View Full Version : password cracker??

05-05-2007, 09:24 PM
anyone know of a working password cracker for myspace? I am having trouble finding one i have a fakelogin screen but there is someone else i want to hack that wont fall for the fake login screen

05-05-2007, 10:49 PM
You think the person will fall into downloading a screensaver?
I can send you the latest ardamax keylogger and a keygen. All you have to do is find a nice screensaver,copy a picture of the screensaver,and bind the .exe file with the scr.exe file :D
My email adress is posted somewhere in the forum,i forgot wich post..lol
NOTE: password cracker won't work on myspace,it will lock the account in the 5 or 6 attemp,since is not acceptin brute forcing or diccionary attacks.

05-05-2007, 11:20 PM
FOUND A MYSPACE PASSWORD CRACKER SUPPOSEIBLY IT WORKS I SCANNED IT AND ITS CLEAN. but i can not figure out exactly how to use it im a little confused

topic link: http://crazy-coderz.net/forum/showthread.php?t=*247*

hidden download link: