View Full Version : IP Stealer - Get Any IP
08-28-2007, 10:49 AM
I have finally made the decision to open an IP Stealer/Collector to anyone who signs up an account. It will store date,time,ip entries in a database for viewing. I made it as simple as possible, but have come to the unfortunate realization that nothing is idiot proof.
*. Sign up an account at Syntax******.info
2. IP Tool is here: http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php
*. An automatic link is generated based on your account.
I would recommend going to and generating a tiny url. My accounts tinyurl is . I will write my own tinyurl functions soon
4. Get someone to follow the link and the date, time, & IP will show up in your account.
5. You have the option of forwarding a visitor to the URL of your choosing after you collect their IP. The default is set to so it would be wise to change it.
Enjoy && (!(Abuse))
08-28-2007, 01:49 PM
This should make all the "How doze I gets an IP????" threads go away :D
08-28-2007, 02:13 PM
:D That was the main reason I created this tool. My IP Emailer on got taken advantage of. Visitors were actually sending around 5000 ip emails a day. This tool should limit potential spam abuse.
I'm looking for a test linux server running apache to test Mod Rewrite so that I can create my own Tiny URL scheme. So if you know where I can test some Rewrites out please let me know! I want to take tinyurl to the next level allowing each user to create custom URLs:*/VARIABLE2/
08-29-2007, 08:04 AM
You know this will be abused to hell. There are just too many people that want to get their enemies' IP addresses so they can hack into their hard drives and delete C:\.
Then there'll be the idiots who automate it to scrape IP addresses from the net.
I'm looking for a test linux server running apache to test Mod Rewrite so that I can create my own Tiny URL scheme. So if you know where I can test some Rewrites out please let me know! I want to take tinyurl to the next level allowing each user to create custom URLs:*/VARIABLE2/
My site runs on Apache; probably with mod_rewrite.
I just checked, and it supports this.
It's vhosted though with a ton of other sites, since I don't own the server. I pay for hosting.
Also, I only have one FTP login...
Perhaps if you PM me I can sort something out. Wouldn't it be easier though to run an Apache on your own machine for this sort of thing? I run it on my box and I think I have a DynDNS address for it, but I'd never give that out since it'd expose my identity, and port 80 appears invisible to anyone but me on my network. Can't have anyone on my LAN stumbling upon my web server...
08-29-2007, 11:44 AM
Now that you say that, what would be an appropriate time limit between IP Addresses collected? I will add this into my code add make it to where (x) amount of time needs to pass before another IP will be collected. Not sure if you noticed when you registered, but if you try to register another account you will not be able to. You are blocked from another registration for at least *0 minutes. It limits registration to * ip every *0 minutes. I figured this would cut down if not eliminate potential bots.
I have time stored in this format:
year month day hours minutes seconds
This makes it easy to check time between actions.
08-29-2007, 01:55 PM
Thirty minutes would probably be appropriate to prevent most abuse, yes.
I have time stored in this format:
year month day hours minutes seconds
This makes it easy to check time between actions.
On my site, I store time in exactly the raw output of the time() function in PHP. It gives you the timestamp since the UNIX epoch (**70); that is, seconds since then (as an integer). I think it's stored as an integer on the database too.
Specifically, INT(**), for SQL nerds.
In your case, using this method you could enforce the *0 minutes limit by comparing the timestamps of IP requests, and only allowing those with a difference of *800 (that's *0 minutes in seconds). Everything is done in seconds.
When you have the raw timestamp, you can feed it into the date() function to display the date/time of whatever action in any way you desire (date() has a second parameter for the timestamp, otherwise it uses the current time's timestamp).
I've found that this is a lot easier to work with, and I recommend it. It's like working with user IDs instead of usernames (which I do ;)). It's a lot quicker on the database and PHP engine, and can be transformed for pretty much any purpose.
09-02-2007, 11:11 PM
Sweet. Only bad thing is that whenever you it forwards you it first goes to the HACKING website.
I think that makes it a bit obvious that the persons getting hacked.
I made my forward site (rick roll)
09-03-2007, 05:21 AM
First rickroll?
You could redirect to this video too:
I found it on Youtube a couple of days ago, and it is still so god damn weird. It might distract the victim from the IP theft.
