View Full Version : non internet question sorry if i'm in the wrong place

10-18-2006, 05:56 AM
my key***rd broke so I'm stuck using a usb key***rd and when i hit F2 as I'm booting up it doesn't work because the key***rds dead until windows is up. any way to get around this or am i struck until i get a new key***rd?
jesus christ i hope this place isn't the "how i l**7 hax myspace" forum.

10-18-2006, 08:19 AM
I would say dont bother with the usb one, just get a new one. I dunno, if you can -but couldnt you just redirect the buttons? (Er, didnt know how to word that...)

10-18-2006, 01:08 PM
my key***rd broke so I'm stuck using a usb key***rd and when i hit F2 as I'm booting up it doesn't work because the key***rds dead until windows is up. any way to get around this or am i struck until i get a new key***rd?

You could get a USB to PS/2 connector, like this:


But PS/2 is now considered deprecated and USB has superceded it in many computers.

Why did you need to hit F2 at boot time anyway?

jesus christ i hope this place isn't the "how i l**7 hax myspace" forum.

Yup, it sure is.