View Full Version : How to hack Myspace...
11-04-2006, 02:24 AM
I've noticed that a lot of people in these forums want to know how to "hack" myspace.
Hacking anything is wrong, illegal, and shouldn't be done. :cool:
But sometimes you forget your own password and need to "hack" into your own account. ;)
Because i don't want everyone to know how to hack into a myspace account, (there's a lot of nasty people out there), i will only give the instructions to genuine people who send me a Private Message...
11-04-2006, 10:50 AM
Thanks Troll :D
I finally got my profile back! Thanks alot :) I just hope people won't misuse this trick to access other people's accounts.
My myspace profile is now my profile :D
11-04-2006, 01:33 PM
I've noticed that a lot of people in these forums want to know how to "hack" myspace.
Hacking anything is wrong, illegal, and shouldn't be done. :cool:
But sometimes you forget your own password and need to "hack" into your own account. ;)
Because i don't want everyone to know how to hack into a myspace account, (there's a lot of nasty people out there), i will only give the instructions to genuine people who send me a Private Message...
Sorry troll, but you fail. I was going to give this thread a day to prove itself before condemning it, but you've just shown us how fake you are. We are not stupid.
You and 'sarahJ' are one and the same. Want to know how I know this?
'Sarah' is a generic name, and generic names are always chosen in testimonies to how great something is. Whenever a scam is posted, you can usually expect a standard username such as 'sarah', 'bob', 'mike', 'kate', or whatever to appear below it with nothing but praise for the original poster.
The post by 'sarahJ' is so blatantly post by you to promote yourself. It's like "Thanks [original poster's name here], you helped me so much!!!!!!!!!! You are so great!!!!!!!!! Because of you, I got my account back!!!!!!!!! Did I mention you are great? Everyone trust him and use his services, because he helped me so much!!!!". Nobody talks like that, and if she got her account back she wouldn't care about posting here.
Both the original post and the post by sarahJ used an icon in the title. Nobody really uses them on this forum, so it's no coincidence that these two 'people' used them.
Both posts used smilies in the text at the end of lines (apart from one place). Again, this is too similar to be a coincidence. The writing styles are the same.
Troll's profile states 'software engineering' is his occupation. This is another generic piece of information that tries to convince us that he possesses a knowledge of computers. If he did have such an occupation, he would state specifically what he does.
Both Troll and SarahJ's profiles look like this:
Join Date: **-04-2006 Join Date: **-04-2006
Coincidence? I don't think so.
Both Troll and SarahJ were last active at exactly the same time:
Last Activity: Today *0:5* AM Last Activity: Today *0:5* AM
This is the main piece of information that rips apart your lies. No two users would log out at precisely the same time.
I have concluded that this is some sort of scam, trick, or simply attention-seeking, and should be ignored.
11-05-2006, 12:16 AM
well done, you've busted me... i'm not going to pretend otherwise...
It was a scam, i am a scammer. It was an experiment to see how many foolish people were willing to give up their myspace password believing they will be able to hack somebody's else profile...
I am sorry for wasting everybody's time, and if you want to ban me then that's ok. I have broken the rules.
I am the same person as sarahj, we both are idiots.
I am a computer science student but (un)fortunately they don't teach us social engineering skills yet, therefore i am crap at it.
Before you think of banning me, remember; i am keeping this forum active, i'm not a liar, and mike is a clever person.
So far i've only recieved one personal message asking me about it, and obvoiusly they were only messaging me to see what bullshit i reply to them..
I like this forum, but there are too many idiots like me posting crap... i am sorry!
If you haven;t aready noticed i am drunk, but i love this forum, and i admire Mike! :)
11-05-2006, 04:51 AM
I am a computer science student but (un)fortunately they don't teach us social engineering skills yet, therefore i am crap at it.
Haha, I don't think social engineering is something you will be taught learning about computer science - you have to learn yourself. If it's any consolation, your scam was a lot better than some of the scams we get here, such as "I work for hotmail please send me your password kthx".
