View Full Version : Putting a big banner on a site..

08-22-2006, 03:24 PM

i asked a question but i didnt get an answer..

Can someone please tell me how to put a big banner on a site and with what program i have to do that?!?

(Sorry for my english im dutch)

08-22-2006, 04:28 PM
dont need a program, just some really basic html:

<img src=banner.jpg>

08-22-2006, 04:36 PM
dont need a program, just some really basic html:

<img src=banner.jpg>
.. i ain't stupid..

I want to put the banner at another website that is NOT MINE!

Can anyone help me?

08-22-2006, 06:20 PM
.. i ain't stupid..

I want to put the banner at another website that is NOT MINE!

Can anyone help me?

You have contradicted yourself with those two statements.

To put a banner on a website that is NOT YOURS as you so angrily put it, you ask the admin for the ftp username and password, connect to the ftp server, then upload your banner (which could be a modification to the html code to add an image at the top, or could be a simple text marquee - you don't even tell us what the hell you mean).

But i'm assuming you are a script kiddy who wants some click-to-hack program to 'tag' websites with banners. What is with all you people? You think hacking is about placing e-graffiti on websites? How old are you? if you are over the age of *2, grow the hell up, switch the computer off, and stop contributing to the pool of morons that plague the internet. Defacement is not cool, and no way to win an argument.

And also, why do you think there would be some generic program that 'bannerizes' websites? Did you know that websites run on different server software, including IIS and Apache? Your request shows a total lack of understanding of computers I would expect from a 7 year old kid.

08-22-2006, 06:55 PM
Can anyone help me?
google: ain't (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=define%*Aain%27t)

This contraction is nonstandard English. It should be avoided in writing.

I would take the advice from HALLA and continue to use this

<img src="http://www.readthefuckingmanual.com/"> tag to place banners on webpages.

08-23-2006, 04:45 PM
want to put the banner at another website that is NOT MINE!

ah, well then... how the hell was I supposed to know that unless you told me?
since you arent stupid, I'll be brief:

*. Do some research on the sites hosting service.

2. Look for vulnerabilities in the software they are running, or flaws in the services, code, general directory arcitecture or administravive gullibility... then exploit them to gain access to the server.

... also, just out of curiousity, why would you want to put a banner on on someone elses site? I dont see the point.