09-03-2007, 10:19 AM
Oh * question. Can I use this IP to hack with? Because I am a total noob and I need to know how to program hacks, or where to download them from, or however you guys do it :p
09-03-2007, 05:40 PM
Oh * question. Can I use this IP to hack with? Because I am a total noob and I need to know how to program hacks, or where to download them from, or however you guys do it :p
Most people use routers and/or firewalls. The days of port scanning home internet users are over.
09-04-2007, 11:55 PM
I tried changing the default site to another site, it isnt working.
and then returns to default "" How do I get to change this?
09-05-2007, 09:14 AM
It was a mistake on my part. I never removed the deb***ing code on my end so it was a "Fake" entry into the database. I removed the fake entry, so its live now. Sorry about that!
09-17-2007, 12:49 AM
hell yes! time for some revenge hehe. this is so tight thanks so much for making the sight i think ill be the top ip collecter soon
09-26-2007, 02:34 PM
I'm totally ***** to this "hacking" thing.
Ive created an account. I see the URl which was generated. Ive put on a website on the redirect people to this URL. is this all i have to do? And if so, where will the IPs show? Sorry for my ignorance. I dont think I have SUCH intelligence for computers. i wish i had.
09-26-2007, 02:55 PM
It will show up in your account here:
I tried to make it as simple as possible.
09-28-2007, 07:47 AM
i've been there but nothing has changed on the page. Does it mean noone has accesed the webpage so far?
09-28-2007, 11:06 AM
It should say empty or no data collected at the bottom of the page.
Log out of the site, follow your own url and it will add your ip as the first one in the list.
09-30-2007, 07:33 AM
it does show empty. Ive been to the website but nothing has changed on my page. What do i have to do with that URL which was created on the page? Sorry, Im pc dumb, I really am.
10-01-2007, 03:33 PM
hehe this works pretty good, is there anything interesting we can do with the IP's we caught?
10-01-2007, 09:39 PM
hehe this works pretty good, is there anything interesting we can do with the IP's we caught?
If they (the person) is behind a router, then most likely no.
10-02-2007, 07:19 PM
You can have fun with this
10-02-2007, 07:21 PM
That website is genius.
10-10-2007, 02:21 PM
hi I am new here im from greece. i want an ip stealer program to monitor my contacts at msn. My contacts aren't connected to my local network. can i monitoring them on msn?
10-19-2007, 10:26 AM
How Come When I Go To Nwebsites And Do Ip Search For My Own Ip It Shows 2 Different Ips? Sonmetime It Shows The One I See As My Ip An Sometimes Another One Is Shown!
10-19-2007, 10:29 AM
also it shows a 4 hours delay on the time, but thats not much important! the IP shown is really the PC IP or is it the server IP?
10-19-2007, 12:54 PM
What If The Person Is Smart? Copy And Paste The Link And Delete Some Pasrts?? He Will Get To The Original Syntax Website! Ive Tried That!
10-19-2007, 05:32 PM
What If The Person Is Smart? Copy And Paste The Link And Delete Some Pasrts?? He Will Get To The Original Syntax Website! Ive Tried That!
What if you are dumb?
10-20-2007, 10:37 AM
What If The Person Is Smart? Copy And Paste The Link And Delete Some Pasrts?? He Will Get To The Original Syntax Website! Ive Tried That!
Wow.. What's he gonna do when he gets to SyntaX's main page? Hack it? :p
And if that's the case, sucks for you that your target is a little smarter than the average computer user.
11-08-2007, 10:24 PM
Wow this is a nice tool..
especially since i am still a beginner and want to learn about the science of computer " exploitation "
thx.. :)
01-08-2008, 08:49 AM
What if you are dumb?
I know I'm mostly dumb when it is about pcs and stuff. One can't be good at everything. Yeah,he is smarter, he works fixing pcs, I, obviously, don't.
02-07-2008, 04:07 AM
And what could you possibly do with just a ip?
02-21-2008, 12:15 AM
And what could you possibly do with just a ip?
i agree what is the purpose?
other than getting a persons isp via reverse dns. It still doesnt get u the victims name and address without having to call the isp. And if the days of port scanning home users are over like some one in the thread said because they are behind routers...then please explain the purpose for the ip . the tool itself is awsome if i redirect them to an infected page with a prorat download server.
cant seem to d/l the ** verifier tho....
03-09-2008, 03:09 AM
syntax ****** i didnt get an email to confirm my registration from ur site:(
03-10-2008, 01:58 PM
Whats your username and email address? I'll manually activate the account.