Before you think of banning me, remember; i am keeping this forum active, i'm not a liar, and mike is a clever person.
So far i've only recieved one personal message asking me about it, and obvoiusly they were only messaging me to see what bullshit i reply to them..
It's unlikely you'll get banned - Syntax****** rarely reads this forum any more.
11-05-2006, 01:00 PM
haha nice try
11-06-2006, 04:23 AM
please help me open this posers myspace acct for the sake of me havin some piece of mind:(
email it to me
11-06-2006, 07:59 PM
lol it doesnt take a genius to figure this one out, lol as soon as i read started reading this post i was like wow i wonder what mike said to this guy to rip him apart and sure enough i scroll down and theres mike flaming him lol. Dude troll you fail at life you are the worst social engineer ive ever seen. I seriously was considering of just sending you a virus to delete ur c-drive, and believe me i could have easily convinced you to open it up. But then i decided it would be more fun just to make fun of you. LOSER U SUCK!
11-07-2006, 01:26 AM
Hey Whitecrow,
I have no idea why you've got involved in this, the only reason i can see is that you're looking for a fight.
I know you wanted me to react to your "you fail at life", and "you suck" comments, but the only reaction i have is to laugh...
I assume you're only about *4 years old as your standard of grammar is limited to "lol", and there is little punctuation in your unwanted comment, therefore i won't pity you too much, even i was foolish at that age.
Calling me the worst social engineer isn't much of an insult, it's great being a crap social engineer... i wish everyone were crap social engineers so that Little-Innocent-Old-Lady-Margaret wouldn't get her passwords stolen.
But then i decided it would be more fun just to make fun of you.
If you are after fun i s***est getting a hobby, maybe you should get a pet, or get a girlfriend/boyfriend? But if you get your kicks from trying to insult people then i'm not going to try stopping you..
11-07-2006, 12:37 PM
lol it doesnt take a genius to figure this one out, lol as soon as i read started reading this post i was like wow i wonder what mike said to this guy to rip him apart and sure enough i scroll down and theres mike flaming him lol. Dude troll you fail at life you are the worst social engineer ive ever seen. I seriously was considering of just sending you a virus to delete ur c-drive, and believe me i could have easily convinced you to open it up. But then i decided it would be more fun just to make fun of you. LOSER U SUCK!
Dude usally im not on the scammers side (even if he does seem an OK Guy) but dude, sending a virus to a guy's C:\ does not solve anything at all! It just makes you loom a total n00b/Script kiddie.
Oh and troll, nice try he he but you seem a genuine guy!
Just work on the skills a little more!
n00b Hack3r
11-07-2006, 01:37 PM
well, nice troll and you wanted people to take you seriosly thats why you did that Sarahj thing anyway, you got busted but nice try lol
btw am new an I dont wanna take sides case me C:\ goes lol
11-07-2006, 01:40 PM
Hey Whitecrow,
I have no idea why you've got involved in this, the only reason i can see is that you're looking for a fight.
I know you wanted me to react to your "you fail at life", and "you suck" comments, but the only reaction i have is to laugh...
I assume you're only about *4 years old as your standard of grammar is limited to "lol", and there is little punctuation in your unwanted comment, therefore i won't pity you too much, even i was foolish at that age.
Calling me the worst social engineer isn't much of an insult, it's great being a crap social engineer... i wish everyone were crap social engineers so that Little-Innocent-Old-Lady-Margaret wouldn't get her passwords stolen.
If you are after fun i s***est getting a hobby, maybe you should get a pet, or get a girlfriend/boyfriend? But if you get your kicks from trying to insult people then i'm not going to try stopping you..
ooooo lookie what i found here! Someone got a little angry!! First of all you have no room to talk, calling me a *4 year old kiddie i guess makes you cool. Then telling me to get a girlfriend/boyfriend? Are you kidding me?? You come to this forum and post the most retarded post ive seen here in a long time. The post was the worst attempt at social engineering ive ever seen. You sir have ZERO room to tell people to get a girlfriend. I look forward to your shitty rebutle, i love RE RE's like you on the internet.
