View Full Version : Help me whit keylogger :D !
Hiho , i am a rookie on this shit xD
i dont get any thing here so if some can make a simple easy tut~
how to easy put in a keylogger in a program or somthing, than make it that if i send to the keylogger to some one whit like the name Newmsn.exe or somthing like that when he press on it i can see all what he says and when he login at a game .
my idé was to send it to ppls and take gay pussy biatches ther game character ^^ please help me . add me if u know or just post here :) .
// Heez
01-02-2007, 11:39 AM
Hiho , i am a rookie on this shit xD
i dont get any thing here so if some can make a simple easy tut~
how to easy put in a keylogger in a program or somthing, than make it that if i send to the keylogger to some one whit like the name Newmsn.exe or somthing like that when he press on it i can see all what he says and when he login at a game .
my idé was to send it to ppls and take gay pussy biatches ther game character ^^ please help me . add me if u know or just post here :) .
// Heez
If you don't 'get' anything here and aren't willing to learn, this is not for you. Keep to using your computer for playing games, word processing, etc.
01-02-2007, 01:56 PM
I would reccommend winspy
This program will create a file that when the victim runs it you will be sent his keylogs by email. It can be customized to look like a screensaver or picture.
I havent sent it to anyone yet (legal caution due to a prior incident) but im sure it works.
If you don't 'get' anything here and aren't willing to learn, this is not for you. Keep to using your computer for playing games, word processing, etc.
U can't learn u if u not even try . thats the life
w8 can u make it more simple xD like step after step
01-02-2007, 08:27 PM
w8 can u make it more simple xD like step after step
Did you download it?
rolf i download wrong , now i can't uninsstal it and i cant press alt+ctl+delite and close the prosses it says admin have close this somthing like that :S:confused:
01-03-2007, 08:30 AM
rolf i download wrong , now i can't uninsstal it and i cant press alt+ctl+delite and close the prosses it says admin have close this somthing like that :S:confused:
Press the hotkey
And you can end process, go to c:\windows\system*2\xpaud\services.exe and rename it and reboot
when i press on that services.exe nothing happends ...
and the hotkey says press shit+f*2 i press it nothing come and ther is 2 icon down to the right on the screen the icon look like a man whit a hat and when ei hold the mouse on it it says win-spy shareware icon will not come up at retail version
01-03-2007, 12:15 PM
Dont press services, rename it (or delete it), then reboot.
You may need to end the services process in taskmanager first.
Thats the only way i got it off mine.
01-03-2007, 05:27 PM
if you didn't change any predefined hot key,you should be able to get it visible by pressing CtrL + Shift + F*2,then it will ask you for the password,withot the password,you wont be able to uninstall it.
Just my two cents :cool:
01-03-2007, 07:21 PM
For any program you dont want you can kill it's main exe and itll never run again.:D
This particular program was pissing me off anyway with it's process going up and down to *0% cpu usage (maybe because I had a peice of shit machine at the time) and I didnt use it at all.
01-26-2007, 10:32 AM
I can help u just use this site*.EXE and start the porgram and post it to people.
01-26-2007, 09:09 PM
You look like a noob trying to pass out a trojan. You should watch yourself.
*Trojan horse Downloader.Agent.DJT contained in file in post above ^
What a coinsidence the same guy from THE FUCKING STUPID PYRAMID SCHEME.
01-29-2007, 12:18 AM
Hey, i see your a script kiddy eh?
Well you don't wnt to get infected ones, so download a clean version ProRat.exe SE *.* at*7*4*
and you can scan it if you want (although read the update why avast is mislead)
. Recommended scanning at
And once you downloaded it, open it, create a server, make the victim open the server, connect with him, click kyelogger, and BAM, instant keylogger. You have to wait a couple minutes so he can type.
Hope that helps a little.
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