View Full Version : Proxy Scanner
Hi. I need to find proxy and i need to know which proxy scanner the best and fastes?
11-09-2002, 04:49 AM
User SuperScan this is a free ware sw which scans all the ports and tell u which ports are open :)
11-14-2002, 05:25 AM
ProxyHunter is one of the most popular scanners
If you wanna excel on scanning use Nmap (for windows)
11-30-2002, 03:42 AM
you can download proxyHunter from
11-30-2002, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by Blade
If you wanna excel on scanning use Nmap (for windows)
blade [/B]
Blade is right,
Nmap is the best by all means, here's the link to download a windows version. (yak)
(YOU NEED Winpcap installed on your windows in order to work!)
get it from here:
But, of course, you can get THE original 'the one and only one'
from this link
With this last one, you can use this command to scan an ENTIRE range of IP's and get thousands of proxies.
nmap 24.0-255.0-255.0-255 -p *080 -M 50 -oG 24_log.txt
12-05-2002, 01:03 PM
To "FEVER"...I'm sorry, I just cannot find the "symbols" to spell your nick correctly...for this I apologise(told you I can't spell)...I do agree with the formentioned comment about windows in which you stated...and I quote.."yak". This is by all means the fairest and most truthful comment I've read to date and it gave me a case of permasmile :) computer went down for quite a that time I rediscoverd the outdoors....nice side effect however my small delvings into Linux has left me scared and wanting my i've decided to install it on my little computer as soon as I evict the family of spiders that have taken up residency. I hate to do it but Microworld has forced my hand.
P.S for those who don't know Get Opera...I could go on and on (and I usually do) but it is a beautiful thing...nuff said.
For my lack of key***rd knowledge(and spelling in general) here is a what i'm sure all would agree is a full apology....(repost)*2/wanda.html
Click apology wav.
Have a good day forum!
Sigkim (NT:) )
12-05-2002, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by sigkim..agian
To "FEVER"...I'm sorry, I just cannot find the "symbols" to spell your nick correctly...for this I apologise(told you I can't spell)...I do agree with the formentioned comment about windows in which you stated...and I quote.."yak". This is by all means the fairest and most truthful comment I've read to date and it gave me a case of permasmile :) computer went down for quite a that time I rediscoverd the outdoors....nice side effect however my small delvings into Linux has left me scared and wanting my i've decided to install it on my little computer as soon as I evict the family of spiders that have taken up residency. I hate to do it but Microworld has forced my hand.
P.S for those who don't know Get Opera...I could go on and on (and I usually do) but it is a beautiful thing...nuff said.
For my lack of key***rd knowledge(and spelling in general) here is a what i'm sure all would agree is a full apology....(repost)*2/wanda.html
Click apology wav.
Have a good day forum!
Sigkim (NT:) )
Pardon my rant, but that's one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in my life.
It takes time, effort, and dedication to learn a new skill or ability be it learning to operate a new OS or playing a musical instrument. If you're not ready to apply yourself you might as well forget it because you'll never be proficient at it.
Books and HOW TO docs are a must for new Linux users but don't be afraid to experiment and try things out for yourself. The worst thing that could happen is that you have to reinstall, the best thing is that you may learn something on your own.
I would normally recommend a user friendly distro like Mandrake or SUsE to someone who had never used Linux, but if you can't find the ", *, and . characters on your key***rd you better learn to use what you've got first.
BTW, your webpage needs opening and closing html, head, and body brackets.
sigkim sig
12-09-2002, 06:32 AM
Unregistered ignore my posts.
Sigkim (NT :) )
12-09-2002, 10:04 PM
Hey Siggie!
Good to see you back around! Disregard the negative vibes, pal :)
Be sure to check out fEš·.·šEr's Sympa...coolest thing to hit the block in a long time. Be even more sure to check out the FAQ with Sympa Joe and his woes about Cindy :D
Take care!
~ Piexa
12-10-2002, 09:54 AM
hi to all
i have use nmap win but i face small problem in inputting file and in out putting file. becous i input i data tist nmap file & output i use log nmapserv.loge. and i run the program but its fail.
lately i ****e your help(fEš·.·šEr)
but its gave me one ip not *000
nmap 24.0-255.0-255.0-255 -p *080 -M 50 -oG 24_log.txt
i have paste this line in txt log fil but its not pass. i mean *00 or *000 of proxys.
:confused: :confused:
12-18-2002, 06:40 PM
Well, after many failed attempts to connect to the internet with my new Mandrake OS, I soon discovered the "Winmodem" is a piece of cr&^*P. No go on the little computer so I installed my *5.00 OS on the big computer......I'll be dammed if it didn't work. It was scary but not too bad :). Repartitioning the hard drive was the ball racking part with 25 Gb for willie and *5 Gb for the friendly penguine. This is fun but by no means am I under the illusion this is the end. Problems will surface and will pass in the night. I'm still sucking the teet of bill but the weening process has begun.