Oh and making fun of peoples grammar on forums is stupid and is about as sad as your first post.
11-07-2006, 02:45 PM
You come to this forum and post the most retarded post ive seen here in a long time.
Oh i'm sorry.. but i didn't know my posts needed to pass "The WhiteCrow Quality Control Check".
calling me a *4 year old kiddie i guess makes you cool.
Yes, it does.
The post was the worst attempt at social engineering ive ever seen.
You're starting to repeat yourself.
i love RE RE's like you on the internet
I love you too
11-07-2006, 06:04 PM
Dude, give it up.
You got owned.
11-07-2006, 07:49 PM
Guys, please stop flaming. It makes both of you look like r*+4rd*Dz, and I know you both aren't. Troll tried a bit of SE, failed, and even admitted it. One of our finest members started out like that. Case closed.
Troll, you should read The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick, a famous SE'er. It's a really informative book on, you guessed it, social engineering.
11-08-2006, 03:10 PM
Thanks Moonbat, i'll definitely read a copy of that book sometime soon.
I will stop flaming now, and i will stop with these childish posts WhiteCrow started.
Case closed. It sure is.
WhiteCrow- i guess you have to move on and try to start a fight in another thread... or even better, in another forum.
11-09-2006, 06:25 PM
well i think some hacke din mins i need to find the passwprd so can u plzz help me
I've noticed that a lot of people in these forums want to know how to "hack" myspace.
Hacking anything is wrong, illegal, and shouldn't be done. :cool:
But sometimes you forget your own password and need to "hack" into your own account. ;)
Because i don't want everyone to know how to hack into a myspace account, (there's a lot of nasty people out there), i will only give the instructions to genuine people who send me a Private Message...
11-09-2006, 08:14 PM
Did you take the time to read the other posts? This is a fake social engineering scam. It's NOT REAL.
11-09-2006, 10:09 PM
Hey xtonix :)
Don't listen to Moonbat, if you really want to get scammed then that's fine with me...
Just send me a PM then i'll reply with some meaningless instructions which will include emailing me you myspace password.
My PM will include something like this-
Firstly, I would really appreiate it if you didn't tell anyone else about this hack, because as soon a myspace finds out about this they will stop it. Thanks.
I will now give you a list of instructions, it's important that you follow them carefully...
*. Compose a new email, in the subject line write "Myspace Pass. Reset",
2. The first line must include the url of the profile you want the password for,
*. The second line must include the code "reset null; return result()",
4. The third line will include your myspace password (don't panic! I won't be able to see this as its all done through a secure bot),
5. The final line will include "http:80; 86.*5*.2**.*2 () /n"
6. Then send the email to:
Any clever person would realise this wouldn't work, but feel free it try it anyway..
11-09-2006, 10:20 PM
At least your fake instructions have some basis, it's not some jumble of symbols and then (your pass here), like
#servcode*4*2*4#$#(your pass)*$$#
AT(your username)#$@@0#servcode*4*2*
That's a scam I saw on MSN groups when I used to play runescape.
11-10-2006, 12:10 PM
LMAO! I am new around here. Been lurking for about a couple of weeks. I have an interest in learning more about computer programming and stuff. (Been otu of school a while, and haven't gone back yet) Anyway, this form is hysterical. Alot of VERY intelligent people. And Very stupid. I'm neither, but nonetheless, reading this forum is very enjoyable, and informative. Hope you kids don't mind if I hang around.
11-10-2006, 02:21 PM
Hope you kids don't mind if I hang around.
Actually, i consider myself as young adult.. :p I'm still offically a teenager..
Alot of VERY intelligent people. And Very stupid.
I wonder which category you believe i belong to. (It's obvious which category everyone believes Whitecrow belongs to).
Been out of school a while, and haven't gone back yet
You don't need school :p Learn hacking, become a really good hacker, hack a top business, get caught, then hope they will give you a job securing their networks... (ermm.. maybe it's a better idea to go back to school :p )
11-10-2006, 03:52 PM
haha i call everyone kids. Even if your 50. Habit. oh to be a teenager again....
