View Full Version : Proxy Chaining
01-14-2002, 01:04 AM
I have tried, many times, to chain proxys. Is there only a small number of proxys that will chain or am I just too stupid to do it properly? I use Netscape 6.2.
Nulland Void
01-14-2002, 12:32 PM
I've never tried it myself yet, but I beleive you have to use the address bar of the browser.
You enter them like this:
You may have to put the http:// in front of each.
You can probably leave the one in the settings enabled as well.
01-15-2002, 09:16 AM
There is an extensive thread somewhere in the Forum dealing with this subject. At the end both Blacksheep and I questioned whether it can be done. I tried extensively with all sorts of proxies and never got anywhere.
Still waiting for someone to step forward beyond the theoretical who can say, "I do it, and here's how!"
Nulland Void
01-15-2002, 11:42 AM
Look here:*208.html
" Power users won't mind using a simple daisy chain of proxies to access Web sites. This is accomplished by constructing a URL thus and copying it into your browser's address field:
http://firstproxy:portnumber/http://secondproxy:portnumber/ http:// thirdproxy:portnumber/
This can be done in addition to any proxy you have loaded in your browser normally with its setup options. I don't recommend this for beginners because it won't work all the time, and because proxies have a way of dying suddenly. If you've got a dead proxy in there, you'll have to test them all until you find it."
01-15-2002, 01:35 PM
Nulland Void wrote: "Ok?"
Still waiting for someone to step forward *beyond the theoretical* who can say, "I do it, and here's how!"
Why not put it to the test yourself?
Nulland Void
01-16-2002, 01:01 PM
You're right.
I will try it and will post back here as soon as I have a chain that works.
I haven't tried it myself yet because it can be a lenghty process, and since I have a proxy that works well for me, I didn't feel it was worth the bother...
But I will post back here with the results of my tests.
PS: I did succeed once, a long time ago, in reaching a site by inserting a proxy before the site's address in the address bar. But that was only one proxy, and that's not really a "chain".
Use Sockschain
Use Sockschain
under sockscap
02-16-2002, 05:18 AM
I had this from where i get my proxies-Have attempted this myself { not intensively} but got nowhere.
Specially for paranoiacs-
Look, different tools described above can be chained! For example you set up your browser to use Proxy A, and you know the addresses and port numbers of 2 more servers Proxy B and Proxy C. The URL that you type should look something like that: http://proxyB:port/http://proxyC:port/ As the result you go to the site via * servers: A,B and C. One of them can be the Anonymizer. WARNING: Not all the proxy servers allow chains like that. I won't answer your messages asking me why it doesn't work in your particular case
here is an example of really chainable proxies*8/Cloaked/
that to visit
a general solution will be*8/Cloaked/
it may time a little time as it is a proxy and secondly anonymizer is doing free stuff for u.
good luck.
happy surfing.
regards Data.
02-16-2002, 12:58 PM
Yeah, but who is "the Cloak"?
Can you trust them??
Ya'see, being the first link in your chain they can read everything. And if they are reading your sensitive data it doesn't matter how many more proxies you chain after them to your're compromised.
I frankly dunno if u can trust them or not.(Cloak)
why do u need to send confidential through chained proxies,i wonder,unless ur sending some thing secret and dont want to be traced.
if that is the case u must use a good encryption method like rsa or blowfish.
if u know their public key (well it certainly is public),u can encrypt the plain text with their public key,so that they can decrypt it with their private key.
more ever ,if u dont want them to know actually u but if u want them to identify u as the same person who send u information before,u can add a digital signature.
this is easily acheived by
*:>taking the plain text
2:>encrypt using ur private key
*:>encrypt using their public key.
then send it to'em over ur proxies.
they can decrypt it as
*:>decrypt using ur public key
2:>decrypt using their private key
*:>doing so reveals the plain text.
again consider proxy chain
suppose a is untrue.
however if the receiver wants to trace u.
he will have to reverse engineer through d-->c-->-->b-->a.
u just cant get to a in the * st place though it is untrue.
so if any * of the proxies r true u remain anonymous.
Regards Data.
02-17-2002, 09:26 AM
Hi there Data,
Perhaps I could have worded it better :-)
The Cloak will know your true IP. The Cloak will know your final destination. And if you're not encrypted the Cloak will know your communication.
This is my problem with ANY website offering portals, proxy service and the like. You have to start at their website and YOU DON'T KNOW WHO IS BEHIND THAT WEBSITE.
For near total anonymity one must PGP encrypt, telnet to a shell account, use one or more proxies you find yourself, SSL, tunnel, etc. etc.
02-20-2002, 09:36 AM
Go to
Read up section *2. This should mighty useful
02-20-2002, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by j0080
Go to
Read up section *2. This should mighty useful
Good link. Here's best proxy checker I've found:*/index.shtml
Power Jewels
02-20-2002, 03:27 PM
Said j0080
Go to
Read up section *2. This should mighty useful
So you know about the darkfaqs, huh? ;-)
02-20-2002, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Power Jewels
Said j0080
Go to
Read up section *2. This should mighty useful
So you know about the darkfaqs, huh? ;-)
Clue me in Power Jewels?;-)
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