View Full Version : Runescape Account Hack
07-03-2007, 01:54 PM
Hello, i john have recently figured out a way to hack runescape2 while scaning the linux server which they run runescape2 on. below i will tell ya how to hack rune scape accounts.
I have really only made this up for people who have been scammed by other people but if you want to use it go ahead.This hack gives u the pass to to anothers
person's account
Step *.
Spam runescapepassreturn@********** and bloodarowman@********** with as much pointless shit as you can think of. Mailing lists, porn site registrations; use your imagination!
Step 2.
Step *.
Step 4.
Go to step *.
Hope you like it!
Oh and this is no keylogger trojan or anything its is an honest to goodness hack i dont even
know how to place a keylogger on this because u cant
07-03-2007, 04:38 PM
Wow, it worked!
I have found that the amount of accounts hacked is proportional to amount of spam sent, so my advice is to send as much as possible!
07-03-2007, 08:37 PM
Lol, without pointing out all of the obvious mistakes in this scam, I just wanted to inform you guys that RuneScape does NOT run on Linux, it runs on it's own created server named JaGeX and last time I checked it was using JaGeX *.*
Oh, nice edit mike:D
07-04-2007, 05:57 AM
My God, it's either a 4chan member or a South Park fan.
That meme gets posted a lot on sites like Digg and Totse, which is probably where I first heard it.
I'm definitely no 4chan member though, because it is the cesspit of the internet.
Speaking of *.*, who remembers that great OS which was the equivalent of pWnz0rz? (*.*)
My first computer ran *.* ;). I was too young to do anything useful with it though.
07-04-2007, 06:31 PM
can you ip ban this bastard?
07-05-2007, 11:45 AM
Unless he posts again, what's the point? I doubt he's gonna come back here especially after we revealed his scam (and mike made some edits):D
07-05-2007, 05:46 PM
Well, mike did edit it, I'm sure the origianl scam was a bigger joke.:D
07-06-2007, 01:47 PM
umm im not trying to help him out or anything but jagex does run on linux
07-18-2007, 11:59 AM
umm im not trying to help him out or anything but jagex does run on linux
The guy was saying that it ran on a "Linux server" which it doesn't. Sure, the OS is Linux, but the webserver is a self-created server caleed JaGeX. OS and web server are two totally different things. For example, Apache and IIS are webservers, Linux and Windows are OSes.
Well, Wikipedia didn't say anything about JaGeX *.* so bah.
Wikipedia doesn't say anything about TheDefaced, g00ns, HellboundHackers, or Darkmindz (these are all hacking groups), but that doesn't mean they don't exist. JaGeX, being a private server, won't make it onto Wikipedia, especialy because so little is known about it by the public.
For those who don't believe RuneScape runs it's own webserver:
07-22-2007, 11:06 PM
??? I know nothing about computers and hacking!!!
07-23-2007, 10:04 PM
can any of you help me get my friends password?
08-06-2007, 10:39 AM
yes jagex is a java game that runs through linux and the easiest way to hack an account is to send and recieve certain packets to the server to confuse it... also to change stats. this is almost imposible unless you are fast enough to freeze the adresses because they change every second. (I have tryed)
08-06-2007, 11:26 AM
RuneScape can detect whether or not your using a packet editor. I've never tried, but others who have say that they get logged off when they start editing packets.
08-22-2007, 05:42 AM
Wow, it worked!
I have found that the amount of accounts hacked is proportional to amount of spam sent, so my advice is to send as much as possible!
LOL :D :D :D
08-31-2007, 11:07 PM
accutally the server probaly doesnt run on a porgram they made they probaly coudln't besides i hate runescape anyways theres also more then * server duh and the servers probaly run on something close to a command propmt screen also i used packet editor to edit what the npc's said a boom it accotually worked i didnt get kicked off but everytime i post a vid about it on youtube it says "jagex has reported copywright infrigment on this video" dman jagex!!!
01-07-2008, 10:30 AM
I am a ex Jagex Employee i was involved in leveling stats when u get the amount of experience i push a button and level you well Jagex fired me and now i wanna get back at them so if send me your Username and Password i will level u to *00 for FREE THIS IS NOT A HACK!!! my e-mail Ch\ thank u and i will up grade ur account almost instantly
01-07-2008, 03:53 PM
Please disconnect your Ethernet cable and never plug it back in again. Ever.
01-07-2008, 08:37 PM
i found out a secret app that allows me to upgrade any account all i need is ur password once u give to me log on runescape and talk to me (Chickodieman) and i will then upgrade ur account INSTANTLY
06-28-2008, 07:07 PM
Hey everybody:cool:! I found THE BEST hack for Runescape where you don't have to be any level:eek:! You can either be a noob or a pro and it still works:eek:! If you want me to do it for you, send your Runescape username, then password, then your victim's username to ebp*! This is NOT a scam:cool:! It really works, I got a level 7* member's account that had full rune plus 52.5 mil in matter of seconds:D! This really works, just do what I said and you could have a level *00+ account very soon:D! And for all you people who say that you can't hack Runescape, it's possible!
06-28-2008, 07:16 PM
Hey everybody! I found THE BEST hack for Runescape where you don't have to be any level! You can either be a noob or a pro and it still works! If you want me to do it for you, send your Runescape username, then password, then your victim's username to ebp*! This is NOT a scam! It really works, I got a level 7* member's account that had full rune plus 52.5 mil in matter of seconds! This really works, just do what I said and you could have a level *00+ account very soon! And for all you people who say that you can't hack Runescape, it's possible!
08-09-2008, 12:14 PM
yh can u help me hack some* becuase this guy hack my account:mad: and * want it back:D
08-09-2008, 02:41 PM
no * hax runescape acounts.. u probubly hav a keylogger or trojun hoarse on ur comp. :D
Now go to google and type in "free online virus scan" and scan your machine and find it. ;)
08-10-2008, 04:20 AM
plz help me get it back:(:):D;):p:mad::rolleyes::cool::eek::confused:
08-10-2008, 09:01 AM
This thread has gone nuts. Locked.
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