View Full Version : ProRat SE Help please!!
09-03-2007, 12:49 AM
I have prorat SE. I had a few questions about it. Does it only work within your network, like your router or could we send a server to someone across the world and get their IP ADDRESS. Please let me know. I have the newest version of ProRat SE. Also, i thought that the servers wouldnt be detected in SE, but anti virus programs are detecting it and also i cant send it thru email
All help would be appreciated alot
Soory if this post is in the wrong place or breaks any rules
Thank You
09-03-2007, 07:47 AM
bmw, the free versions of trojans/keyloggers are meant for you to try. They want you to purchase the undetected version.
09-03-2007, 08:08 AM
I already have SE, but its not working as undetected. Is there a way you have to do it to make it undetected and send it thru email. Also, does anyone know how to use pro connective, its running sort of slow for me
09-07-2007, 02:09 PM
i also tried to use *.* se. but like you mentioned, it aint gonna get through the
you may try cryptors, but the ones ive used arent doing the job or im not doing doing it correctly, haha.
there are other RAT's that are NOT detectable, just google them or hit me up.
as for prorat, i mean its easy to use and all, but some of its notifications dont work, its detectable and its known through out the community.
plus, i cant get even ONE victim while port scanning, when i hear
many others are...
09-07-2007, 07:55 PM
nah nah guys if u wanna get da undetectable version i got one but its arabic version nd if u wanna get it its for ***** i got da latest version nd u got da no-ip notification on it
da program called
nah nah guys if u wanna get da undetectable version i got one but its arabic version nd if u wanna get it its for ***** i got da latest version nd u got da no-ip notification on it
da program called
Gee, President Bush in disguise - I'd know him anywhere.
His brilliant Yale English is a dead givaway!
09-08-2007, 05:40 PM
Sounds more like chav vocabulary.
Sounds more like chav vocabulary.
That's what I said.
G. Dubya Bush - Separated from his brain at birth
The UK has many chavs, the USA has only one - he's it - and that's enough!
Avoid needle drugs - the only dope worth shooting is B*u*s*h
09-09-2007, 05:25 AM
I can sense a lot of bad feeling towards Mr. Bush. This leads me to my next question...
Why the fuck did you all vote for him?
How can he get the majority vote when everyone is ridiculing him and complaining about him?
Avoid needle drugs - the only dope worth shooting is B*u*s*h
That's genius!
09-09-2007, 09:10 AM
"How can he get the majority vote when everyone is ridiculing him and complaining about him?"
heh heh Mike, its not the majority complaining about him, its the minority loudmouths, at least in the US. Its funny how some that complain about the US are the first ones to ask for help when there is a disaster.
I can sense a lot of bad feeling towards Mr. Bush. This leads me to my next question...
Why the fuck did you all vote for him?
How can he get the majority vote when everyone is ridiculing him and complaining about him?
That's genius!
I didn't vote for him. Even insanity has limits.
He scares me.
Here's a few reasons why:
George W. Bush has stated he'd prefer to be a dictator at least three times.
"You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier."
Describing what it's like to be governor of Texas.
(Governing Magazine 7/*8)
From Paul Begala's "Is Our Children Learning?"
"I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked., December *8, 2000
"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it,"
[Bush] said.
Business Week, July *0, 200*
His public record is nothing to brag about.
Don't forget - Hitler was voted into office too - and stayed there - using the 'terrorism' of the time as an excuse to take over - hint, hint!
I'm a psychic - The spirits (burp) tell me that Bush will NOT be re-elected in 2008.
Couldn't resist this deviation from the topic.
I'll try to be good.
09-09-2007, 01:51 PM
I love it when dull topics get hijacked and turned into something interesting.
heh heh Mike, its not the majority complaining about him, its the minority loudmouths, at least in the US. Its funny how some that complain about the US are the first ones to ask for help when there is a disaster.
I guess the intelligent people are the minority in every country. It's an unfortunate truth.
In my country [even though I'm not at voting age], I wouldn't vote for the Conservative or Labour parties (basically, the only two that have a possibility of winning). I wouldn't have voted for any parties I have seen in my lifetime, for that matter.
Labour party? They give out too many benefits to unemployed immigrants and general slackers, and as a result we have one of the largest immigration rates in the world.
