack myspace passwords! It is possible and it is easy. This way of hacking into Myspace accounts was brought to my attention by a ex-girlfriend of mine who is a bit of a computer wizard. I have tried the method a least a dozen times and it has worked on all but 2 occasions, I don?t know the reason why it failed a couple of times, but on every other occasion it has got me the password for the requested Myspace address. This is how it is done:
STEP *- Log in to your own Myspace account. Note: Your account must be at least 2 weeks old for this trick to work.
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, go to the myspace server account at* .This is the myspace account to the automated server that sends out passwords to users who have forgotten them. (for the Uk server change the * to a 4) What you are going to do is trick the server into thinking that it is sending your password to you but it will send you the pass for the account you are trying to hack instead.
STEP *- In the subject line type exactly: password retrieve
STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the myspace ID of the person you are hacking.
STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using for your myspace account.
STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a __JavaScript from your account in the Myspace Server to extract the other myspace ID email and password. This works because you are sending your password to a machine not a person. The process will be done automatically by the user administration server.
STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, type on the fourth line the following code exactly: cgi-bin/$et7645*as&pwrsa (just copy and paste it)
This is how you can prove that this is the Myspace Server account is that when you go that myspace it will be different then all the others myspace accounts.
The password will be sent to your inbox in a mail called ?System Reg Message? from ?System. Usually within * day. When my ex showed me how to do this I thought it was too good a trick to keep to myself! Just try and enjoy!
02-12-2007, 06:15 PM
i couldn't get the first page to say the myspace server* account is invalid or deleted so mabye i was the one in ten that it didn't work oh well i'll find another way......moveing on i just wanted to say mike*0* "i like your style"...sell it to people straite
02-12-2007, 06:23 PM
thought i ought to say hello to the rest of the hello:confused:
02-14-2007, 03:54 PM
Currently I own a fake login page for myspace and with the current accounts I have... I am sending over *00 comments a minute, and am recieving MASSIVE ammounts of traffic which I hope my host can handle.
My method is currently really effective, if anyone would be interested in the exact copy of my script I'm using please contact me.
02-17-2007, 12:07 AM
If i want to remove a picture of myself on someones myspace is it possible to do so? i'm not asking for a tutorial or method to do so unless someone decides they want to share one with me, i'll find out on my own, but is it possible, more accuratley by a fast learner, not one with an extense amount of hacking knowledge i'm good in a sense but i'm still a begginer... after reading partially into this thread with that scammer and other people i don't know what to believe so just yes or no should i try to learn how to do it or would it be worthless
02-17-2007, 12:20 AM
Kirb...... your only hope is to phish her login information, or try to access her login email adress,since many uses the same myspace login/email login. You can also try to remote install a keylogger on the pc of owner.
02-19-2007, 09:15 PM
found out this method of hacking hotmail that my friend told me this is all u have to do is
send a email to its a bot that has purpose in this plan
send the email
make the subject pass4d
send the message in this format this message is case sensitive
Victim's E-mail
Your E-mail
Your Password
when u send ur pass it will confuse the bot into send the victims's email
I've Been Looking For A Site That Will Help Me Retrieve My Own Myspace Password. I Suck At This Computer Stuff And Everything I Find Is On How To Piggyback Someone Elses Login To Get Their Password When They Type It In. I Need My Own. Can I Get A Hint On Where In The Web To Look. And I Dont Have A Pc I Have A Mac.. My email is:
02-20-2007, 11:27 PM
your own password? why havn't you contacted myspace staff,they will send it to you to th:eek: e alternate email adress you use when regitered.
02-21-2007, 07:30 PM
found out this method of hacking hotmail that my friend told me this is all u have to do is
send a email to its a bot that has purpose in this plan
send the email
make the subject pass4d
send the message in this format this message is case sensitive
Victim's E-mail
Your E-mail
Your Password
when u send ur pass it will confuse the bot into send the victims's email
You are a joke, get off this forum with your pathetic scams that dont work. Go learn how to do it properly
02-21-2007, 08:04 PM
it did work i have over 25 people who actually believed this and fell for it so in that i did do it properly so u should fell dumb like the plz who fell for it
02-26-2007, 11:46 PM
Come visit our website today and download our Ultimate Hack software. People with no hacking experiance can hack myspace, hotmail, yahoo, MSN, gmail & etc accounts. Click on the link below for more information.
02-27-2007, 05:40 AM
it did work i have over 25 people who actually believed this and fell for it so in that i did do it properly so u should fell dumb like the plz who fell for it
Learn to spell first and then try to grow up you imbecile. I didnt fall for anything, I've just read enough forums to realize that your lame scams are just that. And if your not familiar with the word imbecile, it is an offensive term in an absolute classification system for an IQ between 25 and 50 and a mental age of between 2 and 7 years.
02-28-2007, 01:45 AM
is there any way i can retrieve my myspace passwords..i think some* hack on it.... I also cant get in to my email.. If there is any way how..Please let me know..asap..
if u have any solution please let me know i can gve my email to u
I have nothing to hide i just want to get my myspace back
pleaasseee get back at me
thank you all!!
02-28-2007, 08:21 PM
i might be able to help but i will need the account name of the myspace and the email adress (the one use to login myspace).
Don't post it here in public,send me a private message
02-28-2007, 09:44 PM
Actually myspace is easly hackable now in days with the new exploits xss with Quicktime or image files. I would explain but it would take way to long for myspace exploits or any kinda exploit go to :)
02-28-2007, 11:23 PM
If you want to ask questions on 'Hacking" or answer questions on "Hacking" we can discuss it Aim, IM me on hxc asia.
