View Full Version : modem or router

05-30-2007, 02:08 AM
Okay, basically I'm just confused about whether I have a modem or router. I searched on google the diff between them and it says modem connects you to your ISP, whereas router connects some other computers to your internet connection I think. So I think I kinda know the difference now and I only have one pc so it would be the modem. It looks like this, called SpeedStream 5200.
In the link it says router and if I search "router, speedstream 5200" etc, it still comes up with the same modem so I'm just confused, so if someone could explain more on this and tell me what I have, that would be very helpful.

Now the reason I need to know is because I wanna create a simple rat, client/server, just testing my C++ skills, I've read tutorials on sockets etc so I think I know enough now to make a simple server/client program:cool: with keylogger and maybe some more basic features if I want. So the person I plan to install the server on has the same ISP, same type of internet connection etc, we both get dynamic IPs assigned. I'm pretty sure this is right, but still can someone tell me if I'm right in thinking that I will need to make the program reverse connect to me( so I don't have to worry about his IPs), so now the program will connect me, but since I also get IP assigned dynamically, I'd need to create a no-ip account and use gethostbyname() to get the server(in this case maybe client? that's installed on other person's pc) to use my new IP. Now all this I think I know, but would I have to do any port forwarding if I don't have any router? I don't think, so that's why I need someone to tell me if I'm behind one so I know for sure what to do. Also I tested a simple client/server program( by someone else) on myself and it connected with my ip and also *27.0.0.* so I don't think I'm behind a router, but please confirm....... I know it's a really long post for just one simple question? but I wanted to make sure I explained everything so please helpp Mike or anyone else thanks :D lol

05-30-2007, 07:02 AM
Okay, basically I'm just confused about whether I have a modem or router. I searched on google the diff between them and it says modem connects you to your ISP, whereas router connects some other computers to your internet connection I think. So I think I kinda know the difference now and I only have one pc so it would be the modem. It looks like this, called SpeedStream 5200.
In the link it says router and if I search "router, speedstream 5200" etc, it still comes up with the same modem so I'm just confused, so if someone could explain more on this and tell me what I have, that would be very helpful.

A router connects multiple machines to the Internet; a modem just connects your machine.

can someone tell me if I'm right in thinking that I will need to make the program reverse connect to me( so I don't have to worry about his IPs),

Yeah, you have to forward the port in your own router's settings this way.

so now the program will connect me, but since I also get IP assigned dynamically, I'd need to create a no-ip account and use gethostbyname() to get the server(in this case maybe client? that's installed on other person's pc) to use my new IP. Now all this I think I know, but would I have to do any port forwarding if I don't have any router?

If you don't have a router (and directly connect to the net), no. Try entering ipconfig /all in the command line, then go to www.whatismyip.com. If both IP addresses are the same, you're directly connecting. If you get **2.*.*.* in ipconfig, you're behind a router.

and it connected with my ip and also *27.0.0.* so I don't think I'm behind a router

*27.0.0.* AKA localhost is the loopback address; your own computer. Is your IP address in the **2.*.*.* range?

05-30-2007, 08:57 AM
If you don't have a router (and directly connect to the net), no. Try entering ipconfig /all in the command line, then go to www.whatismyip.com. If both IP addresses are the same, you're directly connecting. If you get **2.*.*.* in ipconfig, you're behind a router.

*27.0.0.* AKA localhost is the loopback address; your own computer. Is your IP address in the **2.*.*.* range?

I knew I could count on you for help so thank you, it doesn't start with **2. When I do ipconfig / all, where it says ip address and default gateway, they're the samething as the one I view on a website, start with 6* always. That means im not behind a router? so I would just need to get it reverse connect, register a no-ip account, and use the gethostbyname() in my program to get my ip to make it connect to me without worrying about any port forwarding, is it corretct? Thanks again

05-30-2007, 01:25 PM
I knew I could count on you for help so thank you, it doesn't start with **2. When I do ipconfig / all, where it says ip address and default gateway, they're the samething as the one I view on a website, start with 6* always. That means im not behind a router? so I would just need to get it reverse connect, register a no-ip account, and use the gethostbyname() in my program to get my ip to make it connect to me without worrying about any port forwarding, is it corretct? Thanks again

