View Full Version : how do i get dns name?

06-30-2007, 04:40 PM
how do i get the local dns name for my computer? and if it helps i have windows xp professional

07-01-2007, 02:06 PM
please help me out i need to know how

07-01-2007, 05:42 PM
try google


07-01-2007, 05:57 PM
i tried google and that link that you provided it how to create a dns name i was wondering how i would get my dns name that i already have? Because i have a network and i want to connect to a computer with a remote access tool and it says if i want to connect via lan that i have to give it the computers local dns name

i have also tried connecting via internet ip address but i just realized that we have the same ip because we are connected to the same modem so connecting via lan is my only option and i dont know how to get the other computers local dns name. pleeeeez help. and just in case someone asks i did install rat server on the computer i want remote access to