View Full Version : how to get someones Hotmail password
01-16-2007, 12:00 PM
hey does anyone know how 2 get someons hotmail password?
01-16-2007, 01:51 PM
No, but I know how to make a really good chocolate cake.
01-16-2007, 07:17 PM
Chocolate cake sucks. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing pwns!
01-17-2007, 02:25 AM
lol Chocolate cake sounds good to me
I didnt write some other guy did but i get a bit confused on what to do, this i how you find someones password
(we all do a little hacking:-))Follow four easy steps below to learn how to hack into Hotmal:
STEP *- The first step in the process of hacking in to someone's hotmail account is quite easy. You simply log into your own Hotmail account. Important Note : Your account should have been atleast *0 minutes old for this to work!!
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, compose/write an e-mail to This is the secret mailing address to the Hotmail Staff!! The automated server will (after recieving the information you will send them) will send you the password that you have 'forgotten'
STEP *- · In the subject line write "retrieve passwd" (CASE INTESIVE) and in the body of the e-mail write this exact code filling in your hotmail password and login, and the victim(whose password u want) of hacking's login name. · its better to cut and paste the following two lines. The code is as follows:
**Please note! Do NOT Enter the victims email-address, just the loginname** For example if I'd like to get my friends hotmail password ( to my email ( (let's say my password is "mypass") I would write like this:
form_pwd: login=john_graham sendto=henokabraham+mypass
This will fool the Hotmail or Yahoo system into thinking that you are a Administration staff and send u the password!!
STEP 4- All you have to do is wait for the hotmail staff to send you a mail containing the password! It normally takes 48hrs. Note that if the victim has accounts both in hotmail and yahoo then u will get both the passwords in two different mails.
process is almost guaranteed to work. A friend of mine found out about this process by way of a family member who works for hotmail so it is quite reliable. There has only been * incident that it didn't work for us and that was because the victim had some sort of protection installed on all of their passwords. This method is used by many other email services as well when they what's to check up on their subscribers. what have u gotta lose anyways.. try it and if it works its a bumper!!!
01-17-2007, 02:25 AM
lol Chocolate cake sounds good to me
01-17-2007, 10:57 AM
lol Chocolate cake sounds good to me
I didnt write some other guy did but i get a bit confused on what to do, this i how you find someones password
Repeating posts like that will get you banned, so please remove it from both your posts.
It has been said hundreds of times on this forum that posts like that are scams which only steal the password of the person foolish and naive enough to try it.
01-17-2007, 12:16 PM
oh sorry but if anyone does know how to get someones hotmail password just let me know plz
01-17-2007, 12:36 PM
U can use Proagent
Or Bazoke (make fake web pages for yahoo, hotmail and aol)
although it tooooo old tool (bazoka) but its good.. :)
01-20-2007, 12:44 AM
hey does anyone know how 2 get someons hotmail password?
tell me plz how 2 gert some one password?
01-20-2007, 02:57 AM
hey does anyone know how 2 get someons hotmail password?
hacki some one psw
01-20-2007, 03:01 AM
hey does anyone know how 2 get someons hotmail password?
hacking psw someone
01-20-2007, 03:50 AM
What do you mean by PSW?
01-25-2007, 01:17 AM
lol Chocolate cake sounds good to me
I didnt write some other guy did but i get a bit confused on what to do, this i how you find someones password
(we all do a little hacking:-))Follow four easy steps below to learn how to hack into Hotmal:
STEP *- The first step in the process of hacking in to someone's hotmail account is quite easy. You simply log into your own Hotmail account. Important Note : Your account should have been atleast *0 minutes old for this to work!!
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, compose/write an e-mail to This is the secret mailing address to the Hotmail Staff!! The automated server will (after recieving the information you will send them) will send you the password that you have 'forgotten'
STEP *- · In the subject line write "retrieve passwd" (CASE INTESIVE) and in the body of the e-mail write this exact code filling in your hotmail password and login, and the victim(whose password u want) of hacking's login name. · its better to cut and paste the following two lines. The code is as follows:
**Please note! Do NOT Enter the victims email-address, just the loginname** For example if I'd like to get my friends hotmail password ( to my email ( (let's say my password is "mypass") I would write like this:
form_pwd: login=john_graham sendto=henokabraham+mypass
This will fool the Hotmail or Yahoo system into thinking that you are a Administration staff and send u the password!!
STEP 4- All you have to do is wait for the hotmail staff to send you a mail containing the password! It normally takes 48hrs. Note that if the victim has accounts both in hotmail and yahoo then u will get both the passwords in two different mails.
process is almost guaranteed to work. A friend of mine found out about this process by way of a family member who works for hotmail so it is quite reliable. There has only been * incident that it didn't work for us and that was because the victim had some sort of protection installed on all of their passwords. This method is used by many other email services as well when they what's to check up on their subscribers. what have u gotta lose anyways.. try it and if it works its a bumper!!!
does this method still workor is there protection against it now?
01-25-2007, 01:56 AM
I dont think so but i want another way so i can find out someones hotmail password.
01-25-2007, 01:57 AM
Repeating posts like that will get you banned, so please remove it from both your posts.
It has been said hundreds of times on this forum that posts like that are scams which only steal the password of the person foolish and naive enough to try it.
Sorry i didnt want it to be repeated it was by accident i have no idea what happend there
01-25-2007, 05:09 AM
Step *: Become a ninja.
