View Full Version : Hamachi Difficulties

07-03-2007, 02:40 AM
Let me start by saying I'm not sure this is in the right section.
In fact, i'm not sure it's even in the right forum, so feel free to delete it if need be.

I've recently begun using Hamachi to run games over the net with my friends.

Games that require an IP address to connect work fine, but once I try to run games that automatically search the network for games, I run into a problem.

My computer connects to the internet via a wireless network in my house. When the game searches for rooms, it seems to search that network instead of the Hamachi network.

If you can think of any way to correct this, or have any other theories on what is actually happening, than please respond.

Thanks in advance, MaiPai.

07-03-2007, 12:02 PM
Maybe you could give us the game that you want to go through your Hamachi network?

There are some games that require you to edit a certain file in order to connect to a different network than the official one. In World of Warcraft, for example, there is a file called realmlist.wtf (yes, it is a .wtf extension:D ). This file lists the server you need to connect to get to the 'realms' which are World of Warcraft servers. The contents look like this (version 2.* of WoW):

set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
set patchlist us.patchlist.worldofwatcraft.com

You have to edit this to auto-connect to your server. So you'd put in your Hamachi IP like so:

set realmlist yourhamachiiphere
set patchlist yourhamachiiphere

This would allow you to connect a private server on World of Warcraft.

This is just an example of how to configure a game to go through Hamachi. Here is a site that has a list of some games and how to configure them to go through Hamachi. Your's might be on it:


But like I said, if this didn't help you, you'll have to tell us the game.

07-04-2007, 06:34 PM
hamachi is old shit that is unsafe anyway? find something better to use

07-05-2007, 11:42 AM
I was actually gonna bring that up, but it'd be a little harder explaining the whole DynDNS thing to someone and how they could use it. Hamachi is more user-friendly.