View Full Version : Flood..

08-21-2006, 12:43 PM

Can someone please tell what this program is:


08-21-2006, 01:14 PM
It looks almost like an IRC bot designed to flood channels etc. If you can send me the file/program I can have it checked out for you - PM me if you do.

08-21-2006, 05:53 PM

Can someone please tell what this program is:


That video shows someone utilizing a botnet to flood a specific IP address, presumably that of a website.

The bot looks to be a rxbot, based on the commands they are issuing (i'm no DDoS kiddy, I just googled them).

Rxbot Command Reference (http://jarryd.onestop.net/bottom.php?server=jarryd.onestop.net&file=/rxbot-howto.html)

Before all the people reading this think (cool, i'll become a hacker with these programs), I will say that botnets are a very lame and unsophisticated tool, used by people with no actual knowledge of computers. Such people will end up in prison, so DON'T DO IT.

08-23-2006, 06:48 AM
Before all the people reading this think (cool, i'll become a hacker with these programs), I will say that botnets are a very lame and unsophisticated tool, used by people with no actual knowledge of computers. Such people will end up in prison, so DON'T DO IT.

Apart from this bit:

unsophisticated tool, used by people with no actual knowledge of computers

I'd agree with what Mike*0* says. Eventually they will trace the bot****** down via his/her ISP so don't bother. Also the bot****** is highly unlikely to share the program with you because of the amount of ***** he/she will get from spamming other peoples computers with adware etc.