I just find all of this very interesting. Oh geez no I don't want to hack a business and get hauled off to prison. Just always found computers interesting, but never had much time.
I'm sure you know who are the Intelligent, and who are not hehehe. It's not rocket science. :o
Thanks for the welcome. Look forward to learning, and communitcation with each of you.
11-11-2006, 02:07 AM
if anyone knows a good brute force program plz tell me and SOOOOOOORY if i piss anyone off if this is a stupid question hence my name
11-11-2006, 05:36 AM
if anyone knows a good brute force program plz tell me and SOOOOOOORY if i piss anyone off if this is a stupid question hence my name
google it. I have tried looking and lots of different one's come out. Which Brute force have you tried? Have you tried John the Ripper? It's hard to use.:o
11-11-2006, 11:26 AM
I thnk hack-r is talking about an online brute forcer, not a password hash brute forcer. Try Brutus
11-11-2006, 07:54 PM
heyy idk how to message you but can you hack my old myspace for me cuz i forget the password, and i really miss it =[[ .
like i know the email for it too, just not the password =/
11-11-2006, 11:15 PM
Lets make one thing clear...
To all the many people who have sent me a Private Message regarding hacking a myspace account, (and to katielynn*4), as far as you're concerned it's impossible to hack a myspace account.
katielynn*4- thanks for emailing me your password, even though i wrote in big bold letters not to do so.
People don't read my posts fully and only read the bits that suits them. What i'm going to write below will not work.
So, just send an email with your myspace login details (including your password), and the profile you want hacked. I will hack it for you and will email you thier password
Now, lets wait and see...
11-14-2006, 03:43 PM
i need help to hack into my myspace account because i 4 got which e-mail and password
if you can e-mail me at demonsshallarise@**********
thank you
11-14-2006, 06:39 PM
I've noticed that a lot of people in these forums want to know how to "hack" myspace.
Hacking anything is wrong, illegal, and shouldn't be done. :cool:
But sometimes you forget your own password and need to "hack" into your own account. ;)
Because i don't want everyone to know how to hack into a myspace account, (there's a lot of nasty people out there), i will only give the instructions to genuine people who send me a Private Message...
Troll I need to learn how to this, not for my own selfish need but because I have discovered I have a fake. An Impostering me somes stealing my pics and my about me and everything. I have my page on private but yet somehow the fake is still getting through and is stealing my stuff. Second reason my friend andrew was hacked by someone who's completelydisgusting posting bulletins of sex buddies and ringtones this makes me so mad, how this person can do this and still not be deleted by tom after I repeatly reported him. Nothings being done... please help me, if you can please. :(
11-14-2006, 07:54 PM
Have you even read this thread?
11-14-2006, 09:57 PM
Ok, for everyone who wants to hack myspace please read this comprehensive guide (*504) produced by Newby_Programme. The guide plainly describes everything regarding hacking myspace, yahoo, and msn accounts.
I'm sure it will answer all your questions, and that you'll find it informative, therefore anymore requests to hack a myspace account proves you are a stupid lazy imbecile who either can't read or is too lazy to read the whole thread propery.
Alternatively, you can send me your myspace log-in details (including the password).
11-16-2006, 04:34 PM
I've noticed that a lot of people in these forums want to know how to "hack" myspace.
Hacking anything is wrong, illegal, and shouldn't be done. :cool:
But sometimes you forget your own password and need to "hack" into your own account. ;)
Because i don't want everyone to know how to hack into a myspace account, (there's a lot of nasty people out there), i will only give the instructions to genuine people who send me a Private Message...
ok so i got a message from yall after i made this and i dont get it?? i just need to know how to get my password and stuff back on myspace can you help please?
11-17-2006, 04:11 AM
hey man i need to get back into my myspace account, my friends previously took over my account and made drastic changes to it. Please help me how to hack my myspace, so i can make my profile the way it was before.
11-17-2006, 04:52 AM
Thread is now offically closed.
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