View Full Version : I know im gonna get flammmed but here goes..

09-24-2007, 04:55 PM
im not completely new to this trojan or as you like to call "script kiddie" game but i am still very much a noob lol... all i want is someone who wants to join me and learn how to hack as a team... i also have a question.. its probably been asked a million times too.. but.. encryption.. and prorat?? how do the two go to gether to make an exe file that executes undetected! i cannot seem to get it to work with upx or the other one i forget the name. my freind worked out a way the other day and hes completely dumb compared to me but i still cannot!!! anyone wanna help me out :D ill give u a tick and a gold star if u do!!

also add my msn if ure into all this im trying to build up a h4x0r friend list :D

MSN... ******anthony@**********

09-25-2007, 06:49 AM
using a trojan does not make you a hacker. ;) A cryptor "scrambles" an exe to avoid virus detection. To be effective a cryptor must be undetected. Free ones will not be undetected, you probably have to purchase one.