View Full Version : myspace question

04-28-2007, 03:11 PM
is there a web crawler thing (other than google) that caches myspace profiles

04-28-2007, 04:14 PM
Myspace uses robot.txt to tell automated bots not to crawl its site.


However, search engines still caches some myspace pages.. And as google probably has the biggest cache of myspace pages then i only s***est using google.. (or a simular search engine; such as msn)

Archive.org could work (i haven't checked), but as myspace uses a robot.txt it's highly unlikely to work...

Sorry i couldn't help much..

04-28-2007, 04:31 PM
The file Troll mentioned (robots.txt) is a way of preventing bots crawling your website. You can disallow all crawlers, or some with a specific user agent.

On Myspace's robots.txt, they block ia_archiver. I just Googled, and it's the user agent string of www.archive.org. I was going to s***est that as a place to check, but they're blocked from caching Myspace pages.

Other than that, try Coral:


... or, just search Google for "search engine" and try the cached versions on all the search engines you can find. Yahoo, Live Search, et al.