On a side note I spied another Mandrake OS on the shelf at Bookman's and it was 8.00, (minus the box). Last I looked XP(Xpect Problems) was well over *00.00. I read about a middle school in Oregon where the students were learning to use Red Hat Linux instead of know. The teacher/system admin/budget coordinator/nose wiper was looking for a way to save ***** and improve the skills of his students. He convinced the school ***rd to switch to Linux Os's and he hasn't looked back. The budget now is for just hardware. He will even burn a copy and mail it to you if you ask nicely minus postage. How cool is that!!!
That's the life story.....Let's hear Yall's?!?!. triunps..defeats?!
Have a very good day forum!
sigkim (:)NT)
12-19-2002, 12:30 AM
$8 for Mandrake? Which release was that? 6? Go for it. Compiling a new kernel would be a good experience for you.
Winmodem? Look on the bright side. With no knowledge of *NIX services or security you would have got h4X0r*d within *5 minutes of going online anyway. ;)
12-29-2002, 04:12 AM
Mandrake is running fine so far without a single crash!!!. The KDE browser is alot of fun and to sum it all up...bye bye Billy...
Have a very good day forum!
Sigkim (NT:))
01-13-2003, 09:17 AM
i used nmap to scan and the results are not very good...
i found several machines that look as if they would work as proxies but they don't....
my question is---are there any specific settings (in nmap) that would find proxies in specific??
01-21-2003, 11:21 AM
Forum member, Siggie, is highly regarded by everyone here, including me. Your rudeness, "unregistered" is not appreciated and serves no constructive purpose at all. At least give yourself a "name" if you can't control yourself. Siggie, hi, hope all is well. Just my opinion. Good citizen, Newbietoo
IS mandrake being filed for ****ruptcy-I beleive its running bad now.
Regards Data.
Hello Newbietoo here's a smile for ya :).
It's great to see your still up and running. Have you made the browser jump(LOL). Let's not get into that......:)
I came here today to show a friend where to get some good advice on security issues and to see posts from familiar faces(so to speak). She is running AOL on dial-up (yick) and windows *5(yick yick). It's my day off and after a night at the pubs our little group came back to watch some we are. Three of us anyway, the one snoreing in the background has to go to work this morning. I however do not and my friend Connie works nights. Lucky us! I made the big leap to Linux so i've been hanging aroung the Linux help forums as of late and it's alot of fun!
This is the first thread I've checked so I haven't seen if you have any other posts but I'll be snooping for them.
I'm very happy to see your name appear agian and as always the smile at the end of my name is for you!
Glad to see ya! Newbietoo!
Have a good day forum!
I just read the news a few days ago and I'm dissapointed but not discouraged. With Linux being open source, makeing a profit with a distrobution has to be tough. Linux doesn't have the same protection of copywrite that microsoft enjoys(miss-uses but that's a matter of opinion and not the point). To make ***** with a product that one is allowed to burn a copy and give(or sell) to a friend has to be a marketers nightmare! Not to mention the percieved(and not totally untrue) difficulty of Linux by the general public. Linux is here to stay and seeing the diffulcty that Mandrake is haveing is sadening and I know they wiil recover because I believe the distro is sound. I'm buying Mandrake * on my next payday and may not even install it. It's the least I can do to help them out and I'm glad to do it. On a side note I heard a NPR(national public radio) interview with the creator of Linux...he pronounces it LEENUX. It was a very interesting interview and he gave some of his views on why he liscensed it under the GPL liscense and to sum it up he stated he makes enough ***** as a programmer and had no interest in the business side of computeing. He says he enjoys a nice life style that allows him to do what he loves....and that's enough for him :)
Have a very good day forum
02-02-2003, 08:01 PM
Hi Sig,
I keep forgetting to click on page 2 so sometimes I miss posts. In a big hurry (chuckles). Thanks for the post. Your reference to the pub reminded me of a rule that I have set for myself - never post after a "nippy". That's how I got so emotional about "world peace" - two glasses of wine (a lot for me). Thought you would get a kick out of that!!!! So now everyone knows. If I have a computer question, I'll direct it to you okay? Getting into programming at school, but doesn't help with some questions I still have which appear to be "newbielike". Take care out there. Regards, Newbietoo
02-27-2003, 09:36 AM
i run win*8 and i have winnmap and it doesn`t work..
whatever ip i scan , it says that the host is down.. :(
If i`ll pass the exam this year i`ll install Linux because winblows is killing me..
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