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00oo oo00 o0
08-01-2007, 02:37 PM
Hey guys, Im 00oo oo00 o0. Im new here. I am a member to another forum that us all about cheating on a certain "game" that I play. They mostly use phishing and password cracking as a means to obtain accounts, but my self and a few friends have started keylogging with ardamax. as I am sure most of you are laughing right now because ardamax is HIGHLY detectible.. well, my question is this.. what can i do to get a keylogger that is undetectible? i have tried using daemon crypt to crypt the file, then used pc guard on the file, then use file joiner and joined it with an original but the problem is, that when i scanned it on jotti, it was detected by like 8/*0 programs.. any help would be great.. i just need a keylogger/ trojan that is easy to use, can be remotely installed (so i can host it on a website) and that sends its logs either to email or by ftp.. anythign would be great.. i dont care what program i have to use, just as long as i can get something that is undetectible.. thanks

08-01-2007, 05:50 PM
don't scan them on jotti or any other online scanner. If it is caught by even one, the definitions are sent to all the others. Soon it will be detected by all. And don't trust the "do not distribute" button @ virustotal.

08-01-2007, 07:06 PM
The best way to test the undetectabliity of the program is to test it on your own computer (keyloggers and such don't really hurt your computer). Try DLing cracked versions of McAffe and Symantec antispyware programs and trying to test it with those.

08-01-2007, 08:37 PM
Hey guys, Im 00oo oo00 o0. Im new here. I am a member to another forum that us all about cheating on a certain "game" that I play. They mostly use phishing and password cracking as a means to obtain accounts, but my self and a few friends have started keylogging with ardamax. as I am sure most of you are laughing right now because ardamax is HIGHLY detectible.. well, my question is this.. what can i do to get a keylogger that is undetectible? i have tried using daemon crypt to crypt the file, then used pc guard on the file, then use file joiner and joined it with an original but the problem is, that when i scanned it on jotti, it was detected by like 8/*0 programs.. any help would be great.. i just need a keylogger/ trojan that is easy to use, can be remotely installed (so i can host it on a website) and that sends its logs either to email or by ftp.. anythign would be great.. i dont care what program i have to use, just as long as i can get something that is undetectible.. thanks
well that's what i've been looking for too and pro rat *.* sucks ass.. it isnt undetechable as they say it is and someone told me there's a newer one out, but i tried to download it.. and it gave me some error. so yeah but i was wondering.. maybe when you find one hit me up on yim sometime if you don't mind that is and I'm always looking to help certin people out with problems.. my yim = dmc44**5* or you can add me on aim aswell the sn = Xx2*xXDMCXx2*xX@aim.com :)

00oo oo00 o0
08-02-2007, 01:53 AM
Yeah i think ill try that.. i have heard that before tho about jotti.. i haev a friend who i guess somehow did something with ardy today while i was at work, and made it undetecible on jotti.. any comments on that? hes only on when i work :S.. but i was also wondering, what would be the best way to go about keylogging someone as far as getting a keylogger.. like if i use ardamax on a program then use deamon crypt etc etc pc guard, file joiner etc.. is that possible? or is there a better way? would i be better off to use a trojan or keylogger? and also where could i go about finding a good underground/ rarely used/known keylogger/trojan? i was told library.2ya, but i see they have been shut down.. so im not to sure..

08-02-2007, 06:32 AM
Yes you can use a cryptor to make a keylogger undetected to virus scans. But you must use an undetected cryptor.Or you could learn programming and make/edit your own malware.
Free keyloggers/trojans will be detected, so you may have to buy one. To find trojans keyloggers try googleing the name.

00oo oo00 o0
08-02-2007, 02:50 PM
ok ill do that, but all the ones i have found so far are rly detecitble/ have to ahve the paid version and i currently only use ardy cause i have the full version.. if someone would be so kind as to pm me a guide/ maybe hook me up with some keylogger/trojan urls.. i wouldnt mind making a donation if its private.. but im off to work for now. i dont get home till * am eastern time, so i am hoping to have a pm/ post here.. thanks so far tho guys