View Full Version : Does anybody know of a key-logger with these features?

03-15-2007, 08:26 PM

Does anybody know of a key-logger with these features?
Remotely deployable.
Takes screenshots.
Records chat conversations both ways, and supports Trillian with this.
I've searched through hundreds now. The ones that support Trillian seem to be rare, and those ones happen to have no remote capabilities whatsoever. Thus I've come to you.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the direction of a key-logger with these tools.

Also (or alternatively - though I'd really like a ready-made one just this once), would it be possible for somebody to link me to a tutorial or some guides as to how to program a key-logger? I'm not a complete beginner - I have some experience with various programming languages, including C++. If nobody has written a tutorial, then source-code or just details about useful functions I can research would be good. Anything is helpful.

Many thanks in advance. It's much appreciated.

03-16-2007, 08:14 AM
search on altavista

03-16-2007, 09:46 AM
Thank you. Unfortunately, Win-Spy does not support the latest version of Trillian (rather, an extremely old version), and SpyRecon doesn't have any mention of Trillian on their site. Are there any others? I didn't think Trillian support would be this hard to find - it's quite popular. Thank you.

03-16-2007, 12:54 PM
Also (or alternatively - though I'd really like a ready-made one just this once), would it be possible for somebody to link me to a tutorial or some guides as to how to program a key-logger? I'm not a complete beginner - I have some experience with various programming languages, including C++. If nobody has written a tutorial, then source-code or just details about useful functions I can research would be good. Anything is helpful.

Many thanks in advance. It's much appreciated.

To be honest, if you're not at the stage of utilizing the Windows API in your chosen language, a tutorial will not really help you further than creating exactly what is explained step-by-step to you. Nobody really writes specialized tutorials for this sort of thing; the best option is to learn your language then learn the Win*2 API.

As frustrating as it may be, you've always got to start with the basics for things like this. Writing malicious monitoring software is no different to writing any other software.

In this case, my advice is to keep on searching (or ask one of the keylogger authors to make a customized keylogger for you) -- making one yourself would take a very long time and lots of research.