View Full Version : Virus as a Jpeg
10-16-2006, 03:32 PM
No no this post isnt about how to put a virus in a jpeg and send it to someone. But the other day i kinda discovered something by accident. If you have windows xp and you right click your desktop and go to New-> Brief Case, it makes a briefcase appear on your desktop. Then rename the briefcase to Whatever.Jpeg. Then stick like 4 pictures in there and one virus. Make sure ur pics are compressed. Then send someone the brief case, it will show up as whatever.Jpeg and they will think its a pic, once they accept all the files will go to their C drive where ever their AIM stores downloaded files. Then when they go to the files in their c drive they will see the pics, and aslong as you have changed your viruses icon to a picture icon and its undetecable they are most likely gonna click. I've been doing this for like * days now and ive had like a *0% successrate.
I also recommend naming all the pics very similiar and rename your virus from whatever.exe to whatever.scr you will get so many more people
10-17-2006, 12:34 AM
But why scr? And why compress the pics?
10-17-2006, 01:22 AM
scr cause every* is scared of exes its like a fricken red sign saying OMG VIRUS IS IN THIS FILE. compress files so all the files get sent really fast, u dont want the virus to be sent in like 2 secs cause its 50 kbs and the pics to take 8 secs cause its like 200 kbs.
10-17-2006, 06:20 PM
ALMOST interesting....
....except that when you compress a briefcase the file name is whatever.jpeg.rar or and not just whatever.jpg
10-18-2006, 03:01 PM
nope, when i send the breifcase to people its Whatever.jpg not whatever.jpg.rar if that was the case what i would not have made a post, dude im getting soo many people with this technique
10-18-2006, 03:26 PM
dont compress the file... just send it as it is, the aim will show it as whatever.jpg and when they accept they get spammed with all the pictures that you put in the briefcase, and usually they miss the file called IMG_2*22.scr cause everything scrolls by so quickly
10-20-2006, 08:58 PM
hey what virus did u put in there? could you please tell me i tired the prorat i recon its dum because it doesnt wokr i sent it to my friend he goes to it
he told me his ip and i tried to connect and it doesnt. so is there anything like that. That i can use.
10-27-2006, 10:47 PM
Well you dont have to go thru all that trouble.Guys,google on a program httrat,wich when sent to the victim,and its clicked,it sends you intruccions on how to browse thru their filez by simply typing the victims ip adress and port .."example *.2.*.4:80.
common,use your imagination,you can send anything using a good binder
"example C:/nozf*r4tu/files/blahblah/games.exe/httrat.exe:eek:
11-04-2006, 06:41 PM
cool good idea...just getting them to click on it may be tricky
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