View Full Version : ProRat ProConnective Help Needed

05-08-2007, 07:29 PM
ok so i was on google searching up some help on using this feature with no-ip and it landed me on this forum so i decided to see if anyone can help me here. well this is my problem, im using the program DUC from no-ip to make a DNS ip so i could use the ProConnective or reverse connection feature but when i try testing out the ip it doesnt work(this is pretty stupid of me since i never used no-ip b4, so i really dont no wats the DSN ip that i gotten from no-ip, is it suppose to be the hostname?). i dont no if is that i need to open a port or watever but i did open a post which was 5**0 for prorat. and also does anyone know a list of email services that accually work with prorat? my friend told me about *0gigs but i tried that and i got an error and i also tried multiple amounts of other emails

05-08-2007, 10:18 PM
If you click on the no-ip icon,you should be able to see if the no-ip's are working. If they don't have the smile,it means you need to update them.
I believe if you're behind a router,youre supost to forward a port.

05-08-2007, 10:20 PM
Wiith noip.com, it will be the dns name you made up, like yourname.no-ip.info

If you have a router, you will need to forward the port, try here for more info.

05-13-2007, 06:32 PM
heres a pic of wats going on, on the cmd i was pinging the dns to check.
