View Full Version : [OT] please help: Windows Vista verions ?!

02-08-2007, 12:11 AM

At the begining I apologise for off-topic.

I can buy legal version of Windows Vista for a very cheap price, and I need to make a decision very fast.

As we all know there are couple Windows Vista versions.
There is: Ultimate Version which is the most expensive product, Home Premium, Home Basic, Business and Enterprise.

I will write in short what for I use my computer.
Mostly entertainment: playing games, watching movies, online TVs, browsing the net, music listening.

My computers configuration is:
Processor: Core 2 Duo 6600 - not yet overclocked, but I will try later (by the way: which cooler would you recommend ? no water-cooling !)
Ram: 2x OCZ *GB 800Mhz
Graphics card: Asus GeForce 8800 GTX (unfortunately just one, not SLI)
Mother***rd: Asus P5W DH Deluxe (by the way: on the box there is ATI Crossfire technology logo, but is it possible to plug into this mother***rd to Nvidia Cards for SLI system ? Or maybe its possible to two video cards only from ATI? )
Harddrives: 2x Seagate 250GB 7200.*0 *6MB Cache
Monitor: Dell 2405FPW

Please help me!
Best regards,

Tom Bobek

----- sIgNaTuRe -----
my comp:c2d 6600 @ asus p5w dh deluxe & 2x *GB ocz 800mgz & 2x 250gb seagate & geforce 8800 GTX -=-=- favorite games: quake*, quake4, farcry, fear, lost planet@xbox*60 -=-=- system administrator at sexocams (http://xxxputas.espanacams.com/) and mamadoras (http://xxxputas.mamadoras.es/) -=-=- succefully graduated UAM university in Poznan/Poland ! -=-=- favorite music: sting, nelly furtado, 50 cent, R&B, dance -=-=- still looking for real dream-job