View Full Version : email bomber

07-15-2006, 06:21 AM
Is there anyway to fill someone inbox just full of emails? could you tell me what program to use or how to do it please.


07-24-2006, 04:24 PM
theres a remailer in the toolbox of this website

08-18-2006, 09:32 PM
hey i looked everywhere i cant find it could u please link me it
my hotmail is mitch_rulesis@hotmail.com

08-19-2006, 04:46 AM
Is there anyway to fill someone inbox just full of emails? could you tell me what program to use or how to do it please.


I don't know why i'm helping you spam, but...

This site contains a directory of opt-in newsletters and other spam. Sign him up to a few of these, and the account will be crippled:


08-20-2006, 09:24 PM
thats a generally good way, but alot of time those newsletters have a confirmation email before they start sending shit.
You could use a yahoo and gmail account in conjunction with each other to get a good flood going.
ex. sign up to a yahoo ID and put a gmail addy as the alternate email.
using the yahoo account, go set up alerts (auctions are probably the best) and have the keywords be the most generic terms allowed such as "as" "ship" "buy" "my" "for" "this" etc... then set it to mail seperately on each alert...

at this point you can use the fact that gmail doesnt require user confirmation to forward mail and its unusually large storage size to send all these emails to the target inbox.

The simple trouble with this type of thing is that all the target has to do is block the offending attacking flooding address and thats that. The other thing is that gmail accts are easy to comeby so I guess you could forever forward to another and forward that one out so they'd eventaully have to block all gmail addys to stop it.
.. that is if an attacker is really dedicated.

actually now that I think about it, they'd just have to filter "action keyword" and that'd probably do it too.

I dunno, its just an idea.