View Full Version : He Banned my Ass for what? Helping?
09-27-2006, 09:34 AM
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09-27-2006, 05:34 PM
Do you have another computer, or access to one? I'm guessing all he did was IPban you, so another comp would work.
Or spoof your MAC, get the new IP, and go back
09-28-2006, 12:39 AM
We are looking for new Moderators, if you are trusted on another site please bring proof or reference and email it to me at my email is down so email me on my msn thanks :)
what I dont get is why there are 7 mods when:
We have *5 registered users
Whats the point? You need a mod for every 5 members? wtf?
As far as talking shit is concerned, yeah they are talking mad shit.*/viewtopic.php?t=*82
seems they have an IP and account ban on you, so just use a proxy and you can access the site... but not your account... At least I dont think so... the way these guys talk/type and act in the few things Ive read leads me to the conclusion that they arent exactly the most tech savvy ppl.
In case you're lazy, heres some tidbits:
Ryoujoku is cool/w you.
g unit i didnt like u at first but i think it would be a shame to have such an active member of this community quit out now when things havent even begun to take off
It's Me:
*. Don't act like I'm better then him becuase I only know invisionfree php is totally different.
2. We have been trying to fix the skin. But it won't agree.
*. I hope if you do get banned you won't come back. And spam or w/e.
4. Outrage is BUSY not lazy.
5. Now Outrage will get pissed and stuff.
6. Ryou I could make you an admin if Outrage says it's ok.
7. If what he says is true and if he keeps working on it he'll be richer and happier then you will and I'd rather that then him waste his education running a site.
8. Bye Bi Bai By Buy Applesauce.
he been complaining till day * he derserve to get banned!
as for g unit go f*ck yourself ur banned 4 lif*
My advise? Let that shithole die. The less you are associated with it the better off you are/
09-28-2006, 02:36 AM
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09-28-2006, 04:56 AM
It's a runescape site. Take Halla's advice:
Let that shithole die.
09-28-2006, 05:32 AM
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