View Full Version : Programing
06-10-2007, 04:51 PM
I need help to make new thew programs i'm looking forward too see your comment's.:)
06-10-2007, 06:06 PM
If you post a question, maybe we can give you an answer.
06-11-2007, 06:07 AM
Well i need a good keylogger to send it to my freind's pc if you can find it can you tell me plz ;)
06-11-2007, 08:42 AM
I don't use keyloggers and am not familiar with the tools script kiddies use, so I can't give you a keylogger.
What has that got to do with programming anyway?
06-11-2007, 11:36 AM
Well first
*st Im not a kid
2nd keylogger is a program
*rd If you remeber first question i asked is eneyone who's how to make pragrams can help me understand how to make it:cool:
06-11-2007, 12:33 PM
Well first
*st Im not a kid
2nd keylogger is a program
*rd If you remeber first question i asked is eneyone who's how to make pragrams can help me understand how to make it:cool:
*. There is a difference between programming (i.e. coding) a keylogger, and asking for one.
2. Script kiddie doesn't mean a literal kid or child, it's a word used to describe people you just use pre-made tools and scripts to screw with people, while having no knowledge of how and why it works.
*. A keylogger is a program, but a 'Programming' forum usually talks about the actual coding process of a program.
If you want to learn how to make a keylogger, you should Google up a programming language. To a beginner, I would recommend Python. For more advnaced languages, I can recommend Java or C++. After you get a good grasp of those, I'd s***est learning something known as Windows API, which will allow your programs to take on a more graphical look (like a GUI).
06-11-2007, 01:14 PM
Moonbat please if you know eney keylogger's that i can send to my freind's pc by email plz tell me at*7
your sencirily
06-11-2007, 02:28 PM
2nd keylogger is a program
Yes, but programming is the act of creating programs, not using them.
*rd If you remeber first question i asked is eneyone who's how to make pragrams can help me understand how to make it:cool:
You can't just tell someone how to make programs. It's like asking someone "Tell me how to speak Russian, god damn it!". It takes hard work and a long time of learning from you to learn how to make complicated programs. Start by searching Google and Wikipedia for your chosen language.
EDIT: I just looked up and Moonbat pretty much said that already..
06-11-2007, 05:57 PM
Yep, got to it first mike:D
Tr_Ms, that post about keyloggers is breaking the forum rules, therefore I can't respond.
06-12-2007, 04:16 AM
Tr_Ms, that post about keyloggers is breaking the forum rules, therefore I can't respond.
How is it? We're allowed to discuss illegal things; just not post stuff like warez and passwords. Helping people with illegal things is your own choice, at least that's what I think. As long as it's not like "Help me steal ****** card numbers", I don't really see the problem.
06-12-2007, 01:56 PM
But this was her post concerning keyloggers:
I need a good keylogger that i can send it to my freind to see if there in eney relationship with my girl freind:(
That's breaking rule #*.
EDIT: Mike, I'm not talking about this one, there was a post she linked to in one of her posts here.
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