View Full Version : Finding IP addresses from email?

07-14-2007, 06:04 PM
Hi! I'm new, so please forgive my technological incompetence! :p

I run a home-based business and sell some things on the internet. Lately, I've been getting many emails from different free accounts (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc) saying they are interested in what I'm selling but then they never follow through with the purchase or respond to any of my replies. I'm thinking someone (and I have an idea who...) is setting up these email accounts and sending me these offers as a prank. This person has way too much time on her hands and is just flooding my inbox with bogus emails. I know she's doing it from one computer and through the same ISP. Is there anyway to find out the IP addresses from these different emails I'm getting?

I don't care to find out who's behind the IP, I just want to see if they are coming from the same one so I can tell the difference between real offers and those that come from the same computer. I don't know how to find an IP out at all, so I'd need pretty detailed instructions (click this, look here). Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated! And if it's completely hopeless and there's no way to find out- Sorry, I just don't really know about it! :)

07-14-2007, 07:01 PM
Try reading through this thread:


07-14-2007, 08:16 PM
Thanks for the link, Mike, but that thread is making my head pound. To much info and I don't get most of what they're taking about. Sorry. I don't want to hack anyone or ***** anyone or learn how to have sex :p . I just want to see if those emails are coming from the same computer. Is that possible? I thought I could just right click something and look at properties or something, but it obviously isn't as simple as that. I saw a code that Syntax posted and that looks like it would help me somehow, but I have no idea what I would do with it or where I could copy and paste it...

I can read some code, like myspace stuff, but other than that, I know very little about computer technology, software, hardware, or any programs. I do know that my computer's OS is Vista and the woman sending me the emails is using a newer Mac. I don't know if this is of any use, but I did go to a site and find out my own IP address (whatsmyipaddress.com). Is there a nice safe program I could download to ***** the emails I get? I also use a free email account (juno) so is it even possible through this???


07-15-2007, 06:49 AM
Turn on 'advanced' or 'full' headers in your email client. The IP address should be somewhere in the headers.

07-15-2007, 03:58 PM
Turn on 'advanced' or 'full' headers in your email client. The IP address should be somewhere in the headers.

Awesome!!! Thanks SOOOOOOO much! :D

07-15-2007, 10:44 PM
Thanks for the link, Mike, but that thread is making my head pound. To much info and I don't get most of what they're taking about. Sorry. I don't want to hack anyone or ***** anyone or learn how to have sex :p

Where did you see that? I would love to learn :D

07-15-2007, 11:01 PM
The "learn to have sex" post was post #*50 of that thread. Some sad spammer...

So I changed my email settings and now I receive the "full headers" and guess what??? Most of those emails had come from that evil wench!!! They were all from two IP addresses that I compared to other older emails I'd received from her a few months prior, all of which had one of the same two IP addresses. The two IPs were very similar and only two numbers off from each other.

So my next question is: how does she always have the same IP? I mean, I looked at emails from almost a year ago and they still had the same one! I checked what my IP is on the site whatismyipaddress.com and it seems that everytime I cut power to my modem for a few minutes, my IP changes. Wouldn't her's eventually change? Like when she turns her computer off??? Any ideas?


07-16-2007, 03:25 PM
she could have roadrunner or something with nearly permanent, mine didnt change for a year once

btw- i needs those hawt fotos

07-16-2007, 04:24 PM
The "learn to have sex" post was post #*50 of that thread. Some sad spammer...

So I changed my email settings and now I receive the "full headers" and guess what??? Most of those emails had come from that evil wench!!! They were all from two IP addresses that I compared to other older emails I'd received from her a few months prior, all of which had one of the same two IP addresses. The two IPs were very similar and only two numbers off from each other.

So my next question is: how does she always have the same IP? I mean, I looked at emails from almost a year ago and they still had the same one! I checked what my IP is on the site whatismyipaddress.com and it seems that everytime I cut power to my modem for a few minutes, my IP changes. Wouldn't her's eventually change? Like when she turns her computer off??? Any ideas?


If she stayed with the same ISP for all that time, the IP addresses would most likely differ in the last one or two octets (dots separate each octet), since the ISPs allocate addresses dynamically on each connection from their pool of available IP addresses. That is if she uses an ISP that dynamically assigns IPs, and yes, it would change for every router reset.

Other than that, she could have a static IP, but if she's at home, that's unlikely.