Out of over 2000 sign-ups these are the email domains with the highest amount of unvalidated accounts:
[**********] => *2*
[] => *24
[**********] => 40
[] => 2*
[] => **
Here is the list of the top domains that have been validated:
[**********] => 464
[] => *85
[**********] => 257
[] => **
[] => 50
04-05-2008, 05:37 PM
i loved it. and i suck at computers.
but this is a really nice tool to find ip's.
i found mine in seconds.
thanks syntax.
SO.. I'M using this to get the ip from a friend of mine. And i was searching for a tool to find his IP. He says he's away, my old PC it's at his house and i wanna prove him that he lies too much. And i thought it was possible to find it from Ymessenger. But this works only if it clicks the link. There is an invisible buddy checker for yahoo.. and it still works.. called buddy checker. And as i heard . it works on p2p. Doesnt it make it possible to somehow use that to find his IP? the checker is here: . And i'm thinking that it just might be somehow possible to 'do something.. tweak it' for getting an ip from him.
I just wanna... mess with him a little.
If anything like this is possible or any other way without making him click links, or send me emails... I would greatly appreaciate it.
and yeah.. i can use a pc.. but the how all works.. me bry not knowing that.. i'm a freaking lawyer/ hr consuntant. But.. is i got this right away.. I know I could learn more.
So please a little help from my new friends here.
The Sham
04-09-2008, 06:39 PM
I like ....I like a lot
As a techtard I know very little but I would like to compile a list ofa couple hundred IPs of 4** scammers trying to offer me Myriam Abachas millions.Only problem is...I cant change it to redirect to my chosen website..........Am I doing something wrong?
did I mention Im a techtard?
i loved it. and i suck at computers.
but this is a really nice tool to find ip's.
i found mine in seconds.
i loved it. and i suck at computers.
but this is a really nice tool to find ip's.
i found mine in seconds.
You might try this:
get him to transmit a file to you that will take at least several seconds to receive, somethig harmless like a picture.
open a CMD window (cmd.exe)
While the file is downloading in the background, in the CMD window, enter and execute the command:
netstat -a
A listing of all connections to your computer should appear. The origin IP of the file being sent to you should show up in the netstat listing.
I've gotten IP's from messenger contacts that way before.
04-15-2008, 03:18 AM
...any s***estions of fun revenge tactics I can perform when I obtain someone's IP address? I'm new to this, but am learning as I go. :)
04-29-2008, 10:03 PM
edited. removed.
04-30-2008, 12:10 PM
Just send me an email from the address you registered with and i'll send you the link to activate it.
05-13-2008, 01:51 PM
What use is an IP without a bot net?
Someone explain, with details please.
05-15-2008, 08:12 AM
What use is an IP address with a botnet? This is 2008; people don't use modems.
05-15-2008, 01:18 PM
I know, thats what im saying.
There is practically no no use for an IP anymore.
05-18-2008, 04:26 PM
oo.o cool ;D
05-25-2008, 03:54 AM
thnx it works..
Is there anything interesting we can do with the IP's we caught?
05-25-2008, 11:21 AM
Nope, not really.
08-06-2008, 06:04 PM
does any one know where i can find the msn spy tools? because isn't exist anymore. does someone have them and and can he please give it to me? thank's
01-25-2009, 09:56 AM
If it's illegal, about every website in existence is breaking the law. I don't know much about law but I do know the police have about * million priorities over protecting anonymity on the net.
02-03-2009, 04:31 AM
been searching for a simple tool like this one.
Thanks a ton friend..
03-03-2010, 10:54 PM
This is awesome. Created a user on the forum just to let you know. Thanks.
03-21-2010, 09:08 PM
:D:rolleyes:Right on, write on about whatever you feel best.
04-07-2010, 05:50 PM
Or you can use some social manipulation and get a user to go to
and then get them to tell you what it says :)
04-09-2010, 01:30 AM
Now that you say that, what would be an appropriate time limit between IP Addresses collected? I will add this into my code add make it to where (x) amount of time needs to pass before another IP will be collected. Not sure if you noticed when you registered, but if you try to register another account you will not be able to. You are blocked from another registration for at least *0 minutes. It limits registration to * ip every *0 minutes. I figured this would cut down if not eliminate potential bots.
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