The economy can't cope -- taxes are huge, and house prices the same. An average, semi-detached house in the UK costs in the region of &#*6*;250,000 (approximately $500,000). That is, a somewhat small house that is attached to another, and you have small back and front gardens/yards. The government takes close enough to half of your salary to fund those without jobs (or who were too short-sighted to have savings).
Most other countries only allow you to enter if you will be an asset to them, i.e. you have qualifications and a clear career path that is beneficial to them. We let just about anyone stroll in and take advantage of our benefit system.
However, I hate it when people say immigrants are taking their jobs. If they are taking your jobs, it is because they are better at doing them! If you want your job, you've got to step up to their level instead of whining because someone isn't as lazy as you.
There is an exception to this, and that is when companies hire based on ethnic origin. Skin colour shouldn't mean shit! I wouldn't work for a company if it hired a certain percentage of black people to appear racially-unbiased, and vice-versa for white people. Yes, I said 'black' and 'white'. Brown-coloured people here can be from many different racial descents, and I'm never going to be politically-correct to please those with a victim complex.
The Labour party hands out too much ***** to unintelligent, lazy people and the hard-working population suffer.
I also dislike our affinity with George Bush. We should make our own decisions as a nation.
The Iraq war? Regardless of whether it had an ulterior motive, no country should be held in the grip of a brutal dictator. There was a lot of collateral damage, but I'd prefer that to living under his shitty rule.
Makes me wonder why we haven't tried to help citizens of North Korea yet:
Conservative party? They are less communistic and more tight on immigration, from the little I've heard. This I like.
My problem with them is that they are too stuck in their old ways. Too traditional. Too conservative and perhaps, Christian. Not liberal enough.
For example, David Cameron wants cannabis reclassified to Class B. This disagrees with my opinion that all drugs should be legalised; no exceptions. It's my decision what to put inside my body, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.
I guess I'm not an unthinking office slave when I'm high, so that can't be allowed can it?
My ideal political party would be liberal, yet in favour of people who work to achieve something. The country should be free for people to make everything or nothing of themselves. To choose what to do to their body. To choose how to use their body.
Essentially, people should be free to do whatever they want with their life as long as it doesn't harm anyone else or break others' right to this.
However, if they choose to sit around and earn no *****, there should only be basic facilities provided to keep them alive, such as water, bread and shelter. No ***** whatsoever. They have to make something of themselves, not the other way around.
Communism fails. I am totally opposed to it.
Anarchistic communistic desires are for early teens. You soon realise how the novelty of living in chaos would wear off.
I didn't vote for him. Even insanity has limits.
He scares me.
Here's a few reasons why:
George W. Bush has stated he'd prefer to be a dictator at least three times.
His public record is nothing to brag about.
Don't forget - Hitler was voted into office too - and stayed there - using the 'terrorism' of the time as an excuse to take over - hint, hint!
I'm a psychic - The spirits (burp) tell me that Bush will NOT be re-elected in 2008.
This seems to be a sound prediction.
Great post title by the way.
09-10-2007, 06:58 AM
"Labour party? They give out too many benefits to unemployed immigrants and general slackers, and as a result we have one of the largest immigration rates in the world."
"The Labour party hands out too much ***** to unintelligent, lazy people and the hard-working population suffer."
That sounds like our Democratic party.
"Makes me wonder why we haven't tried to help citizens of North Korea yet"
The US helped the citizens of South Korea in the early **50's.
You are covering a lot of controversial subjects here. Politics; war; immigration; legalizing cannabis; race..... Mike, maybe you should become a politician.
09-10-2007, 12:33 PM
Mike, maybe you should become a politician.
Heh, I think my propositions would be too controversial for people to accept. With intelligent people being in the minority, intelligent political parties don't stand much chance of winning.
It would perhaps be fun to form a political party based on these ideas, then see how people react to it...
The US helped the citizens of South Korea in the early **50's.
Speaking of Korea, take a look at the differences:
Pretty amazing, huh? No prizes for guessing which country is communist and which is capitalist.
09-10-2007, 05:54 PM
i voted for the other guy for president.:D
09-10-2007, 05:58 PM
Wierd how we went from prorats to needle drugs to politics.
Life, is good :D
09-10-2007, 06:24 PM
Life, is good :D
It could be a lot better.
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