View Full Version : Need Help Learning

08-19-2007, 09:28 PM
Hi this is just something i want to do for myself and yes you may call me lazy.

But i want to learn how to do anything and every thing with a computer, i *st got my computer like * years ago and the *st week i got it i deleted the reg just to see what would happen and how to fix it (as you can imagen you can't really fix the reg once you have deleted all the info in there lol)

but i would like to learn about hacking yes ppl out there are going to go "OMG" not another person that thinks hacking is easy and that just about anyone can do it but to tell the truth i'm not that intelligent my IQ is only *27 (no not to show off just to say) my spelling, reading,writhing and grammar is well as you can see some what bad but back to the point, as one person said
+++The Mentor+++
I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me.. Or thinks I'm a smart ass.. Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

now after all that could and would anyone out there help me fined what im looking for because i really love to learn

in advance thank you for your help and if you didn't/chose not to help thank you any way for taking the time to read this :)

08-20-2007, 12:25 AM
sorry but i just about read English;)

08-20-2007, 06:38 AM
Learn computer programming.

08-21-2007, 11:52 AM
thank you for the url looks like a lot to read and learn will get right on it if you or anyone els has any other good sites/url please post them for me :D

08-22-2007, 09:11 AM
Nice link to learn!
I got a lot from it.



08-22-2007, 11:03 AM
hmm okay then well.

The first language you should start to learn is HTML its very easy. And move your way onto languages like PHP and ect.

But that kind of programing is called coding (correct me if im wrong)

You wanna program so you'll have to go to languages like Pything, Delphi and C and C++. Use google to learn more.

Your probably asking your self this question right now "Why do i need to learn some stupid mumbo jumbo crap" well the reason is if you need to know how something works before you can find exploits (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploit_(computer_security)) in it.

Ill try and give a example in modern life:

You work for a Casino and your the guy that takes apart the poker machines and re-builds the new ones and such and has to fix the broken ones. Well say since this guy knows how the machine works he is able to exploit this. He would be able to read the code and be able to work out when and how it picks its winners. And by knowing this he can player the machines and win.

Not a very good example haha anyways hope you understand what i mean.

Here is a few other things for hacking.

What is a hacker? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker)
What is an exploit? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploit_(computer_security))
APR Spoofing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARP_spoofing)
MITM Attacks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack)
DoS Attacks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack)
DDoS Attacks (http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid*4_gci557**6,00.html)
What is FootPrinting? (http://www.hackinthebox.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=5*5*&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0)

That should cover hopefuly your hacking needs.

And allso a great website is www.hackthissite.org great hacking resource.

VIRUS / TROJANS ; HOW THEY WORK & WHAT ARE THEY? (http://www.computerdr.com.au/virus/whatrviruses.htm)
That will help you understand Trojans and Viruses.

And dont really worry about Linux hackers use it cause its better at hacking then windows. Hackers use Linux cause they can use shells and such. (correct me if im wrong)

08-26-2007, 06:06 PM
thank you for that in for you left about hacking and i did understand it lol im not that dumb but i just want to learn im never going to be good enough to be able to do it for real i just want to know how if you get what i am trying to say but thanks for the info :D