View Full Version : PortForwarding to multiple computers
08-21-2006, 04:29 PM
I'm asking this question here in hopes that osmeone has the answer, if not that's ok too. Basicaly my question is how do I get more than * computer to have access to a certain port? Let's say I have 4 computers all running AIM or some program or game and they all want to use that program or game at the same time, they are on the same LAN behind a router, how do I configure the network so that they can all do so? Can I port forward the same port on the router to 4 different sub-IP addresses?
The application in question is DC++. thanks.
08-21-2006, 05:34 PM
Can you describe your situation a little more in depth? All 4 computers can use the same port to access the game whether its inside or outside the network. If your router is configured to block all incoming ports then you need to poke a hole in the router for incoming traffic on the port you need.
08-21-2006, 06:44 PM
I'm asking this question here in hopes that osmeone has the answer, if not that's ok too. Basicaly my question is how do I get more than * computer to have access to a certain port? Let's say I have 4 computers all running AIM or some program or game and they all want to use that program or game at the same time, they are on the same LAN behind a router, how do I configure the network so that they can all do so? Can I port forward the same port on the router to 4 different sub-IP addresses?
The application in question is DC++. thanks.
If we are talking incoming connections (as in server program accepts connections from outside the LAN), only one computer can accept connections on a certain port, in a LAN.
It makes sense. If someone connects to your public IP address on a certain port, which computer on the LAN gets to handle the connection? How does the router know where to point the connection? Some ascii art will explain more:
LAN:>--- <-Which computer do I forward to?????
| <-<-<-Port 25<-<-
So basically, only one computer on the lan can handle incoming connections at a time. As many computers as you want can connect OUT on a specific port, but that's a whole different thing.
If all 4 computers need to accept connections on a port, you can just keep changing the IP address it's forwarded to in your router's settings.
08-21-2006, 07:15 PM
This holds true unless you know the external IPs that will be connecting through the port. You can route each external IP to the appropriate computer listening on that port. All of the computers can listen for connections but its up to you to point the connection to the right machine.
08-22-2006, 03:31 PM
The application I'm dealing with is Direct Connect (DC++)
This is how it works
there will be 4 computers behind * wireless/wired router and the router is connected to the internet. All 4 computers want to use DC++ sometimes even at the same time. How do I set it up so that it works without being in passive mode in DC++ or whatnot. Thanks.
How do I configure the router and how do I configure DC++ on each computer. (You can speak in general terms when it comes to the router since I don't know which router I'll be using yet, probably one of those netgear/dlink $40 things)
08-22-2006, 06:07 PM
The application I'm dealing with is Direct Connect (DC++)
This is how it works
there will be 4 computers behind * wireless/wired router and the router is connected to the internet. All 4 computers want to use DC++ sometimes even at the same time. How do I set it up so that it works without being in passive mode in DC++ or whatnot. Thanks.
How do I configure the router and how do I configure DC++ on each computer. (You can speak in general terms when it comes to the router since I don't know which router I'll be using yet, probably one of those netgear/dlink $40 things)
They can not all use that port at the same time, unless you know the IP addresses connecting to you (as was said earlier), and know how to set complex router rules.
WIth a program like DC++, you will NOT be able to do this, so either change the port each computer uses (and forward each port to a separate computer), or only use the program on one computer at a time, and forward it accordingly each time.
08-22-2006, 08:58 PM
So can I configure each DC++ on a different port and then have them work all at the same time? CAn I just randomly sat the port DC++ operates on in the settings to any port so *0002 and the other computers *000* and *0004 and *0005? and set the router to forward on these ports, would that work? Ty.
08-23-2006, 06:45 AM
So can I configure each DC++ on a different port and then have them work all at the same time? CAn I just randomly sat the port DC++ operates on in the settings to any port so *0002 and the other computers *000* and *0004 and *0005? and set the router to forward on these ports, would that work? Ty.
Yes, they would all be able to accept connections if they used different ports.
08-23-2006, 07:04 PM
and they wouldn't have to be connected in some passive or crap mode?
Anyone can recommend any good routers for <$60 thanks. Especialyl thouse that handle port-forwarding well.
04-30-2007, 02:26 PM
my school is awesome at the whole smartfilter thing
i need help
i need a proxy
u mentioned a stupidcencorship website. they may put noo proxies on evry day
but the site is blocked
i need a free proxy
and fast!:) :) :) :)
luv ali
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