View Full Version : Home Network Laptop -> PC.

05-13-2006, 01:56 PM
I have a wireless hub which is connected to my PC by ethernet and my laptop is connected to it by wireless.
I used to be able to transfer files wirelessly between my laptop and my PC because i somehow (mostly luck) managed to connect them in some way.
After i reformatted my PC i tried to make the same network but cannot transfer files wirelessly anymore.
Does anyone know what i did to be able to transfer files wirelessly between laptop - PC? Because it would be a huge help.
Thanks for your help.

05-19-2006, 09:20 PM
Make sure the two comuters belong to the same workgroup,

control panel > system > computer name

use the change option if they aren't the same (which they probably aren't).

05-20-2006, 11:37 AM
No didn't work. They are both in group: MSHOME