View Full Version : ProRat v*.* Special Edition : 200 USD

05-23-2007, 08:59 PM
i found this on http://crazy-coderz.net
Screen Shot http://img20*.imageshack.us/img20*/***7/untitledlh*.jpg
DownLoad Links http://depositfiles.com/files/8*4858 http://depositfiles.com/files/8*47*6

06-08-2007, 02:49 PM
what is this porgram used for ? .

06-08-2007, 07:40 PM
what is this porgram used for ? .


09-17-2007, 08:53 PM
Mine when I first opened said, "Thx for installing perfect klogger :(" 2nd run said cannot run from Zip so I extracted, like 5 times. I am using winrar wtf.

12-18-2009, 08:43 AM
where can i download prorat v*.* special edition download??? "am new here...

12-18-2009, 09:27 AM
You are very diligent to find a 2 year old thread. google it

12-29-2009, 08:15 AM
Now you have the necessary files, let's start with the tutorial. Extract ProRat V*.* and run the ProRat application. We'll start with a ProRat server. Click create near the bottom and a small context menu will come up, for now let's just make a ProRat server, we'll cover the other types later.

The ProRat server is the server the rat communicates with, all the fun trojany things :P

The setup is pretty simple we'll start with the notifications area.

Pro connective notification-
this is basically the SIN notification. Where it asks for you ip address just click on the little red half-circle on the side and it will locate your external ip address for you.

Mail notification-
self explanitory, the server will send you an email to tell you the victim has been infected.

*** pager-
If you use *** you can be notified of infections via that, put in your UIN and when a victim is infected you will be informed via ***

This connects to a web cgi page and uploads the information when a victim is infected

Choose whichever you like, I usually use email and SIN (Pro connective.)

Ok let's move on to the general settings now.
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