View Full Version : WebProxy

08-16-2006, 03:23 AM
Hi all,

I'm just wondering at work i use one of of those proxyweb thingys, the one's that gives you an outside connection but it won't trace you on the works system which thus sends me an e-mail about some rubbish about abusing the internet, i know what it means but nothing ever gets done about these, had loads of em, anyway i still use an a proxyweb thingy just to watch my back so it don't trace me, i'm just wondering why sometimes these don't let you connect to other sites but will connect to others if you know what i mean? Also when you want to download a movie clip, it only allows you to download it as a web page, is this settings on the computer or is just the way the proxyweb thingy is, also is there any other good proxyweb thingys, as mine is probably slightly outdated LOL

At the minute i am using proxyweb.net.