View Full Version : Is ardamax undetectable?

07-06-2007, 02:08 AM
I have the registered version of ardamax keylogger 2.8, and when I downloaded, installed, and created a remote application successfully, Norton antivirus never noticed any suspicious activity, but whenever I deal with other hacktools, it always auto-protects me and blocks anything I try to install. This made me think that ardamax is pretty undetectable because I think of norton as like the best antivirus out there (but I'm probably wrong, tell me if I am).

So then just to make sure it's undetectable I scanned the remote application with virusscan.jotti.org, and out of 20 of the antivirus's on there, ** of them detected malware....

So is it undetectable or not??

Also, I need some help or advice to keylog someone....

The story:
I met this guy on a MMORPG, Runescape, which some of you may know of, and we were good friends for about a year, then one day he asks me if I wanna share an account with him, and I agreed, the next day I logged into my account to find out that over 25m of runescape gold had been stolen by him. I want to keylog him and get revenge for betraying me as a friend, and I will not rest until I do.

The problem:
The only means of contact I have is his myspace, he tells me he doesn't have an email, or MSN, but I find that hard to beleive because you need an email to get a myspace. I already attemtped to "engineer him socially" by saying I found this sweet glitch and sent pics which was just a pic appended with an ardamax remote server. He refused to dowload it because he thought it was suspicious (I flamed him after stealing my ***** and said I'd attack him and hack him etc...).

BUT, I know he's not that smart when it comes to security, the DL link I gave him was hosted with rapidshare, and he replied saying "im not downloading it, it goes to some weird file sharing thing". He also uses a lot of stupid contractions like "dis" and "dat" and often says "thats tight".

So that's why I would really appreciate any help and advice anybody can give me to get him to DL and run the ardamax server.

Oh and I don't know if I'm allowed to just post his myspace publicly, so it's available on request, if it may help you help me in anyway.

07-06-2007, 06:44 AM
first off, your server will soon be detected by all of those anti-virus companies. They will share the definitions with the other companies. Dont test at those online sites.
He got you by social engineering, and will be difficult to get back.My advice is forget dat dood and be movin on. ;)

07-06-2007, 12:14 PM
So then just to make sure it's undetectable I scanned the remote application with virusscan.jotti.org, and out of 20 of the antivirus's on there, ** of them detected malware....

I heard that they submit all non-found malware to antivirus companies.

07-06-2007, 03:58 PM
Couldn't I try to get him with some anonymous remailer and make him think its a windows update or something?

07-06-2007, 05:05 PM
Windows doesn't update through email.

Just use your info against him. Send an email from "JaGeX" saying that you have evidence of account sharing, and that you will shut down all of the accounts from his IP address and take legal action (the legal action part is optional, if you scare him too much he might not take the bait) unless he consents to allow monitoring of his account by downloading a program.

This worked on someone I tricked. You'd be suprised how easy it is to social engineer someone when you tell the truth. :D

07-06-2007, 05:05 PM
Runescape is well noted for all kinds of scams and keylogging /trojans. By the time,(if ever) you keylog this person, you could have made back all that stuff by playing the game.

07-06-2007, 08:25 PM
yea, but that doesn't get revenge on him. I don't really care about the *****, I was friends with him for over a year, and he backstabbed me for some pixels, I wanna make him pay.

and moon, I don't know his email, and I don't know much about anonymous remailers. Any idea how I could get his email? The only contact I have with him is his myspace....

07-06-2007, 08:42 PM
yea, but that doesn't get revenge on him. I don't really care about the *****, I was friends with him for over a year, and he backstabbed me for some pixels, I wanna make him pay.

and moon, I don't know his email, and I don't know much about anonymous remailers. Any idea how I could get his email? The only contact I have with him is his myspace....

ask him nicely?

07-06-2007, 09:15 PM
lol I tried that already, he said he didn't have one.

07-07-2007, 11:07 AM
You can't sign up to MySpace without an email....

Tell him you know he's lying, cus' I know he is, pfft, "don't have an email" what kind of lame brained excuse is that?

07-07-2007, 01:01 PM
what kind of lame brained excuse is that?
heh, thats the kind of excuse you give when you know someone you just screwed over is trying to get even.

08-04-2007, 02:14 AM
then hack him check wat email he is under for example
if you go to hotmail.com and it says that account isnt used then signup under that acount then go to myspace and click forgot password then you will have his password then mess with him

08-06-2007, 11:28 AM
jagex doesnt e-mail they use the inbox on the website =D