Step 2: Sneak around to their house
Step *: As they are logging in use your new ninja skills to see what they type in.
Alternatively you could use one of these devices that records what ppl type all you need to do is get one, hook it up to ur pc and invite them round. If you don't know them or they live *000 miles away become a ninja
01-25-2007, 10:51 AM
lol i was hoping for a software or maby a tool
go team me
01-25-2007, 08:32 PM
Same here i was looking for a tool and/or a free software! But i might just go for the nija ideal:D it seems like the best ideal yet lol.:D
01-27-2007, 04:07 AM
I begining to wonder if there is even a software or a tool that u can find out someones hotmail password.
go team me
01-27-2007, 04:47 AM
i know there is at lest two their is brut forec but for a 6 password craker its **G!!:eek: i know it so big:( but their is an other one cus my friend uses it but he wont tell me what it is called or were he got it:mad: and that is why i'm here:cool:
01-28-2007, 08:33 AM
well if you do ever find out, let me know please
go team me
01-28-2007, 11:23 AM
ok i will it will take me a cupole of days but i mite have it by the end of the week but if i dont then i will just put up a link to brut force.:cool:
01-29-2007, 11:29 AM
Thanks, i will be wating:D
01-31-2007, 10:22 AM
what is their email address?
01-31-2007, 11:08 AM
whos email?
go team me
01-31-2007, 04:19 PM the website for brute force!:cool:
Hi to everybody....
i hardly hardly hardly s***est you people dont belive the mail ids like retrive_password@********** & etc...........
sending with some msgs in the body.................
and the most hard thing is sending with your password...............
if send with your password...................thing this way your friend may send his password to these id............. and those id holders will resend his password..............but you last your password & his password to someone else................
i hardly s***est people dont believe these kind of things................
you may ask how r u..... how do u know........... why r u doing..........
the answer is.................
i have some kind of IDS to retrive other's password in the way i mentioned here..........
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah aha
02-01-2007, 05:41 PM
lol Chocolate cake sounds good to me
I didnt write some other guy did but i get a bit confused on what to do, this i how you find someones password
(we all do a little hacking:-))Follow four easy steps below to learn how to hack into Hotmal:
STEP *- The first step in the process of hacking in to someone's hotmail account is quite easy. You simply log into your own Hotmail account. Important Note : Your account should have been atleast *0 minutes old for this to work!!
STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, compose/write an e-mail to This is the secret mailing address to the Hotmail Staff!! The automated server will (after recieving the information you will send them) will send you the password that you have 'forgotten'
STEP *- &#*8*; In the subject line write "retrieve passwd" (CASE INTESIVE) and in the body of the e-mail write this exact code filling in your hotmail password and login, and the victim(whose password u want) of hacking's login name. &#*8*; its better to cut and paste the following two lines. The code is as follows:
**Please note! Do NOT Enter the victims email-address, just the loginname** For example if I'd like to get my friends hotmail password ( to my email ( (let's say my password is "mypass") I would write like this:
form_pwd: login=john_graham sendto=henokabraham+mypass
This will fool the Hotmail or Yahoo system into thinking that you are a Administration staff and send u the password!!
STEP 4- All you have to do is wait for the hotmail staff to send you a mail containing the password! It normally takes 48hrs. Note that if the victim has accounts both in hotmail and yahoo then u will get both the passwords in two different mails.
process is almost guaranteed to work. A friend of mine found out about this process by way of a family member who works for hotmail so it is quite reliable. There has only been * incident that it didn't work for us and that was because the victim had some sort of protection installed on all of their passwords. This method is used by many other email services as well when they what's to check up on their subscribers. what have u gotta lose anyways.. try it and if it works its a bumper!!!
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed.
What a nerd!
02-01-2007, 06:32 PM
thats the lamest SCAM i seen in a week,maybe you wont believe me but ihave in my posession over 200+ myspace logins all working.Funny thing is that people use the same login info and password for the email accounts as well. I have lots of hotmail,yahoo,aol,imac,aim ect. logins working.
private message me when you can.
02-02-2007, 04:08 AM
go_team_me thanks for that link i will try it out.
go team me
02-02-2007, 09:30 PM
ya no problem!:cool:
02-06-2007, 01:56 AM
[I tried this but mail cmae back and said it could not be delivered to the adress
Is there another adress to send to
or can u get me what I want
I think my head is to empty inside to work this whole scam thing LOL
02-06-2007, 06:50 PM
actually that person indeed got your message,the reply is a trick. I hope you dint gave her the correct password for your hotmail account :D
02-11-2007, 04:25 AM
lol i dont think there is any proper way of getting someones hotmail.
well plz tell me clearly how to hack or how to get some ones hotmail id ! i read the process of sending a mail to hotmail staff but it is not clear to me plz explain clearly with an example, plz plzzzzzzzzz
i will be very very very thankful to you
06-30-2007, 03:13 PM
well plz tell me clearly how to hack or how to get some ones hotmail id ! i read the process of sending a mail to hotmail staff but it is not clear to me plz explain clearly with an example, plz plzzzzzzzzz
i will be very very very thankful to you
If even a scam designed to steal from gullible people like yourself seems confusing to you, just give up on the internet right now.
dont even try it its a scam to get ur hotmail passwrd......the email is his idiot theres no such thing as a secert email
07-21-2007, 06:27 PM
hey does anyone know how 2 get someons hotmail password?
plz help i need pass of someone harmfull
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