View Full Version : Hacking?

04-23-2006, 03:02 PM
Ok I started a MLB Message baord and I spent a lot of time on it, well someone regsitered and offered to merge. I merged and got admin powers there. Well I was gone all weekend, I come back and im banned. No reason. he blockes me from AIM and all. Anyway I can have his CPU? I have his I.P or hack his message ***rd? Its an invision free ***rd. please, I want revenge.

04-23-2006, 03:14 PM
Ok I started a MLB Message baord and I spent a lot of time on it, well someone regsitered and offered to merge. I merged and got admin powers there. Well I was gone all weekend, I come back and im banned. No reason. he blockes me from AIM and all. Anyway I can have his CPU? I have his I.P or hack his message ***rd? Its an invision free ***rd. please, I want revenge.

Dude, there is *always* a click to hack solution to these problems! Simply go to this site:

==>> http://www.web-hosting-hits.com/?hit=8* <<== Go here

And you will find the "HACK FORUM NOW!" button you have been waiting for.
Well, I was going to post the usual *27.0.0.* "hacking" link, but this way, I get *****, and show n00bs that there is no easy way to hack, and that they should search (http://www.all-nettools.com/forum/search.php) and google (http://www.google.com) before posting something like this. If he had, he would have found instructions on how to search for and use exploits.

04-23-2006, 03:23 PM
I gotta pay?

04-23-2006, 04:09 PM
I gotta pay?

Wtf? I never said anything about paying. I just posted a random link that gets me more ***** if people click it, and said it was a hacking site, to try to teach you people that hacking is not easy, and that you should search before posting.

04-29-2006, 08:11 PM
Wtf? I never said anything about paying. I just posted a random link that gets me more ***** if people click it, and said it was a hacking site, to try to teach you people that hacking is not easy, and that you should search before posting.

Does it actully give you *****?
Does it take ***** off the person who clicked on it?

04-30-2006, 05:22 AM
Does it actully give you *****?
Does it take ***** off the person who clicked on it?

For each click of that link, I get a small amount of *****, it doesn't take anything from who clicked it. I had to take the links from my signature anyway.