View Full Version : Outlook Express Left Right Language

05-05-2006, 05:05 PM
Hello !

I'm looking For Some Answer about Using the Stationery

In Outlook Express Ver 6

When I'm writing New Mail without Stationery, It's Composing OK.

I'm Using Right to Left Language Writing,

And Mix It with English, Left To Right (Languish Writing),

And Every Thing Is Align Right, Which Is What I Want…

If I'm composing New Mail, And Choose Any Stationery, That I Made Before

With The Help Of The Outlook Express Wizard,

I Got The Right To Left Languish Writing Ok. But The English In Reverse Fonts,

Every Thing Is Align Right, That's Ok, Except The English In Reverse Fonts

Is Any Other Settings That I'm Missing?


Thank You!


05-06-2006, 03:08 AM
Hello !

I'm looking For Some Answer about Using the Stationery

In Outlook Express Ver 6

When I'm writing New Mail without Stationery, It's Composing OK.

I'm Using Right to Left Language Writing,

And Mix It with English, Left To Right (Languish Writing),

And Every Thing Is Align Right, Which Is What I Want&#82*0;

If I'm composing New Mail, And Choose Any Stationery, That I Made Before

With The Help Of The Outlook Express Wizard,

I Got The Right To Left Languish Writing Ok. But The English In Reverse Fonts,

Every Thing Is Align Right, That's Ok, Except The English In Reverse Fonts

Is Any Other Settings That I'm Missing?


Thank You!


I got an idea for you... Use mozilla thunderbird (http://www.mozilla.com/thunderbird/)! It's a lot better than some MS crap such as outlook. And please, next time do not leave a space between *every* line, it was the reason why I didn't read your whole post.