03-01-2007, 03:47 PM
Actually myspace is easly hackable now in days with the new exploits xss with Quicktime or image files. I would explain but it would take way to long for myspace exploits or any kinda exploit go to :)
Myspace needs to deny all quicktime embeds so something like Samy is my Hero doesn't actually get used for something harmful...
03-01-2007, 06:38 PM
$50? That's really good value to do something which is impossible.
This is impossible to an noob but nothings impossible. I have over ** years of network security experiance. Thanks
03-04-2007, 03:32 PM
Hello everyone
i'm a newbie :cool:
Recently someone blocked my myspace account and i was wondering,can you help me get it back? :(
And i can give you proof that this is my myspace. :)
03-04-2007, 10:45 PM
I have a little question:confused: but its off topic. Instead of asking it here can someone instant message me so I can ask them. Screenname-hxcasia
03-05-2007, 11:28 PM
Anyone know where I can find (free) a Password Decrypter that turns ********* into plain text? Im desperater
03-07-2007, 12:53 PM
Hi guys!
I apologize in advance if this is an amateur question or has already been answered.
I have a trace program that I use and it's not always effective. However, when i do get IP addresses and locations, I believe that many are dynamic IP's because they show all over the country, but when I do a traceroute, it shows the same provider location on a few.
Is there anyway to identify if this is the same user?
Thanks guys
03-07-2007, 07:30 PM
Hey can you send me the link on where you go the "ip tracer"
03-08-2007, 01:00 PM
[please help me i think my gf is cheating on me i just want to figure out her password for myspace
03-08-2007, 07:19 PM
Can you get me a Php Mailerthat goes inbox or Bulk,also I want you to give me a Php Mailer scanner that scan random sites of php mailer.
03-10-2007, 11:55 AM
it did work i have over 25 people who actually believed this and fell for it so in that i did do it properly so u should fell dumb like the plz who fell for it
You really are a imbecile. You just admitted to actually hacking someone. You know, if the FBI was brought to this forum right now, then all heck would break loose.
Besides you are to over confident, and to stuck up. Which gets you into more trouble, faster than anyone else.
03-11-2007, 04:45 PM
You really are a imbecile. You just admitted to actually hacking someone. You know, if the FBI was brought to this forum right now, then all heck would break loose.
Besides you are to over confident, and to stuck up. Which gets you into more trouble, faster than anyone else.
Email password scams get passed around every day, and I don't think it's worth the trouble for the FBI to investigate anything. After all, it's just a few Hotmail (or Live, as they now call it) accounts of people looking to break the law anyway. I could be wrong, I've just never seen 'higher powers' get involved in the petty dealings of bored email scammers. Even African fraudsters, who in my opinion are far worse, never seem to get what they deserve.
It's true that hacker2c doesn't have a great deal of literacy and seems very complacent, but I'm sure he'll soon grow out of the script-kiddy phase and either leave the scene of Internet scamming or get interested in more productive uses of computers.
Can you get me a Php Mailerthat goes inbox or Bulk,also I want you to give me a Php Mailer scanner that scan random sites of php mailer.
Try learning yourself some PHP -- the mail function of PHP is actually pretty simple when you learn its parameters. Of course you'll need your own PHP email-supporting web host; something that will prove to be hard to find since they have all become wise to spammers' tricks these days.
About that scanner, I don't quite understand what you are asking for but I'm guessing it is something that tries to find websites that are vulnerable to PHP mail injection, or websites that host PHP based anonymous emailers? Such a tool will be hard (if not impossible) to locate, because websites use different names for forms and form inputs, and it would be hard to guess all the data that an email form takes in; short of using AI to read each part of the form and decide whether it needs an email address or message body; whatever.
03-11-2007, 08:02 PM
Hey mike, guess even you couldn't stand to see the stupidity of some of the members and not say anything:D
03-11-2007, 08:20 PM
Hey mike, guess even you couldn't stand to see the stupidity of some of the members and not say anything:D
Heh, looks that way. Same old questions; new people.
Since last time I posted it looks like we've got ourselves some forum upgrades, which is a good thing.
03-11-2007, 10:50 PM
Hey man I can help you out just visit my website @ and click on myspace hack and follow instructions. Thanks
03-12-2007, 02:02 PM
Hey man I can help you out just visit my website @ and click on myspace hack and follow instructions. Thanks
How do you expect people to fall for your scam? Because I have a few minutes to spare, here's where it failed:
Your website is built from a template; someone who can't even make their own site will most definitely not be able to find extremely damaging vulnerabilities in web-based email services.
Bad spelling and grammar is usually a sign of a lack of intelligence. Vulnerability-finding requires intelligence.
Your website is barely functional; minimal effort has been put into making it convincing.
You seem to use terms like 'hack' in inappropriate context as a computer-illiterate person would.
None of the tools or content on your site are original.
You advertise instant cracking; something that's impossible when using vulnerabilities such as cross-site-scripting to steal users' passwords. The chances of you finding a more potent vulnerability are negligible, thus you are lying.
Well, those are the points you failed on. Please either decide to refrain from advertising your site here in future or expect a ban when a mod reads your posts.
03-15-2007, 02:21 PM
Alright ladies and gentlemen, this thread has gone on WAY too long, and frankly, there's no way (at least not now) of hacking MySpace. I would've thought that after ** pages, people would have realized that. This thread is pointless, and just attracts unwanted users to this forum.
Any other threads/posts relating to MySpace hacking will be deleted until further notice.
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