View Full Version : ALL Hacking Requests Here

10-03-2006, 05:56 PM
It has come to my attention that many people are wasting forum space posting requests for hacking. This is very sad. That space could be used by someone else. There are just so many requests, we cannot process them all, especially if we have to keep pressing 'Back' after every request, and having to click each new thread.

I propose this thread. This will replace "Email Hacking Requests Here" and any other hacking request. That way my firends, we can get back to you faster, and hopefully help you with your hacking project.

It is very simple really. Here's an example:

Bob asks "Please hack this account for me example@notreal.com he has been mean to me and called me bad names"

Alice would type "@Bob Okay, what is your email, so I can send you the password"

And so on, so nobody will be confused as to who is getting the person's reply

Let's hope this system works, may you happily hack!!:D

10-04-2006, 11:31 AM
It has come to my attention that many people are wasting forum space posting requests for hacking. This is very sad. That space could be used by someone else. There are just so many requests, we cannot process them all, especially if we have to keep pressing 'Back' after every request, and having to click each new thread.

I propose this thread. This will replace "Email Hacking Requests Here" and any other hacking request. That way my firends, we can get back to you faster, and hopefully help you with your hacking project.

Who is this 'we' you're referring to?

The only members of this forum at the moment with any actual knowledge are probably me, you, syntax******, and a few more who don't post that regularly like Halla. In other words, they are the only people who are capable of advising/helping people break into email or other accounts.

I can say for sure that nobody in that list conducts hacking services (or even reads that damn thread), so I think it would be best to discourage people from posting these requests instead of giving them false hope.

10-04-2006, 05:31 PM
Asking them to stop posting hacking requests, in ANY computer/internet related thread is like asking a conservative to support abortion. It won't work

The whole point is to stop them from spamming with requests. Of course nobody reads the requests (but me) and nobody answers them, but so what? You have to admit, this is better than *0 individual requests.

10-04-2006, 06:08 PM
The longer threads like this stay at the top of the "Internet Privacy" category, the longer we get visitors searching for "Hotmail Hacking", "Runscape Hacks", etc... Almost all of the visitors here find the site by typing these keywords into Search Engines. The search engine algorithms ranks all-nettools.com very high for forum topics. If these post stop popping up at the top of categories visitors will stop coming for these reasons.